Welcome to St. George


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I told Sara, "Tell her about the amphitheater."

Sara smiled. "Part of the Garden is a natural amphitheater. So the Government built a small stage with a roof over it and built benches into the hillside. There are arts performances there, but on Tuesday nights it is traditional for people to have sex on the stage. It may be a couple, a gay or lesbian couple, a group, or just one person masturbating. It's kind of a sexual 'open-mike' night. It draws a good crowd usually."

Joyce and Elaine already knew all of this. All Kelly could say was "Wow."

Sara went on. "Harry and I go there a lot. Several of our friends from around the island usually come. It's great to see them and talk to then knowing that they'll be watching you fuck in a few minutes and, of course, we get to watch many of them fuck too. But, the real fun is being watched. I promise you that you will never have an orgasm as intense as one you have when you know a large group of people are watching you come."

Kelly asked, "Is sex open everywhere on the island?"

Sara replied, "No. There are several designated 'family' beaches, mainly on the east side of the island, where sex is absolutely prohibited on the beach. Apart from the Garden, there is no public sex in Chamberlain. Generally, you will not see sex on the beaches. Now, a sort of a convention has developed at many beaches, like this one, that people who want to have sex go back into the dunes." Sara giggled. "Of course, it is also accepted that, if you see a couple going back into the dunes, anyone else who wants to is welcome to go back and watch."

Thinking that Sara was exaggerating the public sex on the island a bit, I interjected, "There really isn't sex on plain view outside of the Garden. The Government has tried to encourage family tourism on the island, and it seems to be working."

"Really?" Kelly said with some surprise.

"Yes," Sara said. "I've forgotten the number, but the Government claims that many thousand families with children visit the island each year. We actually met and have become good friends with one of them."

Kelly laughed, still somewhat disbelieving, I think. "How did that happen?"

Sara gave a summary of the story. "It was five years ago. Harry and I were on a flight back from the States. Harry likes to have an aisle seat and, as we were on the three seat side of the plane, I took the middle seat. There was a girl about 16 who had the window seat. We quickly figured out that the three people in the row in front of us were her parents and her brother. I think that the brother was about 14 then. We got talking to them. It turned out that none of them had gone nude publicly, or with each other, before. The parents, Bill and Sue, thought that it would be interesting to try and persuaded their kids, Sally and Jeff, to come along."

I picked up the story. "It was fairly obvious that the parents were looking forward to an adventure. The kids, on the other hand, seemed to have great trepidation. I give them credit for trying it because their parents really did give them the option not to take the trip."

Sara resumed, "It was interesting when the cabin crew made the announcement about stripping down before landing. Bill and Sue kind of took a deep breath and stripped right off. It was obviously the moment which Sally and Jeff had been dreading. I'll give them credit though, they did get naked. I think that was the first time Sally and Jeff had seen each other, or their parents, nude."

"Any way," I picked up, "we ran into them the next day and invited them down to this beach. By their second day on the island, when they came here, all four of them were having a great time and loved being nude. They have come back as a family at least once every year since that first trip. We've gotten together with them each time they come to St. George."

Sara added, "When Sally started college, they started coming down on her Christmas break. Of course, Jeff is in college now too so they scheduled their trip to fit with both kids' breaks. Actually, they're staying with us this year."

Realizing that we were not pulling her leg, Kelly said, "That is so cool."

I glanced towards the southern end of the beach. There were a couple of huts that sold short order food and drinks there and, just behind, an area for parking bikes. I saw a group of girls get off of their bikes and walk onto the beach. They looked like the group of college girls who had been on our flight that morning.

Just then, two couples of twenty-somethings walked up to us. One of the guys was holding a volleyball (there was a volleyball net erected on the north end of the beach). "You guys want to play?" one of the girls asked. "We could use a few more."

Elaine wasn't interested, but Joyce, Kelly, Sara, and I agreed to play. One of the two couples went to each side of the net. Joyce and Sara joined one couple while Kelly and I joined the other. We played five games. The two couples who invited us were significantly better players than Sara and I. Kelly was also a very good volleyball player.

"I played varsity in high school," Kelly told me between games.

