Watching Him Back Ch. 02


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"Aaron." It's half a plea, half a warning. You promised.

With a sigh I sit up and straddle Crispin's thighs. My dick is right next to his, and it's about the best thing I've ever felt, next to when Crispin had it in his mouth. "I really do want to go down on you. Even your precum tastes good."

Crispin's eyes go wide and he covers his face with his hands. "Oh my god, how can you just say that?"

I grin. "It's the truth."

"I told you what I want," he counters from behind his palms.

"You can have both a blowjob and real sex, you know," I inform him, impatience leaking into my tone. "They aren't mutually exclusive."

"I know, it's just," he takes a deep breath and peeks at me between his fingers. "It's my first time, and a lot of virgins can't, you know, get off..." he trails off.

I hadn't really thought about that. "You think it'll hurt that bad? Crispin, we don't have to—"

"No!" he exclaims, sitting up. "I want to. I mean, I've had a hard-on for the last thirty minutes."

So he had, and I want to touch it. Well, who the fuck am I to refuse such a pretty face? "I'm up for it if you are, if you know what I mean," I leer, twirling an imaginary mustache. "I'm talking about my penis."

Crispin giggles and hits me. "Bad at jokes."

I fall on top of him with a groan. "Oh, my god, you are so fucking cute." Our dicks are nestled together briefly, mine getting slippery from his. All too soon Crispin wriggles out from under me with a laugh.

"I'm too wound up, you can't touch me," he confesses, blushing.

Fine. Then let's get to the good part. I lean over and grab a condom and the lubricant. The latter I hand to Crispin so I can concentrate on fitting the rubber over my erection.

"Did you buy this yourself?" he asks, eyeing the bottle.

"Yep, in a drugstore on the other side of the city." It had been pretty humiliating, but at least the clerk hadn't batted an eye. "So, how do you want to do this?"

Crispin just turns the bottle over in his hands. There's something he isn't quite willing to ask of me.

"Here." I lie down next to him. "You can be on top."

With an expression of relief Crispin climbs over me, mimicking my earlier position. He uncaps the lubricant and pours a generous amount onto my cock. "This might not be pretty," he warns as he glides his hand up and down clinically, like he isn't giving me a handjob.

"I know. I've seen porn before." As long as he doesn't fart, because that would make me laugh, which would crush him.

Dark eyebrows drawn together, Crispin stares at my shiny, latex-encased penis. "Okay," he whispers, probably to himself. "Okay."

As much as I want to ease the tension by yelling, "Get on my dick, bitch!" in Isaac Hayes voice, I resist. Instead I grab Crispin's arm and I tug him forward. My shaft is right in the crack of his ass as he crouches over me, and from the look on his face he is very, very conscious of it.

"Hey," I say softly, and lean up to kiss him. His mouth is so hot, and soft, and smooth; I still haven't figured out why he tastes so good. With his knees pressed firmly against my sides Crispin kisses me passionately, the kind of kiss that makes my toes curl and my cock twitch. His small fingers still hold my shaft tight; I don't know if he's rubbing his ass against it consciously, but it's driving me wild.

Crispin's tongue leaves my mouth long enough to trail down my neck, over my collarbone and finally he closes his teeth around a nipple. It's a shock to my system that runs directly to my cock, and I tell him, "Unless you want to wait for boner number three, you'd better hurry up."

"Don't rush me," Crispin pouts playfully, but he's pleased with the effect he's having on me. He takes my hand and places it on my dick. "Hold it right there."

"Copy," I respond dutifully. Crispin balances himself with one hand on my stomach and uses the other to guide my cock to his hole. Sweat makes his body glow and his ponytail falls over his shoulder to tickle my chest. Crispin's thighs are shaking as he holds himself over me, trying to work my dickhead into his ass. I'm afraid I'll shoot again before I can get inside, but I'm equally afraid of hurting him.

"Take it easy," I encourage.

Crispin raises a brow. "Thanks, coach," he says sarcastically. "This doesn't humiliate me at all."

Oops. "It shouldn't," I counter, keeping my tone smooth. "You're about the hottest thing I've ever seen." The words might be platitudes, but I mean them. The pop of each muscle, Crispin's grip on my shoulder, the way he bites down on his lower lip, the inky spill of his hair over his chest—I'll never want for masturbation material again.

