Wendy Celebrates The School Pantomime


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Bill's hand was under the outer pants, too, caressing her tummy through the tights, and when she had extricated herself from Tom's lips, she could only rest her head into his shoulder and enjoy the explorations going on between her legs..........

'Put them down, Wendy, you don't know where they've been,' laughed a voice going by the table, and Wendy jumped in shock, and looked up as she recognised it as her friend Alice, who was returning to the main bar after a visit to the loo.

Wendy immediately felt totally embarrassed, and tried to close her thighs, as she looked over her shoulder to see Alice disappearing through the door into the other bar, but it was obviously too late. No doubt her friend had seen the activities going on.

Alice was a good friend, though, and they had been through a lot together over the years, and there were no secrets between them, so Wendy wasn't too worried and knew that her 'display' wouldn't go too much further.

The hands were still on her, though, and they continued to move with expertise between her thighs, which were once again teased open. The feelings now emanating from deep within her cunt were exciting for Wendy, she felt really wet, her panties were soaking, and she was now really enjoying the fingers getting to her most intimate spots. When one hand found her clit, and began to rub it with gentle precision, Wendy realised that if she didn't put an end to it all, she would be completely embarrassed by having an orgasm right there and then in the pub. She couldn't do it--it was too big a risk for her.

'No, no, boys, no more, it's too nice, and people can see us. You'll have to stop, I'm sorry, please stop,' she pleaded, but the hands still caressed her, and held her legs open, and her pants were absolutely soaking by now.

She didn't really want the feelings to stop, as genuine, gentle foreplay was something she had rarely experienced since the very early days of her 18 year marriage, and she did appreciate the way the old boys had caressed and teased her into this very vulnerable and erotic state. However, she insisted on stopping, and eventually the hands slid gently down and off her legs, under much protest from the old men, and Wendy was able to return to a display of decency.

She wanted to go into the loo and finish herself off, but all she could do was subside slowly and naturally, and when Bill said,--

'Why don't you come and have a bit of Tom's birthday cake at his place, it's delicious--he made it all himself,' Wendy felt sorely tempted to go and have a coffee, and try and sober up a little before she went home. She felt randy and knew the cake was just an excuse to try and tempt her to go back with them, but again she knew it wouldn't be right in her position, particularly in a small village such as this.

'Thanks very much, but I have to get home now--you go and enjoy it, save me a piece and I'll have it later in the week,' she smiled, but neither of them would move away from the table and Tom continued the mental teasing.

'You don't have to get home just yet, young Wendy, it's my birthday and it's only a couple of minutes down the road, isn't it? Just a quick cup of coffee and a piece of my cake, and then you can get home to that husband of yours,' he chuckled. 'After all, it's only 11o'clock now, isn't it? Come on now,' and he stroked her thigh once more, as if pleading on behalf of the poor pensioners association.

'You know, you are awful, you naughty old man, what will people think.'

'You're only coming back to have a bit of birthday cake, and it is Christmas isn't it, and anyway, Bill's there to protect you, isn't he.'

'He's as bad as you are, you're as bad as one another,' Wendy grinned, and she suddenly cast caution to the wind and gave in. 'Just a quick cup of coffee and a piece of cake then, and then I must get home,--and no monkey business, OK? You go on ahead and I'll see you there in a few minutes.'

'You'd better come young Wendy or we'll come looking for you, you know,' laughed Bill, as the two men eventually got to their feet and made their way to the door of the pub.

Wendy waited a while, and tried to catch the eye of her friend Alice in the other bar. When she did, Alice came into the snug and the two women whispered to one another, their words interspersed with giggles and raucous laughter, the main point being Wendy's request to Alice to come and keep her company at Tom's place, having cake and coffee etc. Alice promised that she would try and get along a little later, but she was involved with the group in the bar, and she was enjoying being chatted up by Jeff at the moment--'know what I mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink,' and the two women were giggling again.

'He's got a wonderful cock, you know,' laughed Wendy, recalling the feel of the pantomime cow. 'Don't mention anything to anyone, will you, and please try and come down.'

