Was It an April Fools Joke?


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"It looks like he brought Chantelle here, fucked her in our bed and tossed our photos in the trash. I hope that's the last bit of revenge but knowing Pitt we can expect more. I texted him and said we never had intercourse so you might want to use the lie with your wife."

Evan hung up and sat watching his son chasing lightning bugs in the back yard. He was so sure that Patty's husband would buy in to a swap for his wife if he got a hot beautiful escort in exchange. Boy was he wrong.


The next day Patty called Pitt's parents to see if they knew where he was. They knew nothing and asked why she didn't know. She hung up and called her brother Mike.

"Hi sis.... what's up? Nope sorry I haven't heard from him. Wait...what's going on?


Later when she went to the market, she discovered her credit card was rejected. It was now obvious that he wanted nothing more to do with her and wasn't going to communicate. She sent him two more texts and left voice mails but heard nothing back. Now, at wits end, she called the dean of Pitt's department at the University who they knew well.

"Roger this is Patty. Have you talked to Pitt?"

He was silent for a few seconds, "Patty I don't want to get involved."

"What did he tell you?"

"Listen all I know is that he has personal problems and has asked for some time off."

"Did he say he was OK?"

"I could tell from the way he talked that he was not his happy go lucky self. Goodbye Patty." CLICK

"No wait..."


"I have a week off to get my head screwed on straight and figure out my next move," he said to Sarah. "Why don't we head over to Silver's Restaurant for a nice steak."

"You want to be seen with me? What if someone sees us together?"

"Too Bad. Why don't you wear one of those sexy dresses from my wife's closet?"

Sure enough, as soon as they walked in, he saw one of Patty's co-workers waiting for a table. He thought about leaving but decided to start the rumors. She didn't see him until she turned. But the shock on her face told him that she knew about Patty's weekend away with Dr. Evan. "Oh my God."

"Hello Darlene, how is David doing?" David was her husband and the man next to her wasn't him.

"Ga...good, he's in Europe for a few weeks. Oh, uh this is Jack, he uh started in our wing a few months ago."

"About the time Doctor Evan started?"

"Yes," Jack grinned. "We came as a package. How do you know Darlene?"

"Jack our table is ready," Darlene said pulling on the man's arm. "See you Pitt."

Sarah also picked up on a bad secret, "Looks like Patty and Dr. Evil's secret tryst was front page."


Patty's crying was non-stop after her parent's call. They had spoken with Pitt's parents and all four of them were concerned. She had to hang up on her mom to stop the pain of losing the only man she had ever loved. An hour later her phone buzzed, and she hoped it was Pitt. It was Darlene.

"Patty how was your weekend?"

"Terrible Dar, I tried to call it off too late. Sex was good but not great like I thought it would be. How is it going with Jack?"

"Well tonight is supposed to be the first time all the way. I'm calling because Pitt just walked into Silver's with a hot blonde babe on his arm."

"Fuck, she must be the escort we paid for. He left his wedding band and cancelled our credit cards. Why did I let Evan talk me into hiring a hot woman? Since he won't talk to me, I'm heading your way. Be there in about 15 minutes."


"She keeps looking at us," Sarah whispered while holding her menu up and peeking over it. "She's on her phone and probably calling your wife."

"Don't call her my wife. My heart divorced her when I read the letter she wrote. So, Sarah have you met anyone you are interested in lately?"

"Maybe I'm not sure yet. He seems to be a good guy, is good in bed and..."

"Only good?"

"Well not all the cards have been dealt out yet. I'm hoping for a Royal Flush of Hearts," she giggled and reached over and took his large left hand in her small right one. They were making google eyes at each other when Patty's scream pierced the air.


Both were so shocked that Sarah didn't see Patty's right open palm heading towards her face. Luckily Pitt did at the last second and was able to deflect it. He grabbed Patty's right wrist and curled it behind her back. "Stop it now!"

The whole restaurant was frozen and quiet as everyone turned and stared at the commotion. Patty suddenly went limp and fainted causing Pitt to grab her. Darlene ran over. "I'm a nurse so please move back, and someone get me some water and a clean towel.

