Warlock Ch. 14

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John has to fuck his way out of another dilemma.
3.2k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/31/2021
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Time for a reckoning with the Queen of Dilly... and a desperate recovery of Lady Corsa before something terrible happens to her.

This one's a little shorter than usual, but that's part of the design leading up to the next, final, chapter.

"Now that I have your attention where it belongs," the Queen said. "Lose the robe. Then we can properly negotiate affairs of state."

John stared at her. Her massive tits defied gravity and reason. Had the brazier hung from the ceiling and not rested in the middle of the room her lower body would have been shadowed.

Queen Jaspara pointed where Artesia stood. "Your woman can watch from over there. Maybe she'd like to pleasure herself... I do enjoy an audience. Perhaps she could even... no, not my first time with you. I don't want to be distracted."

John stood firm, testing the limits of her power. His part-demon nature was stymied by her wards. Her she was too powerful for him. Too powerful for even lesser infernals like Zynga. Was this why Mistress had sent him too her, for fear that even she couldn't overpower her in her sanctum?

"John, this stalemate is getting tiresome. I've threatened your lady but that doesn't sway you. Perhaps I should just kill her? I have no use for her and, as a woman with no interest in me, I cannot take her soul."

"No!" Just shouted. "Leave her be."

"But John... I don't like it when I don't get my way," she pouted. She smiled and slid her hands up her sides "I know, I bet you need a little more encouragement."

John watched her slid her hands up her sides and cup her breasts. They didn't fit in her palms but that didn't stop her. She caressed her firm flesh and then twirled her fingers around her ripe nipples. They were already hard enough John feared she might put his eye out if she came too close. Now that she was pulling and pinching them they grew a rosy red and looked ready to burst.

His vision blurred. He had to shake his head and remember to focus his demon-sight to realize her magic was oozing from her buds and coming straight at him. It struck him and spread out, slipping under his robe and covering and caressing him like warm sin. His cock rose against his wishes and throbbed his robe up and down in a steady beat with his heart.

"Oh my... is that for me?" Jaspara cooed.

Her magic tickled his balls even as his own refused it entry to his person. Her resourcefulness was impressive.

"What are you?" he gasped.

"I'm just a lonely, wanton, woman, John. I've never been satisfied, not fully. Won't you try to sate me? Fill me up John. Make me yours... you'll never be wanting again. I'll let you do things to me that Lady Corsa hasn't even imagined. The basest of whores won't compare to what you can do with me. To me. In me or on me.

"Oh John, I understand now... I really do. You're special. Very, very special," she continued as she sensuously glided across the floor toward him. She was seven steps away and then five. Four. Three. Two. Then she was in front of him and looking up into his eyes while one hand pinched her nipple and the other slid back down her body.

He lost sight of her other hand as it dropped below her breasts, but only for a moment. It returned, lifting up and then gliding across his lips and sharing heat and wetness. Her heat and wetness. Her musk hit him and made him gasp. With his lips parted, she slipped her fingers inside his mouth.

Her taste shattered his mind. Only for a moment, but that impossible combination of sweetness with smoke and musk was very nearly life-altering. He pulled himself back from the brink of lust-filled madness and found himself sucking on her fingers, trying to get every last drop of her flavor. His robe was stuck to his cock, pre-cum wetting the material.

"Will you fuck me now, John?" she breathed. Even her breath was intoxicating. "I want to feel that massive cock pounding deep inside of me. Split me on it, John. Shove it anywhere you want and make me scream. No, not anywhere... everywhere!"

A voice echoed deep in John's mind. It was distant, as though thousands of miles away, but he recognized it without delay. Beytrixxa, his Mistress. She'd give him his orders: "...bring her to my service. Bring her... or destroy her."

And here was Jaspara was begging him to fuck her. To destroy her. Was this a self-fulfilling prophecy?

John reached up and pulled her fingers out of his mouth.

Jaspara's eyes went wide. Her saw thrill and fear and excitement. She'd perfected her role. He knew she felt no fear, only the excitement. She assumed John was like every other man. Just another conquest, albeit one with powers not so different from her own.

Except when he pulled her hand out of her mouth he saw something new. He saw uncertainty.

John nodded. He leaned his spear against the wall next to Artesia. Her let go of Jaspara's hand and lifted his robe up and pulled it over his head so that he stood nude before her.

Jaspara's eyes dropped to his cock. Her lips parted and her eyes widened. "Oh... John!" she breathed.

