Was It My Wife?


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At home, Alison was already showered and dressed. She said that she would put the finishing touches on when it was time to get ready to leave. In the meantime, I rushed around getting myself ready and we were able to leave right about on time for our reservations.

My wife was beautiful; she was always noticed when we entered a room. She was used to receiving looks from admiring men and just ignored them but I noticed and it had always made me proud. Tonight it was a reminder of what could happen. She was also intelligent and made an excellent dinner partner. We discussed all those things a husband and wife discuss when they have some free time and we had wine with dinner, her more than me since I was driving. She actually seemed to be flirting with me. My wife of 14 years and the mother of my two girls was flirting with me! It almost broke my heart to realize that she might have fucked another man for hours that very afternoon and now was flirting with her husband at dinner.

As we finished the dessert of chocolate mouse, preceded by a small sorbet, we looked at each other and smiled. We were both ready to move this evening to the bedroom at home. I signaled the waiter for the check while Alison went to the powder room. We left hand in hand and walked to the car.

As I turned onto the main street, heading toward our home, Alison moved over beside me and leaned her head to my shoulder. She reached up to take one of my hands from the wheel and pulled it down to her lap. With a little urging, I put my arm around her like we used to do when we were young and in love for the first time. She sighed and relaxed. We drove home this way, quiet but comfortable.

At home, Alison moved around the house making all the little preparations for putting the house to bed and finally looked at me.

"Shall we go upstairs and continue where we left off this morning? I think you owe me something since you only gave me a down payment earlier. Remember?"

"I remember. You lead and I'll follow."

We moved quickly upstairs to the bedroom and Alison stopped in front of the bed, reaching for my hand. I moved to her and she took my hand and slipped it under her soft skirt to the warmth between her legs. To my shock, she was not wearing any panties! She grinned at my surprise and whispered that they were in her purse. She laughed out loud when I looked at her.

"If you were a real romantic, you could have had some fun in the car, but I didn't want you to wreck so I kept it for later. You like?"

"I like. Come her and let me get a better feel."

With that, I unbuttoned the little side button and pulled her skirt down over her hips. As advertised, she was naked from the waist down! I was becoming excited so I quickly stripped my shirt off and my pants followed right after. I was down to boxers and socks. She had removed her top and bra and she was wearing only a single strand of pearls. She reached to remove them but I stopped her hand.

"Leave them on. You looks so sexy standing there with nothing but pearls around your neck. You are incredibly beautiful. I could look at you all night."

"This is a site that only you will ever see. I am yours completely and I want you to do anything to me that you want to. I want this night to be the first night of the rest of our life together."

"Are you sure? Is this what you want? I wouldn't do anything to hurt you or make you feel ashamed: you must know that."

"I trust you completely and I give myself to you completely. I love you with all my heart."

In that instant, I believed her and knew that whatever I found the next day I would not ever give her up. I would deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. For tonight, I would love this woman with all my heart.

We did things that night that I had never done before. We made love in positions that I didn't think were possible and she did things to me that I had never even thought of. She sometimes laughed and quoted a page number when I questioned her on her imagination. But it was a magical night. I know that I had at least three ejaculations and she told me that she had 5 orgasms. I learned to like oral that night, both giving and receiving and she instructed me in ways to use my hands that gave her incredible pleasures. But the final combination of a variation of 69 was incredible. We both came at the same time and neither of us could move for minutes afterwards. God, what a night.

We fell asleep in each other's arms and woke late on Sunday morning. She was reluctant to get up and I suggested an encore of one of our favorites from the night before. She agreed quickly and we made love one time before finally getting up.

Sunday meant that she had to go pick up the girls. I told her that I had to make a quick trip to the site to check on the van and that I would be home soon. She said that she would probably stay at her mom's place for awhile before coming back. That left me time to pick up the tapes from the van and see what they contained. I still had to check the ones in her purse and car but that could come later. She left as I drove to the van.

I got all of the tapes and printouts without a problem and drove the van back to the plant site. I called a cab to pick me up and take me back to my car and drove home. The first thing I did was look at the GPS printout. It told me that her car was indeed at Statler Street where the motel was located and with that my heart almost stopped beating. I had hoped against hope but it was apparently not to be. I almost didn't bother to go any further but I wanted to see the video for myself just to confirm. I turned on the TV and DVD player and inserted the DVD. I pushed play and sat back to have my heart broken.

The picture was perfect and the room was centered in the middle of the screen. I fast forwarded until I saw a car pull in and slowed down to normal speed. I saw Collin Wilson clear as a bell get out of the car and open the door to the room. He went in and shut the door. Again fast forward until another car came into view. I watched as the woman got out and walked to the door. She knocked and Collin opened the door. He smiled and the woman walked to him. Just as she entered the room, she turned to survey the lot and I saw her face. My heart started to hammer in my chest and my pulse was almost off the chart. I stopped the video, went back to the beginning and watched it completely before ejecting it.