The cold towel from the bar woke her up. At first, she didn't know where she was until she saw her husband. "Pitt honey I'm back and I have your ring in my pocket. This...this was all a misunderstanding. I didn't have sex with Evan but...but it's ok that you did with...her." She glared at Chantelle.

"Patty sit-up and drink this," Darlene whispered handing her friend a glass of water. She looked around for Jack, but it looks like he had vanished. Patty sipped the water and kept her eyes on Pitt, who was moving towards the escort.

"Let's go Sarah."

"Her name is not Sarah, it's Chantelle! AND SHE'S A FUCKING HO!"

Patty took the water glass and drew back her arm to hit the beautiful woman. Pitt jumped in front of Sarah and the partially full water glass smash onto his left upper body. Luckily it didn't shatter until it landed on the floor.

"AHHH!" He moaned knowing it hit hard. He glared at Patty and moved away from the broken glass taking Sarah with him. The night manager had his smart phone taking a video of the whole event. Pitt knew him, "Shaun, send me a copy of that. You have my phone number, right?"

"Yes, got it all. Do you want me to call 911?"

"They're here," the receptionist said. "I called 911 when the lady fainted."

"What happened?" A cute paramedic asked carrying her medical bag up to Patty sitting on the floor being supported by Darlene.

"She fainted," Darlene said. "I'm a nurse and her pulse is extremely high. She needs her BP checked. Also, I think she hurt her right elbow and head when she fell."

As the woman paramedic checked Patty's vitals her partner moved to Pitt who was in pain trying to move his shoulder. The bartender was sweeping up the glass.

"Pitt baby...I'm so sorry. I wasn't trying to hit you honey. Let's' go home and I'll make up this weekend to you," Patty cried.

"I think you've done enough damage tonight. I'm giving you until tomorrow night to take your stuff and get out of the condo. Get yourself a lawyer because you and I are finished."

"Sir you need to go to the emergency room for x-rays," the male paramedic said. "It looks like your collar bone might be cracked."

Darlene called Patty's brother Mike to come and talk to his sister who didn't want to go to the hospital where she worked. They both knew the word and rumors would run wild. Ten minutes later Mike arrived but Pitt and Sarah had already left. "What the hell happened?"

"Oh God Mike. Pitt just left, with an escort I hired, to the hospital. I hit him with a glass. He told me not to come home."

"WHAT? You're making no sense."

"Ma'am, I think only your arm is bruised and I don't see any marks on your head. Do you hurt anywhere else?"

"Just my heart. I just lost the only man I've ever loved."


Pitt had enough distractions with Patty fighting the divorce, tooth and nail, to date Sarah. Since she hit him with the water glass, he was able to get a restraining order. She finally gave up when he threatened to send everyone the letter and texts, she sent him. It was very clear that she and Dr. Evan paid an escort to have weekend sex with Pitt in exchange for the two of them fucking their brains out at the same time.

Because of the State they were in, the adultery charge stuck because Pitt had proof and she didn't. Sarah gave back the cash for the escort job to the cheating couple and it was enough for the Judge to deny alimony and to grant a 70/30 split in Pitt's favor.

Since this was the second affair that Dr. Evan had, his wife took the gold mine and he got the shaft. He lost his cream job at the Hospital and ended up working midnight shift at a local Medical Pharmacy Express.

As anyone could have imagined, Patty had a nervous breakdown and took over a year to realize her marriage with Pitt was over. Every time a male person entered her care room, she would think it was Pitt coming to take her home. She dated again but none of the guys could fill Pitt's shoes. Her biggest regret was that she had paid for the escort who later fell in love with him. After retiring she moved to the Villages in Florida and became an expert at calling bingo games.

Sarah graduated with honors and moved to North Carolina to escape the embarrassing looks and nasty names that came her way. She was rooming with another female classmate grad and working an engineering job when a knock sounded on her apartment door. She figured it was for her roommate and almost fell over when she saw Pitt standing with a big bouquet of pink roses. On the bouquet was a card with her name SARAH. It had been a year since they first met and had only exchanged a few texts with him.


Pitt had paid a PI to kept track of Sarah and knew she spent most of her time working. She really didn't date much and had stopped anymore escort work. He wanted to be free and clear of his divorce proceedings before he searched into his heart to plan his future. A lot of women came after him, but he just couldn't get away from the bad experience with Patty. He remembered many times the time he spent with Sarah and decided to go for it. God, he hoped he was right.