"Prove you're the whore you claim to be," John growled.

She sucked in a breath and jerked her head up to look at him.

"Take me in your mouth. Swallow it. All of it."

A whimper escaped her lips. She sank to her knees and slid her hands up his legs and took him in her hands. Her soft and hot hands. She squeezed and stroked him, earning herself a glistening drop that her tongue darted out to catch. She moaned and licked her lips, savoring his flavor until she couldn't taste anymore. She attacked him then, opening her lips and plunging them over him while she stroked his manhood to try and coax more into her mouth.

John staggered and caught himself. She was going to do it or die trying! His cock was punching the back of her throat with every forceful bob of her head and she showed no signs of stopping or of being distressed. She held him on her next plunge and swallowed, forcing his head into the bend of her throat.

John's hips hitched in response but it only drove her back. Jaspara wasn't willing to admit defeat, even if she'd never met a man like John. She shifted her position and angled and took him deep again. One swallow led to two and then another. Each constriction pulled him deeper and stretched her throat around his heated flesh. John watched her slowly sinking down on him until she was nearly there. She pulled back at last, gasping while strings of saliva connected her lips to his glistening shaft.

Jaspara barely took two breaths before she buried him in her mouth again. She worked quicker this time and reached her prior record in no time. Her hands slipped around John's hips and grabbed his bottom. She pulled him forward and pushed her head against him, swallowing him deeper and deeper until her nose was mashed against his flesh. She blinked her eyes open in shock and looked upwards. A grin tried to lift her lips around his cock as she locked her gaze with him.

John nodded. "Keep sucking," he growled.

Jaspara closed her eyes and went to work. She swallowed and sucked and bobbed and thrust. Her hands massaged his balls and grabbed his ass. At one point she even grabbed his hips and encouraged him to fuck himself into her mouth, proving that she meant for him to use her like the lowest of sluts.

With Jaspara's taste becoming a memory John looked around and saw Corsa watching with a strange look on her face. She looked aroused and scared at the same time. Every now and then he saw hurt on her face too.

He turned his head away to search the rest of the room. Artesia was clutching her sword and looking confused and angry. John waited until she caught his gaze. Sure he had her attention, he glanced at his spear and then darted his eyes over to Zynga's cage.

Artesia stood a little straighter and nodded.

John reached down and grabbed Jaspara's flame touched hair. She growled around his head and let him guide her forcefully up and down on his length before he stopped and pulled himself free. Jaspara gasped and stared as his glistening and angry cock swayed and bobbed just out of her reach.

"Give it to me," she urged him. "Fill me. Make me taste you. Mark me. Claim me. Make me yourssss!"

"I'm not even close yet," John told her.

Her eyes widened.

John wasn't lying either. His loins ached like a slow fire was consuming them, but he couldn't cum yet. His magic wouldn't let him... not until she gave him her release first and he feasted on her energies.

Jaspara's magic was all over him too. It attacked him from head to toe... but mostly in between. John's magic was riled up and as strong as ever inside of him, defeating all her advances with ease. The caresses and tingles it caused his skin was another matter, but with his Mistress-imposed-cock-block in place it would never be enough to push him over the edge.

"Fuck me... please, John. Fuck me! I can't bear much more of this without you in me. If you don't fuck me I'm going to swallow you whole and never come up for air."

The eagerness in her voice nearly convinced him. She looked sincere. No, not sincere, desperate! John nodded and glanced at Corsa. She was biting her lip and staring at him.

"The floor," John ordered. "Turn around."

Jaspara twisted and presented her arse to him for inspection. She stretched her arms out before her like a cat and arched her back to make herself as lewdly available as possible.

John stepped forward and towered over her. He took his cock and stroked it, causing a drop of his fluid to gather and slowly drip. He guided it down until gravity pulled it free. It splattered against her crinkled pucker.

Jaspara gasped. A tremble started in her back and spread up and down her body, flushing her magic with power that his magic could sample.

John squatted behind her and guided the slick head of his cock to her newly wetted hole. "Did you wet me enough to take you?"

She twisted her neck and shoulders just enough to look back at him. The mix of lust and fear in her eyes was unmistakable. She bit her lip and nodded. "Do it. Fuck my arse, John. Fuck it hard and make me howl! Don't stop until you've ruined me, no matter what I say!"

John chuckled. "You'd like that?"

"By all the saints, yes! Please!"

John grabbed her hip in his left hand and wrapped his right around his shaft. He bore down on her, adding pressure and making her gasp and push back against him. She meant it. She really wanted him to plow into her arse and ruin her. What kind of...

