Vox Dominus Pt. 16


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"On Wednesday," Chelsea answered. "We have an American History course together, so I met him after that." She had rehearsed her story beforehand, so it wasn't like Sophia would catch her in a lie. But the fact that her guest was trying was...irritating.

Sophia crossed her arms. "That's weird. I saw him yesterday and he didn't mention it at all."

"Like I said, he seemed pretty embarrassed." Chelsea laughed. "I had to promise him like, a hundred times I wouldn't tell anyone else."

"But you just told me."

Chelsea's stomach twitched with annoyance. "Sure, but I know you won't start any rumors about him. Anyway what's the harm? This is what you wanted, right?"

"Maybe..." Sophia muttered.

Ah, so she was trying to irk Chelsea. Well, if that's what she wanted...

"Alright," Chelsea said, setting the phone down and sharpening her tongue. "What's going on here?"

"What do you mean?" Sophia blinked. The faux-innocent look really didn't suit her.

"It's obvious you're mad at me for some reason. I went out of my way to help you, and you're acting like I stabbed you in the back. So what's up? Why the hostility? We can't be friends if we're not speaking openly with each other."

To Chelsea's surprise, Sophia barely suppressed a laugh. "Well, if you put it that way..." she said wryly.

Chelsea didn't respond. Clearly, the playing field wasn't as it had seemed. Which meant she had to rely on her opponent's moves for guidance.

Sophia fidgeted, obviously unable to contain herself any longer. "You know. If you had actually talked to him on Wednesday, you coulda texted me then. If you had, I might not've asked Seb to come to my room last night. And he might not've hypnotized me himself."

Even though she was seated, Chelsea felt like her legs had been swept from under her. "Oh," she managed to utter.

"Uh-huh. So not only do I know you lied about that, but I also know you lied about the block party."

"Wh-what...?" Chelsea swallowed. She was flying blind now, all her measurements and calculations erased by a single overlooked detail. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't act like you don't know." Sophia snapped. She took off her glasses and massaged her eyes. "I...I heard him at the party Chelsea. There's something about his voice—not the one he normally has, but, like, a voice he only uses when hypnotizing people or something. When I heard it last night, it...got stuck in my head, in a way I can't explain. Until I remembered I'd heard it before." She leveled her gaze at Chelsea. "And you know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?"

Chelsea hesitated, then nodded. There was no denying it at this point.

Sophia let out a shuddering breath. For all her certainty, she seemed relieved to have her suspicions confirmed. Chelsea could relate. "So...wh-what's going on here?" the dark-haired girl asked, shrinking back as though ready to bolt for the door at any moment. "Did Seb actually hypnotize you at the talent show? Is that why you called him Master? Are you two both messing with me as part of some weird sex thing or something?"

Despite herself, Chelsea laughed. "No, not exactly."

The blonde's mirth only seemed to heighten Sophia's anxiety. "Then what?" she demanded. "What are you really up to?"

Chelsea paused, considering her options. She had suffered a setback, but this didn't spell doom for her mission. The fact of the matter was: for all of Sophia's apparent suspicion, she had chosen to show up on her opponent's terms. Which meant that, even if she didn't realize it, the overriding emotion guiding her wasn't fear, or anger.

It was curiosity.

"The truth is..." Chelsea trailed off, resisting a grin as she saw Sophia lean in ever-so-slightly. "It's...well...it's both a lot simpler than what you might think but also...to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure you'd believe me."

"Me neither. But give it a shot."

"Okay. No more games." Chelsea exhaled, then met Sophia's gaze. "Yes, I was really in trance at the talent show. But not because Master is an expert hypnotist—it was because of something called the 'Vox.'"

"The...Vox?" Sophia repeated, clearly caught off-guard.

"It's his power," Chelsea continued, refusing to break eye contact. "Neither of us know where it came from or how it works exactly, but, in essence...it's the ability to control people's minds. With his voice."

Sophia scoffed. "M-mind control powers? Seriously? That's your story?"

Chelsea bit her lip, unable to resist the pull of her early memories with Master. Her fingers delicately stroked her cheek. "It's like you said, he has a way of...sticking in your head. And if you let him, he can transform you in ways I never thought possible. Until, well..." she smirked. "Until he became my Master."

Sophia opened and closed her mouth several times before she managed to speak. "That...no. That's stupid."

