Wet in the Wild Woods

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Bro/Sis discover mutual watersports fetish on camping trip.
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"Pull over" Kate said, jabbing a finger into her brother's ribs, "I've gotta use the bathroom."

"Again?" Jack replied. His voice thick with false irritation "didn't you take a leak like, two minutes ago."

"Try two hours ago, ass. Besides some of us like to keep hydrated." She said waving a half empty water bottle in his face.

Jack pulled the two seat UTV he was driving over to the side of the path and killed the engine. The siblings both hopped out of the small vehicle. Jack had given her a hard time, but truth be told he needed to stop anyway. It was still another hour to the camp ground, and they'd already been driving for two, definitely time for a break.

Since the two were young they had made this pilgrimage out to their uncle's private campground. At first they had come with their family, but as their parents aged they stopped the trips. However for the last four years, starting when both the siblings were over 18 years old they had made the trip alone. It was a long trip, but well worth the effort. With hours of hiking trails, a nice sized pond for swimming, and not another soul around for miles it was the perfect site.

Kate hurried off into the tree line, quickly disappearing from sight. She didn't go too far though, as Jack could hear her unzip her pants, the rustle of fabric as she pulled them down, and even the faint hiss as she began to relieve herself, quickly covered by the patter of her urine splashing on the forest floor.

When the sound stopped Kate emerged from the tree line. "All set." She called still zipping her tight jeans, giving Jack a brief glimpse of her white panties.

"How do you manage that?" Jack asked.

"Manage what?"

"Peeing in the great outdoors, you know with no toilet and...equipment... to ya know aim."

"Girls managed to piss just fine long before the toilet was invented, no reason we can't manage now. I bet you just wanna see me pee." Kate mocked.

"Ukk gross, don't even go there." As he spoke the words his mind secretly wondered what she would look like relieving herself. "You mind driving the last leg?" Jack asked as he tossed Kate the keys.

"Not a problem." She happily replied eager to be in the drivers seat.

An hour later and the pair was at the site, busy unpacking their gear and setting up. It was easy work for the two seasoned campers. In no time at all the two small, cozy tents that would be their home for the week were standing. Not long after, the fire pit, not touched since last year, was repaired and a small blaze was lit within it. By the time the work was done the sun was starting to set. The late afternoon sky was crimson, and caused the small pond to blaze with reflected light.

The two sat for a long while, admiring the beauty around them. Cooked a simple meal on their open fire. Sat a while longer, watching the sun set, and then turned in for the night when darkness covered their little camp ground.


The peace of the late night forest was shattered by the booming of thunder. Jack jerked up right in his tent, practically giving himself whiplash.

"This can't be happening" He said aloud to him self. The sky answered with another bright flash of lightning, immediately followed by the cacophony of thunder. Jack drove his head under his pillow.

Every person has that one primal fear that regresses them to a child, spiders, snakes, heights. For Jack it was thunderstorms. Since he was young the slightest rumble sent him into a panic. Fear would grip him even when he was safe in his home. Now he was in the wilderness, with only a thin canvass sheet to protect him. Jack was not handling it well.

It felt like hours that he laid there, fighting a full on panic attack. Thunder boomed incessantly and the rain pelted against the flimsy tent walls.

Over the racket he faintly heard his tent unzip, and a fierce gust of wind blew in through the open flap. His sister spoke, her voice like an angel, bringing comfort into the small space.

"How you holdin' up big guy?" Kate asked, her voice full of concern and not a hint of mockery.

"I've been better. I'm going to fucking kill all the weathermen if I survive this." Jack's voice was strained, almost cracking as he spoke, still muffled under his pillow.

"I made sure all our gear is secure." Kate spoke as she rested a hand on her brother's trembling shoulder. "Radio says this storm came from no where and it could be hangin' around for a couple hours. With the rain making it hard to see and the wind bringing branches down I don't think it's safe to head back. We'll have to wait it out. We're a good ways away from the tree line and the pond. It should hit those before us. I don't think were in range of anything falling on us either. We should be OK."

"All right, what ever you think is best." Jack said sitting up. He wasn't happy but his sister's presence and calm demeanor had helped settled his nerves. "Do you mind staying here tonight?"

"Of course." Kate replied, pausing for another crash of thunder. "I'm not going anywhere."