"Face down, arms out," John barked at her.

Jaspara shuddered and very nearly swallowed the tip of his cock in her arse. He tasted more of her pleasure-filled energy while she braced her forehead against the warm stone and reached as far with her hands above her head along the ground as she could.

John forced his cock down, dragging it across her slid flesh and thrust it, hard, into her cunt. Her body locked up, paralyzed by the sensation of him burying himself so deeply that he struck the entrance of her womb strong enough to bend his cock inside of her. His magic tried to push forth but the runes wouldn't let him. Instead her magic opened her to him. John's second thrust buried him to his loins in the smoldering swamp that was her pussy.

John sawed in and out, driving himself down and rubbing his hardness against the front wall of her pussy. Jaspara started trembling again and then her lungs and voice started working again. She began hissing and yipping. After a few more hard strokes she rose in pitch and octave so that she was howling. Her entire body was quaking and jerking around him. His cock squeezed in irregular spasms of her muscles.

More important than her orgasm was what it meant to him. Her soul was laid bare to him. Around them, in the room, her wards restrained him. Inside of her, where his cock plumbed the very core of her magic, he drank deeply of her power. By the time she realized what was happening John was drunk on her power. He plowed into her harder and harder, pushing her to heights of pleasure she'd never experienced before.

Jaspara pulled herself forward, trying to escape. John held her tight, a hand on each hip. He slammed her back onto him, knocking the breath from her and causing a fresh eruption inside of her that caused her to leak her juices down both their legs. He ground himself against her, putting pressure on her slit and teasing her over-sensitive clit.

Jaspara struggled, pulling her magic back at last and using it to gain some sort of control over her body. She drew a leg forward and kicked back, striking John's shin and sliding him back even as she slipped forward.

Jaspara tugged herself forward, her lengthening fingernails biting into the stone and helping her pull herself off of him. She rolled onto her back and then rolled again to put distance between them. She hit the side of the bed and scrambled up so she was bent over the side.

John was drawn to her still exposed sex and arse. He grinned and stalked her, knowing he could drive her to another orgasm with ease. This time he'd take her arse as she'd begged him. He'd claim all three of her holes and, to sate his Mistress, he'd fill her once he'd earned Jaspara's final release and use his magic to claim her for Beytrixxa.

John sank down to his knees behind her and reached for her hips. He grabbed his cock in his other hand and—

"Stop!" Jaspara gasped.

John had no intention of stopping.

A bestial roar echoed through the room. A body came tumbling down the stairs, blood spurting and spattering as it rolled. The guard's body came to a stop crumpled at the landing at the bottom. A mighty tiger slinked down the stairs after it and turned to look into Jaspara's inner sanctum before it stopped and sniffed the dead guard. Sasha looked up and stepped into the room before lifting her head and sniffing the room.

Artesia sprung across the room, John's spear in hand, and thrust the point of the X-shaped blade into the lock of Zynga's iron cage. The magical blade cut into the iron and, with a twist and then a wrench to the side, the door swung open. Zynga threw herself out the opening and crashed to the ground before her wings could stretch wide enough to soften the landing.

A cry of a different sort dashed John's plans into pieces. He looked past Jaspara to where Corsa lie with fresh blood running across her skin. Jaspara's hand was on her chest, her palm resting on her breast while her fingernails were buried in Corsa's skin. How deep John didn't know.

"What in the— Oh no!" Jennaca cried as she rushed down the stairs. She had a bloody sword in one hand and a bloody hatchet in the other. Blood was smeared on her hands, arms, and body too. At a glance, none of it appeared to be hers.

John stopped. His first instinct was to pull Jaspara away. What damage would that do as her claws were ripped out of Corsa's chest? He let go of her hips instead. "Stop," he demanded. "Leave her be."

Sasha growled, the rumble deep in the tiger's chest.

Jaspara to stare in horror at the tiger. She tried, and failed, to pull herself onto the bed. Her legs wouldn't support her. She tried again, using her depleted magic to steady herself. It was enough let her slide on her side and then sit on her battered bottom.

"I told you to stop," she panted. "You fucked me harder."

"Don't pretend you weren't going to fuck me to death," John snapped at her.

"I wasn't!" she spat back. "Not death... just to make you my consort. John... oh John, you're magnificent! We could have— no, we still can! Just give yourself to me. Everything will be all right."

"I can't do that," John said. "I won't do that."

