Wedding Night with No Wedding


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Frank felt her fingers toy with his hair and he felt the pressure of her hands pushing him closer to her lips, deepening the kiss. He answered her request, opened his mouth wider and together their tongues began to slip and slide along the edges of each other. His fingers ran down her spine and up her back, only to trail back down again. He pushed his tongue in further. She parried and thrusts back with her own until the kiss was no longer slow, but heated and feverish. They pulled apart and Kimberly touched her fingers to her lips. "Wow," she whispered.

"Yes," Frank agreed, before pulling her back to him and repeating the action. This time his hands moved to the curvy ass he'd been studying when she'd first turned away from him. Now he gripped it and hauled her tightly against him. "I've not been this hard in years," he told her after leaving her mouth and taking in her right earlobe.

"It feels wonderful," she grinned against his neck as he feasted on her skin. Kimberly bit at his skin and smiled when she heard a deep moan against her ear.

"Again, Kimberly," Frank told her.

She bit him again, this time with a bit more power, but not enough to mark him. "Call me Kim. . .I think we are past the formal name," she said, before sliding her tongue up his neck and then back along his jaw, before stepping away from his embrace.

"Kim," he said back to her, the name falling easily from his wet lips. He watched her move several steps back until she reached the sofa. Her fingers moved to the bottom of her sweater and she slowly raised it over her head, exposing her full breasts and white strapless bra.

Frank swallowed his lust and continued to watch her undress for him. Her fingers slipped down to her waist and she gracefully began to move the material down her hips and thighs, white panties peeked out and the groan that escaped his lips went unnoticed as he moved in and stopped her from removing the last two articles of clothing.

Kim looked up at him, humor in her eyes as she placed her hands to her sides and waited for whatever he had planned. She gazed upon him as Frank undid one button and then another on his shirt then pulled it away from his body. Kim feasted on his chest, the thick splay of white chest hair, was itching to be touched and so she reached out and ran her pink painted fingers up and down his torso.

He gritted his teeth, but allowed her to touch him. Frank trembled as she pressed her palms against his skin. The sensation of her fingers touching him brought a fiery heat to his loins and he felt his cock jerk. He was about to reach down and remove his slacks when he saw and felt Kim doing just that.

The belt was released and Kim looked up to Frank, as she worked free the button and pulled down the zipper, she saw the lust in his eyes and she knew it mirrored her own. She wasn't sure why she was doing this. The man was by all means a stranger to her and she to him. For some reason they had clicked from the first minute he'd said the word, "Miss" and she had looked into his eyes. "I do want to do this," she told him as she slid to her knees and helped him step out of his shoes and then his pants and boxers.

Frank looked at the top of the red haired lovely and ran his fingers through her long, silky locks. "Do whatever you want, just remember,I give as good as I get, or better." He chuckled softly, but the chuckle faded when her mouth immediately took in his swollen shaft. "Ohhh," Frank muttered, his eyes fought to stay open and not roll back and close. He watched the pink lips move down his cock and then back up again as Kim slowly stroked and fondled the base with one hand and his testicles with the other.

Kim kept her fingers moving as well as her mouth. She turned her head to one side, taking him in further, but also allowing herself to see the pleasure of the events cross his face. Her eyes would close briefly as she locked away her own experience and felt her pussy begin to seep the sweet nectar from its home. She moved his cock deeper into her mouth, sucked more firmly and cradled his balls with a gentleness that was sometimes replaced with a firm squeeze.

His cock was burning inside her mouth and his hands gripped the red curls that spilled over her face. He held them away so he could watch her devour him, every inch was welcomed into her moist heaven and when it was pulled away, only to be plunged in deeper, his entire body shook. He could feel his release begging to come out, but he wasn't sure if Kim would want his seed, so he held her up from his cock and looked down on her wet lips. "I'll come soon," he told her. "It has been a while, remember."

Kim smiled and took the one hand that he'd not used to tangle in her hair, but rest on her shoulder and she entwined her fingers with his. She then guided his cock back to her lips and Frank eased up on the pressure in her hair.

Kimberly began a series of deep throating thrusts that slammed and welcomed Frank's cock head into the back of her throat. Over and over she fucked him, her speed increasing and only stopping when she heard him shout out his release and felt the first spring of hot come slap the back of her throat.

"Ahhh," Frank groaned as he pumped his fluids into her eager mouth. He shot a second rope of semen into her waiting home and when a smaller third shot erupted he knew he'd been thoroughly taken. He shuddered as his high subsided and he watched in awe as she cleaned his dick, before sliding up to lick and kiss his nipples.