Jack smiled at his sister, and Kate beamed back at him. Her white teeth were blue in the ghostly light of an electric LED lamp she had brought. Even in the dull light Jack could tell Kate was soaking wet. In her haste to secure the camp site, and her brother, Kate had left her tent in only a flimsy white t-shirt and a pair of panties. Kate's wet shirt left little to the imagination. Her nipples, erect from the cold water, were standing proud crowning her small perky breasts.

Jack only admired his sister's taut little body for a moment before swinging around and searching his pack for a towel and a fresh shirt. He hoped she hadn't caught him ogling.

"Here we are" He said when he located the items. When he handed them to his sister he was sure to keep his eyes up on her face. Jack turned back around and listened as his sister pulled off her sopping clothing. He heard the rub of the towel faintly over the driving rain as she dried her naked body.

"All set" Kate called when she had pulled on the new shirt. When Jack turned to see her he couldn't help but chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You." Jack replied "You look like a crazy homeless lady." The description fit. Kate's damp, auburn hair was wild from the towel rubbing. Jack wasn't a huge guy but compared to his sister he was built like a tank. His oversized t-shirt hung off of Kate's slender, pixie body like a sack.

"Very funny." She dryly replied "Anyway lets try to get some sleep ok?" Jack unzipped his sleeping bag and spread it like a blanket the two could share. He then relinquished his pillow to his sister. Kate settled down next to him, snuggling under the open bag.

"We can share if you like." She offered a portion of the pillow back to Jack which he happily took. The two sibling were pressed close in the cramped sleeping space but both were comfortable. Kate gently hummed and old lullaby into Jack's ear. When the next bolt of lightning flashed and the earth shaking thunder followed Jack didn't even flinch. He couldn't remember ever feeling so contented.

Jack was surprised that he had managed to sleep at all, unfortunately he didn't stay asleep long. Another clap of the relentless thunder woke him, and that old panic he'd been fighting gnawed at his chest. Kate was gone. Her warm soft body, a source of so much security was no longer pressed against him.

"KATE!" He shouted her name as he sat up.

"Calm down, I'm right here." She was standing, stooped over just a few feet away. Kate was draped in a rain proof poncho and holding her illuminated lantern.

"Where are you going?" Jack tried to keep his voice calm, trying not to show his fear.

"I'm not going anywhere, relax. Just need to use bathroom. I'll be back in like two seconds."

"You can't go out there!" Jack didn't even try to hide the terror in his voice this time.

"Come on Jack it's not like..." Kate trailed off. She was going to finish "it's not like this tent is really protecting us" but thought better of reminder her panic stricken brother of that fact.

"Fine." she sighed. You got a bottle?"

"Yeah" Jack replied pulling an small empty plastic water bottle from his pack "What for?"

"To piss in, duh. Unless you want me to just go on the floor. And before you ask, yes girls can use a bottle just fine too." Kate pulled off her poncho and took the bottle from Jack. "And no peeking Mr. Perv."

With that Jack turned away to give his sister as much privacy as he could. This was stupid and unfair Jack knew. There was no real reason to make Kate pee like this. Making her use a bottle just feet away from him with nothing separating them. Even so Jack could not bring himself to say "Its alright go where you want" and it wasn't just his crazy fear stopping him.

The thought of Kate, his sister, naked from the waste down, emptying her bladder while within arms reach, made Jack's stomach do flips. While it shamed him to the core, that thought also made his cock stiffen.

"Damn it" Kate uttered under her breath. He turned to see what was the matter. Kate was squatting, her back turn to him. Jack couldn't tell exactly what as wrong, but it seemed like Kate needed both hand to aim her stream into the bottle and one hand was preoccupied holding Jack's large shirt out off the way. Confirming his speculation, Kate pulled the shirt off, leaving herself completely nude.

Jack knew he should look away. Kate had shown him every kindness in the world. Helped him through his panic without ever mocking him. To repay that kindness Jack made her pee in a bottle, and was going to spy on her while she did it. Jack felt lower than dirt, but still he couldn't look away, and his hard cock wouldn't go down.

