Wake Up Lisa Mitchell Ch. 28-29

Story Info
A Halloween party, more business, and Lisa closes.
10.4k words

Part 19 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 09/11/2020
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Waking up and seeing a text from Samantha, Lisa gave the modeling opportunity a moment of thought before replying that she had to reschedule. Ms. Nicole and Mark both replied with sadness but understood, with Samantha looking to reschedule.

Ms. Bailey then checked her e-mail noticing that her costume for the VBS Halloween party had been delivered. Lisa recently asked Mark if she could decide on the costume. As much as her lover wanted to choose, he deferred. Mark wasn't sure what she would wear but he thought after the club incident to not push it too far. In texting him, she let Mark how excited she was and reiterated that he wouldn't be disappointed.

Lisa got ready for a quiet day off. She left the house to run some errands and eat lunch, enjoying some chips and salsa with a margarita. The crisp fall weather and sun felt refreshing to her while she sat outside. This moment was one of reflection for the mature woman. There was so much happening in her life that taking time to take a break helped her reset.

Once she made it home, Lisa went for a run and prepared for the week. She showered, did her laundry, turned on some TV, and ate a light dinner. Later in the evening, she opened the package and took the costume out, trying it on in front of the mirror. Ms. Bailey wanted to ensure it fit before running into any last-minute issues.

"Well, a little tight, but what isn't up there," she laughed to herself, turning left and right to check out the overall look and fit. Her pussy reacted as she thought of her lover. In the past, Lisa would've been reluctant to wear such a costume, but her confidence in her appearance was growing. Plus, the desire to please Mark with her choice was in the back of her mind.

After the incident at the bar and the conversation with Mr. Lipscomb, he not only surprised her with some flowers as an apology, but Mark also texted her again remorseful of what happened.

As the day arrived for the party, Ryan reached out to Shelby's mother. He was hopeful that she would let him stay at the house. But after speaking, they agreed a hotel would be best for him. Lisa still wasn't over the incident and she still had emotions and thoughts to sort out.

Leaving work early that day, Lisa drove home, her thoughts scattered. The deal with Kimberly, seeing Ryan, and her nervousness about whether Mark would like her costume all played a role. Taking a deep breath once home, Lisa moved forward on her mission to get ready. She showered, shaving her legs and trimming her landing strip.

Thoughts of her lover invaded her mind as she prepared for the evening. She couldn't wait to see his reaction. As she daydreamed, her pussy throbbed at the possibilities.

The busty brunette's nipples showed the same excitement as water cascaded off of her large tits. She flirted with the idea of bringing Mark home tonight. The thought of feeling his cock inside of her caused Lisa to squeeze her long legs together.

Taking a deep breath, the busty brunette finished her shower, turning off the water. She stood naked for a moment before grabbing her towel. Lisa patted herself dry before grabbing her lotion.

The sexy brunette put a foot on the edge of the tub. Squirting some lotion on her hands. Lisa's tits swayed as she moisturized her leg. Switching legs, the tall brunette did the same with her other leg. Standing straight, Ms. Bailey looked at herself in the mirror. Using her soft palms, Lisa massaged the white cream on her tits and torso.

Sitting down, she applied some light makeup before changing into her costume. Lisa was always meticulous with her appearance even if it was subtle.

Mark had texted Lisa while he drove to the location of the party. He had seen her model many outfits with Samantha. To see Lisa dressed up was a continuous thrill for the young man. Mr. Lipscomb was curious and excited to learn what the brunette chose.

His excitement made Lisa smile as she pulled up to the venue, a converted warehouse. The venue was updated to have a rustic look. VBS hired valet for their employees tonight. Lisa parked, checking herself one more time before lowering the driver's side window.

"Yes ma'am?" asked the young man, probably in his teens.

"I'm here for the VBS party," she told him, smiling.

The valet admired the beauty who had pulled up. Her blue eyes were deep and contrasted with the mask on her face. He was lost for a second before remembering his job, "Oh, yes, yes, here is the ticket, please keep this with you. Is the key in the car?"

"Yes, it is, thank you," Lisa replied, smiling. She opened the door, stepped out of her vehicle, and smiled one more time at the valet before making her way inside. Seeing the mature woman in her costume nearly caused the youthful man to faint.

