Vongformed Jedi


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Next the Yuuzhan Vong gave them matching armbands that fit their biceps. The insides of these were covered with tiny cilla, but Tahiri explained that they were just to keep them armbands from sliding around. While the cilla were a little irritating, they weren't too bad, and they kept the armbands in place.

After the armbands the Intendants presented the Jedi with matching ankle bracelets. These were smooth inside and out, with the same wavy pattern as the bracelets and armbands on the outside. They were tight as well, just like the bracelets.

Then Intendant Nar approached Jaina, holding a black yorik coral choker. It looked identical to her bracelets, armbands, and ankle bracelets. Intendant Choka did the same to Alema Rar. Jaina turned, lifted her hair up, and Intendant Nar closed the choker around her neck with a 'click,' just like her other jewelry. Alema Rar also faced away, and moved her lekku out so Intendant Choka could put her choker on her.

Almost immediately Jaina felt a strange tingling on her neck where the collar was. It didn't hurt like the collar she had worn on board the Trickster though. After a few moments, she decided that it was probably just her imagination, and she wouldn't even notice it before long.

"Hey Tahiri, why didn't you get a black choker like ours?" Alema Rar asked her.

Jaina glanced over, and saw that Tahiri was still wearing her brownish-red yorik coral collar, along with the black bracelets, armbands, and ankle bracelets like she and Alema Rar had.

"Because my collar won't come off without killing it," Tahiri replied with a smile.

"Um, okay," Jaina answered in surprise. "Will you ever take it off then?"

Tahiri grinned a moment. "I don't plan on it," she answered.

While Jaina and Alema Rar felt their new chokers, the Intendants spoke with Tahiri a few moments. Then Tahiri turned back to her friends. "Now it's time for your massages," she informed them with a smile.

The intendants had the three Jedi lay face down on low table-like. . . things. The tables were concave, smooth, slightly warm, and surprisingly comfortable. There was even a circular sponge-type thing that was open in the middle that served as a pillow for their faces, and depressions for their breasts. There were also slots for their feet to slide into, so they didn't have to flex their calves to extend their feet while they were lying down.

The three Yuuzhan Vong began giving them some sort of massage, with occasional hard slaps and blows mixed in. Jaina couldn't quite decide if the massage was more painful or relaxing. If Tahiri hadn't been a couple of meters away, happily getting her own massage, Jaina didn't think she'd go through with it, though.

Since she was supposed to be thinking of it like a spa, Jaina decided to start up some girl talk with her friends. As soon as she began talking though, Intendant Nar made it clear that she should be quiet. Tahiri shushed her as well.

The Vong spent half-an-hour or so massaging the Jedi. They used various oils as well as hand-held knobby things on them. Every time Jaina tried to ask a question, Intendant Nar shushed her, and kept going.

Eventually, Intendant Nar seemed to be about finished. Jaina couldn't deny that she was very relaxed. Both Tahiri and Alema Rar seemed relaxed as well. The oils they had used did smell weird though. After a moment Jaina realized that they smelled. . . Yuuzhan Vong. They smelled like the Trickster, and a lot of the other Vong and vonglife she had come across, especially the some of the workers she had encountered.

Jaina started to adjust her arms, but couldn't move them. She frowned, and tried to move them again. Her bracelets were stuck to the massage table. She tried to lift her feet, and found out they were trapped as well. Then she tried to move her head, and found that her choker was also stuck to the table.

"Um, Tahiri," Jaina said tentatively. "I'm stuck to the table."

"Just relax," Tahiri replied calmly from her own table. "Everything's fine."

Intendant Nar leaned down, and whispered something into Jaina's ear in Yuuzhan Vong. Then she slowly ran her finger down Jaina's back, from her neck to the crack of her ass, and teased her pussy.

Jaina wondered what she had said, but she was more concerned with her intimate touch. Before Jaina could do anything, she felt the bottom of the table split apart. Her legs, which were stuck to the table with her ankle bracelets, spread until her feet were about a meter apart.

"Tahiri, what the frakk is going on?" Jaina demanded. She lifted her head as much as she could, and saw Intendant Nar squatting in front of her, with what Jaina assumed was a smile on her face.

"Relax, Jaina," Tahiri told her again.