Crispin grins at me, and suddenly my glans pops in his asshole. His eyes go wide. We stare at each other for a second. Holy fuck, we are doing it. This is anal sex, for real. I let go of my dick and touch his smooth buttocks, the curls on his sac, and his quivering thighs in awe. I don't know what my face is telling him, but Crispin's is indecipherable.

"Are you okay?" I ask. He answers with a nod. His eyes shut tight as he slowly lowers himself on me, and it's so tight and hot and the best thing I've ever felt in my life. Before I know it Crispin's balls are resting on my pelvis and my entire shaft is buried inside him. Only sheer force of will keeps me from coming right there.

"Okay, you can touch me," Crispin says in a strained voice, "but don't move for a little bit." I obey, using only my fingertips to keep him hard and dripping. With his lip firmly between his teeth and his brown drawn tight, Crispin gingerly begins to lift up again.Oh, god, don't come, don't come, I order myself. The pressure around my shaft is unbelievable, shocking, intoxicating. Crispin sets a steady pace, using me to fuck himself; his face changes with each rise and fall. As hard as I search I can find no pain in his expression, only the same urgency I feel, that soul-consuming drive to come and come hard. Crispin speeds up, leaning forward a little more to arch his back. God, he's beautiful.

"You're fucking sexy," I pant. Crispin smiles down at me as he works his hips back and forth. His dick looks like a dark extension of my own, sliding up and down my stomach with every one of my thrusts. His expression is focused and intense; brows drawn together and lip fixed between his teeth. The urge to see him lose that concentration is too much to bear. I grab Crispin's shoulders. "Hang on."


Despite his confusion he clings to me as I lever us up and turn him on his back. Now with his head in the middle of the bed Crispin has nothing to hold onto but me and the sheets. My hips move as though on a piston, driving my cock into his hot center with a force that knocks the breath from his lungs.

I know exactly when I've hit his spot. Crispin's dark eyes fly open and lock onto mine and he gasps. Words flow soundlessly between us—right there. Again, there. I interlock my fingers behind his neck and thrust faster. My skin is tingling, my vision tight. Crispin's fingernails bite into my ass with a slick pleasure-pain that spurs me to ignore my burning muscles.

"I'm going—" he gasps. The thought is only half-realized in our frenzy, but I wrap one hand tightly around Crispin's engorged shaft. Once, twice, and he's coming, not thick white like in the shower, but thin, steamy, rocket-fast spurts that hit my chest and chin. "Ah!"

With that Crispin's ass clamps tight, fuck, it's all I need to jump off the cliff after him, paralyzed mid-flight by the white wash of my orgasm. For a moment everything disappears as I come inside him, shaking with every jet of cum that leaves my body.

Just as quickly it comes crashing back down, and I collapse onto Crispin with a whoosh of air from my lungs.

"Hot damn," he says as he rubs the back of my neck.

I am a virgin no more. Hot damn indeed. "This might be my inexperience talking," I inform him, "but you are one amazing fuck."

He laughs. "That was pretty awesome." For a moment we lie there, exhausted stuck together by sweat and Crispin's cum, breathing hard to the rhythm of the music.

Finally I find strength enough pull out and roll over to toss the condom. "Hot damn, that one kind of took it out of me. As much as I want to go for round three, I think I need a break."

I look over my shoulder to see Crispin stretched out on the rumpled covers, on hand behind his head and the other resting on his washboard stomach. His smile is small but satisfied. "That was way better than I thought it would be."

I crawl back to lie down next to him. "Me too, and I've been jacking off to the thought for two weeks now."

Opening his eyes Crispin gives me a funny look.

"What did I say?"

He drops his gaze, choosing instead to trail his fingertips down my side. It's gentle, intimate, and I really like it. "Tonight the light of love is in your eyes, but will you love me tomorrow?" Crispin sings softly.

This has to be the first time I've ever heard a guy use pop hits from the 60s to express his feelings. I look over at him. "Are you going to be cool with being my dirty little secret?"

Shit. I hurt those old timey girl group feelings of his. Crispin's brow furrows and he bites his lip. "Uhm, ah, eh..."

"Tell me the truth, Crispin," I order, adding a poke to his side for levity.

"No!" he blurts, then looks away. "I mean, I don't need you graffiti your undying love for me across the bleachers, if that's what you're asking."