He scanned over his sister's toned naked form. Her clearly defined shoulder blades casting long shadows across her back in the eerie blue light. He traced down the slight indentation of her spine, all the way to her pert little ass. In her squatting position it was a perfect heart shape with her cheeks pulled apart. The low LED light left the crack filled with shadow, but had the light been better Jack would be staring at his sisters exposed asshole.

Jack could see the empty bottle between Kate's legs. He guessed from the angle that it must have been pressed close to her womanhood. Kate made some last second adjustments, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. While one hand maneuvered the bottle the other manipulating her hidden pussy. Once done Kate let herself go.

Her first spurt missed its mark. Just slightly off, her piss struck the edge of bottle's opening causing beads of the hot liquid to run down the outside and drop to the canvas tent floor.

"Opps, got a little on the floor" Kate said with a small, embarrassed chuckle.

"Not a problem" Jack replied, his throat dry, his eyes locked on the puddle forming between his sisters leg, and his cock as hard as stone.

"All right, here we go," Kate mumble to herself, while readjusting her position. This time she leaned forward far enough that Jack could just make out the bottom cleft of her pussy. On her second attempt Kate's aim was dead on. A strong stream of urine passed out of her body and through the narrow bottle opening.

As Kate emptied the contents of her bladder, the sounds of the bottle being filled echoed in the tent, almost exactly like it was being filled in a sink. The rattling drum as liquid struck plastic, the wet splashes as the stream joined the pool it was creating, and the gurgle of air being forced out to make room for more piss.

Kate let out a satisfied sigh, as the uncomfortable pressure was released. She was a little proud of herself, having never tried this trick before.

She pushed hard and was rewarded with a thick, strong flow of warm urine. The hand that gripped the bottle could feel the liquid's heat through the thin plastic.

Kate was like a geyser, and the little plastic container filled quickly. Kate's stream began to ebb, but the bottle was reaching critical levels. One final gush caused the liquid to spill over the top. It cascaded down the sides, soaking Kate's hand and falling to the ground, joining the puddle already there.

"All done" Kate said pulling the bottle away from herself and screwing on the cap. She opened the tent flap a crack and tossed the freshly filled bottle outside. Jack turned back away not wanting to get caught peeking. "Did make a bit of a mess though" Kate said grabbing the towel from earlier. She used it to dry her pussy, hand, and the puddle she had created, then tossed it outside with the bottle.

Kate pulled her over sized shirt back on and took her place in bed next to Jack. Jack was relived when she laid down behind him where she wouldn't notice his erection.

"Goodnight" Kate said to Jack. He replied in kind, though he didn't expect he'd be able to get back sleep, but despite the storm, his arousal, and his uncomfortably hard cock that he didn't dare touch, Jack found himself drifting off. In no time at all he had fallen asleep.

Jack didn't wake back up until morning. This time it wasn't a sudden jerk from sleep, it was a slow pleasant return to awareness. The storm had cleared, and sunlight was permeating the tent. As Jack's senses returned he became aware that he was flat on his back, and that half his body was covered by a sort warm object. He and his sister had shifted in the night, and her body was now draped over his, her head nestled into his shoulder.

Jack became aware of where his hand was. His arm wrapped around Kate's form and though he couldn't see it he knew from the feel that his hand was resting on her tight ass. Semi-unconsciously his hand began to caress the supple flesh, rubbing up and down the length of her cheeks. Soon though he fully realized what he was doing. Molesting his sister's butt was unacceptable. Jack quickly but cautiously, as not to wake her, drew his hand away.

It was only then that it occurred to him, if his hand was on Kate's bare ass, then her whole lower half must be exposed, her shirt riding up in the night. That would mean given the way they were laying, Jack flat on his back, Kate half on top of him face down, Her legs spread open straddling one of Jack's, then...

Jack became keenly aware of a place on his bare thigh. It was warmer then the rest of Kate's body, and had a slight dampness to it. Kate's bare pussy was pressed against Jack's exposed leg. Jack let out a low groan, a mix of ecstasy and frustration. The most perfect girl he knew was laying half naked on top of him, and she was the one girl he could never have.

It took time and effort but Jack was able to untangle himself from his sister without waking her. He was extra careful to not let his hard throbbing member touch her flesh. Had he let that happen who knows what he might have done.

