Welcome to Your Life 03

Story Info
James decides, but gets 2nd chance.
5.9k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/13/2024
Created 04/07/2024
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Welcome to Your Life 3- Even While We Sleep, We Will Find You

James awoke early again, his life seemingly at a standstill. Another day doing security at the five star resort and hotel he worked for since graduating college. He was not well paid, but he did have a small efficiency apartment on the grounds of the hotel and resort. It wasn't his dream of a federal law enforcement post, but he had hope. Daily applications and checking to see if any came to fruition were part of the routine.

He checked his emails for messages, having applied for dozens of positions on various police forces around the country.

"Well that sucks, still," James lamented, getting responses on five of the hopeful openings, but receiving only the traditional "thanks for applying but..." responses.

Life had not been going as he had hoped, spiraling badly, especially since Allison, the lovely nursing student he was dating, had left him in his last semester at college. He looked at the picture of them together that sat in a frame on the dresser as he put on his staff security uniform.

"What the fuck happened," he thought as he shook his head about those weird weeks, musing about Allison as he looked at the picture. "I will keep looking into what the hell went on..."

The whole last few weeks with Allison seemed strange to James- her grandmother passing away, her roommate weirdly inviting him to some sex convention that same weekend, his not having a lot of memory about even being at the SEXXXPO. It gave the young hopeful law enforcement officer angst to think about the breakup, and a nagging suspicion that there was something odd going on regarding Allison, her room mate Carla, the weird sex convention and the breakup.

Then Allison suddenly, almost the next week, has a new boyfriend and starts taking mini vacations to different hot spots. Carla was also seemingly jet setting to different places.

The math didn't add up for the criminal justice major, who was tracking Allison's location as best he could with his work computer and network access, while still having a few mutual friends to feel out for information. Two coeds, in debt from school, jet setting around to various places. It was a definite math and money problem that didn't make sense.

Whenever he could, while working in the control room at the resort, James was checking to see what he could find out about his former girlfriend, without raising suspicion and being fired. Carla as well. Having access to the company's security computers assisted in his attempts, as small as they seemed. But nothing substantial ever arose in his quests.

His day progressed slowly, as usual, as he sat in the reasonably comfortable wall of monitors surveying the coming and going of guests and employees, when he saw something on the black and white monitor.

"Allison?" he swore he saw his former girlfriend, blonde, big sunglasses over her eyes, wearing a pink sundress at the check in desk with an older man, peppery gray and black hair, casually dressed.

James thought his eyes were playing a trick on him, and he called the front desk.

"Who is that being checked in at center main terminal?" James asked the manager.

"Is there a problem?" the manager asked in reply.

"Not that I can see, I need names for a background check, just to be certain..." James replied,l knowing the manager would provide the names as was protocol.

"Female is Eva Johanssen, the male is Brian Tedford, room is A601," the manager relayed. "High roller in the penthouse."

"Thanks, I'll run a check..." James answered, as he quickly ran the names through the system to see if any criminal history is in either background, or if there is anything out of sorts.

It didn't take long for photos and background check to emerge- there was no criminal background for either, but Eva Johanssen was his ex-girlfriend Allison, or her doppleganger.

"Everything's clean," James said to the manager.

"Why the check?" the manager questioned.

"I was told to spot check every so often, from my boss," James lied.

He was very confused, he needed to run into Miss Eva Johanssen and see if it was actually Allison, or if his mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn't concentrate for the rest of his shift. He kept a very close on the hallway at the A601 penthouse entrance, and the express elevators taking guests directly to the four penthouse suites from the lobby.

He saw nothing for the remainder of his shift.


The young security officer decided to spend the evening wandering the grounds to see if he could indeed find Mr. Tedford and Ms. Johanssen, which was permitted and encouraged by the high ranking security officials, to ensure the safety of the high rollers paying large amounts for the use of the facilities within the resort so long as they weren't i interrupting or being a distraction.

Frustrated, puzzled, and feeling as though his mind was just playing tricks on him, he decided a beer at the bar near the main check in station was the best way to end his night, so he made it over to where his acquaintance Beverly was working.

