Weird Tales, Volume 1, Number 2, April, 1923: The unique magazine


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SUPREME JEWELRY MFG. CO. Dept. 318 434 Broadway New York

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“The Devil’s Fingerprint”


Is a Story of Thrills and Mystery


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[Illustration: $1.00 BRINGS YOU THIS FINE GUN!]

ORDER No. 3713


32 or 38 CALIBER

_A real man’s gun._ A hard hitting, straight shooter, 6 in. barrel top-break style with automatic shell ejector. American made, double action and special grips. Handsomely finished in fine blue steel. Protect yourself and home. Just mail a dollar bill and we will send you one at our _low bargain price_. Order NOW.

Balance only $10.95 C. O. D. plus postage



* * * * *

[Illustration: DIAMONDS]



Genuine Diamonds _GUARANTEED_


Over 2,000 bargains. Select as many articles as you wish and have all charged in one account. Sent prepaid for your Free Examination. Catalog explains everything.


JEANETTE Diamond Ring

Blue white, radiant, perfect cut Diamond. The ring is 18-K Solid White Gold, curved and pierced. Extra special at.... $100

We import Diamonds direct from Europe and sell direct to you. Our immense buying power is a great saving to you. Customers testify to Loftis values.

Diamonds Win Hearts


No. 15—Green Gold, engraved, guaranteed 25 years, 12 size, gilt dial. Assorted patterns, $35

No. 16—Wrist Watch, 18-K Solid White Gold, 17 Jewels, $30; 14-K, 15 Jewels $32

CREDIT TERMS on all articles: One-fifth down, balance divided into equal payments within eight months. _Send for Catalog._

LOFTIS Bros. & Co. 1858


DEPT. M-376 106 N. State St., Chicago, Ill. Stores in Leading Cities

* * * * *


Good Luck, Long Life, Health and Prosperity are said to come to those who wear the Egyptian Luck Ring. Cleopatra is said to have worn one of these rings to protect her from misfortune. Many people wearing them today claim they bring power and success to men—charm, admiration, and love to women. This guaranteed Sterling Silver Egyptian Luck Ring is of unique design and beauty. Send strip of paper for size. Say whether ladies’ or gents’. Cash $1.45; C. O. D. $1.55. Order today. Money back if not pleased.

EGYPTIAN GEM IMPORTERS 651 Maxwell St., Dept. 163, Chicago

* * * * *

Tailoring Agents Wanted

Make $75.00 per week and up selling our fine, made-to-measure, all-wool suits at $39.50 retail, direct to wearer; biggest value ever offered; positively sell on sight; liberal profits paid in advance. We attend to delivery and collections. Write at once giving full particulars as to your past experience. Full line of samples and everything to work with will be sent with the least possible delay.

W. Z. GIBSON, Inc. Dept. P-1001, 161 W. Harrison St., Chicago, Ill.

* * * * *

[Illustration: Great _New_ Invention _for seekers of_ Health Power Beauty]

Elco Health Generators at last are ready for you! If you want more health—greater power to enjoy the pleasures and delights about you, or if more beauty is your desire—write! Ask for the book on these inventions which has just been prepared. It will be sent to you without cost. It tells you how Elco Health Generators aid you in leaving the lethargy and hopelessness of bad health and weakness behind forever. Re-vitalize yourself. Bring back energy. Be wholly alive. Write today!

10 Days Free Trial—Write for Free Book!

Elco Electric Health Generators

These great new inventions generate Violet Ray, Vibration, Electricity and Ozone—combined or separate.

Free Trial

They operate on the electric light in your house or on their own motive power at less than 50 cents per year. Elco Health Generators are positively the only instruments which can give you in one Electricity, Violet Ray—Vibration and Ozone—the four greatest curative agents. Send the coupon below. Get the Free Book NOW!

For All These:

Paralysis Pimples Pulling Hair Headache Lumbago Nervousness Rheumatism Sore Throat Asthma Black Heads Catarrh Insomnia Skin Diseases Hay Fever Neuralgia Deafness Pain Development Neuritis Obesity

Mail Coupon for FREE Book!

