Wade Meets The Genie Pt. 02

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Wade finds out what happened to him at Marissa's house.
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 05/08/2024
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Wade Meets The Genie

Part Two

A Wade Wilson (alternate universe) and Marissa O'Connor story.

By The Preve

Wade Wilson created by Wade Wilson (and no, it's still not that Wade Wilson :D)

The author wishes to thank Wade Wilson for allowing the use of his character :)

"Ordinarily, I don't snoop into my tenant's personal lives but this young man never struck me as someone to keep such interesting company. Djinn?"

"They call me something cruder, but close enough," Marissa answered. "Aes Sidhe?"

"Leannan branch, but I don't do poets. I look after apartment buildings," Ash glanced at Wade, "and the tenants sometimes."

"If you think that love sausage you're holding looks good, you should take a gander at his ass."

"I'd planned on that, but your presence raises my interest. Is this a social call? And how social is the call?"

"Very social, along with returning his wallet, and an apology of sorts."

Wade, wide-eyed, rigid, and hard, had no other thought running through his head than, Hot naked woman in my room! Hot redheaded woman holding my cock! Hot naked woman... etc...

Someone called his name from a distance, "Wade? Wade," but his mind was locked in that loop.

"Looks like we overloaded him," Marissa chuckled.

"Don't worry, I have just the trick for a reset," Ash smiled.

She stroked his cock with her thumb, under the outer head.

Wade gasped, came, and spurted. He blinked his confused eyes, and then remembered.

Room, naked, hot chick holding my cock, naked hot chick with my wallet, and there's a puddle of cum on my floor.

The beet red face returned immediately after. Fuck! I just came in front of them!

"Ha! That's one the things I found attractive about this kid," Marissa giggled. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed, Wade."

"Er... um... uh... Have we m-m-met before?" Ash's handwork on Wade's cock was making it difficult to think.

"Yes we did, except I erased your memory. A little prankish of me, I know, but I wanted to see your reaction to the little spell I put on you."


"Oooo, a spell," giggled Ash. "Is it perhaps related to the workplace accident, Wade's colleague talked about?"

What happened to Ash's accent? She sounds Irish. "But-but... a spell?! I can't wear clothes! There's this weird gloss on me... I got a tan..."

"Oh, the gloss is glamour," Marissa said. "I put it on you to, uh, kind of mitigate the spell. I guess I didn't activate it." She smiled, mischief and insincerity written across her lips.

"Er... um... what's glamour?" Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum again!

It's like a combo, a sort of body oil and spell," Ash explained. "Helps people like me blend in with mortals. It needs a certain spell to activate though."

Wade's head passed spinning into full blown tornado.

"M-m-mortals?! Spells?! Fairies and, what? Genies?! What the frack is going on?!"

Marissa smiled. "Well, I'll just cut to the chase. My 'new friend?'"

Ash smiled back, "We'll see. You seem nice, and I like you already."

"Right," Marissa continued, "My new friend, here ("Aosling, Aosling O'Rian," said Ash), Aosling, is a faerie who's currently stroking your big hard cock because she's getting ready to fuck your brains out.

I'm here in your apartment because I wanted to return your wallet, and apologize for laying a spell that's cursed you with permanent nudity, done at the behest of a, um, colleague, and some friends of mine, after we fucked your brains out.

Yeah, I know, you can't remember. I wiped your memory, temporarily. My colleagues wanted to see your reaction to the nudity too. Remote viewing and all that. It was pretty fun watching, actually.

Oh, I was also planning to fuck your brains out after I gave you back your wallet."

Wade listened, goggle-eyed, trying to take it in. Not so much the stories about fairies, genies, and spells, but two hot women boldly stating they wanted to fuck him.

Wade's dating life was non-existent, but going from a permanent drought to full on deluge was a shock.

"Oooo," cooed Ash. "I seem to remember a couple of bad girls who were always up for pranks like this. Which one? Fro or Lori?"

"Lori," Marissa smirked.

"B-b-but why?" Wade sputtered.

"She's a sociopath, Wade," Marissa's smile was wry, with a bit of regret. "She used to drown men back in the day. I was under a marker to her at the moment. Markers and contracts are very important to djinn."

"Well," said Ash, "I do like the results, mean spirited or not. I wish I could have seen how it played out."

"Careful about wishes, Ash," chuckled Marissa, "especially around djinn. Tell you what, you let me suck Wade first, I'll grant you the wish. You'll love the show, guaranteed. Wade can watch too. It'll joggle his memory."