There was a lobby area immediately as you entered with a few tables set up to check in at. To the left were some doors that were closed. To the right were multiple open double doors where the event was being held. Ms. Bailey checked in and was handed two tickets for the drink maximum. Walking in, Lisa noticed the large space nearly full of people in all sorts of costumes.

Making it to the bar, Lisa held her phone only. She had a case for it which had a few slots for ID, credit cards, and now her valet ticket. Lisa felt it vibrate as she ordered her first drink, seeing a message from Mark.

Mark: Hey sexy, I just parked, can't wait to see you.

Lisa: I just got here and at the bar, waiting for you!

Ms. Bailey smiled to herself, her heart beating in anticipation. Lisa took a sip of her gin and tonic before turning towards the entrance of the venue.

She laughed when she saw her lover walk toward the bar. Meanwhile, Mark's jaw dropped when he saw the beautiful busty brunette. For him, it felt like a scene in a movie where the crowd was in the background and there was a halo over the one woman he desired.

His eyes traced her from top to bottom. Lisa wore a fierce feline costume. On her head were some cat ears attached to a headband. Her blue eyes were shimmering through the sequin-felt eye mask. Lisa's luscious lips were a dark red, adding to the look and contrast of the costume.

Mark could feel his member twitch as he noticed the shiny wet polyester/spandex fabric hugging Lisa's body. Around her neck was the collar he placed on her the night of the disaster at the club. He was surprised she still had it on but remembered that only he could take it off of her. What surprised him was that she didn't even ask to remove it.

His gaze went down to her chest next. There was a zipper down the center front which Lisa had tried to zip to the middle of her chest. Because of her bust, the zipper could not close high enough, leaving much of her cleavage exposed. Here areolas were mere inches from being exposed. As he admired her bust, Mark noticed that she was braless and her nipples were already showing an indent in the costume.

At her waist was a belt with a plastic parachute buckle and on her hands were some elbow-length black gloves. Mark traced the outfit down her semi-toned legs to her feet. She wore her favorite black pointed-toe four-inch red bottom high-heels.

While Mark was drinking in every inch of the sexy brunette, she was smiling in disbelief at what her lover had chosen. Mr. Lipscomb was dressed as an adult hot dog.

"Well?" she asked, doing a quick twirl.

"Can we leave now?" Mark replied, half-joking with his eyebrows raised.

Lisa laughed and the two exchanged a little more general banter as he ordered a drink.

Charles Grant met them a few minutes later dressed as a delivery man and the trio chatted about work and other topics. The elder man enjoyed her choice of costume, thinking about their times together and her journey leading Lisa to be here tonight.

Ryan Mitchell meanwhile made it inside the venue and caught a glimpse of a woman at the bar. It was Lisa but Mr. Mitchell was unaware of this at the moment. He eyed her from behind, feeling his member twitch as he looked at how the material of the outfit stretched across her body. The woman's long legs and ass were shapelier due to the high heels.

Noticing she was chatting with Charles and Mark, Mr. Mitchell decided to go near but not engage directly with them. After ordering a drink for himself, Ryan got a better look at the woman from the front.

"God damn she looks fucking sexy," he said to himself, realizing now that he was checking out Lisa. He felt a little jealous but also disgusted. Not only was she not with him but she was enjoying herself with that asshole Mark Lipscomb.

Ryan ensured that he wasn't going to meet with them and looked to enjoy the evening without much confrontation or conversation. He watched as several of the Junior Account Executive men angled to introduce themselves to Lisa. Some leered unabashed while some tried to keep their gaze from going down to her cleavage.

The separation of Lisa and Ryan was not something many at VBS knew about. Because of this, some of Ryan's colleagues came up to him, complimenting his wife's choice of costume.

In different circles, some of the Junior Account Executives chatted about the MILF while other men either tried not to stare or had their private conversations about the woman.

Moments later the owners of VBS went through their speeches leading to a toast for those in attendance. As they transitioned to the music, servers walked around with appetizers.

Charles, Lisa, Ryan, and Mark all mingled separately now. Mr. Grant spending time with some other VPs and Executives.

"Man, if Ryan doesn't take care of Lisa, I'll give my right arm to step in," said one of them.

"If you give your right arm, how are you going to grab a handful of those tits?" asked another, laughingly.

"Grab them? I'll be sucking on them like a newborn and have my face buried in them all day. Hell, I'd die between those puppies," he replied

Eventually, Mark joined in the group's circle, listening in on the conversation.