Do not put this paper down without sending the coupon. Don’t go on as you are with pains and with almost no life and energy. You owe it to yourself to be a better man or woman. You were put here to enjoy life—not just to drag through it. So do not rest another day until you have put your name on the coupon here. That will bring the whole story of these great new inventions. Do it today—now.

Lindstrom & Company 438-448 N. Wells Street, Dept. 13-94 Chicago, Ill.

Please send me your fine book, “Health—Power—Beauty” and full information on your 10-day Free Trial Offer.

_Name_ ____________________

_Address_ ____________________

* * * * *

[Illustration: SERGE DRESS

Fringed PANELS

_Elaborately Embroidered_

Lace Collar FREE!]

Write for this stunning dress today and we’ll give you FREE the exquisite lace collar! We guarantee you will say this is the most becoming dress you ever wore and the biggest bargain you ever saw. Money back quick if you can match the style and quality anywhere for less than $3.98. Save $$—prove it at our risk!

SALE $3.98

Material guaranteed! Ever-Wear Serge, soft and fine quality. Two panels, elaborately embroidered with wool French Knot medallions and gold-stitched black silk scroll design, are finished with black silk fringe. Silk braid pipes panels and sleeves. Long bolt of silk material forms tie and streamers. Elegant workmanship and full cut!

Don’t Send a Penny!

Next Season’s prime style and worlds’s biggest money’s worth—this surprise bargain will bring us 100,000 permanent customers. Rush name, size: Women’s 28 to 40 inch bust. Misses’ 16 to 20 years. Deposit $3.98 and postage and try it on! Remember beautiful lace collar FREE if you order right away! Pay on arrival!

_Your money back if you aren’t delighted!_

Navy Blue or Brown

State Color


* * * * *

[Illustration: Complete Shaving Set]

$8 VALUE for ONLY $2.88

CHOICE of Latest Style Safety Razor or Straight Razor, together with 16-in. highly polished nickel plated stand, plate glass adjustable mirror, porcelain cup and rubber-set brush, all for ONLY $2.88—postage paid.

FREE! With safety razor, 1 doz. blades. In ordering state style razor wanted. Send No Money. Order now.

PEOPLES MAIL ORDER HOUSE, Dep. M-178 1145 Blue Island Ave. Chicago, Illinois

* * * * *

Berton Braley’s

_New Story In_


_Will Keep You Laughing From Start to Finish_


* * * * *

[Illustration: 2 TIRES FOR $9.95]

(SIZE 28 × 3)


Standard Tire Prices Smashed Again!—and some sensational cut, too! Think of it—two tires for almost the price of one and a FREE inner tube with each tire. No double treads or sewed tires. Thousands of customers are getting maximum mileage out of these tires, and you, too, can get up to

10,000 MILES

Here’s your opportunity—if you act at once. This is a special lot selected for this record-breaking sale. Order today—right now. They’re going fast.

_Compare These Amazing Reductions on Two Tires of Same Size_

SIZE 1 TIRE 2 TIRES 28 × 3 $6.75 $9.95 30 × 3 7.25 11.95 30 × 3½ 8.25 13.95 32 × 3½ 9.45 15.95 31 × 4 10.65 17.45 32 × 4 11.85 19.75 33 × 4 12.45 20.90 34 × 4 13.25 21.95

Prices on larger sizes quoted on request. Prices f.o.b. Chicago.


We ship subject to examination by Express before payment of C. O. D. charges, or by Parcel Post after payment of C. O. D. charges. Examine tires on arrival, and if not completely satisfied, return same unused and your money will be promptly refunded. Specify straight side or clincher. ACT NOW.

ROCKWELL TIRE COMPANY 1506 S. Michigan Ave., Dept. 40-D, Chicago, Ill.

* * * * *

[Illustration: Beautiful Guaranteed Watch $3.30]

Here’s your only opportunity to get this elegant high grade thin model watch with choice of gold, silver, radium, or fancy engraved dial for only $3.30 C. O. D. Open face, stem wind and set. Adjusted. Fully tested. Guaranteed perfect timekeeper. A watch you’ll be proud to own.