"But you don't know how good it feels," she begged him. "The relief of not having to worry any more. I take that on for you. All you would need to do is enjoy your life at my side. I would provide for you. Everything you need, every... wait, what are you, John? You asked me the same, but you have power like mine. Are we the same thing?"

John couldn't take his eyes off of Corsa's bloody chest. She was trembling and breathing in shallow gasps while she stared into his eyes. She couldn't talk, not with her hands tied up. All she could do was plead with her eyes.

Sasha padded around the bed and lifted her head to sniff at Corsa's bound hand. She licked it and then tried to bite the chains that bound her. She gave up after feeling how hard they were.

"I'm a warlock," John said as he climbed to his feet. "I didn't come here to be your minion. I came here to make you mine."

Jaspara's eyes widened and then dropped to his still throbbing cock. A string of his pre-cum was starting to drop from his cock. She licked her lips in spite of herself and said, "Your friends killed seven guards, I have over a hundred more on their way. Not to mention this poor unwanted princess. She'll die if you touch me again... any of you."

"My Lord!"

John turned while Jaspara was distracted and saw his spear sailing through the air. He caught it and spun around, pointing it at Jaspara.

Jaspara flinched. Her hand jerked and Corsa let out a guttural wail that quickly turned to a hiss.

"What did you do?" John demanded.

"I thought— you— I didn't mean to—"

John's hands trembled. He stared at Corsa. She coughed and gagged. Blood speckled her lips. She stared at him with eyes filled with agony, fear, and longing.

Zynga scampered to Corsa's foot on the far side of the bed from John. She produced her lock picks and had the chain around her ankle free in short order. She moved to the leg closest to John next. Unlocking her wouldn't save her though, it only meant she could move... or be moved.

John growled and felt as though he might tear his spear in half he clutched it so tightly. John closed his eyes and used all the power he'd taken from her to bolster his own. He uttered a single word and forced everything in him into a point meant to pierce the wards around him.

"Beytrixxa," John breathed as he felt his call break through.

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GrttrnGrttrn8 months ago

Chapter 13 & 14 are identical... At least here on Literotica

ForgecoldironForgecoldironalmost 2 years ago

Where is chapter 15? The next story talks about Corsa's transformation but it is not here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Spell bound, could stop until ı raced off the cliff you left at chpt 14, wtf, where's chpt 15, you tricked me, now I'm in limbo, floating away, are you gonna lasso me and pull me back in? Or ............

GrayWolf53GrayWolf53almost 2 years ago

Bad form to post the climax !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

New update yesterday. Now theres like 40 stories I cant read until I find ch15 on a non paywall site. And theres no hints in the bio.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Where is Warlock chapter 15?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A shame you ended it here.. bad form.

bimsandy2003bimsandy2003about 2 years ago

Plz plz send me the last chapter of the stop……it was unputdownable…..binged on it…and now I am stressed as to the ending…thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hello, awesome storyline! Just... maybe drop a link in the comments or on your bio to the missing chapter 15? I know you hint about "look below" but if it's there now it's really well hidden ;)

Bobjohnson1978Bobjohnson1978over 2 years ago

For all you guys crying about no ending send him a message he very graciously sends you a copy so you can finish reading the final chapter.

Fr3akLuvRFr3akLuvRover 2 years ago

Great story. Ever plan to finish it? Anxious to start 'Wizard'

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Any update on 15 by chance?

jcus0511jcus0511almost 3 years ago

Well on the way to an epic finale. Great yarn but why so many spelling and mis used words in an otherwise really well constructed story. Can’t wait for the finale please deliver it soon.

big65dawguwbig65dawguwalmost 3 years ago

Dear Anon. If you took the time , on his Bio page he explains that he posted Ch. 15 but Lit refuses to publish it . I inquired were I might read it & he was nice enough to send me a link to his Patroen pg. & also sent me a link to down load & read it . Very gracious of him . I'm often amazed at the temper tantrums we see on here from 'freeloaders' (Lit is free) who somehow feel entitled to threaten & curse at authors for some imagined slight .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Does this fucker not know that he never finished this story before he posted wizard?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Still waiting for ch 15. Cant go read the next installment until this is finished.

Just released one yesterday, oh well....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Why not post this to storiesonline?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Love the series but not happy about not being able to find chapter 15 anywhere. I have checked and I only find purchasing the book as an option.

TehKazlehoffTehKazlehoffabout 3 years ago

anywhere excluding patreon/paywall to read ch15

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