She stood before him, her face glowing with pride and satisfaction. Frank, moved his hands into her hair and pulled her lips to his. They kissed again, the hunger still there, though it would be sometime before Frank was ready to take the woman again.

"Wonderful," she whispered against his lips. Kim had enjoyed what she'd done immensely. The look of pleasure that had crossed her partner's face was one she'd never seen before. She'd seen men come and she knew that they enjoyed it, but Frank was different, it was as if he came just for her, and no one else. He'd not rushed her or forced her, even gave her the option of stopping, in the end the gift of his seed was just that a gift, an offering, and one she hoped to sample often.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt his strong hands on her hips and she was walked backwards. She trusted him to take care of where they were going and she thought it was the bedroom. When he stopped in the dining room and pushed her back against the table, she shivered in excitement. "Oh fuck," she muttered under her breath as she slipped up to the table and waited for him to command her.

Frank ran his hands up her arms and down her torso, pausing to cup her breasts. "You're beautiful," he told her.

She smiled and shivered with desire as she watched his thumbs tease her nipples. Her eyes looked at his worn hands and she was amazed that the strength she sensed in them. He watched the pale-pink pearls rise up to be noticed. His mouth moved down to taste first the right and then the left. Kim's fingers moved into his hair and she anchored him to her tit. "Oh god! Frank," she moaned as he lapped his tongue over the hardening nub.

He knew her fingers were trembling and the only thing keeping her from slipping to the table fully was the desire to watch him possess her. Frank stopped, kissed the tops of her breasts and then pushed her slowly down. "Close your eyes and feel. I have business to attend to," he told her. His grin sparkled through his beard and he winked at her.

Kim's blush was apparent as she watched him return to feasting from her. In time she found herself unable to watch, to lost in the magic of his touch. "Frank," she whimpered.

Frank's mouth trailed down her collarbone, his tongue taking a path of exploration. He was on a mission, but chose to cover every plane and angle of the woman beneath him. His lips savored the soft flesh on her skin. His tongue connected her freckles with invisible lines of hot moisture and air. He pushed her breasts together and nibbled on the twin mounds, biting one then the other, before taking both nubs into his mouth and sucking on them simultaneously. He heard her gasp and watched her fingers curl into fists. He increased the torment and continued to lavish the twin globes with the attention they deserved.

He released one, held it in his palm and kneaded the fresh globe, while sucking vigorously on the other. "Frank," Kim cried out as he teased her flesh. She opened her eyes looked down at him and watched his teeth begin to further drive her to a frenzied want. He latched onto the hard bead, lifted it with a firm bite and then released it. Her breast bounced and swayed before he captured it and repeated the action over and over.

"What?" he asked, a smirk of wickedness on his lips.

Her eyes grew wide as she watched him move over to the other nipple and tease it as much as he had the first. "I need more," she muttered. One hand moved to the abandoned nipple, she teased it, pulling and twisting the rippled flesh. The other hand slipped to his shoulder and she massaged him, kneading his skin as well as forcefully pushing him down toward her wet sex.

"I'm waiting," he told her as he ran his tongue over the full tit that was under his beard. He nuzzled it with his nose, breathed in her intoxicating scent and slipped his tongue out to travel over her stomach.

Kim growled her frustration and released his shoulder to slam her closed fist onto the table as she thrust her hips up into the air. Her pussy collided with his chest and she knew he was getting closer to the peak of her desire. Her eyes fluttered closed again and she muttered her need for him to take her.

Frank heard the passion, desire, and lust in her voice and he welcomed it. His sex was responding again, but he was in no hurry to plunge into her at least not with his cock.

When Kimberly felt the first hairs of his face touch her sex, she shook at the unique feeling. She'd never had a man with a full beard take her before and now as Frank hovered on the edge of her pussy she found herself wanting to experience every touch and sensation that he was giving her.

His tongue traveled further. His fingers slipped over her thighs and he moved his face to rest perfectly against her slick sex. "God," he whispered against her opening, before his tongue journeyed up and down her juice-covered mound. He licked to the top and then played with the inner flesh, hooking his tongue under it and pulling it up, before sliding back down to push her juices down her slit. He sucked them up, his fingers opening her thighs further as he moved to his knees and pulled her back to him.

Kim gasped as Frank took his time teasing her pussy. Her hands floated to her stomach, trailed up her torso, cupped her breasts and she kneaded them. Her back pushed into the table that was slick with her sweat and her hips rose to offer her partner more of herself.