"Well, I'll be damned!" I said to myself. I had to call Bill Quinn at home immediately. There was one address I wanted to check and I pulled my wife's address book out of the desk drawer. Sure enough, the address I wanted was there and it was what I thought it might be. I smiled to myself. I now had all the information I needed to put things right.

I called Bill at home and he listened as I told him I needed to speak with him immediately. He told me to come over, but I insisted that we meet someplace else alone, just he and I. He was confused but finally agreed to meet me at the Friday's restaurant close to the office. We met there an hour later. Alison and the girls had called and said that they were going to eat lunch at her mom's and they would be home later. That gave me the time I needed.

I drove to Friday's and met with Bill. I wanted to speak with him first before I showed him the DVD. I had brought the portable player with a 9" screen and headphones so he could watch it there in privacy. He listened to me and I could see him getting more and more angry. At first he refused to believe me and stated over and over that Alison could never do anything like that. I played the tape from Ben's meeting with Collin and then I outlined everything right up to the present and made sure that Ben and Collin were completely implicated in the whole thing. Ben was the least guilty but his cover up had been the beginning of the end for both.

When he heard Collin talk about Alison his face got red and he was furious. He had personally hired Alison and had always treated her with respect, but I calmed him down and told him to watch the DVD before he said any more. As he watched the DVD, I could see his face fall. The pain was obvious and I looked away so as to give him what privacy I could. He watched the whole thing and finally stopped the player. He looked up at me and I waited until he was ready. Once he had calmed down, I made my only request.

"I want both of them fired for violation of the morals clause in their employment contracts and I want them gone by lunchtime Monday. If you agree to that, all of the information I have is yours to do with as you please. I will never mention it again."

Bill looked at me in surprise but began to smile. It was good to see that smile. I didn't want him involved any more than necessary.

"You have my word. It will be done first thing Monday and I will have them escorted off the premises. They are as good as dead to me. I may also take further action but it is best that you not know what that action may be. Fair enough?"

"Fair enough." With that, I gave him the satchel I was carrying with all of the surveillance data except for one small cassette that I kept for myself. I wanted that for my own purposes. My wife was about to get a surprise.

Bill and I talked for another hour or so and we made some additional decisions that we would take care of later in the week. We shook hands as we parted and Bill spoke once more to me before I took my leave.

"You are a good and decent man, Brian. I appreciate what you have done and I respect your control in this matter. Things could have gone very badly if you were more of a hothead. You have my thanks and my respect."

I left feeling better than I had for some time. I headed home to see my family. They had no idea of the changes that were coming.

At home that evening, things were normal and I was in a very good mood. Alison wanted to know what was up but I told her that she would find out tomorrow at work. We were very tired from the night, or nights, before so we went to bed early and only to sleep. Alison wanted me to hold her and I was very glad to do so. We fell asleep in each others arms just as we had the night before.

Monday at work was full of activity. I got a call from Alison at 8:30 wanting to know what was up. I pretended innocence and asked her for details. She said that Bill had asked her to have Ben Cramer and Collin Wilson come to his office right away. She said that they were both in there now and that there was shouting coming from all of them. I told her I was in the dark and to let me know what else happened.

She called 20 minutes later and told me that Bill asked her to have security come to his office right away. She cupped the receiver while she spoke to someone at her desk and then came back on to tell me that Bill asked the guard to escort Ben and Collin back to their desks. She hurriedly hung up and promised to call.

I heard nothing from her for the next hour until she finally called to tell me that both Ben and Collin had been fired and that Bill wanted her to type up disciplinary letters for both. The cause of dismissal was to be violation of the morals clause. She was all excited: this was the most unusual thing to happen in her time as Bill's secretary. She demanded that we go out for lunch together and to discuss this. I agreed.

At lunch, Alison was going on and on about what had transpired that morning. She told me that both had been escorted out of the building and warned never to come back. She said Bill was angry and agitated all morning and even yelled at her once, before quickly apologizing. She finally ran down and asked me what it was all about.

"Why would I know anything about it?"

"Bill told me to ask you when I asked him. He said, 'Ask Brian. He knows all about it and he's the one that opened my eyes to a lot of things.' That's what he said, so you have to tell me."

"Before I tell you what happened, I want you to listen to this tape first."

I handed her the tape of Ben and Collin talking about the motel. She began listening with interest and then I watched her face blanche. She looked at me with eyes wide and mouth forming an 'O' of surprise. She listened to the end and then angrily pulled the phones off.

"That's not true! He's lying! I never went to any motel with him and I never would. You can't believe this tape. Is that what you gave Bill? Does he believe this too?"

"No, he doesn't believe Collin and neither do I. I have to explain something to you and I want you to hear me all the way through. Will you do that?"

As I said that I didn't believe the tape, she relaxed a little but she was still angry and a little scared. She just nodded and motioned me to begin.

