Was It The "Wrong" Number? Ch. 03


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"What do you know about your mother's family," he asked.

"Not much really. Her mom died not long before she met my dad. She'd have been about my age. She's never really talked about it much," I replied. "I assumed Dad knew more, because he told me that she had a rough time growing up, and that I shouldn't ask her."

"I see, nothing about her father?"

"No, sir, but from what little she's said, I assume he wasn't a real great guy. Why are you asking me about this," I asked, my curiosity running wild.

"Brad, surely you've noticed that there is a certain resemblance between Angela and Jill."

"Yes sir, I have," I agreed.

"It's had me curious since I began working with your mother, but she's a respected colleague of mine. I could never approach her about it. Besides, people look alike. I'm sure you've noticed that, as well," he said.

"Yes sir, I have," I agreed.

"She's about 43, right?"

"Yes, sir. What are you thinking? Do you seriously think they're related?" That was the natural conclusion one would draw, I thought.

"Yes, I do," he replied. "I don't have definitive proof, but I have a very strong hunch that they are."

"Holy shit," I exclaimed. "Sorry."

"It's fine, it is a 'holy shit' moment," he agreed.

"You don't know anything about Angela's family," I asked.

"No, just that she was 'orphaned'. That could have meant a lot of different things in those days. 'Abandoned' might have been more appropriate," he said. "I don't know what happened to my parents, either."

"I'm really sorry."

"Thank you, but it gave Angie and I the resolve to give our children the most loving home we could," he smiled.

"I understand," I smiled back.

"So, what are you thinking about that," he asked.

"I guess a lot of things. If your suspicions are true, I really am a part of your family," I said.

"Yes, it would seem so."

"What can we do though? You've obviously tried to find out things about your past and didn't have any luck," I said.

"I'm not sure that there is anything that can be done, without complications. I respect your mother as a colleague and I could never approach her about this, particularly now," he said.

"I agree."

"It's bothered me since you told me Jill was your mother. I needed to tell you, since it seems that Kami has taken an interest in you," he smiled.

"Yes sir. Thank you, Richard," I said.

"You're welcome."

"What does Angela think," I asked.

"She doesn't know. It's still just a suspicion. I don't want her to get her hopes up, not to mention the kids," he replied.

"Yes, sir. I understand, but I don't like knowing and they don't," I said.

"I know, but it was actually a huge relief to tell someone else finally," he said.

"I bet," I nodded.

"I hope you have a wonderful evening, I should go in," he said.

"Thank you, and thanks for telling me."

"No problem." We shook hands and he walked towards the staff entrance.

This could not have gotten any fucking weirder, I thought to myself when I got back in my truck. What if Richard's assumptions were correct? Then Mom had a sister or half-sister she'd never met. I would have a bigger family now as well. My dad's older brother had been killed in Vietnam, so when my grandparents died, Mom and Dad were the only family I had. Then there was there was the elephant in the room. I'd probably made love to my aunt and my two cousins. Holy shit, I thought. I felt myself falling in love with Kami and she might be my first cousin. I decided I had to talk to Mom about her family. I wanted to find out anything that might help unwrap this mystery. If it was true, I wanted her to know she had a sister.

Thankfully, it was just a short drive to the Bennett's house and I didn't too much time to think about everything. I parked in the street again and walked up the sidewalk to the front door. I rang the bell and the door quickly opened. Kami stood there in a black dress and heels. I saw she was wearing silky, black nylons. She looked absolutely amazing.

"This is the first time I've seen you fully dressed," I smiled.

"We've had a different sort of relationship," she smiled back. "Come here, I've missed you."

"I've missed you, too baby. You look fucking gorgeous," I said, as I hugged and kissed her.

"Mmmm, thank you, so do you, come in."

She took my hand and led me to the dining room. Angela was there waiting with a glass of wine in her hand. She looked equally radiant in a sexy, red dress with tan nylons. I was certainly glad I'd put on my tie and sport jacket. The ladies looked their best.

"Good evening, Brad," Angela said. "Welcome to our home, even if that is a little belated. I'm sure you've felt more than welcome here, though."

"Yes, ma'am. I have," I grinned at Kami.

"I appreciate your politeness, but after Thursday morning, you will call me Angie, I think," she said, with a smile.

"Okay," I replied.

"Would you like a glass of wine, baby," Kami asked.