"Hey, Bev," James said softly.

"James, what's wrong, you look like you have seen a ghost or something," the cheery redhead responded.

"Maybe I have, I don't know," James said. "But I'll have whatever is on tap that isn't light."

"I have just the thing," Beverly replied, bringing back a tall pilsner glass filled with a dark colored beer.

Beverly left the drink on the coaster and continued her rounds for the patrons seated at the main bar.

James sat lost in thought, staring at the dark liquid as he drank it, thinking about his life in the last 18 months post Allison.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" dark haired, slightly older brunette with beautiful eyes said as she motioned to the empty chair next to James, who felt a sense of deja vu.

"No, not at all," James said dismissively, giving the vibe of leave me alone.

"I'm sorry, but how can you seem so distressed? This place is the best resort there is," the brunette asked, ignoring James' vibe completely.

"That may be, but I work here," James answered, never looking away from the beer he was nursing.

"Oh, I see, I am sorry to disturb you," the woman said. "But I still don't see what could be so wrong you can't enjoy yourself at least a little."

"You wouldn't understand," James said curtly.

"I think I do," the woman answered. "It's girl trouble, it always is."

"Yep," the security officer replied.

"So let me guess, you saw someone who reminded you of her," the woman replied.

"How did you know..." James said, as he looked at the brunette seated next to him.

"Because the mind always plays tricks on us when we least expect it," the woman said with a small laugh. "It just happens sometimes."

James couldn't help but look at the woman seated next to him.

"I'm Bianca," the woman said, holding out her hand in front of James, who instinctively reached out and took the offering and replied.

"James," he said slowly, a bit confused.

"Feeling like you have seen a ghost, James?" the brunette in a little black dress that left little to the imagination asked.

"Yes... how did you know?" James said.

"I am a psychologist, James," Bianca answered. "Among other things."

"What other things?" James asked, a bit befuddled.

"Well, if you are interested, take a walk with me to find out," Bianca said seductively. "You can give me the ins and outs of this place as we walk."

James sat and wondered why this beautiful woman would make such an offer.

"Unless you want to continue your little pity party," Bianca said flatly. "A walk would do you a world of good."

"Sure, why not, today can't get any worse." James thought as he got up as Bianca spoke with Beverly.

"Charge them to my room, Beverly," Bianca said, holding out a room card.

"Yes, Miss Black, room A602," Beverly replied, returning the room card to Bianca.

"What the hell..." James thought to himself as he played the day through his mind as he constantly checked his security monitors for penthouse A601, and now the woman he was taking a walk with was the guest in penthouse A602.

"Let's go this way, James," Biance said as she headed directly to the express penthouse elevators. "So tell me about her."

"What's there to tell?" James said as they walked. "It ended weird, she immediately got a new boyfriend and started traveling to every hot spot there is..."

"Was she pretty, James?" Bianca asked, as they approached the express elevator. "Let's have a drink on my balcony, James, the view is breathtaking."

"Very," James said, nodding as the pair got into the elevator.

As the pair rode the elevator up, Bianca continued the conversation.

"Let me guess, James," Bianca began. "Pretty, blonde, am I right?"

James nodded as he looked at the beautiful Bianca.

"The heartbreakers are always pretty," the woman said. "And very often blonde..."

James nodded as he looked at the numbers on the elevator rise to six as the doors opened.

"Let's see, here's the room card," Bianca said, as she opened the door to A602, while James looked frantically for anything in the suite numbered A601.

Bianca smiled as she invited James inside.

"Let me guess, your ghost is staying in A601..." Bianca continued. "And she's a model pretty, 5 foot 7 inch, out of your league bombshell..."

James looked at the woman.

"What..." James said confused. "How..."

"I saw you stare at the door to A601 like you were looking for something, or someone, James," Bianca said with a laugh as she held her cell phone in front of her, typing away. "And the woman in that room is a blonde bombshell."

"Oh..." James said sheepishly as he stood in the center of the penthouse, embarrassed.

"And your ghost, her name is Allison," Bianca said, as she finished a text on her phone.