"It's true. And part of you knows it." Chelsea smiled. "You must've felt it when he hypnotized you, right? The way his voice changes, becomes something...fascinating. Irresistible. That's the Vox at work. That's why it feels so good when he pulls you under, why his words can suddenly become the most important, most intoxicating things in the world to you." She arched an eyebrow. "Sound familiar?"

This time, Sophia's lips remained tightly sealed. But her eyes gave away her answer.

"Mm-hm," Chelsea nodded. "It felt amazing, didn't it?"

Her guest sputtered. "I...it...so what, you're saying you're Seb's slave now?"

Chelsea's smile slipped. "Not quite," she answered. "It's a long, complicated story but...to sum it up, he doesn't quite share my 'enthusiasm' for his abilities, and has decided to cut me off. For my own good, supposedly. But," she lifted her phone aloft, "I did actually manage to convince him to leave a recording of the Vox for my own enjoyment. And I was really hoping to share it with you tonight."

Sophia glanced at Chelsea's phone as if it were a loaded gun. "Wh-why?"

Chelsea paused. She had to be delicate with this next part. "Because...whether Master likes it or not, my world now revolves around pleasing him. Which makes it easy for me to spot when he's hurting. And I know he's spent a great deal of time agonizing over you."

"M-me? What..."

"Because he's in love with you, Sophia. And scared about what the Vox might do to you. Especially if he loses control. So...I thought I would give you a taste tonight. Show you the truth about how wonderful Master's power really is. That way, you could draw it out of him yourself. And then...maybe he wouldn't be so afraid of it."

Silence hovered at the edge of that final syllable. Sophia shifted, stared at her glass.

"So..." she finally said. "You have a...recording of the Vox on that phone?"

Chelsea nodded. "It's not as powerful as it is in person, but..." she offered it to Sophia. "You could see for yourself whether I'm telling the truth. That's why you came here, isn't it?"

Sophia's looked between the phone and Chelsea, a million impulses seeming to race behind those deep brown pupils. Finally, the dark-haired girl rose, and padded down the hall where her jacket was hanging. Chelsea resisted the urge to bolt after her: appearing desperate now would solve nothing. It was possible she had pushed too hard, but so long as the seeds of curiosity were planted, there was still a chance...

"Okay," Sophia said, returning with her pink headphones in her hand. "I'll give it a listen. But if you try anything weird, I'll..." she swallowed. "Well, I'll make you regret it."

Chelsea smiled sweetly, soaking in delicious triumph. "Don't worry," she said. "I don't think either of us will regret tonight."


Seb lingered in the cramped kitchen, surrounded by half-drained bottles and cluttered stacks of red cups. The movie was continuing in the adjacent room, but the laughter and shrieks of his fellow club members sounded distant and murky, a background track to the hum of anxiety in his head.

They were on their second flick of the night, and Sophia still hadn't shown up. What was more, she wasn't responding to his texts.

Seb sighed and poured another drink. He tried to assure himself that everything was alright, that Sophia had just forgotten and was currently absorbed in some game with her phone on silent. The fact that this sudden gap in communication came right after she had heard the Vox for the first time...it had to be a coincidence.

It was just a few missed texts. There was nothing to worry about.

Was there?


Sophia had to admit, it was the softest mattress she had ever laid upon. But that didn't make her feel any more comfortable.

"Just give a sec to make sure it's on airplane mode," Chelsea muttered, fiddling with her phone at the foot of the bed. "Wouldn't want anything breaking the mood."

"Uh-huh." Sophia tried to swallow her nerves. "Is that why we're doing it in your room?"

"Mm-hm. My roommates should be gone for the evening but, y'know. Better safe than sorry." Chelsea glanced up at Sophia, then laughed. "Relax. Everything will be fine."

Sophia just gave a slight nod in reply, not trusting her voice to remain steady any longer. Her heart hadn't stopped racing since she had crossed the apartment threshold, and now it felt like it was practically bursting out of her chest. Something about being in Chelsea's room, lying on her bed with her sitting so close, her skirt riding up and offering a tantalizing glimpse of her pale thighs...Sophia felt like she had just stumbled into some enchanted, dangerous realm. Like a forbidden chamber of a royal palace. Or, given the messy floor and the crumpled panties under the desk, a secret underground sex club.