They were very close friends, and had been for years, and Wendy knew that when she left the pub by the little snug door, her destination would be known only to Alice. She slid quietly out and hurried down the dark road towards the bumpy lane that housed Tom's little bungalow, her thighs in the little green costume now cold in the December night.

The green boots trotted over the cobble stones of the old path that led up to Tom's front door, and by now Wendy was freezing in the night air. She banged on the knocker as quietly as she could, although the place seemed in darkness, but very soon a dim light appeared under the big, wooden door, and slowly it creaked open and there stood Tom, grinning from ear to ear.

'You come in young Wendy, and get yourself warm by the fire--go into the back room and I'll get you a nice hot coffee and a piece of my lovely cake.'

'It's freezing tonight isn't it? I expect we'll get a white Christmas, don't you?' replied Wendy, as she made her way through the door and towards the back room, keeping her head down under the low ceilings. It was a tiny little bungalow, probably as old as Tom himself, but he kept it neat and tidy, and Wendy cheered up as she saw the log fire that had been smouldering during the evening while they had been out. It had been stoked up and more logs had recently been added, and now it was roaring, the flames shooting up the chimney.

She moved over the carpeted floor to the fire-place and joined Bill with his back to the warm fire, so that the heat quickly hit the back of her legs and the rear of her body, and very soon she had forgotten all about the cold outside. Only a couple of lighted candles and the flames from the fire lit the room, and it felt snug and warm in a cosy fashion.

Wendy and Bill stood close together, both warming themselves in front of the logs.

'Glad you could come,' grinned Bill, and he slid his arm round her waist and slyly let his hand rest on her bottom over the tunic.

'It's nice for us old 'uns to have some young, attractive company round once in a while,' he said, 'especially as it's old Tom's birthday,' and his hand rubbed the tunic up and down Wendy's delicious bottom in a friendly but teasing manner. She was feeling much warmer now, and went along with the compliments by putting her own arm around Bill's waist, and they cuddled together as they stood enjoying the warmth behind them.

As Tom entered the room carrying the tray with coffee and cake on it, Bill continued his exploration of Wendy's shapely bottom, and craftily put his hand under the tunic to feel the firm cheeks of her ass through her tights and green costume pants.

'You know, Tom, young Wendy's got a lovely figure hasn't she, real nice and curvy and cuddly,' Bill said in his country 'yokel' accent.

'What, after three children--not really you know,' replied Wendy, trying to sound confident without blushing. Tom handed her the mug of coffee, and she smelt straight away that it had more brandy in it.

'You naughty boy, Tom, you've put brandy in this haven't you, you're still trying to get me drunk, aren't you?' she giggled, but she took a sip and put it down on the little mantelpiece over the fire.

'It'll keep you warm when you go out in the cold again--can't have you catching cold, can we,' said Tom as he moved beside her and drank from his own mug. Wendy was between the two of them again, and could still feel Bill's hand toying with her bottom, and soon Tom had put his own arm round her waist from the other side. She made no objection, as this was now the privacy of someone's house, and she could handle these two old men, couldn't she--couldn't she? She moved away from them and took a mouthful of cake from the plate on the table and then went back towards the fire place.

'It's delicious Tom, did you really make it yourself?' she asked.

'Course I did, and you're delicious too, now come back here and keep warm and warm us up too,' he giggled as he grabbed Wendy's arm and pulled her back into place between him and Bill. Straight away the two men put their arms round her waist again, only this time Tom also put his other arm across the front of her waist and then nibbled at her ear before urging,

'Give us another kiss, Wendy, this one's for Christmas, come on, we don't get much chance anymore, do we Bill?'

'I said no monkey business didn't I, you wicked thing,' she laughed, but she was feeling quite relaxed again and whispered, 'Just one then,' and she turned her head and offered her lips to the birthday boy.

Tom held her tightly with both arms now, but still Bill's hand had slid back into place once more, and he was still managing to stroke her bottom under the tunic. As Wendy and Tom once again engaged in a full-blown open mouthed snog, Bill's hand started to squeeze and pull at the lovely cheeks, kneading them up and down and apart, caressing them and running a finger right down between the cheeks, through the tights.

