Watching My Mum Go Jack Ch. 02

Story Info
Finlay deals with the mother of all hangovers.
5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 11/24/2016
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Chapter 2: Showers always help with a hangover

Finlay woke to a groggy head and some twinges in his hip and shoulder. He reached up to the shelf above his bed to grab his phone from its usual resting place, but instead he found the frame of his bed and remembered he was sleeping on the floor. This triggered his memory of last night and her quickly withdrew his arm back into the sleeping bag. Cautiously, he looked over to Jack's bed and saw it empty, both of its usual inhabitant and any... visitors.

He carefully sat up, slowly rolling the shoulder that had not fared well from sleeping on the hard floor. As his eyes made it past the top of the mattress, he saw his mother was not in his bed, and he glanced around the room to check he really was alone. Without Jack or his mother here, he felt some tension ebb from his mind as he now had time to take stock of last night and really think about what he witnessed; was it even real? Was it a dream? Had he imagined some parts? Had he seen another woman in Jack's bed and addled a little by alcohol he filled in the rest with a preposterous scenario?

Whilst his fear that what he had seen really happened began to wane, a different anxiety took its place. Where was his mother? If that hadn't been her, then what had happened to her last night? He could see her heels and coat in the corner of the room, so he was sure she had actually been in this room at some point. He opened his wardrobe and saw her suitcase, which he opened to find her dress neatly folded on the top layer.

OK, that was a good sign. There were still now the questions of what he had seen - or more likely imagined - last night, and for that he'd need to get the story from his mum. Maybe she'd headed out this morning, but without her coat that seemed less likely. He glanced around the room to see her bag sitting on the floor by the foot of his bed, further confirming she was somewhere in his halls right now.

He grabbed his phone from the shelf he normally kept it to charge and saw it was coming up to 9am. Definitely far too early for Jack to be up on a Saturday, even some weekdays he barely got out of bed by 10. He went to call his mother, but as he looked over to Jack's bed to double check he definitely wasn't there, he saw Jennifer's phone charging, next to Jack's. He walked over to it and clicked the screen on to see quite a few notifications from various apps, and two messages from his dad, unread. It was also on 4% battery, which suggested she had only just plugged it in.

Nothing really screamed out to Finlay as clear evidence of what had happened and what was going on now. He wondered if he should just head up to the kitchen and grab some breakfast and wait for his mum to get back. She was most likely in the toilet, or gone to the kitchen herself, probably, but hopefully not, with Jack.

He went towards the door and picked a hoodie off from the hooks over the radiator when it clicked that Jack's garish towel wasn't hanging over it. It had Jack's favourite football team's badge on it and having such an overt piece of football paraphernalia had been a red flag to Finlay, quite literally in this case thanks to Arsenal's team colours.

He went back to his mum's suitcase and saw her own small travel towel was gone. OK, that explains where they were. Just sit tight and wait for her to get back. That would have been the most sensible thing to do, but the mental image of his mother's legs wrapped around 'Jackers' torso plagued him. He'd have to pass the short corridor down to the men's washrooms on the way up to the kitchen anyway. He could poke his head in and see if Jack was there. He'd rather speak to his mum first, but deducing the sparse clues around the room it was most likely that his mum had spoken to Jack this morning, plugged in her phone then got directions to the women's showers.

'Hey Jack, hope you had fun last night. Didn't see my mum around this morning, have you? Just tell her I'll be up in the kitchen if you do,' he practiced saying in his head, trying to sound natural. He didn't know why he needed to try to sound natural, but he felt incredibly on edge right now.

He left the room with a deep breath. It wasn't a long walk to the washrooms, but it was enough to increase his anxiety again. Nothing had happened, he was being stupid, but it all seemed too real, such a vivid dream. Then again, whilst he had been tipsy, he surely can't have been drunk enough to have invented that vision.

He came to the set of doors into the men's washroom, heading through the outer door first to a feeling of increasing nervousness, which got so much worse as he slowly pushed the inner door open, his arm shaking as it extended.

There was no one at the sinks, but Jack's red towel was draped over door of the furthest shower stall. Finlay let out a sigh and gave a brief thought to going over and knocking, but Jack would probably just make some shitty joke about Finlay wanting to join. No, he just needed to drink some water, have some cereal, wake up a little more, then head out for the day and spend some quality time with his mother who had not fuck...