Finally, the blonde seemed satisfied with her phone settings, and opened her hand to receive the headphone cord. Sophia hesitated, then relented. The idea of a supernatural mind control file still seemed ridiculous. But when Chelsea paused to meet Sophia's eyes, her heart fluttered with excitement. Deep down, a piece of her wanted it all to be true. Not only would that explain all the strangeness that had shadowed her all semester, but it would mean that Chelsea had offered Seb a shot at his perfect fantasy, and he had turned her down. For Sophia.

If that truth wasn't taking a chance on...nothing was.

Sophia gave a slight nod. And Chelsea tapped on the phone screen.

Clarity filled Sophia four simple words.

"Listen closely...and obey..."

Sophia gasped, her fists unclenching and her back arching slightly as recognition raced through her. Her mind went momentarily blank, unable to process the audio still filtering into her ears. But she felt it: the heaviness descending as her body sunk into the mattress, the wonderful sensation of being pulled even further down into a gently swirling pool of relaxation, allowing her thoughts to float apart from her as she dropped further still...further and further...

"Remember the feeling of surrender for me. Remember how easy and natural it is. To just give in. To relax. To let go and let my voice carry you into that wonderful, blissful feeling of trance. Of openness. Of servitude."

Openness...wait...Sophia's eyelids fluttered. She didn't remember anything about servitude...but...

"It's so easy and natural...as easy and natural as breathing. In and out. With every breath becoming more and more relaxed. More and more docile. More and more obedient."

Sophia struggled to keep her eyes open and focus on Chelsea. The scheming beauty was watching closely, her cheeks flushed and her lips slightly parted, as though her heart too was racing in her chest. As though she knew what was coming next, and was panting with excitement at the prospect of...of...

Sophia forced her arms to move, trying to reach the headphones to remove them. She had the proof she needed—going any further would just play into Chelsea's hands. Sophia needed to stop the recording. Even if she was becoming...more and more...relaxed. Even if she was feeling...more and more...docile. Even if it...

"It feels so good to listen. To let my voice fill your mind, to let those pesky thoughts drift away."

Drifting away...but she had to think, to get this thing off her head and...

Chelsea's hands found hers, the sorority queen's fingers wrapping around Sophia's wrists, guiding them away from her head back to her sides, and holding them there with a grip that was firm, yet tender.

"Nnnuhhh..." Sophia tried to protest.

Chelsea just smiled, not bothering to apologize or explain. Why would she, Sophia dimly realized, when Seb's voice was telling her...all she needed to know...

"Relax, breathe. Just enjoy the feeling."

The sigh slid out of Sophia without her even meaning to. But it did make her feel so...so...

"That's right. Just like that...Focus on that feeling now. That pleasure slowly building inside. Bit by bit."

Sophia's head lolled to the side, more tension draining out of her by the second. She felt weightless, yet couldn't escape the gravity of Seb's voice, couldn't fight the warm tingle spreading through her, soaking her panties and causing the gaps...in her thoughts...to.....grow even.......wider...

"You're feeling so tired by now, aren't you?"

She was tired...so tired...

"That's okay. Your Master knew this would happen. And your Master is here to help. Just listen and obey."

Obey...Master? Was Seb her...Master? The tingle in her body became a hum, her hips squirming and her thighs pressing together, animated by a pleasure she couldn't control or understand. Not when she was so tired...her mind so hazy...

"Good girl...so sleepy. So relaxed and happy...so obedient."

Obedient...happy. Heat blossomed across Sophia's chest, fogging her already addled brain. Good girl....she was a good girl...

"Your body knows it needs to obey. That's why it feels so good. So easy. So natural...You love to obey."

She loved to...wait...

"You love to obey. Say it."

Sophia manage to stop her voice, but her lips still formed the words, still echoed the truth thrumming in her swirling mind and quivering pussy.

"You love to obey. Say it."

"I...." Sophia moaned. "Luhhh....to..."


"....T'beeeyyyahh," the entranced girl slurred, her jaw falling slack and her eyes rolling back.

Chelsea shivered, unable to contain her delight any longer. She lifted her hands off of Sophia's wrists, and was pleased to see them remain limp and motionless at her side. The first hurdle was cleared: a loop of reinforcing patter should be flooding the helpless girl's brain by now, leaving her docile and inert.

Which meant Chelsea had some time to enjoy herself.