"I had overheard Ben and Collin talking just over a week ago. Collin was telling Ben about you and he at the party. He said he got you drunk and then took you out to his car and screwed you in the back seat. He was very graphic about the details and he described what he did and what you did and he told it all to Ben."

"Ben listened and believed what he heard. You'll be happy to know that he was so impressed he wanted Collin to include him in the next meeting. I was confused and tried to think of any way he could be telling the truth. I couldn't believe it but I had to be sure."

Alison tried to interrupt me before I could continue but I just talked over her. I had to get the truth out quickly before she exploded.

"I had Ben talk to Collin and Collin said that he had a motel on Statler Street for Saturday afternoon when you were supposed to get your hair done. I was upset then because how could he know about your hair appointment unless you told him. That's when I mentioned Saturday to you, remember? We made plans for that evening."

"But he wasn't with..." I shushed her with a hand wave and plodded on.

"I decided to be absolutely sure it was really you, so I used one of the company surveillance vans and set it up to track your car and to make a video record of who went into the motel room. I got the desk clerk to make sure of the room he was given so I would know which room to watch and recorded it and looked at everything Sunday. That's when I called Bill and gave everything to him. Ben and Collin were fired at my request."

Alison had listened to me as I told her this story. She still was confused and still couldn't believe that I thought she was with him at the motel.

"But I wasn't with him. I was getting my hair done just as I told you. My parlor is on Statler Street but I didn't know about any motel. Don't you believe me? I actually know who he was with because she told me. It was ....."

I quickly went on, interrupting her before she could get it out. I had to convince her that I had trusted her all along. Not the truth, but the wisest thing to do.

"Yes, I said that I believed you and I'll tell you why. I did get a video record of Collin that day and he did have a woman visit him as he claimed. The woman that visited him in that motel room was Bill's wife, Naomi. I first suspected it after I talked with Jerry Skogins a few days ago. Since Collin claimed that he took you out to his car that night, I asked Jerry if you had been a little drunk and he just laughed telling me that you and his wife were drinking cokes and were inseparable that evening and that you even asked her if she would stay with her to discourage Collin from asking her to dance. He said it was clear that you didn't care much for Collin. When I asked him if Collin ever offered to take you outside for a breath of air, he just laughed and said no way."

"So you actually had doubts about me? You set this all up to spy on me? I'm not sure I like that. You really didn't trust me? Even after Wednesday night and Friday night and again on Saturday?"

"Of course I trusted you but I couldn't explain Collin's story. Why would he say those things if they weren't true. Then it occurred to me that he was trying to distract Ben from knowing who he was really with. If Ben thought it was you, he wouldn't ask any more questions. I had no idea who it was so that's why I had to find out the truth. I just wish it hadn't been Bill's wife. He was devastated."

We talked some more and finally had to go back from lunch. Alison accepted my story about trying to find out who Collin was with and I left it alone. I had really had some doubts and I was ashamed about that, but not sorry that I found out the truth. We were in a good place right now and I didn't want that to change.

Things quieted down at work that afternoon but I got another call from Alison telling me that Bill wanted her to come in to talk to him later that afternoon. I told her I really didn't know what that was about and I think she believed me. I didn't hear any more until later that night at home.

We had dinner, the girls were their normal active selves with phone calls and bathroom meetings and other things only they understood but they finally wound down and went to bed. We enjoyed the silence for a while before Alison told me what Bill had wanted.

"He told me to consider how lucky I was to have a man like you for my husband. He went on and on about trust, and respect and love and what it all meant and what it was like to lose it. He finally told me about Naomi and what she had done and he wanted my advice."

"What did you tell him? Were you able to help him?"

"I couldn't tell him what to do. I only asked him if he really loved her and if he could forgive her. If he could, I urged him to talk to her and let her explain. But I told him if he couldn't get past it and forgive her, to let her go right away. Don't drag it out and don't let it become bitter. He listened to what I said so maybe I helped."

"I'm sure you did. He didn't mention anything else about me?"

"No, nothing else. Why is there something else?"

"Well, yes there is. Bill offered me a position as Corporate Vice President of Investigations. I would have complete control of all the investigators in all the branches around the world and I'd have my choice of locations. We could move to California, or Florida or any place else where we have a branch with more than 5 investigators. I would still report to Bill but only to him. It would mean a lot more money, and perks like stock and other things."

Alison let out a scream and jumped into my lap with her arms around my neck. She couldn't let go and couldn't stop laughing with joy.

"When did this happen? Is it because of what you did today? Is this some kind of reward?"

"Now who's doubting whom? Bill offered this to me 6 months ago. I just wasn't ready to think about it until now. I guess the thought of losing everything that I have made the choice more real somehow. I thought for a time last week that I could lose you. It made me think."

"Brian, you could never lose me like that. Not to someone else. That will never happen and you will never think like that again. Do you hear me? Never again!"

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