'FUCK!' he thought as his eyes caught the sight of a small black towel, the microfiber travel towel he was almost certain was his mum's. It was on the towel rack opposite the last three stalls, below which was Jack's sports bag.

It was a pretty generic looking black towel. There was only one shower on. They were in the men's shower room. His mind had threatened to jump to a conclusion that was the worst possible interpretation of the evidence. As slowly and as quietly as Finlay could manage, he snuck into the neighbouring stall. The noise of the shower seemed to obscure the faint sound of his bare feet on tiles and the gentle thud of the stall door closing, so he was sure he hadn't alerted whoever was next to him - surely just Jack, on his own, no one else - that he was next door.

He fished his phone from his pocket and went to the camera mode, but then realised that it was obviously far safer to investigate using the 'analogue way'. He crouched down, then went onto one knee and an elbow, allowing his head to get down far enough that he could see under the gap between the stalls. It was a big space, enough to fit a hand through comfortably, so he was able to clearly see the feet of the people, plural, who were showering together.

One pair of feet looked strong, athletic, reasonably hairy. The other pair were smaller, dainty, smooth, with neatly pained toenails. Definitely a couple; if it wasn't obvious enough from the fact they were together in a shower stall, naked, it was reinforced to Finlay by their stance. The woman's feet were gently tucked between the man's in a way that very much suggested an embrace, likely a kiss.

Then it got worse. A happy giggly laugh pierced through the background noise of cascading water and the woman got down to her knees. Finlay stood up as fast as he could without making any noise. His stomach and heart fell so fast that it felt like he'd left them down in his crouched position.

"Fuck..." he whispered.

Falling back to his riskier first plan, he went to his phone and opened the camera app again. Holding his device in front of him, he could see how much his hand was shaking. Still, he flipped the phone to selfie mode and took a deep breath.

'OK go!' he thought to himself as poked the front facing camera over the top of the stall's dividing wall. The camera took a second to focus but when it did, in clear gut-wrenching HD quality was Jack standing over Finlay's mother. The end of Jack's large dick was past his mum's lips as she eagerly pleasured him with her mouth.

Finlay ignored both the queasiness in his belly and the twitch of his own smaller, flaccid dick as he held the camera steady. He watched as Jack leant forward and reached out to catch himself on the handrails that were attached to the stall walls. Finlay felt the divider next to him shake as Jack's hand grabbed the rail, and it made him even more aware this was really happening next to him, it wasn't just a video on his phone.

His mum's face was obscured by Jack's torso and Finlay felt frustration. He knew he should either leave them be or try to stop them but morbid, sick curiosity wanted him to keep watching, keep filming.

His mum was the one betraying his dad, betraying him, and messing around with a guy literally young enough to be her son but Finlay knew he was in the wrong right now. A pervert, a voyeur, a creep.

He ignored the semi-erection that was growing in his pants and paused the recording. With less fear and more determination to see his mother sucking off his roommate. He got down low again and saw his mum's legs. He lay down on the floor, unfazed by the dampness that had spilled over from Jennifer and Jack's stall and got as close as he dared to the gap.

Jack was facing the other way and his mum's face was buried in Jack's crotch, her eyes were probably closed or totally obscured by Jack's stomach as she eagerly licked and sucked his shaft. He could do this. He kept as much of his body in the middle of his own stall and edged his head right up to the bottom of the stall divider.

He couldn't see anything above his mum's chest or above Jack's legs, however, it was shocking to see the real life porn show unfolding in front of him. His mum's ample breasts swung in time to her mouth bobbing along Jack's shaft, sometimes being knocked by her right elbow as her right arm jerked his roommate and now, definitely, enemy's hard dick.

He dared do it. He couldn't help himself. He slid his phone close to the gap, flinching at his own image lying desperately on the floor before swapping it back to the back camera and hitting record.