Before the thought had even completed, her fingers flew to her skirt, hiking it up and peeling off her dripping panties. A relieved sigh escaped her lips as her hand slipped between her legs, her body automatically moving to the rhythms that had trained it so well, her fingers deftly circling her pussy as Master's words spiraled in her mind. She knew what Sophia was experiencing now, could recite the mantras herself by heart. She couldn't wait to make Sophia a perfect slave, to transform a former enemy into an obsessive ally. With her under the Vox's thrall, there was no way Master could refuse taking them. It was only a matter of time.

Chelsea bit her lips as the crest of an orgasm slipped just beneath her, then vanished back into the churning sea of arousal. The sensation would've irked her before, but now she glowed knowing it was a sign of her devotion to Master's will, exquisite evidence of her conditioning. Besides, she couldn't lose herself completely: the second hurdle in Sophia's conversion was approaching.

Sure enough, the entranced girl stirred, her cute, round face scrunching up with confusion. She must've reached the part where Master ordered her to stop the recording and strip, which meant it was Chelsea's cue to assist. The blonde tapped her phone to stop the file, still idly toying with her cunt as she watched Master's commands play out behind her groggy captive's gaze.

To her satisfaction, Sophia's blank expression didn't even waver as she shed her cardigan onto the sheets, and set her headphones aside before stripping her tank top off. Her bra was next to go, her massive tits jiggling free as she tossed it aside and moved onto her jeans, her eyes still staring vacantly ahead. With a thrill, Chelsea realized this was how she must've looked the first time Master had hypnotized her in this room, her movements lurching and unsteady as she wriggled her hips free and hooked her fingers into her thong strings, sliding it all off and leaving herself bare and exposed.

Sophia let her pants drop onto the floor and sat heavily back onto the mattress, her pussy dribbling onto the sheets, her tits swaying slightly as her body listed back and forth, lost without her Master's voice.

Stifling a hiss of disappointment, Chelsea extracted her hand from between her thighs, wiping her fingers clean before moving to assist the fledgling slave. The blonde grasped the headphones and lifted them over Sophia's head, only for the entranced girl to suddenly lurch forward.

"Hnnngh..." she moaned. "En...nuff..." Her arms weakly pawed at Chelsea, accidentally squeezing her breasts she tried to keep her away. The blonde let out a small yelp of surprise, then sighed, allowing the pathetic escape attempt to continue.

"M...move..." Sophia groaned. "Gotta..."

"Shhhh," Chelsea cooed, slipping her fingers around Sophia's chin and tilting her face up for a better look. There was fight in the dark-haired girl's gaze, but it was weak and confused. Nothing a properly trained thrall like Chelsea couldn't handle.

"It's okay," the blonde assured her subject, letting her hand trail from Sophia's face down to her chest. "Just relax. Everything is okay..."

"Everything...haaahhh..." Sophia shivered as Chelsea's hands cupped her breasts, her thumbs circling Sophia's stiff, dark nipples, eliciting a strained, pathetic whimper.

"That's right..." Chelsea smiled. "You don't have to think. Just listen and obey."

"Listen and..." Sophia drooled. "And...and..."

Chelsea released one hand from Sophia's chest, gliding it past her slightly pudgy stomach and caressing the soaking folds between her thick, trembling thighs. The dark-haired girl went rigid, her hands grasping onto Chelsea's wrists. But she didn't try to force the blonde away. In fact, Sophia's hips shifted slightly as Chelsea's fingers continued their dance, moving and grinding in time to her every move.

"G-good girl," Chelsea breathed, fighting the urge to resume fingering herself as well. God, Sophia was practically gushing. That state her mind must've been in, aware enough to fight the pleasure and conditioning, but too weak to win. Chelsea sighed with envy: how lucky Sophia was to be experiencing it for the first time. Still, she couldn't linger too long: even in this state, the Vox's effect wouldn't hold out forever.

"It feels good to obey, doesn't it?" Chelsea cooed.

"Y-yesss..." Sophia exhaled.

"You love to obey, don't you?"

"Love to...obey..."

"That's right," Chelsea said, gently removing her fingers from Sophia's pussy before guiding the struggling girl's own hand to replace them. "Just relax and obey. You're doing great."

"Relax and...ahhh..." Sophia's words trailed off as her hand automatically resumed the task Chelsea had started. Pleased with her work, the blonde grabbed the headphones and effortlessly slipped them over Sophia's ears, guiding her back down to the pillow before returning to where the phone lay and pressing "play" again.