"Dude, if I could, I'd be with Lisa tonight. I'd say, fuck this place, we are going home, now!" said a Sales Executive

"Fuck man, her ass, those tits, my god, I'd make her purr all night," said another.

Charles and Mark had separate thoughts about the discussion but also couldn't fault the men for how they felt. Lisa was beautiful and such a pleasure of a person. They felt her personality, charm, body, and sexual appetite were a lethal and desirable combination.

Ryan found himself next to a consultant and chatted with her for a few moments. He continued the methodical avoidance of Mark and Lisa.

As Lisa moved a few steps back, leaving a brief conversation with two young men who had stopped her, she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh god, I'm so..." she said turning around and stopping mid-sentence

"It's okay ma..." said the man, who paused as well

"Hey Ryan, I hope you're... So sorry for bumping into you..." she finished saying to Shelby's father

"It's okay. I hope you're good," he replied, struggling to keep eye contact

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I hope you have a good night tonight," she spoke, smiling as politely as she could before quickly leaving his company

"You look great..." his voice trailed off as she walked away. He missed her dearly. That moment of feeling that he'd lost something, someone so wonderful pulled on his heart and mind that night.

Lisa continued to garner unwanted attention but was polite and engaged. When she was able to, Ms. Bailey made it to some women colleagues. While conversing with them, she felt her phone vibrate.

Mark: Hey Catwoman, can a hot dog keep you company tonight?

Ms. Bailey laughed out loud as she read the text, excusing herself from the group. She moved so that nobody could read her messages. Just as she was going to respond, Charles called out to her.

"Hey Lisa, can we talk about the Zimmerman account tonight?" he asked.

Barry Zimmerman was already a client with VBS.

His statement pulled her attention away from the enjoyable text.

"Uh, oh yeah, for sure, what's going on that you want to discuss?" she asked Charles

"That asshole is being a real pain in the, you know what. I needed to calmly sit down and walk it through with you. Maybe go home and change after this and we can meet in the bar or lobby at my hotel," he told her.

"Okay, I'll do that, what time do you plan on leaving this thing?" she asked

"I'm heading out soon, but take your time, just text me," he replied, smiling and walking away. Charles wasn't looking to fuck the busty beauty. He wanted to talk business and get things moving for VBS and his company with Eric.

Lisa looked down at her phone which had the text, "I'd love a..." showing on the screen. She deleted the words and replaced them, pressing send.

Lisa: Ugh, I wish, I have to meet with Charles on Zimmerman.

Mark: Damn

Lisa Bailey made a slight sad face thinking of how her lover must've felt. She knew he wanted to cherish the opportunity to fuck her tonight. What excited her as well was that he loved her costume and that reinforced her decision to purchase it. Those thoughts along with picturing her lover's cock caused the sexy woman's throbbing sex to distract her multiple times. Her nipples were already painfully erect. Ms. Bailey also felt her wetness still there between her legs.

Lisa: Can you meet me near the lobby of the venue?

Mark: Fuck yeah, see you in five

Mr. Lipscomb wasn't sure what Lisa was up to but he wasn't going to let a moment with the beauty go. When he made it to the space, Lisa quickly grabbed his hand and walked towards one of the closed doors on the opposite side of the party. The couple did their best to ensure nobody had seen them.

Leading her lover, Lisa didn't know where she was going, but she continued to charge ahead. Opening the doors, Lisa realized she was in a chapel-like space, probably for weddings. Nearby there was a dimly lit hallway that led to a room that was mainly dark. Some thin rectangular windows at the top on the outside wall allowed little light in from a street light. This looked to be an area where the bride or groom would get ready.

The couple looked into each other's eyes, Mark unsure of what to do next. Lisa bit her lower lip before speaking.

"Since I can't enjoy my hot dog tonight, I thought I could at least have it now," she told him with a lustful tone while getting down on her knees.

She used Mark's thighs for balance before reaching under his costume to find his belt buckle. The metal clinked as she loosened his belt, echoing in the semi-dark space. Mark Lipscomb felt his heart skip a beat from the excitement of the moment.

Mark felt the cold air hit his thighs as his pants and boxers made it down to his ankles.

Lisa Bailey stuck her head under the bottom end of his costume which hid Mark's erection. She grabbed his member with one of her glove-covered hands and brought it to her lips.