After five games in the afternoon sun, we were all very hot and very sweaty. Everyone dashed into the ocean to cool off. I surfaced several yards out where the water was just below my chest. Kelly surfaced next to me. With her blonde hair washed back, she looked stunning.

"This is great," Kelly said. "I've played beach volleyball a bunch of times and always got sand in my bikini. Not this time!" Kelly smiled broadly.

Once we came out of the water, it was late afternoon. The five of us packed up our beach gear and went back to our house for drinks. After a drink, Sara and I got working on dinner. We had a convivial dinner. Most of the dinner conversation was just small talk. Then Kelly broke in.

"Guys, this is all a bit new to me. Yes, I know that I bid to work the St. George flight because I thought that it would be fun to get naked some. What I didn't realize is how much fun it is. I mean, I like a naked guy. I've enjoyed looking at Harry's dick all afternoon and I enjoyed looking at the guys we were playing volleyball with. But, I think I enjoy it more knowing that everyone is seeing me, my cunt, my asshole, and my tits. Am I weird?"

"No dear," Elaine responded. "It is naturally stimulating to be seen naked."

"What she's really saying, "Joyce interjected, "is that you are an exhibitionist. We all are. We all get pleasure from being seen naked. I love it that I can walk down the aisle in the plane and my bush (Joyce's bush is very neatly trimmed) is level with everyone's faces. Now, you need to take the next step and get fucked with people watching. Like Sara said this afternoon, it will be the most powerful orgasm you'll ever have. Especially that first time."

Kelly sat thoughtful for a moment. "You know, when I got on the plane this morning in Miami I knew that I was going to take all of my clothes off in front of other people. That actually excited me. But, the idea of sex in front of other people, well, no way. But now, the idea does sound enticing."

It was starting to get dark. Joyce said, "We'll leave that for another time. We'd best get back to the hotel. Harry, where is your phone? I'll call a cab."

"Foof, " Sara exclaimed. "Harry and I bought a passenger bike. We can take you back."

I hauled the bike out of the garage. Kelly, Joyce, and Elaine climbed into the passenger carriage. Sara and I mounted the parallel seats and started peddling. It was about 40 minutes back to the ladies' hotel. However, because we took the relatively flat route near the beach, it was not particularly strenuous for Sara and me.

It was dark as we began peddling back to our house. Given the island's tropical climate, it was perfectly comfortable to be nude on St. George any time night or day. On the road just past our home, we saw two figures walking along the road. People walking the roads at night were not common on this part of the island, so we peddled on to see who it was. The figures turned out to be Gretchen and Beth, an older lesbian couple who lived part way up a hill on the inland side of our road about a quarter mile from our house.

We stopped. Gretchen and Beth greeted us warmly. We caught up on what had happened in the neighborhood while we were in the states.

The biggest news came from Beth. "That house way up the hill just south of your place sold. The word is that some very rich guy from New York bought it for a ridiculous price. He's supposedly never been here. Joe at Bare Pleasure Realty said that the guy bought the house so that his college age daughter would have someplace 'safe' to go on her breaks." Beth shook her head at the extravagance of the very wealthy.

Sara asked, "What are you guys doing out?"

Gretchen responded, "We got an urge to go down on the beach and make love. No one should be there after dark. You guys want to come along?"

We agreed and rolled our dual bicycle off of the roadway. It was a lovely night as we walked onto the sand. Once we were in the center of the beach, Beth leaned down and began sucking one of Gretchen's nipples. Gretchen spread her legs so that Beth could start fingering her too. While it may not sound that exciting, standing there naked with Sara watching the two older naked ladies start on each other was quite exciting. From her nipples, I could see that Sara was getting turned on too.

Soon, Gretchen was on her back on the sand. Beth was on her elbows and knees over Gretchen. Gretchen's face was buried in Beth's cunt as was Beth's face in Gretchen's. That was too much. I was swiftly on my back on the sand. Sara straddled me and then settled down on top of me, taking my dick inside her.

The sensations that Sara and I were giving each other were intense, and were augmented by the sounds of Gretchen's and Beth's sex right next to us. At one point, I vaguely thought I heard voices, but I really didn't care.