Wendy was in turmoil again--this wasn't what she normally did, nor even contemplate doing, and she didn't know whether to call a halt there and then, but the feelings were nice, and it was Christmas, and Alice might at least appear at any moment. These men were old enough to be her father, so it didn't seem all that bad, really--was it?

She continued pushing her tongue in and out of Tom's mouth, and made no move to stop the hand doing wonderful things to her bottom, but then Tom's arm on her stomach moved down slowly, and rested on the very bottom of the front of her short tunic. Wendy came up for air and was panting from the kiss, and she moved her own hand down to cover Toms, and protested half-heartedly,

'No Tom, you mustn't, I'll have to go in a minute,' but Tom was too strong, and just moved his hand down further, under the tunic, with Wendy's hand no match at all as she held on to his wrist. Tom reached the front of the green costume pants once more, and pulled Wendy's head into his shoulder, as both men now had their hands caressing the young woman's most intimate areas.

Tom moved straight under the green material and found the warm, soft area covered only by the tights and Wendy's own private panties.

'Oh,Tom, and you Bill. We shouldn't be doing this, you know. I'll get into terrible trouble if anyone finds out, won't I?' as if seeking guidance, but at the same time she, without thinking, moved her legs a little wider to enjoy the sensations, and to allow the fingers to explore her even more intimately.

This was taken as a sign of encouragement by the two men, particularly when Wendy let out a soft moaning noise from her lips, and so the expert caressing continued. Tom could tell that Wendy was starting to concede, as her tights and pants were becoming very moist again under his fingertips.

Bill turned her head to take his turn at another kiss and, at the same time, his other hand joined Tom's, exploring the delicious area around Wendy's vagina. Both hands moved up and down her thighs and the front of the tights and, together, they were making her even more defenceless and vulnerable to their intrusion.

'Ohhhh, God, aaaagh, no, no, you mustn't, please, no more,' but Wendy didn't really mean it, as it had been a long time since such feelings had washed over her. She went back to kissing Bill softly, but with purpose, and was guiltily excited as a hand moved up to the top of the tights, under the tunic, and began to inch them down a little over her stomach.

It was Bill moving Wendy's tights, but when Tom realised the next part of the seduction had begun, his hand, too, went to Wendy's bare stomach and started to tug gently at the covering material.

'Oh no, you mustn't,' but again it was only a gesture as she felt her pants, tights and green costume pants move down over her skin, front and back, over her pubic hair and down further to the tops of her legs. Finally, she was completely exposed at the tops of her thighs, and her naked bottom could feel the heat of the fire under the tunic.

In her boots, Wendy was as tall as the two men holding her, and she just put an arm out each side, over their shoulders, and allowed her weight to be taken by the mature, strong men.

'You're a beautiful girl, young Wendy, all soft and lovely,' muttered Tom, as his gnarled fingers gently meandered in the soft hair around her cunt.

'Girl,' thought Wendy, 'just a girl to them, but I'm 38, married with children,' but the drink, the warm atmosphere, the Christmas spirit, and now the wonderful, erotic feelings going on between her legs, had broken down her upright public image and she decided, just for a while, that she would give in completely to the sensations.

She was after all, giving immense pleasure to the two old men, and they were hardly likely to go bragging round the village at their age, and probably saw it as a Christmas bonus, a secret only to be shared by the three of them.

Her tights and panties were caught half way down her legs, stretched between the two luscious thighs that were now the object of much caressing and squeezing. The hands moved all round, inside Wendy's thighs, onto her naked bottom, back to her soft tufts of dark pubic hair, and then Wendy felt a finger move onto the very wet lips at the entrance to her forbidden cavern. The lips gave in easily, as the finger was joined by another digit, and they both moved slowly up and down, Wendy's body quietly quivering at the fantastic feelings.

'She's really, really wet and excited, isn't she Tom?' smiled Bill as he carried on pushing gently at the cunt lips. Tom, of course, also moved his hand through the soaking hair, and felt the wonderful opening of Wendy's womanhood.