"I'm a faerie, Marissa. I know about wishes, but I guess you had dibs on Wade anyway, so thanks."

Wade still couldn't believe this moment; from an absolute utter shitshow of a day to, what?

Every existing male fantasy, and all the ones that ever existed, could never even hope to match this moment.

It's like I won the lottery, and I'm about to get the lottery curse. Actually, I got a curse. What the fuck do I do?

"Oh, Ash," said Marissa. "You're in a private apartment, and Wade's in the know now. Don't you think...?

"What? Oh, yeah. My glamour." Ash uttered a word that sounded Gaelic, and Wade beheld her true form for the first time.

If Ash was red hot as a human, as a faerie, she leapfrogged over white hot to blue.

Her slender body displayed soft curves, and creamy breasts, the size of small coconuts.

Pale, flawless skin almost like ivory, and glowing like porcelain.

Her straight, shoulder length hair, shone redder than before. Her green eyes glittered greener. Her softly pointed ears completed the image of ethereal beauty. Wade nearly fainted from her overwhelming vision.

This near goddess was the woman who'd dragged him to his apartment by his cock. Now she was going to fuck him, right after another smoke show smoked him.

It's... it's just too good to be true!

The beatifically smiling faerie let go of Wade's cock and moved behind him. Her emerald eyes popped upon her first view of Wade's utterly perfect ass.

"Holy shit and Cuchulain's balls!" she profaned in Elvish and Gaelic. "That's as golden ratioed an ass as I've seen on a mortal!"

"I know," Marissa laughed. "I measured it."

"Y-y-you measured m-m-m-my ass?!" Wade blushed and stammered, in part from the compliment, in part from Ash's nude body at his back.

She brought her arms around to run her hands up and down his torso, and across his groin, stroking his cock back to steel rigidity.

"Yes we did, Wade, and the news is you're blessed, in front and behind. Few mortals' asses are able to achieve such a level of perfection as yours. You rival gods."

Stunned Wade could barely process the flattery/shock/arousal combination assaulting his body.

He would shut down, but for Ash keeping him tuned. She was really good.

Marissa strode to the couple, and gestured with her hand.

Wade's apartment fell away; furniture, then walls, vanishing like pixels on a computer screen.

In its place, Wade found himself and the Uh, fairy and genie, I guess, at a poolside. What?! Did we time travel? It looked earlier in the day.

"Sort of," Marissa said, answering his thoughts. "Consider it a ringside seat."

"I recognize this place," Wade blinked. He also recognized the women lounging around the deck, and floating in the pool.

"Oooo," Ash breathed next to him. "I'd love to've gone to this coisir."

"I'm sure you'd have had a blast. Except maybe with one though."

"Aye, I recognize that caileach (bitch)," Ash growled. "You said you were friends?"

"Not quite," said Marissa. "It's complicated. A djinn thing."

She knelt down and took Wade's cock. "They can't see or hear us. Neither can I really, but I knew I was here. Didn't know why at the time. Oh, we can't interact with them either."

Wade had no idea what she meant. It didn't matter a second later.

The djinn opened her mouth and engulfed Wade's meat to the hilt. Her tongue stroked him to the groin.

Ash, meanwhile, played her hands like a concert pianist, over his nude body. She breathed all sorts of Elvish and Gaelic carnal invectives into his ear.

Wade quickly reached moan, groan, grunt, cum, and squirt status. Even so, the overlapping orgasms did not distract from the amazing fantasy unfolding before his eyes.

What Wade Wilson saw while a genie and a faerie fucked his brains out.

Marissa O'Connor basked by the pool in the warm summer sun. She was nude of course, as always (with exceptions for mundane visitors).

She was not alone. Several of her colleagues were with her. She'd invited them for an afternoon pool party, ostensibly private, serving as a rare get together, along with some business.

All of them were nude and oiled, like herself. One woman currently bobbed her head between the djinn's legs, licking her pussy. Another bronzed on a towel. A third was doing nude laps.

It was summer, and the living was easy. Very easy for Marissa and the others.

"Mistress, Larry says there's a deliveryman at the door." The voice beside her was young and bitter.

"Thanks Miles," Marissa said.

The lady between her legs raised her head, and licked the cum from her lips.

"You actually use delivery?" she asked, glancing at the bronze figurine by Marissa's side. A handsome, but miserable looking young man.