Jaina could sense that Alema Rar was a little uneasy as well—and aroused. Suddenly Intendant Nar reached out, put her hand on the back of Jaina's head, and as she attempted to protest, the Yuuzhan Vong roughly pushed something into her mouth. It was round, yellowish-green, and definitely alive, with a lot of slim tentacle-like things hanging off the back. As Intendant Nar began wrapping the tentacle-like things from the creature around Jaina's head, it started expanding in her mouth.

Jaina had worn harness gags a few times before, so she quickly realized what the creature was supposed to be. Part of the creature covered her mouth, barely leaving her nose clear. She tried to scream, but absolutely nothing came out. It was like the creature had absorbed every trace of sound from her throat. Once the creature-gag was strapped in tight, Intendant Nar pushed Jaina's head back down onto the circular pillow. When she let go, Jaina tried to raise her head again, only to discover that now her head was stuck to the circular pillow.

A few moments later Jaina felt a strap-like thing being pulled tight across her lower back, and another over each of her thighs just a few centimeters below her crotch. Then there was one more across her upper back. Jaina tried again to move—any part of her body—but all she could manage was to wiggle her fingers and toes a little.

Then Jaina felt something else on her lower back. This time it was a Yuuzhan Vong creature. It sat still a moment, then crawled down onto her ass, causing Jaina to scream into her gag again, and try to twist her body to throw it off. The creature stayed on, and then Jaina felt it probe the crack of her ass with a thin tentacle or something. Jaina screamed again into her gag, and tried to dislodge the creature by twisting her pelvis.

As the creature's tentacle moved down to her damp pussy, Jaina ran through a quick Jedi calming exercise, and tried to knock the creature off with the Force. Instead of falling to the floor, the creature's multiple appendages seemed to spread out to get a better grip. It even stuck the tip of one into her asshole to stay in place.

After a couple of seconds Jaina felt the creature move further down towards her pussy. Then she felt a larger, rounded appendage enter her damp sex.

Jaina gave an involuntary gasp of arousal through the gag as the creature slowly pushed the phallus shaped appendage into her pussy. When she finally felt the main body of the creature press against her crotch, Jaina didn't know whether to be relieved that the dildo appendage wasn't any bigger, or disappointed. It felt a little over twenty centimeters long, and probably four in diameter. It was also obviously alive, wriggling and flexing inside her.

Jaina didn't know exactly what was going on with Tahiri and Alema Rar, but she could sense that they were both very aroused—just like she was herself. A few moments later, Jaina felt Intentant Nar run her hand through her hair. The she whispered in Yuuzhan Vong, and pushed something into her left ear, quickly followed by another thing in her right one.

The first thought Jaina had was that Intendant Nar was trying to implant her with some kind of yorik coral slave seeds. Then she realized that the things were more like slugs than surge coral. Once both were in place, Intendant Nar began speaking again, and to Jaina's shock, she could understand her now.

"Hello my little Jeedai pet," Intendant Nar said to her as she ran her hand down her back. "I'm so glad you finally came to visit Riina. She really feels that she belongs to the Yuuzhan Vong now, and we've been looking forward to giving other Jeedai the same special treatment as her," she said, pinching Jaina's ass with her nails. "The tizowyrms will allow you to understand when a Yuuzhan Vong gives you a command, or is talking to you. The rest of the time, all you'll hear is incomprehensible gibberish."

It took Jaina a moment to remember that Riina was Tahiri's Yuuzhan Vong name. It took her a couple more to process the rest of what Intendant Nar was telling her. At least they're not slave seeds, Jaina thought to herself, relieved to learn that the things in her ear canals were tizowyrms. Then she wondered exactly what Intendant Nar meant by giving you a command.

Jaina's thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Intendant Nar's tattooed hand holding a pair of Yuuzhan Vong beetle things below the table, in front of her face. Both had a pair of large, vicious-looking mandibles opening and closing. At the same time Jaina felt the depressions in the table for her breasts open, leaving her nipples exposed. Suddenly, she had a particularly bad feeling about the beetles.

Jaina watched Intendant Nar's hand move down towards her breasts. Then she screamed into the gag as one of the beetles clamped onto her left nipple, quickly followed by the second beetle on her right one. Jaina sensed a similar flash of pain from Alema Rar, and a strange flash of arousal from Tahiri. Actually Jaina felt some arousal from Alema Rar as well. Jaina was sure her own arousal was just from the dildo. . . and her restraints.