If you write at once—beautiful waldemar knife and chain with your order. Send No Money. Pay postman on arrival only $3.30 and the watch, knife, and chain are yours. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Order today sure.

First National Watch Co., 651 Maxwell St., Dept. 116, Chicago

* * * * *

HENRY LEVERAGE Author of “Whispering Wires” Has Another Exciting Story in this Month’s DETECTIVE TALES

* * * * *


Get $1600 to $2300 a Year




Common Education Sufficient

Travel—See the Country


Franklin Institute, Dept. R253. Rochester, N. Y.

Sirs: Send me, without charge (1) specimen Railway Mail Clerk Examination questions; (2) list of Government jobs obtainable, (3) tell me how I can get a position.

Name _______________________

Address ____________________

* * * * *

What Would You Give to Become A Really Good Dancer?


How much would it be worth to you to make yourself so popular through your ability to dance all of the very latest steps, that everyone would be anxious to have you attend their social affairs?

Good dancers always have the best time. The best dancers and the prettiest girls always want a good partner. From the business as well as the social standpoint, it is really time and money profitably spent to add dancing to your other accomplishments. Especially so, since it now costs so little—and a fine dancing ability can be mastered in only a few hours.

Arthur Murray has perfected a method by which you can learn in the privacy of your own home, to dance any of the latest dances in a few minutes—and all of them in a short time. Instructions are so simple that even a child can quickly learn. In one evening you can master the steps of any single dance. Partner or music are not necessary. After learning you can dance with the best dancer in your town and not make a single misstep.

[Illustration: Arthur Murray

Dancing Instructor to the Vanderbilts]

Learn Without Partner or Music

Arthur Murray’s remarkable method is so clearly explained and lucidly written that you don’t need any one to explain the instructions. The diagrams show every movement—just how to make each step of every dance, and the written instructions are concise and easily remembered. After you have quickly learned the steps by yourself in your own room, you can dance perfectly with any one. It will also be quite easy for you to dance in correct time on any floor to any orchestra or phonograph music.

Arthur Murray is recognized as America’s foremost authority on social dancing. Such people as the Vanderbilts, Ex-Gov. Locke Craig of North Carolina and scores of other socially prominent people chose Mr. Murray as their dancing instructor. Dancing teachers the world over take lessons from him—and it is a fact that more than 50,000 people have learned to become popular dancers through his Learn-at-home methods.

Free Proof You Can Learn the Latest Steps in an Evening

Private instructions in Mr. Murray’s studio would cost you $10 per lesson. But through his new method of teaching dancing at home, you get the same high-class instructions at a ridiculously low price. And if you aren’t delighted, the instruction doesn’t cost you one cent.

To prove that he can teach you, Mr. Murray will send you his full sixteen-lesson course for five days’ free trial. Through these sixteen lessons you will learn, The Correct Dancing Position—How to Gain Confidence—How to Follow Successfully—The Art of Making Your Feet Look Attractive—The Correct Walk in the Fox Trot—The Basic Principles in Waltzing—How to Waltz Backward—The Secret of Leading—The Chasse in the Fox Trot—The Forward Waltz Step—How to Leave One Partner to Dance with Another—How to Learn and Also Teach Your Child to Dance—What the Advanced Dancer Should Know—How to Develop Your Sense of Rhythm—Etiquette of the Ballroom.

Here’s What a Few Say

I practiced yesterday and learned the Fox Trot through the night. Tonight I danced a number of times with a good dancer to the music of a phonograph and had no trouble in leading or balance.

J. M. Mealy, Flatwood, W. Va.

I am getting along very nicely with the instructions. I have so many pupils I have to have a larger place.

Albert J. Delaney, Bay City, Mich.

Before I got your lessons I couldn’t dance a step, but now I go to dances and have a good time, like the rest of them. I’ll always be thankful, that I have taken your course.

Beggi Thorgerison, Ethridge, Mont.