"Yes, please."

When Kami left, Angie walked over and gave me a passionate kiss. My talk with Richard only confirmed what I'd already been thinking. With lighter hair, it could have been my Mom kissing me.

"Kami has told me all about you. You're a quick learner and a bit adventurous, I think."

"Ha, well, things just sort of happened. I've had excellent teachers," I smiled.

"Mmmm, such a charming young man. I see why Kami is smitten with you."

"She is," I asked.

"Mmmhmm," she replied, sipping her wine.

"I'm beginning to think a lot of her too, Angie. Even considering we haven't known one another long."

"Bradley, my dear, you two have already shared more of yourselves than most young people do in a year. Just let things happen and don't worry about how they happened," she smiled. Hearing her call me Bradley sent shivers down my spine. It reminded me so much of the way my Mom said it.

Kami returned with two glasses of wine. She handed one to me.

Angie raised her glass and proposed a toast, "To new friends and lovers." Our glasses clinked together and we all took a sip. I'd never had white wine much, but I found it quite enjoyable.

Angie led us to another sitting area. Kami sat next to me on a couch, and Angie in a chair to our right. Kami was holding my hand against her silky thigh. We chatted for a while as we sipped our wine, and I found the two of them telling me things that helped fill some of the periphery I'd been curious about. Before I noticed it, the clock over the mantle read almost 9:00.

During a pause in the conversation, I asked, "Where's David?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, after Richard was called away, I thought it might be nice for the three of us to have a little more intimate gathering. David decided to attend a party at Kyle's house," Angie explained. Her smile could have set me ablaze.

"Yeah, you don't mind just the three of us, do you," Kami asked.

"No, of course not," I replied.

"Good," she smiled. She leaned over and kissed me hungrily. I broke away briefly to place my wine glass on the table in front of the couch. When I returned, I took Kami's face in my hands and kissed her passionately. I felt Angie join us on the couch, sitting to my right. Her hand touched my thigh and rubbed me. I turned to face her and saw her smiling.

"You two kiss like you're very comfortable with one another," Angie said. I nodded and leaned over to kiss Angie's bright red lips. My hand moved up her silky thigh as our tongues dueled and darted in one another's mouths.

"Mmmm," she said. "You're a very passionate young man. Kissing is such an important part of making love, never forget that."

"I won't," I said. I felt Kami's hand on my upper thigh, just before she cupped my cock in her hand. I turned back to her and we kissed again. I was in a daze as I sat there between these two beautiful women. Mother and daughter. Possibly my aunt and cousin. We kissed and touched one another. I felt like I couldn't keep up, I was just overwhelmed with the back and forth of the situation. Thankfully, Kami moved over to straddle my lap so that she could be closer to the action. That simplified matters significantly. I watched in awe as mother and daughter kissed, just as passionately as they'd been kissing me. My cock seemed to swell more, just from the sight of that.

"We should move to the bedroom," Angie suggested. "We'll be much more comfortable."

I nodded my agreement. Kami got off my lap and took my hand. I, in turn, took her mother's hand as Kami led us to Richard and Angie's bedroom. It was a luxurious master suite, and the huge bed looked so warm and inviting. I remembered back to Richard telling me the story of the Bennett family's first night in this bed. I was about to experience something equally pleasurable, I was sure. We arrived at the foot of the bed. I stood with Angie in front of me and Kami behind me. Kami took the collar of my jacket and pulled it off my shoulders and down. With a sultry smile, her mother began to unknot my tie. When it was unknotted, she pulled me by the two ends to her ruby-red lips. As we kissed, Kami's hands were busy untucking my shirt and unbuckling my belt.

When she was finished, Kami grabbed my hips indicating I should turn to face her. I kissed her hungrily as her hands worked the buttons of my shirt. Not to be forgotten, Angie's hands roamed over my body starting at my shoulders, before gradually working their way down my sides and forward towards my abdomen. They were quickly inside my boxers, stroking my cock and rubbing my balls. I could have died then and felt I'd lived a full life. The sheer pleasure of being there sandwiched between those two beautiful women was something I knew I'd smile about on my death bed.