The vantage point of the camera was better than his own, he could see his mum groping Jack's bum cheek and he saw Jack's hand move from the handrail to the back of her head. He couldn't actually see her head or see her working his shaft with her mouth but what he could see with his eyes and with his phone was disturbingly explicit. Jennifer's legs were closed as she knelt between her new lover's powerful calves and her breasts were only partly visible behind his even more muscular thighs, so this almost passed as a softcore show.

He dared more. Finlay knew it was a risk but he judged that if he kept his phone behind Jack's legs he could get away with it for a few seconds. But just to be safe he tilted the camera up to get a good look at Jack's back. His head was tilted up, moving rhythmically, like he was breathing heavily. Not surprising, even if it was infuriating, as Finlay could tell his mum was giving the blowjob her all.

He gently moved the camera deeper into their stall, keeping it behind the line of Jack's feet. He went as far as his wrist fully passing the line between the stalls and raised the phone up to above ankle height. Jack's hip did still obscure his mum's face, but that was a good thing. As long as he can't see her eyes she wouldn't see his phone. But he could see the back of her head from the side, see Jack's fingers in her hair, see it moving so her lips could caress his erection.

He couldn't see the phone screen very well as he managed to go a little higher, just the button to pause the recording and the button to take a still. He hit the photo button a few times, then addled by the surrealness of the situation decided to push just a little further in and hammer the screen where he thought the photo button was.

For a second, he thought he'd lost grip on the phone but he caught it before it slipped. Panicked, he withdrew his hand as fast as he dared and rolled into the middle of the stall. He could see Jack step away from Jennifer and he quickly scrambled to his feet. He heard the shower go off.

"What's wrong?" Echoed Jennifer's voice.

"Dunno, just thought I saw something," replied Jack.

Finlay thought about dashing out the stall, but he felt it too exposed. As he heard shuffling feet, he decided to push himself up off the ground using the handrails on the dividers and pulled he knees up as high as they could go. He wasn't strong, but luckily his frame meant he was quite light.

"Is there someone next door?" Asked Jennifer, this time in a whisper.

Finlay heard a soft grunt along with more moving feet and figured that he had made the right call, as it sounded like Jack getting back up after looking under the stalls gap.

"No, we're good," answered Jack, speaking at full volume as he continued, "besides, I know people fuck in here all the time."

"Oh really, and by 'people' you mean you right?"

"No, you're my first."

Both Jennifer and Jack laughed. Finlay lowered himself down, his arms aching from the twenty seconds he had to hold himself up. She was openly laughing with Jack about being one of his... sluts... to fuck and toss aside.

"To be fair, you haven't actually fucked me in here yet."

"That's true, I just got carried away with how good your mouth felt."

"Well..." Finlay heard his mother purr, "How does this feel?"

He heard a grunted laugh from Jack and a gasp from Jennifer.

"Fuck, you're wet."

"That's what happens when you suck a big thick cock," moaned Finlay's mum as Finlay bent low.

"Fuck you're a dirty slut aren't you," chucked Jack. Finlay activated the camera function again and could see his mum's feet splayed wide and Jack standing neck to her.

He was fingering her and she sounded very much like she loved it. She was being a dirty slut, like Jack had called her.

"Fuck, that feels good, especially you calling me a slut. I've never really been called that before," said his mother, her voice now a bit breathy.

"I find it hard to believe a slut like you doesn't get called a slut all the time."

"Fuck no, it's just you that makes me so slutty, your fucking dirty slut."

"Is it my big cock that makes you a slut?"

"Uhn... no it's all of you... fuck... I'm cumming Jack."

Finlay knew how fucked up this was. He wasn't even trying to pretend to himself he wasn't excited by this, even if he was angry and ashamed too. He got up quietly, the shower was still off so he didn't have any cover for any noise he might make, but luckily the soft shuffling of his clothes and the light treading of his feet weren't enough to tip off his mum and roommate.

Back in selfie mode he raised his phone until it peeked over the top and he could see his mum lying against the corner of the shower stall, head buried in Jack's shoulder. Jack meanwhile was sucking Jennifer's neck as he used both hands to bring her closer and closer to orgasm; one hand was under her fingers clearly deep inside her the other one pointing downwards, palm against her stomach and middle finger flicking his mum's clit.

"Oh... fuck... Jack...uhnnn..."