Mr. Lipscomb could feel the warmth of her tongue as she licked his shaft. Her tongue pressed against the sides of his member before she wrapped her dark red lips around the head of his cock.

"Oh fuck," he moaned as her cheeks hollowed while she sucked harder.

Mark lifted the bottom of his outfit to help Lisa as best he could.

Taking her mouth off of his cock, Lisa whispered, "Mm... Thank you, Mark."

She licked the sides of his shaft again, but this time only using her mouth. Ms. Bailey didn't want to get her gloves dirty with pre-cum.

Her lover's cock twitched as her tongue danced slowly around the tip. Mr. Lipscomb moaned in pleasure.

"Fuck me... I need to taste you, babe," he whispered, trying to reach down for her.

Instead, Lisa gently pushed his hand away, continuing to lick and suck Mark's manhood. Moans and groans emitted from her as she tasted some pre-cum from his shaft.

Her pussy was throbbing to the point that it felt like it was beating in her chest. In reality, it was her heartbeat that had accelerated due to the excitement.

Lisa wanted to feel him stretch her out but was not comfortable enough to do that here. She knelt lower, licking and sucking her lover's jewels, moaning as she alternated between each one.

"Cum for me Mark, cum in my mouth," Lisa expressed to her lover, words she had never spoken to him before.

Swallowing his semen wasn't foreign as she had done it in the dressing room at the mall. But her thoughts weren't solely on that, it was also on the costume. She didn't want anyone from VBS to think she did something inappropriate.

Momentarily, Mark looked into the room and saw the silhouette of the busty woman on her knees. The visual of that plus her words sent the young man over the edge. Mr. Lipscomb reached for her head shooting streams of his hot creamy liquid into her mouth. Lisa Bailey moaned again as she was held in place while slightly gagging from the impact of his seed hitting her throat.

With his balls empty, Mark released the grasp on Lisa's head, leaning back against the wall and breathing heavily.

"My god, that was... Wow," he said.

Lisa gulped and coughed a few times, taking down the warm and salty semen before standing up.

"How was that?" she asked, her eyes slightly watery and lipstick smeared as she smiled a partial smile

"How? Fucking unbelievable Lisa. I didn't expect that at all," he told her, grabbing the sexy brunette by the waist and bringing her in for a kiss.

They kissed deeply for a moment, allowing her lover to feel the curves of her body. He wanted her to know that he appreciated her act before Lisa stopped them and asked if they could head back.

Mark agreed and they ensured she would look presentable before making their way back to the party. While walking with her lover, Lisa could feel her wetness with each step, hopeful that it didn't seep through the thong she had to wear tonight.

Carefully, they both entered the lobby area and continued, mingling and chatting with colleagues. Ryan meanwhile took one last peek at Shelby's mother before leaving the venue. His cock was straining against his pants as he thought about how Lisa looked while he drove back to his hotel.

"God damn, what an outfit... She looked sexy as heck," he said to himself

With the night still not over, Ryan decided to go to a gentlemen's club. There he found a table and a round of strippers made their way to the horny mature man.

Eventually one of them caught his eye. She had blue eyes, was about five foot five, and a brunette. Ryan Mitchell decided to spend some of his bonus for a little private time.

Mark left moments later and went home. He smiled thinking about how Lisa chose an outfit to please him and how she still wore the collar from before. Mr. Lipscomb was also glad to see that she initiated the blowjob. Sure, she wasn't looking to get fucked at the venue, but this was far from where she was when they were at the bank.

He continued his thoughts until he went to sleep that night.

Lisa stayed a little after only because a few of the young men still wanted her company. After leaving, she texted Charles that she was going home to change and then to meet him. He sent her a thumbs-up with the address to the hotel.

At home, Lisa unzipped the costume, peeling it off her body. Her nipples hardened further as they felt the cold air in her bathroom. Peeling off the rest of the outfit, Lisa could feel coldness between her legs as her juices rubbed on her upper inner thighs and anal passage.

As much as she would've wanted to relieve herself, she knew that she couldn't keep Charles waiting. Quickly changing into something casual, Lisa Bailey got back in her car and headed to meet Mr. Grant.

Once she arrived, she texted him and was surprised that Charles was already waiting in the lobby. He stood up, looking to embrace the brunette.