"What the hell.... How did you know..." James said, extremely nervously.

James turned his head and saw two male figures come out of the bedroom and move to the door of the penthouse, while Bianca opened the penthouse balcony curtain.

James looked at the two men, then outside beyond Bianca.

"Because she is right here, James," Bianca said, flipping on the balcony light where Allison knelt, her head bobbing up and down between the knees of the man she entered the resort with earlier in the day as he sat smiling, pants down, hands on the head of the blonde who was barely wearing the pink sundress she entered the resort in.

"Because I know everything, James," one of the men said with a laugh. "Bring them in, BIanca."

"Yes, Master," the brunette said without emotion, as she herded the pair into the penthouse.

James looked at the door, but found a large man standing in the way of him and the door. And even then, the only way down was the elevator, which needed a room card to use, or the stairs, which were located on the far side of the penthouse suites.

"Please, don't do anything rash, James," the well dressed man with the commanding voice said. "I would hate for Vlad to have to do anything to stop your escape."

James looked at the Master with contempt.

"I am security here...I will call security right now..." James said as he took his cell phone out of his pocket.

Bianca nodded at the blonde, whose breasts were hanging out of the pink dress, as she walked over and stood in front of her former boyfriend.

"I will take your phone, James," the blonde said as she took the phone from his hand before he could react.

Allison walked the phone over to the well dressed man, who smiled.

"Well done, Allison, you completed your tasks perfectly," the man said.

"Thank you, Master," the blonde said to the man, who snapped his fingers in front of the girl.

"Back to work, now darling," the Master said as he watched Allison fall to her knees in front of the older man.

James gave the Master a look.

"Don't look at me that way, James," the Master said as he picked up a television remote. "A lot has happened in these last 18 months since we last met."

James looked on in confusion.

"Oh yes, James, we met," the Master said, as he pointed to the television and turned it on. "Here we are at SEXXXPO."

The television showed James tied to the bed, a perky Allison plunging a syringe into his arm.

"You see, James, we have met." the Master said. "You just don't remember it, yet..."

"What are you talking about?" a confused James asked.

"Let's start here, James," the Master said as he paused the video. "Obviously Eva Johanssen and Brian Tedford are not who they really are, as you surmised. I have been keeping an eye on you since we last met. I know you have been peeking around into Allison and also Carla."

Intimidated, James wondered who he was tangling with.

"I always know, James," the Master said wryly, forwarding the video on the screen. "I am the Master. Please, have a seat and get comfortable. We do have things to discuss."

James, feeling like he had no choice, sat on the couch. He scanned the room, and he noticed the huge human at the door. He saw Bianca kneeling at the feet of this Master. And he stared as Allison continued to go to town from her knees on the manhood of the older man who was seated in a chair.

"Let's watch a bit more of our first meeting now, James, though I am sure you won't remember a thing," the Master laughed. "I love how the topless nurse, I mean your former girlfriend, just shot you full of a drug at my command."

James sat and watched as his then girlfriend injected him with a cocktail of drugs at the command of the Master.

The video continued, with the Master leading the drugged James. He couldn't help but watch.

"Let's be real, if not for me, you would have never had a sniff of a chance with Allison. You chose to let that opportunity go. Tell me, now, what are your thoughts?" the video Master asked.

"You're a monster... manipulating people to bend to your will..." James said, the truth serum and suggestibility drug coursing through his system.

The Master smiled at the honesty.

"I am not a monster, quite the opposite, actually. I am giving you a chance to attain a beautiful woman and develop a very successful career," the Master said calmly on the screen. "And you will be very grateful, loyal and obedient in response to my generosity. Just think, no more living the way you are, you will become a 'somebody'. Goodbye, Mr. Nobody...."

The video continued, with the Master smiling as James stared in disbelief.

"Very good, James, the drug is now taking full effect," the Master said as they watched the video roll on. "This drug will make you highly suggestible, James. And your answers guide how I will work with you to become a loyal servant to me."

As he watched, James was confused, He wasn't a slave to this Master... he was sure of that. The Master saw the confusion in his face and smiled. Bianca knelt and smiled, as Allison continued her kneeling workout on the older man's cock.