Kami's soft hands finished with my shirt and it joined my jacket on the floor. Angie urgently pushed my slacks and boxers down as well. I soon had four hands working my cock and balls, and working they were. I was afraid they were going to make me cum and they were still dressed. I found the zipper on the back of Kami's dress and unzipped it. The sheer dress hit the floor of its own volition. I ran my hands down her sides and realized she was wearing neither bra or panties. I had to smile.

"Do you never wear underwear," I asked.

"Most of the time, I thought they might get in the way tonight, though," she purred, as she kissed me again. "Mom is way overdressed, don't you think?"

I nodded my agreement and I turned to focus on Angie. The movement broke their manipulation of my cock, giving me a much-needed breather. Kami and I took turns kissing her beautiful mother and one another. Our hands roamed over Angie's body. We paid distinct attention to her heaving breasts and the soft mound of her womanhood as we touched her through her silky, red dress. I took the material in my hand and slowly balled it up, drawing the hem up further to her waist. All the while, never interrupting the torrid kissing I shared with her and her gorgeous daughter. I finally found the hem and my searching fingers found the wetness of her bare sex. I cupped her pussy and moved my hand over it slowly. The day in Richard's office had not allowed my much time to get acquainted with her. I knew I would be much more familiar by the end of the night.

Following my lead, Kami's hand joined mine rubbing her mother's sex. She intertwined her fingers in mine and we kissed greedily as our fingers roamed her mother's most intimate spot. Our middle fingers entered Angie's wetness and we moved them around causing her to moan.

"Oh, you two are driving me crazy," she groaned.

I was kissing her on the neck and I tilted my head. I whispered in her ear, "Good."

Kami directed our hands back towards her mother's love button and we both lightly teased it. Angie was loving our touch and I longed to lay her back on the bed so I could taste her. Finally, I had to tell Kami.

"Baby, I really want to eat her pussy," I said.

"Mmmm, good," Kami replied with a sexy smile.

Kami quickly unzipped her mother's dress. Angie had worn a sexy lace bra, but it hit the floor in short order. We directed Angie back on the bed, where she propped herself up on pillows. Kami laid beside her mother and began rubbing her breasts as I crawled up the bed like a lion creeping up on prey. I looked longingly at Angie's wet gash. I slowed my approach at her knees and started placing gentle kisses on her stocking covered legs. I alternated back and forth between the two, as I worked my way up. I saw that the two of them were kissing again. Soft, slow, and gentle as Kami's hands roamed over Angie's breasts, her fingers casually tweaking her mother's erect nipples.

I'd made it to the lace tops of her stockings, when I saw Kami's hand glide down over Angie's wet sex. Her index and middle fingers quickly disappeared inside. When they came back out, they glistened with her mother's thick nectar. Kami reached further down and offered her wet fingers to me. I smiled and slowly licked her thin fingers, before taking them in my mouth and sucking them clean. Angie tasted delicious, and despite wanting to be patient, I found myself moving so that I could get my mouth on her.

I kissed her outer labia, as I took in her aroma. She moaned lightly from my ministrations as well as those provided by her daughter. My tongue slowly traced around her full outer lips, while gradually working my way in towards her creamy center. When my tongue contacted her inner lips, she groaned. I slowly licked and savored her, much as I had tried to do with the wine earlier in the evening. Her nectar flowed from her and much like with her daughter's, I couldn't get enough of it. Kami's hand patted and stroked my head briefly before her mother's hands joined hers. I loved their encouraging touch.

Angela drew her legs back towards her and placed her stocking clad feet on my shoulders, opening her sex to me, even more. I saw her hard clit peeking out at the top. I moved up slowly towards it, taking my time to enjoy the journey. When I finally reached it, I circled her love bud with my tongue, causing her to push against my shoulders with her feet, pushing her sex up in my face. It brought her ass up off the bed and I swiftly seized the opportunity and dove in to her ass, tongue first.

"Oh, well, hello," I heard her say in surprise. I ran my tongue over her forbidden little hole, exploring. I looked up from my position and saw them both watching me with rapt attention. I'd never imagined doing something like that, but there I was, doing it to the second woman in as many days. Angie responded much like Kami had. There had been an initial uneasiness with them both, but they had quickly gotten into it. I didn't know exactly how it made them feel, but I would do anything for them and I wanted them to know that.

"Mmmm, that really feels nice," Angie purred.

"Told you," Kami replied.