Special Proof Offer

Satisfy yourself that the new course can quickly teach you all of the new dances and latest steps. See for yourself how easily you can master all of the newest dances and be able to enjoy yourself at the very next affair to which you are invited. Just fill in and mail the coupon—or a postcard or letter will do, enclosing $1.00 in full payment—and the special course will be promptly sent to you. Keep the course for five full days—practice all the steps—learn everything the lessons teach, because that is the only way you can prove to your full satisfaction that Arthur Murray’s method is the quickest, easiest and most delightful way to learn how to dance correctly and expertly. Then, within five days, if you desire to do so, you may return the course and your deposit will be promptly refunded without any questions. But should you decide to keep the course, as you surely will, it becomes your property without further payments of any kind.

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed

Several times Arthur Murray has been asked how one can learn by mail to dance? The answer and the proof that you can learn is found in these special lessons. After reading them over and practicing the steps as shown in the diagrams, no one can help but feel convinced that Arthur Murray’s course does teach everything promised. And so positive is Mr. Murray that he can teach you that he absolutely guarantees your complete satisfaction or your money will be fully refunded.

You have always wanted to learn to dance—you have always promised yourself that some day you would learn. Here is your best opportunity. And remember, you now receive the 16 lessons for only $1.00.

ARTHUR MURRAY Studio 653 801 Madison Ave. New York

Arthur Murray, Studio 653, 801 Madison Avenue, New York

To prove that you can teach me to dance in one evening at home you may send the sixteen-lesson course in plain cover. I am enclosing $1.00 in full payment, but it is understood that this is not to be considered a purchase unless the course in every way comes up to my expectations. If, within 5 days, I decide to return the course I may do so and you will refund my money promptly and without question.

Name ______________________________________

Address ___________________________________

City _______________ State ________________

(Price outside U. S. $1.10 cash with order.)

* * * * *


$1000 REWARD For the Capture of This Man

Convict 6138, escaped from the State Penitentiary; Name, Charles Condray; Age, 37; Height, 5 ft. 8 in. Weight, 141 pounds; Hair, light brown; Eyes, gray.

Easy enough to identify him from his photograph and this description, you may say—but, Condray took the name of “Brown”, dyed his hair, darkened his skin, grew a mustache, put on weight and walked with a stoop. Yet, he was captured and identified so positively that he knew the game was up and returned to the penitentiary without extradition.

How was it accomplished? Easy enough for the Finger Print Expert. They are the specialists, the leaders, the _cream_ of detectives. Every day’s paper tells their wonderful exploits in solving mysterious crimes and convicting dangerous criminals.

More Trained Men Needed

The demand for trained men by governments, states, cities, detective agencies, corporations, and private bureaus is becoming greater every day. Here is a real opportunity for YOU. Can you imagine a more fascinating line of work than this? Often life and death depend upon finger print evidence—and big rewards go to the expert. Many experts earn regularly from $3,000 to $10,000 per year.

Learn at Home in Spare Time

And now you can learn the secrets of this science at home in your spare time. Any man with common school education and average ability can become a Finger Print Detective in surprisingly short time.

_Why don’t You be a Finger Print Expert?_

Free Course in Secret Service

For a limited time we are making a special offer of a _Professional Finger Print Outfit, absolutely Free_, and _Free Course in Secret Service Intelligence_. Mastery of these two kindred professions will open a brilliant career for you.

Write quickly for fully illustrated free book on Finger Prints which explains this wonderful training in detail. Don’t wait until this offer has expired—mail the coupon now. You may never see this announcement again! You assume no obligation—you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Write at once—address

University of Applied Science Dept. 13-94 1920 Sunnyside Ave. Chicago, Illinois

UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCE Dept. 13-94, 1920 Sunnyside Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

Gentlemen:—Without any obligation whatever, send me your new, fully illustrated, FREE book on Finger Prints and your offer of a FREE course in Secret Service Intelligence and the Free Professional Finger Print Outfit.

_Name_ _____________________________________________________

_Address_ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________ _Age_ ___________

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