"Feeling light headed and confused, James?" the Master asked in the video, smiling, as he pulled up the eyelids on the young man's very dilated and unfocused eyes.

As the show on the screen continued, the Master moved and stood over James, smiling knowingly.

"And here we have you fully receptive to the cocktail your pretty little girlfriend shot into you," the Master said as James watched the proceedings in the video. "A mix of sodium pentathol, and an agent that renders the user a bit more suggestive. Well, incredibly suggestible. And as you can see, very aroused.".

Watching the screen, James noticed two things. His eyes were glazed over. And he was fully aroused.

Video James mumbled an incoherent response.

The Master pulled out an ornate yellow gemstone on a golden chain and hung it above James' line of vision, then adjusted a light from the ceiling to shine at the crystal and reflect into the onscreen victim's eyes.

As he watched himself, he felt captivated by the on screen gem. The Master enjoyed the confusion James displayed as they watched.

"Now, James, you will need to reply to everything I say, if you understand, say 'yes' now," the Master instructed on the screen.

"Yyyess..." James answered softly and slowly.

"Focus on the crystal, James, look at it and focus on it, let the light become your focus, your center, your connection to reality as you feel your mind slowing and your thoughts slowing and your body relaxing..." the Master started.

James, in the video, could not help but focus on the yellow crystal as it shone onto him and into his eyes.

As he watched himself, the Master and the yellow gem on the screen, James found himself confused. It seemed familiar, yet he could not recall any of what he was seeing. And his own mind felt like it was slowing, and his attention was on the crystal.

"And as you sit and watch the crystal, your body, and your mind, are relaxing more and more." the Master continued. "Slowly relaxing, slowly your body is sinking deeper into the bed, and your thoughts are sinking deeper into nothingness..."

Video James took a deep breath and his body relaxed, sinking into the bed ever so slightly more.

In reality as he watched, James felt a wave of relaxation course through his body. James shook himself to try and deny the feelings as he watched.

"And James as your body and your mind relax, there's no need to be concerned about anything but following my voice as you look at the crystal," the Master furthered. "The crystal, and my voice, relax you."

On the screen, the college student continued to focus on the crystal. And the Master's voice.

On the couch, James sat transfixed at the screen.

The Master smiled.

"And the more relaxed you are, the more your body relaxes, the more your mind relaxes," the Master pushed. "That includes your eyes, James, you feel them slowly closing as you relax more and more."

The young man on the screen blinked. And focused. And relaxed.

James, seated and watching himself on the screen, blinked.

"Very good, James, you're doing so very well," the Master continued. "As your eyes relax with your body and your mind, you will still see the crystal in your mind, and feel the warmth of the light on your face as you relax."

The cadence of the Master, and the drugs in his system had James following along, and while he watched he felt he knew those feelings as they were seemingly being relived as he watched, thug not completely.

James managed to shake his head side to side to break the relaxation the onscreen Master was causing in him. He was mostly aware, and couldn't believe he didn't remember any of this as he watched.

"And soon, very soon, your eyes will gently shut, indicating you are deeply hypnotized and ready for learning," the Master instructed. "There's no hurry to close your eyes, James, and when you do is completely up to you. There's never a rush to go deep into hypnosis."

On screen James didn't move at all, except to take a deep breath and have his lidded eyes shut a bit more.

A haunting feeling took over James as he watched. He pinched himself as he saw himself be hypnotized on the screen.

"You are doing so well, James, So good at following my voice, allowing it to guide you," the Master praised. "So good to relax your body, feel your mind relaxing and slowing, feeling your eyes slowly closing. And it feels so good, James,"

The half lidded eyes of the drugged college student on the screen were not going to stay open very much longer.

"Good boy, James, let those heavy eyelids close," the Master pushed. "Surrender to the wonderful feeling of having your mind, and your body, enjoy total and complete relaxation."

Video James' eyes were blinking and nearly shut.

James, in real time, shook his head to shake the cobwebbed feeling creeping into his mind.