Sara and I had been together long enough that we could synch with each other. We came more or less simultaneously. As Sara breathlessly collapsed into my arms, we heard applause. Sara sat up, startled. I was still inside of Sara, but, looking around, I saw Gretchen and Beth, and six much younger women. Sara got off of me and I stood up, still semi-hard.

With a chuckle, Beth said "Harry, Sara, you do know how to make a first impression. These girls are from the house on the hill that I was telling you sold."

One of the girls, with a splendid ripe body, stepped forward and extended her hand. "Hi. I'm Joanne. My dad recently bought the house on the hill over there." She pointed towards the inland hills. "These are my friends. We're on break from ____ (she named a prestigious school on the US East Coast that was very difficult to get into). We've never done it before, but, since the house was free, we thought it would be interesting to spend a whole week naked."

Sara and I introduced ourselves and explained that we lived just around the point that formed the north end of the beach. I was a little embarrassed because my erection was not going down. It also dawned on me that these were the girls on our flight down.

"So, how do you like being naked all of the time?" Sara asked the girls.

A taller girl with large breasts answered, "Being naked is wonderful. We haven't been here a full day yet, but what we're finding so far is that there aren't that many guys our age here and the ones who are here think that, just because you're naked, you automatically want to be fucked by any bare dick you see."

Another girl, whom I took to be blonde in the dim light, said, "Its really kind of fun being looked at, and I'm starting to enjoy bending over and giving people the full cunt and asshole view, but I'd at least like the guys to act like they think that there is more to me than that."

Sara put her arm around my waist. "I can promise you," Sara said, "there are men on St. George who appreciate both your naked beauty and your mind." Sara leaned up and kissed me.

I still wasn't sure how to play this situation. Sara took it out of my hands.

"Since we're neighbors, why don't you come over for breakfast in the morning?" Sara said to the six girls. They giggled, but accepted Sara's invitation.

We chatted a few more minutes. Beth and Gretchen walked off first, then the six girls. Sara and I went back to our dual bike and peddled the short distance back home. Once the bike was garaged, we began opening the walls. When we were finished, our bedroom was open from floor to ceiling on both the beach and road sides to allow the breeze to blow through. It had been a long, but pleasant, day. Sara and I soon went to bed.

I tend to sleep on my stomach. A byproduct of that is that I am grinding my dick into the mattress and usually have a hard-on. Sara's way of addressing that, which she used that night, is to guide me into her. Then we go back to sleep united.

That is how we still were when we awoke the following morning. Except, our six new college age friends were standing around us. With the walls slid back, they could see us in bed from the road and had only to walk over.

A truly stunning natural redhead, whom I learned later was named Stacy, said, "You guys and fuck in full view of the road and the beach? That is great! I like it."

Sara and I got out of bed. I said to the girls, "Excuse us for a moment while we shower."

Sara and I stepped out of our bedroom to the outdoor open-air shower in the yard. I washed Sara off and then she washed me. Our new friends had followed us and watched our shower.

As Sara and I were toweling off, Joanne said, "You have my Dad's place beat with this outdoor shower. Do you mind if I come down here to shower? I feel that, if I'm naked all the time anyway, I ought to be able to enjoy an outdoor shower."

I wasn't quite sure how to answer a very beautiful girl who looked about 20 asking to use our outdoor shower. Once again, my Sara took the lead."

"Certainly, any of you are welcome to use the shower whenever you wish so long as you don't mind if Harry or I join you." That was acceptable to the girls.

The eight of us went back inside. I made fresh mango juice while Sara assembled a large plate of sliced meats, cheeses, and fruits for breakfast. Over breakfast, the girls questioned us about St. George and the mandatory nudity rule, much as Kelly had the day before. They also asked how we had migrated to St. George and how we liked living in the nude.

"I love it," Sara said. "I can go months without wearing a stitch and that's great."

Another girl asked, "You don't mind being seen naked?"

Sara responded, "Well, you've been naked since before you got off of the plane yesterday. A lot of people have seen all of you. Do you mind?"

"No, but it's a novelty for me, a bit of taboo breaking," the girl responded. "Does the thrill wear off?"