Frank's mouth opened wider and covered her pussy, his tongue lapped over her, his hot breath blanketed her and he closed his lips over her clit. He sucked, pulled and teased the swollen strip of flesh, while his fingers began to slide up her thighs and over to her increasingly wet cunt. "Delicious," he told her as he plunged two fingers into her opening and began to twist and turn them counterclockwise and then back again.

"Jesus Christ," she hissed as he drove the hard digits into her sex. As she felt each thrust of his hand and pull of his teeth, her body shook with desire and passion. Her juices flowed thick and she begged for more. "Harder! Faster!" she cried out the words over and over as she drew in gasping breaths of air.

Her body was openly exposed to him. She clawed at her flesh while the nails of his fingers scrapped along the inside of her sex. She begged for more and he gave her what she desired when he added a third finger into her slick cunt. "Frank," she screamed as she thrashed underneath him. Kimberly continued to slide and buck against his face, the scratching of his facial hair added to the sensations and she felt her lips being plucked with teasing bites of his teeth as his mouth traveled to the hole her fingers were devouring.

"More Kim, I want more," Frank growled against her pussy. His tongue joined his fingers and he moved around the inside of her, leaving two fingers to tease her cunt. "Give me more, baby." Frank said, before sliding his mouth over her opening.

Kim shouted and squealed, her words inaudible to anyone listening. She bucked against him and screamed that she was coming.

Frank grinned wickedly, removed his fingers and intercepted the hot fluids that rushed out of her. He licked and savored the unique taste, the warm velvet fluid that slithered from deep within her and out to greet his eager lips and tongue. His finger returned and Kim came again for him. He sucked and prodded her with his long fingers and firm tongue until she lay spread open and gasping for breath.

Kim shook as her climax ripped through her. Her eyes had remained clenched tight, her lungs screaming for air, and eventually when her orgasm had erupted her entire being was suspended in time just as it had been when they kissed. Now as he lapped at her soaked pussy, she felt the small tremors of little climaxes run through her and she shivered. The air-conditioning in the hotel room kicked on and soon she was shivering again, this time not just from coming down off an orgasmic high, but from her sweaty flesh becoming cooled by the cold air.

Gentle fingers trailed over her ribs and Kim opened her eyes to gaze up her lover's face. She pulled it down to hers, felt the hairs of his chest press against her breasts and she lifted herself up to kiss his lips. Her tongue moved over his and she tasted her juices that had run freely over his fingers and lips. She felt them caress her and she grinned, knowing that he'd drank deeply of her and she was now enjoying that same delicious flavor, but this time it was mixed with the taste of his mouth.

Frank pulled away and looked down on her beautiful body, his cock was hard again and it was ready to plunge into her. He took her hand, helped her from the table and led her to the bedroom. He watched her leave his side and move to the bed, she pulled the blankets back and climbed in. Kim opened her arms and welcomed him inside, wanting nothing more then to give him what both their bodies craved. There were so many things they could do and she was not going to stop until he told her too. She studied him and knew that his body was built for loving and he had the energy and stamina to show her just how much.

He stepped forward and crawled up her full figure. The coolness of the blankets surrounded them, but soon it became apparent that they were no longer a welcoming coolness, but had become a hot hindrance to their mating.

Frank pushed them with his hands. Kim kicked at them with her feet. When the offending objects lay in a puddle on the floor, Frank concentrated on the woman beneath him. His eyes took in the bright red hair, her dark chocolate eyes, her high cheekbones, and full lips. Frank wondered how long it would take to kiss every freckle that dotted her nose and her chin. She was not covered in them, just a dusting here and there. He continued to gaze upon her, knowing she was doing the same to him.

His cock rested along the slippery velvet lips of her pussy and as Kim ran her hands down his back and up again. Her mouth rising up to bite and suck on his neck, his hand closed over her ass and he caressed the soft flesh. Her fingers moved to his hips, she ground herself against him and begged for more of him with not only her whispered pleas, but with the movements her body made.

Her hand reached between them and grasped his hard staff. He lifted his hips and together they watched as she guided the head of his manhood up and down her swollen lips. She felt him push into her and she gasped in delight as he took command and sank into her sweet folds. "Yes," they both moaned simultaneously. Her hips lifted. His pushed back down into her.

They moved together, first slowly, each one rocking back and forth as the lust inside them burned. Frank captured a bouncing globe with his lips, coaxed the hard bud into his mouth and began to tease and suck on the sweet flesh. Kim's nails dug into his sides, easily locking onto him as she brought her legs up to wrap around him, better anchoring herself to his ever increasing action.

"Oh fuck! Harder, Frank," she cried out. Her hands fell away from his hips and she curled her fingers into the sheets, using them to help her hoist her hips up higher.