"That's not what I'm asking," I explain, feeling weirdly desperate. "I mean, for me, coming out is pure strategy. Like, I told you that I can't come out to the people around me until at least college, because I can't have it getting back to my parents. And before you call me a coward, know that I've kind of dug a hole for myself in my social circle. Like, Jay and them's parents are all friends with mine, and they gossip like girls. I'm not ashamed of you and I'm not ashamed of me. You can tell your friends if you trust them to keep it off Twitter and fucking Facebook. Again, my parents keep up." I can hear myself talking and I sound like a complete douche bag. Do I really have to be that guy? Unfortunately, I don't see any other way.

Crispin nods thoughtfully. "So you want to fuck me on the sly."

"Yes. But only if you are okay with it." And I very badly want him to be okay with it.

He heaves a weighty sigh. "Whatever. High school relationships aren't meant to last, anyway. I'm going to design school in New York."

I grin. "And I'll be at Berkley, majoring in some jacked up shit like Letters."

Crispin turns over and drapes himself over me, pillowing his head on my chest. "You are the best and most disappointing thing to happen to me this year."

"Really?" I ask, running my fingers over the shorn skin around his ear. "Those diaper pants were a pretty low point."

"Jerk. Those were totally in style."

I smile, but I'm starting to feel a little melancholy, too. "I really like you," I say, realizing that I mean it; I always thought he was smart and hot in a weird way, but I like his kind of bitchy defensive attitude, that he knows songs from the 60's, and that he doesn't reek of overconfidence like my usual crowd. I like that he can get to me, even if he hasn't figured that out yet, and that he's comfortable in his skin. I like his teeth, his lips, the angular cut of his jaw and his Last of the Mohicans haircut. I like the way he walks, and the underneath his wrist flicks and sashay is a fighter, a secret martial artist. I just plain like him.

Crispin lifts his head and raises an eyebrow. "You don't need to sound so disappointed."


"No, I get it," he says, and then looks down shyly. "I feel the same way. Like, I've kind of liked you for a while."


"No, I mean like liked you." His skin is a dusky pink. "Like, you were my jock fantasy. I hung out in the back of P.E. all year to watch you."

Really? That makes me feel fucking awesome, considering I'm not the hottest or most popular guy in school. "That was your subconscious smelling my gay."

"Hah, yeah, maybe."

Should I tell him that I thought he was hot even when I thought he'd be thin and doughy under his clothes? Or that I've been completely aware of him this whole time, and was glad he was the one looking? Sure, it isn't the same sentiment, but it means something. Then again, I kind of like seeing him like this, bashful and unsure of himself.

"Okay, so let's say we're like, dating on the sly, or whatever," I say instead of confessing all my secrets at once. "Lay me some ground rules."

When Crispin looks into my eyes from this close his lashes remind me of butterfly wings. "Like what?" he asks slowly.

"Like..." I think for a moment. "I'll keep my friends off your back as much as I possibly can."

He nods, pursing his lips. "Ah, okay. But I'm the one who's on the bottom rung of the social ladder. If you're all ignoring me at school, how will I know that you even still like me?" Crispin's expressions says he immediately regrets admitting that concern. "I mean, I like having sex with you."


"Shut up." He flicks my chest. "But I don't want to feel used, and I know that's going to happen if you never acknowledge me during the day."

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" I demand, tugging on his ponytail for emphasis.

"I don't know. Like, every now and then, just go with your gut?"

"Like detention hickeys?" I can do so much worse than hickeys. So much worse.

He's trying not to smile. "Something like that."

"Okay. I can do that."

"Hey." Crispin catches my lower lip between his fingers, narrowing his eyes. "That look tells me you're plotting something. I actually meant just do that bro-dude head nod at me or smile or something in the hall. Don't get carried away. "

"I won't." I will. "Don't worry." Oh, the things I will do to him.

He sits up with a laugh and rolls his eyes. "You're full of shit, Aaron, you know that? Now feed me cold pizza and show me how to play one of your video games."

Now that he mentions it, I'm already hungry again. "I'm warning you," I tease, "I'm going to spank your ass at every one of these games."

Crispin bats his eyelashes at me from the bathroom door. "Treat a boy right and he might let you spank his ass in bed." He shuts the door.

I'm getting a woody.