As I continued to eat her ass, my fingers teased and strummed her hard clit. She was much less sensitive than Kami and my initial caution was greeted by moans of "harder, Bradley" from Angie. She was getting more worked up so I licked my way back up through her wet folds. My mouth encircled her clit, so that I could lick and suck it. Angie loved that and she held my head tightly against her. She was even more forceful than Kami and I found it to be a tremendous turn-on.

"Mmmm, that's it Bradley. Don't stop, suck that clit baby. Suck it, you're gonna make me cum," she groaned. I didn't stop, I only increased my efforts. My tongue and mouth went into overdrive pushing her excitement higher and higher. Her hips thrust against my face and I fought to keep my mouth on her. I loved it! I felt her tense and her hands gripped me even tighter.

"Nnnnggghhhh," she gasped. "Oh, goddamn, I'm cumming!" Her breath came rapidly and she released her death grip on me. I looked to see Kami gently kissing her lips, as she slowly relaxed. I moved away from her clit and focused on the wetness between her pussy lips until she calmed down. I felt her take my head again.

"Mmmm, come up here," she said. I crawled my way up to her and she kissed me ravenously. She turned to Kami, "I think he's a keeper."

Kami leaned over and kissed me, before saying, "So, do I."

"Your turn now, Bradley," Angie said. She suggested I lay down between them. I watched as mother and daughter kissed their way down my body. I couldn't imagine what this was going to be like. Kami got there first and began to lick her way slowly around the head of my cock. I reveled in the gentle pleasure she was giving me. Angie's hand joined the action, stroking me sensually. I just watched them as they both looked at me.

Kami took me in her mouth and greedily sucked me. I saw Angie look at her daughter and smile, before she looked back up at me.

"I think she likes you a lot," Angie said.

"I really like her a lot too, and not just for that," I replied.

"Mmmm," Kami responded.

My mind swam with the emotions I was having for this gorgeous girl, but I kept reminding myself that it was too soon, wasn't it? I looked in her eyes and I could almost sense that she was thinking the same things. I smiled at her and her eyes blinked in response. She was so beautiful, and she might be my cousin.

She worked my cock slowly, driving me crazy with desire for her. I longed to pleasure her the way she was doing to me. Soon, I reminded myself. Angie had maneuvered herself between my thighs and began licking my balls as Kami's mouth continued to work my shaft. They made a marvelous team. The more I looked at Angie, the more I kept seeing my Mom's face down there with Kami. I leaned back into the pillows trying to restrain myself from cumming.

Kami suddenly increased her tempo and I realized I had no chance. I moaned, signally my desperate condition. Mother and daughter moved in for the kill. Their loving mouths sucked and licked me, urging me along. I felt it coming. I gasped.

"Oh, that's so good. I'm gonna cum, ugh!!!"

Kami pulled up until just the head was in her mouth. Her slender hand stroked my shaft, coaxing the cum from my cock. I erupted in her mouth like I'd never felt. She kept sucking until she was sure I was empty. When she released me, she licked her lips before crawling up to kiss me.

"I'm sorry that's just the first time I've done that for you," she said, sheepishly.

I took her in my arms and squeezed her tightly. "It was well worth the wait," I replied. We continued to kiss passionately. We couldn't stop ourselves.

"Ahem," Angie said. "You two can go to Kami's room if you want." She was smiling at us.

"Oh, sorry," I said, with a smile of my own.

"It's quite all right, you two seem to have something brewing between you," Angie said.

"Get up here," Kami said, reaching for her mother's hand.

Angie joined me and I found myself sandwiched between the two stocking clad beauties. The three of us kissed, as they ran their hands over me. I again reminded myself that I needed to get to the gym more often. The attention my body was getting was well worth it.

We gradually started to talk.

"You know, I'm almost 45 years old, and that was the first time I've ever had my ass eaten, young man," Angie said.

"I'm still new to it myself," I laughed.

"So, I hear," came her reply.

"I loved it," Kami agreed. "It made me feel really good and special."

"Good, you are, baby," I smiled, before kissing her.

"Mmmm, so are you," Kami replied.

I loved having a beautiful woman in each arm, kissing and caressing them both. I thought what it would be like have my mom in one arm and Kami or Angie in the other. My cock twitched and began to rise. Angie noticed it first.

"Recuperated, are we," she asked.

"Yeah, it's hard not to, with you two gorgeous treasures in my arms," I said.