'You lovely, lovely girl, Wendy, you're really enjoying yourself now, aren't you,' and Tom found her clitoris with expert precision, and rubbed slowly and directly round the golden protruding skin.

'Yes, yes it's nice,' sighed Wendy, 'very nice, ummmm,' and she sighed and bent her head, breathing heavily as her eyes closed dreamily.

'Let's take those horrible tights off for you, young Wendy,' said Tom, and the two men moved her towards the little sofa at the side of the room.

'No, no, you mustn't, I've really got to go......,' but she was a virtual prisoner, as the tights round her thighs meant she could only shuffle along between the two old boys.

Her mild protests ignored, Wendy was quickly sat down between the two men again, adjacent to the warm fire, on the hard little sofa against the wall, and she could only watch as Bill bent down to unzip the green boots. Like all boots, they were difficult to take off, and Wendy moved each leg in turn to assist, and Bill grabbed the high heels and pulled and puffed until he succeeded, and the boots were put to the side of the sofa.

All this time, Tom had returned to the wonderful area between Wendy's thighs, and he held his hand steady in her pubic hairs, as she shuffled her legs around to assist Bill in taking off her tights and pants completely.

Wendy was completely naked from the waist down now, and Bill returned to his position at her side and, once again, joined Tom in the intimate touching of Wendy's soaking cunt. With the restrictions round her legs now gone, Wendy was able to open her thighs wider, without prompting, and she stretched her legs and then bent them a little to make access to her body far easier.

She had passed the point of objections and return, and wanted more pleasure, to give in to anything these two gentle men desired, to be taken just for one short period of time, and disappear into a world of erotic intrusions, naughty feelings and complete abandonment. Tomorrow she would be back to normal, taking the kids to school in the final week before they broke up, and busying herself with Christmas preparations-----after all, no-one else was going to do it, were they?

Wendy made no movement as Tom went to her neck, and began to unzip the green costume, all the way down her front, until it fell in half, exposing her black bra and firm, brown tummy. Bill's fingers were inside her cunt a little more deeply, and as Tom lifted one of her shapely breasts up and out of the bra cup, Wendy sighed and moaned. As the fingers inside her body moved gently but firmly, in and out, Wendy's skin squelched with the wetness from her fluids.

She briefly thought to herself, 'Where the hell is Alice, please come and rescue me, I can't do it myself, I don't want to do it myself,' but the tongue and teeth now nibbling at her nipple brought her quickly back to the warm feelings, and she sighed again in that contented fashion. 'Ohhhhh God,' she moaned.

'Here Bill, give me a hand,' and Tom was starting to tug the costume sleeves down Wendy's arms, and she had to sit up to allow the clothing to be removed from her body. Tom also took the opportunity, at the same time, to unclip the last remaining item covering Wendy's modesty, and when the bra was tossed onto the floor to join the other items, Wendy lay back, completely naked, and on view to the two old men sitting by her side.

She looked absolutely gorgeous, and it would've been a unanimous opinion at any time, because Wendy sunned herself in the garden as often as possible in the summer months, and spent a lot of time walking to and from school and the shops, and this kept her figure in trim and her muscles firm and shapely. Her makeup and nails were always smart and her hair kept neat, short and tidy, and before them, Tom and Bill knew that they were enjoying and looking at a real, feminine, classy, mature woman.

With Wendy completely naked before them now, and showing no real signs of further protest, Tom and Bill were able to relax and explore the beautiful skin, the contours, the smell of the perfume, and the unbelievable compliance that was now being shown by this previously untouchable woman. They knew that the opportunity would probably never arise again, and they wanted to savour every moment, take Wendy to such a height that anything would be possible.

Tom was obviously taken with the firm, rounded breasts, and quickly went back to attaching his mouth to the relatively enormous nipples, one after the other, nibbling at them, gently biting them, sucking as much of the shapely orb into his mouth, and then easing back to just holding the tip of the hard nipple in his teeth. This alone made Wendy sigh and close her eyes, in abandoned resignation, but Bill's fingers were still moving gently inside her cunt, a little deeper as the seconds went by, until he had to add more so that he was able to push right into her very depths.