"Hi Ma'am, my name is Pitt and I'm glad to meet you." His smile was melting her heart."

She played along. "How do you know my name sir? And how do you know where I lived? Is this an April fool's joke?" She wanted to jump into his arms and wrap her legs around him

"You see, I was passing through Kentucky, and I stopped and asked a nice man at this Podunk gas station if he knew this beautiful blonde Davis girl who used to live nearby. I told him her daddy was a coalminer and her momma washed laundry."

The older man said his brother Samuel Davis is a retired coal miner and his sister-in-law opened a laundry mat a block away. You must be referring to my niece Sarah Sue who is a big-shot engineer down in North Carolina somewhere. Why do you ask?"

"I need to ask your brother a question."

"Uh-oh, should I call him and tell him to get his shotgun ready?"

Pitt laughed, "no, not that but close."

"No Ma'am this is not an April fool's joke, I spoke to your dad and ask for his permission to..."

Sarah's eyes were wet and her smile could light up a football stadium. "YES.... My answer is YES!"


Final note: Sarah did what she had to do to get ahead. Hey, we all do somethings we are not proud of. Hope you enjoyed this tale and keep it positive please. Thanks, SK742.

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Btrying2Btrying26 days ago

Good engaging story. For most part well written minus character name changes. My gripe is given the excellent detail in the first half of the story to include the wife’s inner conflict why was the ending rushed and seemed to be disjointed (when wife retired comment). I’d like to have more on the divorce and how he managed his attraction to Sarah and let her slip away for at least a year. I expected more insight into Patti’s pain and ordeal. The side bar with wife’s friend Darlene at restaurant just fizzled. Also Patti’s brother Mike also just dropped off.

Still a very good story. Thanks for sharing. John

MorbidromanticMorbidromantic23 days ago

I really enjoyed this story! I personally prefer the husband's reaction in this story compared to the typical trope where the husband forgives the unfaithful wife, despite her cruel and disrespectful actions. I will never understand reconciliations like those in stories such as "February Sucks". It's infuriating to hear stories like that and piss me off to no end. But I'm glad we can find stories that are the complete opposite of that, like this one. 5* from me.

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 1 month ago

She found her calling in Bingo.

TeeceemcgTeeceemcgabout 2 months ago

IMO you didn't need to apologize for Sarah at the end. In fact, I would suggest NOT doing such in future situations. Let your characters speak for themselves. You developed Sarah enough that she clearly told her own story and one would have to be pretty heartless and judgemental to condemn Sarah for her choices.

moultonknobmoultonknob2 months ago

Why did Pitt change his name to Jack and Even changed his to Allan and then both changed back again, apart from that, very average and predictable.

RePhilRePhil3 months ago

A little smile and a chuckle. What more could a writer want for his stories to be enjoyed

XluckyleeXluckylee3 months ago

I enjoyed your wonderful story. There were some small mistakes, but I didn't feel they changed the story at all. Please keep writing these enjoyable stories and I will keep reading them. 5 stars from Xluckylee but

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

Kind of ordinary. Your dialog is really stilted, like you have sentences that really run on where there should be conversations. Also, there are unnecessary details - like why did she forget to turn her phone off when she said she would, if it didn't matter? Why did Pitt say he was going to have sex with Sarah and then he did it anyway? Why did was Darlene cheating on her husband with Jack if it didn't matter to the story? And who the fuck is Jack and why is he Evans buddy? Why was the Dr. Evans married if it didn't matter either? Sometimes if you add all these details and never explore them then it makes for a mess of a story. Like unfired checkov guns. (look it up). If you want your story to be briskly paced, that's fine, but make sure you don't muddy stuff with too many unnecessary details and instead focus on character development.

pjpbpjpb3 months ago


Not original. 'Faithful wife/fiance decides unilaterally to have the only fling before marriage/kids, leaves letter and turns off the phone for the weekend, and is surprised and heartbroken when not welcomed back afterwards' speaks delusions or insanity not disclosed in back story or husband's reaction.

Dennis26Dennis264 months ago

Enjoyable story.

newfordnewford4 months ago

An excellent little tale. Once again a happily married wife falling for the wrong person. 5 stars

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