"Yes I do. Sometimes it's more convenient to be mundane, and I do have to keep up appearances. I live here after all."

"You should visit Olympus more often, or at least try Hermes. Delivery is his business, remember?"

"Olympus has too much of Hera running about, and Hermes has issues with punctuality these days," Marissa smiled. She left the lounge chair and glamoured on a bikini.

The other woman also rose and glamoured as well.

"You know, you're really going to have to let these two clowns go someday," she said, glancing at the bronze.

"Maybe, but not now," Marissa said. "I spent two years mundane, and thousands Djinnistan with Larry, and that was one minute too many," she glared at the bronze. "And given what this little shit did, I haven't cooled down yet. A couple of centuries might beat the toxic out of them."

The bronze's face scowled miserably.

Marissa entered the house through the kitchen. "You don't have to come, you know," she said to the other woman.

"I know, but I'm curious. I heard what you did to the other deliveryman."

"Hope he enjoyed his camping trip," Marissa smirked.

They walked through the living room. The other woman glanced at a bronze on the coffee table; another handsome, but spoiled-looking, young man, with a miserable look on his face.

Innovative, using these bronzes as, what do these mortals call them? Intercoms. I should try that. Maybe on the next one who pisses me off.

Marissa opened the door to the deliveryman, and smiled. Hmmm, he's cute.

The deliveryman was dressed in blue, National Parcel Company logo on his left shirt pocket. His name, Wade, on his right.

The young man was skinny; not the gawky kind of skinny. Marissa detected some muscle tone. He was shorter than her, 5'7" I'd guess.

His skin was pale. His face, bright and open. No acne. Young man had some luck in his teens. If he's out of them.

His head was oval-shaped, with a narrow chin. His face was soft-featured, with large, round, brown eyes, Like a puppy, a snub nose, Very cute, and thin, pink lips. It was a very symmetric face, pleasing to look at. Not male model, but very, very cute.

Topping his head was a mop of dark brown hair, slicked back.

The young man gaped at her, mouth wide open. Marissa smiled; she enjoyed the effect she had on young men.

The vibe this young Wade emitted was not like some of the other deliverymen, or many other men who came across Marissa.

No ego, narcissism, fratboy, or toxic in this one. Quite the opposite. A genuinely nice guy? Marissa found herself liking him immediately. First in a long while.

It took a moment for Wade's mind to reactivate. It had to adjust to the stunning vision standing at the door; two visions actually.

Two oiled up women, in barely there bikinis. The one at the door, with sleek, glossy, jet black hair, slicked down to her shoulder blades.

Her face, at once girl-next-door, at once, Playboy model, with a narrow bell-shaped nose, and bee-stung lips. A black bikini, so hugging her curvy, oiled olive-skinned body as to look painted on.

Her companion: tall and curvier. Pale, alabaster skin, complimenting the gleaming red-gold of her hair, falling in curtains to her shoulders.

A stunning face, nose slightly broader than the other's, with large, slightly almond-shaped eyes of aquamarine, and plush red lips.

A white bikini, barely containing her body's luscious curves.

Wade was far past stunned. These weren't the typical milfs one expects in a suburban neighborhood like this one. These two were full on goddesses. He had no idea how spot on his assessment would turn out to be.

The women looked at him, mild mischievous smiles on their faces. The redhead looked at him with a lustful hunger that made him distinctly uncomfortable.

Marissa decided this moment had gone on long enough. Her pussy was not done, and there were the other guests to entertain. She noted the sizable lump in the young man's pants however.

Hmmm, looks to be packing. "Uh, you have a package for me?"

Wade stood, blinking and blank, then his mind reactivated. "Oh! Um, yes... uh," he looked at the parcel, "Miss O'Connor." Holy jumping beezers! She's hot! Wow! Is she a model?! That redhead! Holy fuck! "Um, y-you have to sign." He held out the ePOD.

Marissa, smiling still, took it to sign. He's really flustered. I'm actually tempted with this one.

The redhead whispered in Marissa's ear. "He looks yummy. Can we play with him?"

Marissa looked at the deliveryman. "Excuse me, young man. Can you wait for a moment. I need to be sure this is the right item." She went back to the living room with the redhead.

"Yes, he's cute," she told the redhead, "but didn't you say you wanted a vacay from cock for a while?"

"Changed my mind. I saw that lump in his pants. I got the itch again and I see opportunity for some fun."