"You get used to being nude all of the time," Sara said, "but, you know when someone is looking closely at you and that thrill never wears off."

Stacy said, "Well you two look very fit and good with your all-over tans."

Sara replied, "All six of you are very beautiful women. Don't you agree Harry?"

I did and said so. In full light, I realized that my initial impression from the day before was correct. These were very beautiful young ladies.

Sara and I turned the questioning around, trying to learn a bit of our new friends' backgrounds. They were all American. All of them came from well-off to wealthy families. Joanne was studying architecture (Sara's background). Two were in chemical engineering. One was studying physics. One was studying chemistry.

"And I'm the odd girl out," Stacy said. "I'm a dual major in dance and political science. I love dance, but I know that I'm not good enough to be a featured dancer with one of the renowned companies. My tits are too big. So I'm planning on law school."

Sara shot me a look. In a prior life, I had been a lawyer. A fairly good one. Sara immediately told Stacy that.

"Oh, can we get together and talk?" Stacy asked me.

What do you say when a very beautiful 20 year-old girl who is completely naked asks to get together with you? I said "certainly."

Sara said, "I've got classes most of tomorrow" (Sara had been a swimmer in college and taught swim and swimming fitness classes for children and adults at the municipal pool in Chamberlain). "Harry, why don't you take Stacy, and anyone else who wants to go, out on the boat?"

We kept a decent sized sailboat at the marina in Chamberlain.

Stacy said, "That would be great. While my Dad was alive, I used to sail with him on San Francisco Bay several times a year. May I go sailing with you Harry?"

"Sure," I said. "Although, if you can handle the Bay, you're probably a much better sailor than me. The waters around St. George are usually pretty placid. Anyone else want to go sailing?"

The other four girls demurred. "I get seasick" one said. Another added, "I want to go shopping. I've never gone shopping naked."

Joanne asked, "Sara, could I go with you to your classes? I swam in high school. Maybe I can help out."

Sara gave Joanne an appraising look, which Joanne gave right back. I thought that both of them liked what they saw. Sara answered, "Of course. That would be wonderful."

After a time, the girls moved on to the beach. Sara and I had things to do around the house. There was also a phone call with Kelly and Joyce before they got to work on their return flight to Miami. During Sara's part of the call, I heard her saying something about taking Kelly to the amphitheater in the Garden next Tuesday.

That night, before we went to sleep, Sara looked me in the eye. "Harry, when you take Stacy out on the boat tomorrow, please fuck her. I know she'll enjoy that."

Sara and I have a somewhat open relationship. There is no doubt in either of our minds that we love each other very much. However, neither of us believes that love should be a barrier to either of us enjoying life as much as possible. Sex with other partners in allowed and even encouraged. Our only rule is that each of us needs to know whom the other is fucking.

The other four girls rode into Chamberlain with Sara and Joanne in our dual bicycle carriage. I assume that was a good workout for Sara and Joanne. Stacy and I rode individual bikes to the marina in Chamberlain.

It quickly became apparent that Stacy was, in fact, a better sailor than I. With her taking the lead, we had the boat out of the marina swiftly. I took a reach tack towards the northeast.

"There is a reef a few miles up. We can anchor off of the reef and snorkel," I explained.

That is what we did. My choice of site was validated by an unusually large number of colorful fish swimming around the reef. Snorkeling behind Stacy in the water, I got a good look at her nude form. Stacy was a very beautiful woman with a fantastic figure. Although I could see how her chest, while not disproportionate, might hinder her dance career.

After a couple of hours in the water, we went back to the boat for a light lunch. I also broke out some wine. We were sitting on deck, facing each other. Stacy and I talked at length about the pros and cons of law school and lawyering. I explained that the profession was changing drastically and that I didn't think it was as good a thing to do as it had been when I started.

Finally, I shifted the conversation away from law. "How did you end up on break on St. George?" I asked.

"Joanne's a very good friend. I knew that her Dad, who has shitloads of money, had bought a house in the Caribbean. I was thrilled when Joanne asked us to stay at it with her," Stacy replied. "Of course, I knew about St. George and the mandatory nudity. That was part of the appeal to me. I'm an exhibitionist."