Her head whipped up as she moaned, obviously trying to hold it in and Finlay panicked but realised her eyes were scrunched shut. Feeling brave he took a couple of photos then pulled back his phone

"Fuck," he whispered, then poked his camera out from the bottom of the stall, being careful not to knock the stall divider and make a noise.

He didn't get anything near as good as her mid-moan but he caught her toes curling as she continued to gasp uncontrollably.

Her orgasm continued for the best part of a minute, then she laughed happily and he could hear kissing noises.

"OK wow that was a good one, I didn't think I had the energy for that after last night."

More kissing noises came. He'd been filming his mum messing around with Jack for over ten minutes now. He began to consider if he should try to sneak out, but then the door to the shower room opened. He jumped a little before he caught himself and he heard Jennifer and Jack jump too.

Almost immediately, he heard the shower go back on, likely Jack or his mum were trying to hide the fact there were two of them in there. It helped Finlay relax a little too, now that not every tiny noise might give it away that he'd been hiding in the stall next door spying on them. Finlay lowered his phone again so he could use the camera to check on Jack and Jennifer, and this time both feet were pointing the same direction, Jack's between his mother's wide stance.

Despite nearly being caught, Finlay had confidence again and decided since they both seemed to be facing the shower presumably leaning against that wall as his mum let that arrogant, self-important dickhead thrust into her from behind, he could safely film them from behind. He was about to slip the camera above the stall divider when he heard the approaching footsteps of whomever entered the shower room.

For a few seconds he started to panic, wondering if for some reason they would try to enter his stall and realise it was occupied but no one was showering. Would they make a fuss and tip off his mother and Jack? He looked around the stall for options, but obviously none presented themselves.

Then heard the tap going. Whoever it was, they were probably just in here to brush their teeth, and they had to come closer to the end to get to the row of sinks. It was ok.

Aware that if he went too high with his phone he might be visible to the person brushing his teeth, Finlay was careful but still continued with his plan to see Jack and his mum back in action. He watched through his phone screen, in awe and disgust as Jack rolled his hips against Jennifer's. She was desperately clinging to one of the handrails whilst her other hand was pawing at the tiled wall. Jack took a fist full of her hair and pulled her hair back. Her reaction was to hold the wrist of his that was roughly grabbing her and caress it softly, like she was saying 'thanks for treating me like a cheap pornstar.'

"Oi oi! Jackers! Is that you, you Arsenal wanker?" Shouted the guy outside Finlay's stall.

Finlay almost dropped his phone in shock, but, as before, some miracle of reflexes saved Finlay. He did however retreat to the centre of his stall as he heard the squeaking of the taps closing and movement outside as the guy approached the stall next to him.

"Ay! Yeah, that you Briggs?"

"Aye man. Mate, did you shag that MILF last night? She was fucking hot. You've fucked your way through all the girls our age and now you're dicking down some fine older sluts!"

The way Briggs - Andy Briggs from the floor above Jack and Finlay's room - forcefully called Finlay's mum a slut gave him the creeps. But... apparently, she liked that, she liked 'being his slut'.

It was a huge risk, but Finlay snuck the camera up over the divider again. Jack hadn't even stopped. He was fucking Jennifer whilst Briggs talked about her like she was some sort of sex toy. But, clearly, his mum didn't care either... she was holding Jack's hand as he continued to gently gyrate against her.

With a laugh, Jack responded, "You could tell she was a dirty slut from that two-minute chat we had could you?"

"Aye!" Briggs laughed back, "She looked like she'd have jumped you in that bar. You're a fucking lucky cunt. Great taste in women, even if you've got shitty taste in footie."

"Fuck you, Briggs," Jack shouted back as he turned away from Jennifer.

Finlay had just a second to react and hide his phone in case Jack noticed. The door to the shower room swung shut as Briggs left, and, now, believing they were alone, Jennifer and Jack started making more noise. The slapping of skin was just audible over the sound of the shower, as were his mum's soft moans.

He also just about heard them speaking, first Jack, "Sorry, Briggs is probably still a bit drunk!"

Jennifer giggled, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I am too. Besides he's right."

"Oh yeah? That you're a slut?"


Finlay could see his mum nodding; he couldn't resist peeking at them again, and they were both facing the wall again.