Marissa smirked, "Well, you're the Goddess of Love, after all, and it can never be said I don't keep my guests entertained."

She turned to the bronze. "Larry, tell Miles to inform the girls I'm making a time bubble, also to expect a little snack."

"Squawk!" the bronze replied.

Wade waited at the door, shuffling his feet nervously. He knew he shouldn't be. It was a delivery like any other, albeit the recipients were the hottest women he'd ever seen, ever.

Company rules stated, though, if an issue with a package arose, wrong delivery, damaged item, etc, it had to be returned immediately, if the courier was available. National Parcel Company prided itself on its customer service.

"Young man," he heard. "Can you come inside for a minute? There's an issue with the package."

Wade hesitated. Entering a residence was against protocol, for obvious reasons. The story of the deliveryman in the diaper and butt plug, the possibility the two hot milfs might have a psycho-killer with them, Or be ones themselves, or almost as bad, grifters who'll cry rape and jam him and the company up with a bogus claim, zipped through his mind.

"Um, Miss O'Connor, if it's all the same, I'll wait out here. I'm not allowed to enter a residence unless it's for an emergency."

"Oh! I see. Well, can you just stand inside the door then, for just a minute? This flower I ordered, is very sensitive to the air outside, and I want to give it to you quickly before it gets exposed."

"Uh, okay," Weird. "Um, aren't you going to put it in your garden?"

"This flower was supposed to be for my greenhouse," said Miss O'Connor, "but I'm afraid they delivered the wrong species. It needs to be returned immediately."

"Oh, um, yes, I see." Actually, Wade didn't see, but it didn't do to ask too many questions. He'd had enough strangeness for today. Nothing wrong with waiting, just inside. "Okay, Miss O'Connor, I'll wait on the doormat."

Wade stepped inside. What?! Splash!

At first he thought he'd tripped. Instead of a doormat there was... nothing.

He didn't even have time to wave his arms frantically. Just a startled gasp and a splash into water.

"Blick?! Blug?! Blurgle?!" Wade panicked. He was a good swimmer, but then, he didn't expect to find himself underwater.


Water was pouring down his throat. He had to get out or he'd drown. A panicked glimpse of a tiled, turquoise floor immediately sent in the other direction.

His head broke the surface, coughing and gasping, but someone, almost immediately, put hands on his head, and dunked him down again.

What the frack?! Is someone trying to drown me?!

He struggled. The hands abruptly left. Something, other hands maybe, he didn't feel them, almost as if something levitated his body, drew him back above the surface.

Another splash, a hard deck beneath him, and he was coughing in a puddle of water. Someone was pounding his back.

"There, there," a musically lilted voice crooned.

Another voice, he recognized as Marissa's, said, "That was not very nice, Lori. You're not suppose to do that anymore."

"What? A siren can't have any fun now and then?"

"Gasp! Cough! Choke! What?! What?! What the heck was that?! I was in...?!"

Wade's vision cleared. He was not at the doorway. He was on a pool deck, very luxurious looking.

Four women were with him. Miss O'Connor, he recognized. The other woman beside him, patting his back, was the reddish-blonde milf.

The two others were a dark blonde, with short, straight hair, floating at the pool's edge. Her look was mischievous, but her eyes glinted cold blue ice. Wade was reminded of the mean girl sociopaths who'd made his, and other geeks, lives miserable in high school.

"This woman is evil," he knew instinctively.

The last woman sported light copper skin, curly, medium brown hair, and golden eyes looking on him with ethereal curiosity.

It took Wade a moment to become aware of two things: his clothes were soaked and, while Miss O'Connor and the redhead had bikinis, the other two didn't.

I'm by a pool with four hot women, and two are naked!

Last, there was the question of how he got here in the first place.

"What?! What is this place?"

"My pool silly," smiled Marissa. "You tripped."

"I did? Uh, I don't remember. I was at the door..."

"Oh, you don't remember?" the curvy red-blonde smoke show said. "Oh dear, you must have bumped your head. Maybe you should lie down."

Wade felt his head: no bumps or cuts, and no headache. Still, there was the gap between stepping into the house, and finding himself in the pool. It could've happened.

Another question. "Why was I at the pool in the first place?"

"Oh, I changed my mind about the flower, and you offered to carry it to my greenhouse for me," Marissa said. "You tripped on the way back."

"Uh, okay." All kinds of sketchy surrounded the women's stories. Something is really wrong here, but from the door to the pool needed an explanation. Fucking Elysian.