Jaina tried to wiggle her tits to knock the beetles off, but they only responded by biting harder, and fluttering their wings, causing them to vibrate on her nipples, which caused Jaina to involuntarily moan with pleasure. After only a few seconds, Jaina already hated the kriffing beetles more than the restraints, gag, or dildo.

"Now, we're going to go for awhile, and leave you and Riina and our other Jeedai pet with the implanters that are giving you so much pleasure," Intendant Nar said as she patted the creature over Jaina's crotch. Then she reached down, and flicked the beetle clamped onto Jaina's left nipple, causing it to bite harder again, and vibrate. "These little sadobugs will keep you company too," she added. "When we get back, I'm sure you'll have a much better attitude towards the glorious Yuuzhan Vong."

Jaina was relieved that the Yuuzhan Vong wouldn't be there to further torment her, but she had the sneaking suspicion that the implanter and sadobugs would take care of that on their own. Jaina heard one of the other Intendants—Rapuung she thought—say something, then Intendant Nar replied. True to Intendant Nar's word, Jaina couldn't understand them at all. It didn't even sound like Yuuzhan Vong language. Somehow the tizowyrms could control everything she heard It just sounded like gibberish to her. Jaina listened as the three Intendants left the chamber, and the hatch spinster closed behind them.

The three Jedi were left cuffed to the tables; gagged and being thoroughly fucked by the modified implanters.

Not long after the Intendants left, Jaina discovered something else that the implanter could do. Besides wriggling and flexing, the dildo-appendage could actually expand outwards against the inside of her pussy. It could even expand just a portion of itself, resulting in an incredibly erotic pulsing sensation. What the kriffing implanter didn't do was allow Jaina to achieve orgasm. It kept her on the edge for what seemed like an enternity. The two sadobugs kept vibrating and biting down at random, and changed position on her nipples periodically. Jaina wondered how long she would be left cuffed to the massage table. She reached out with the Force, and sensed that both Tahiri and Alema Rar were as horny as she was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ End of Chapter 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Hot Star Wars

One of the best Star Wars stories out here!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

all of your starwars stories are excellant keep up the good work do not listen to the haters.

VorseVorsealmost 13 years ago

very nice, glad you're back and feeding the masses. while it may not be everyone's thing, i for one, enjoy seeing one of my fave characters like this. just hope that it doesn't end up going too far like your previous series did. like to see a little fire in the characters, not just doormats. if this one keeps up like its starting, looks like im going to have a new fave story on here.

neosteeledneosteeledalmost 13 years ago
Promising Start!

I can't wait for the rest of the story!

I must say though, some of your readers have issues. Do you think they know that this is a free story site, and they're not obligated to stick around?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Ah! You're back!

Thank you HandcuffGirl, for being so kind as to post a new story. I, like many others are certainly looking forward to the next few chapters.

-The Traveler.

HandcuffGirlHandcuffGirlalmost 13 years agoAuthor
Hater. . .

I'm flattered that you keep up with my stories so closely. If you know that you won't like them, then why do you read them? This is an adult story site. If you want to read regular fan fiction, then find some other place. Also, have the balls to at least leave your screen name instead of posting anonymously.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Not surprised....

HandcuffGirl is back and she is poorly writing more Star Wars fan fiction. I was hoping after your hiatus that you were either working on your writing style or developing some different material. But as you have so cleverly done (again for about the 30th time or so) Jaina Solo or some other Jedi becomes the sex slave submissive for some other species or even other Jedi. One star. Create some Sith who can overpower the Jedi at least that would make some more sense instead of Jedi becoming anyone and everyone's little bitch at the drop of a hat.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Tahiri is always welcome

Completely agree with the previous comment. Excellent work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

I've been waiting for a series like this since you first did BDSM on the Trickster. The Vong technology lends itself so well to your writing style, I'm glad you finally decided to give it a shot. I'm hoping that this is actually a series as indicated by "End of chapter 1" and the cliffhanger ending, and not a standalone chapter like the title suggests, because this is one of the best pieces you've written in a long while.

I find myself wishing I didn't have to wait to discover the fate of those three Jeedai.

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