"God," Frank groaned as he increased the power of his hips and drove harder into her welcoming cunt. He pumped faster. She begged for more. The sweat on his brow increased as his mouth worked her nipple into a red, hot bead of fire.

She screamed at him to not stop. He refused to give in to the desire to rest. She begged for him to bite and tear at her breasts and Frank did not hesitate to give her what she wanted.

He felt her pussy tighten around him and when she brought her hands up to his hips again, he knew she would be coming. He felt his balls tighten further and when she grabbed him and forced herself up, while he plunged his cock further down into her, they both climaxed together.

Each one screamed out the other's name and each felt the fiery hot syrup coat the other. Frank shuddered as his seed erupted and explored the beautiful creature. Kimberly's come flowed hot and slick over his cock, slid down her pussy lips and coated his balls along side her own slick opening.

"Oh fuck," she gasped as the little rockets of mini-orgasms moved through her. She clung to her lover as she welcomed the little ripples of desire and she found herself moving under him, pumping his softening cock, so she could experience the tiny climaxes again. In time, she was sedated and her lover was pressing kisses upon her sweaty skin. Kim ran her legs down his and then up again. Slowly, her hands caressed his ass, back and shoulders, until she reached his face.

Frank looked up into her dark, brown eyes and lowered his lips to hers. "I do hope you enjoyed your wedding night," he whispered against her ear.

"Mmm. . .yes Frank," she told him. "I think I may need to go on a Honeymoon now. . . would you like to come along?" she asked.

He studied her and saw the seriousness of her question. "I'd be delighted."

They kissed again. He slipped out of her and settled in next to her, bringing her closer to his side. "When does this honeymoon begin?" he asked.

Kimberly chuckled. Her hand ran down his chest and she played with his limp cock. "Perhaps in the morning when we shower together," she whispered.

He grinned and held her tight, he reached around and found a corner of the blanket that was close to the bed. He pulled it up and covered them both with it, before they both faded off to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Get an editor who knows the difference between TO and TOO.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bullshit story

The motel owner saw a thirty year woman in a wedding dress and a sixty seven year old man in a suit come in and rent a room during the afternoon. Why wouldn't the owner assume that the old man was her father rather than her husband? This story is not plausible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Just a note..

I loved the story. Very romantic :).

I couldn't help notice you refer to the wine flowing at dinner. She's pregnant which means she can't have alcohol. I think it's worth you changing around some words to indicate she doesn't drink any.

The other thing.. maybe work in her calling her parents at the hotel. You brought it up earlier in the story and it made perfect sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Very Loving

Very nicely done and a lovely "nice ending." I liked this as well as any of the short stories you have done. It may be a great story, or I might be in a tender mood, heck I don't know but I sure liked it. Lynn

chaser73065chaser73065over 11 years ago
Very nice

This is a very nice story I really enjoyed reading it as I have a majority of yours. I usually don't point out errors but this one made me chuckle in your 7th paragraph from the end or spaces whatever you want to call them after they had sex you said "she was sedated " I think you meant sated as in pleased not drugged and knocked out. I know my spelling and writing are full of errors so I'm not judging I'm not a grammar freak this one just caused me to laugh. Keep up the good work if you ever need a proofreader I would be happy to volunteer I'm actually good at spelling and picking out errors its just punctuation I have problems with.

Yobo36Yobo36over 12 years ago
RedHairedandFriendly, Indeed!

Amazing story. Well written, romantic and sensuous. One of the best I've read.

Mahalo nui loa/thank you very much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Sweet, hot, nice

'nuf said

WishFullWishFullover 12 years ago

Very hot, and you know how to write.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

GREAT!!!!!! I am still trying to figure out when she got out of her bra & panties.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
MORE !!!!!

Well done. Now we need to find out what is next for them and the babay.

LilacQueenLilacQueenabout 16 years ago
Hot and Sweet

This story was hot and sweet! Also very classy! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Very classy and sexy. The hot sex and the romance was perfect. I've not read better on this site before!

Thank you, and please write a follow up!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

I'm truly addicted to your stories. This was hot and sexy and amazing.

gotwood49gotwood49about 18 years ago

Nicely crafted story, hon. And as usual, your blending of romance and lust had me hard the whole time I was reading! Thanks for another hot time. ~Woody

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A story for all the senses

Wedding Night With No Wedding is a story for all the senses. It is both mentally and physically stimulating. How wonderful to read such a classy piece! Please consider writing a sequel. I'd enjoy reading more about Kim and Frank's life journey.

Kudos on your creativity!

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