Stealthily Jack grabbed fresh clothing and exited the tent. Upon stepping out his foot hit something soft and wet. Kate's discarded towel was laying just outside the tent, soaked from last night deluge, and just maybe a trace of Kate's pee. Under the towel was the bottle, filled to the top with Kate's day old piss.

Jack lifted the bottle and slowly undid the cap. He brought the open flask to his nose and took a deep whiff. His nostrils filled with the strange acrid sent of stale urine. Jack found the smell surprisingly pleasant, and it was having an unexpected effect on his body. Maybe it was just his over stimulated state, but Kate's old piss was turning him on.

Jack's own actions shocked him. He lowered the bottle from his nose to his lips and took the tinniest of sips. Barley a drop got into his mouth, and it was barley enough to taste. Still from what little flavor he got Jack fond it rather pleasant. For a moment he considered downing more of the forbidden liquid, maybe chugging the entire bottle. But before he tipped the bottle into his mouth he thought to himself "This is insane, disgusting and wrong on nine different levels. I can't do this."

He turned the flask upside down and let the golden fluid spill out onto the grass. As it hit the ground it splashed and sprayed Jack's bare feet with a fine mist.

"I'm going crazy," Jack thought to himself "I've got to get some relief before I do something completely insane."

He walked down to the fire pit and took a seat on a log with his back facing the tents. Jack fished his hard dick out through his fly and began to rub his starved cock head. He had to be quick, and finish before Kate woke up. He could do it, he wouldn't last long in his current state.

Jack rubbed hard and fast, racing toward orgasm. He was so close, He could feel the pressure growing in his sack, and his whole body vibrated with anticipation of the release. He was so close, but stopped short when he heard the tent flap being unzipped. Jack quickly tucked his dick back into his pants cursing under his breath.

"Morning!" Kate called to him. From the way her brother was sitting she had a good idea of what he was doing, and regretted interrupting him. She could have used some relief herself. Last night had brought some very pleasant dreams, and Kate had woken with a sopping wet pussy aching to be rubbed. She vowed she would never tell a soul who the subject of those dreams had been.

"Mornin" Jack called back as his sister jogged to his side and took a seat beside him.

"How are you, after last night?"

"I'm good, now that God himself isn't trying to murder me. Sorry you had to deal with me though, how pathetic was I last night"

"You weren't so bad" Kate reassured , punching Jack lightly on the shoulder. "Hell if spiders had been falling from the sky I would have been in a way worse state. You know how I get around those creepy crawlers."

Jack chuckled, thankful for his sister support "If it was raining spiders I don't think I'd be doing much better than you. But thanks."

The pair sat for a while enjoying the cool crisp morning and ate a simple breakfast together.

"Hey wana go for a swim?" Kate asked already heading for her tent to get her bathing suit.

"Sure thing" Jack replied while standing, thankful his erection had settled some so the bulge in his pants wasn't entirely obvious.

Jack headed to his tent and quickly dressed into his swim trunks. When he emerged he was surprised that he'd beaten Kate out. He could hear her rummaging in her tent still. The rummaging stopped and a shout erupted from the tent.

"MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A WHORE!!" Kate emerged from her tent in a rage. "Can you believe this, I forgot to pack my suit. I'm such a fucking idiot."

"No big deal," Jack said trying to sooth her "Just use your underwear, basically the same thing right?"

"I would but I just brought the basics with me. All thin white cotton, might as well be wearing nothing once it gets wet...Although..." The rage in Kate's voice was replaced by a coy, playful tone." I guess that is an option. Wearing nothing I mean, I've always wanted to try skinny dipping."

"I don't thinks that's a good idea." Jack said, feeling a stir in groin at the thought of his sister's perfect body nude and wet.

"Why not? It's just you and me out here and you don't mind right?"

Jack went to reply, to tell Kate that he did mind, but she was to quick for him. Her nimble hands had already stripped off her shirt and bra and were working on her pants. Kate's breasts were far more beautiful than Jack could have imagined. The glimpse he had caught last night obstructed by wet fabric and poor lighting was nothing compared to the full eyeful he now had. Jack looked away and hoped Kate didn't notice the growing bulge in his bathing suit. Jack's lustful curiosity won out in the end. He turned back to see his sister running to the lake, not a stitch of clothing on her lithe body. Her strong slender muscle carrying her quickly like a gazelle. Her perfect little butt wiggling seductively with each step.