He opens it to poke his head out. "While doing it doggy style, and you can pull my hair."

Hot damn.

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Dragonfly424Dragonfly424about 8 years ago
This is beautiful.

Glad I found it.

compsoncompsonalmost 10 years ago

You are a wonderful writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
yet again

i find Aaron's inner monologue absolutely fucking hilarious, and i love Crispin's taunts at the end. that last mental image so make this my favourite chapter and i cannot wait for number 4

MoreRudeThanYouMoreRudeThanYouover 12 years ago
Will there be more?

I keep re-reading these two chapters over and over. I love these guys! Please please please write more for them! <3

kuroukiphoenyxkuroukiphoenyxover 12 years ago

Next mean now...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
love it so far..

glad to see that familiar writing style here are awesome!

AkshunLoveAkshunLoveover 12 years ago

I love them both!! Sometimes, first person narrators are totally forgotten and it's the character the narrator is seeing that is deep and rich and alive—not so with this story. Aaron is charming, flawed, hot, horny, deep, smart and different. Those two are just perfect together :) i absolutely love this story and it was so fucking hot!! You absolutely cannot stop there! You have to go on! I even like the fact that neither character is expecting it to last, that they both anticipate problems, that although they're not expecting much, they both still want it really badly. That's why it would be kinda nice if fate surprised them by having their relationship last, withstanding the secrecy of highschool, the long distance of college. God, I'd love to read a phone sex scene between them. "Ohhhfuck, Crispin…cum all over your phone for me!" and Crispin blushes bright red at the suggestion but does it anyway, having an intense, kinky orgasm… yeah, okay. Now I want to write the scene myself :P or do what I did with Frathouse Troopers and beg you to let me write Crispin's POV ;)

Only criticism is the amount of spelling, omission and grammatical errors, but really they aren't that bad. It's worse when someone is repetitive in sentence structure and vocab. However, this story, stylistically and narratively speaking, flowed from start to finish :)

1brokNangel1brokNangelover 12 years ago
MORE PLZE !!!!!!!!!

I would love to read more about Aaron and Crispin what happens next ????? Plze write more , let them have some kind of happy ending....

MoreRudeThanYouMoreRudeThanYouover 12 years ago

I have been watching and waiting for this chapter. I am completely in love with these characters. I can see them, hear them, feel them, it's awesome. You're an -amazingly- gifted writer. I want more, more, more!! of Crispin and Aaron.

bluebird22bluebird22over 12 years ago

Your just fucking awesome. Yep.

CMfromSwedenCMfromSwedenover 12 years ago

I agree with everything AzanianHeat says !!! I lover your writingstyle and can't wait for more.. You are definitely one of my favourite writers here on Literotica

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Really well done. You capture the emotions and how unsure you are the first time so well. You are developing them nicely. I just feel like Crispin is gonna get the low end of the bargain. I believe Aaron has his reasons to keep his being gay a secret but I think that by hiding the relationship, Crispin won't be able to help feeling cheap. We'll see. I find it hard to believe that his mom wouldn't suspect something when Crispin walks in looking like he did. I mean, lets be honest that his mom has to knwo this is not her son's type of friend.

I look forward to next

AzanianHeatAzanianHeatover 12 years ago
Brilliant style

I love the way you write.

Your style is sharp and to the point, without ever feeling rushed. And it's bloody clever. Humour carries weighty issues forward without trivialising them; and every nuance of the deepest emotions is sketched innovatively, without even the slightest melodrama. Your instinctive ability to tantalise and entertain while simultaneously spearing me through my very core has me hooked. It would appear that I've stumbled upon a veritable magician.

Hot damn.


atheistinokietownatheistinokietownover 12 years ago
the best combo

Sweet, intelligent, endearing characters, kick ass writing, great plot and an amazing sense for comedic timing! Love it, and can't wait for more!

Cia81Cia81over 12 years ago
Nicely done

It's funny, you throw some emotion into the story and some realism at times. I did like the chapter. The only thing that bothered me about the sex was the whole, no prep work before penetration. I totally get the 1 finger, 2 finger, 3 finger GO! thing is way overdone but not stretching before anal sex would hurt like an SOB, especially for a virgin. Fact of life, anal sex hurts sometimes and if not done properly, all the time. However, that is a tiny detail and overall the story was really well done. Good job!

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