What a Night

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Jennifer goes on a girls night out.
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Jennifer couldn't believe her eyes. When Maya had suggested they head out for a "girls night out" she had no idea what she would be getting into. Drinking certainly, but never something like this.

She had only been with three men in her entire 27 years. She had only seen those three penises and her little brother's pre-pubescent genitals when he streaked through the house one day thinking there was no one home. Here she was, surrounded by cocks of every imaginable size and shape -- thick, long, short, black, white, curved, and straight as an arrow. The only unifying theme seemed to be that they were all circumcised.

And they were all accompanied by shaven ballsacs as well. In fact, she now noticed that all of the men had totally shaven bodies. No one was all that beefy or muscular, but they were certainly all fit and trim, no guts on display. In fact a couple of them actually sported real honest-to-goodness six packs.

They were all dressed identically. Maybe undressed would be more appropriate, as they all wore sheer black stockings held up by black satin garterbelts with black high heeled fuck-me pumps. Red and black paisley ties in impeccable Windsor knots dangled from their necks pointing none too subtly at the jewels and manmeat so brazenly on display.

Walking around the club in their four inch heels, the men's packages jiggled luridly.

Seated at the small round table with Maya and three other friends she stared slackjawed as their waiter delivered a tray with the bottle they had ordered, five glasses, mixers, lime and lemon wedges, and ice. He had already introduced himself as David on his first foray to the table of leggy young women and proceeded to prepare each woman a drink to their specifications then set it in front of them. As he placed a napkin on the table in front of her and then the glass of Ciroc and tonic on it, his genitals were mere inches from her face. She wanted to reach out and fondle him, stimulate him from the semi-erect state he was in to full erection but settled on a visual examination of his thick mushroom headed member encircled by swollen veins and his smoothly shaven testicles.

Too quickly the up-close visuals were over and he left the five women looking at each other woozily, each knowing exactly what was going on in the others' minds, how each of them wanted nothing more than to have their lips wrapped around that fuckpole. Maya was first to speak.

"Kinda gives new meaning to the term "cocktail" doesn't it?"

They all tittered and shifted in their seats, trying with varying levels of success to keep from displaying their panties as their short skirts rode high up their thighs. Jennifer was worried that someone would see just how wet she was, how aroused she had become in the mere fifteen minutes since they had crossed the threshold under the sign that read

"Club Constantine -- ladies club members only".

A pitch black vestibule had led to a dimly lit corridor that finally terminated in the club itself which consisted of thirty or so tables arranged on two levels and a long padded bar. The bartender was the only staff member without a member prominently on display. He was conventionally clad in a white dress short and black slacks.

The music was just the right sound level that concealed conversations from one table to the next, but not so loud as to be objectionable. The girls enjoyed their drinks and the conversation flowed more freely once everyone's glasses were half empty. They of course began choosing favorites among the staff. To Jennifer's surprise Maya chose a tall black stud. The other three were all mesmerized by a gorgeous blonde with what must have been nine or ten inches of tubesteak dangling between his legs. Jenn was still smitten by their waiter's package that she had observed up so close. It was as if there was already a bond of intimacy because of that.

As the glasses approached empty David reappeared to freshen them. Jennifer stared at his crotch as he worked his way around the table, ending with her now empty tumbler. As he leaned over to reach for it his cock again dangled tantalizingly just inches from her face. She felt nylon against her shoulder as his stockings grazed her there.

And then he was gone again, leaving her feeling all the more desperate. As she glanced across the table she could tell that they all knew what was running through her mind, how she wanted so much to suck him dry, milk every ounce of semen from his swollen gonads.

Suddenly a curtain was drawn back revealing a small stage. Standing in the middle and illuminated by a spotlight was a naked man, or rather a man whose genitals were illuminated by a spotlight. He stood with his hands on his hips and slowly his penis grew erect, first sticking straight out in front of him and then boldly upright. A pair of hands appeared from out of the darkness behind him and grasped his shaft then began stroking it. They were a woman's hands, long fingernails painted black with little crystal jewels set into them that sparkled as the hands stroked away while the object of her ministrations stood with his hands still firmly resting on his hips.

After a few minutes his body began to twitch ever so slightly and then suddenly it happened - he came, spurting white goo in an arc onto the floor in front of him. He bucked wildly then settled down to a twitchiness and eventually the hands stopped, then disappeared. The curtain was closed again and they all resumed their conversations.

But Jenn had reached her drink limit without a pee break. She stood and left the table scanning the perimeter of the room looking for where the restroom might be. Halfway across the crowded room and halfway up the steps to the second level one of the waiters asked what she was looking for and pointed her in the right direction. He was standing a step lower than she and as they spoke he pressed tightly against her to hear. As he did his penis made direct contact with her thigh.

Jenn was startled but also thrilled by the genital contact. After steering her in the right direction he gave her bare shoulder a little kiss then disappeared. She stood stunned by the sheer eroticism of the brief contact before heading off to relieve her bladder.

She passed through a lounge area on the way to the loo. A continuous deep sofa wrapped three walls of the alcove like space and instead of cocktail tables, a row of ten contraptions stood in the middle. Roughly the size of a saddle, three of them were occupied by women sitting astride them, dresses up to their waists. Two were grinding their pelvises lazily against the form while the third was in the throes of something very satisfying, rolling her head, twisting her hips, and groaning loud enough to be heard over the background beat.

Sybians! She had heard about them but here were ten of the mechanical love devices. As she watched, the tumble haired brunette who was groaning so loudly peaked, shuddering to a climax before slumping forward for a few moments, then dismounting. As she climbed off the device, a vertical shaft appeared from between her legs, a flesh colored reproduction of a cock that she had been pleasuring herself on.

From out of nowhere a short slender young man with a shaved head appeared. He was totally naked and barefoot. Unlike the waiters, his penis was tiny, the size of a wine cork and he had no ballsac. A castrato -- Jennifer's grandmother had told her about them and their position in the church but she always thought it was more of an old wives' tale. But here was one in the flesh and it was fascinating in a perverse sort of way.

He walked to the brunette and handed her a damp washcloth as well as a small fluffy white towel. She mopped herself off as he unscrewed the phallic form from the Sybian then sprayed the contraption with a bottle of disinfectant, then soapy water, and finally dried it with another towel. The dildo was whisked away as he once again disappeared.

At this point Jennifer's bladder was in serious need of relief. She saw a doorway and headed for it. Unmarked, it did turn out to be the restroom. There was no door, just a pair of walls that screened the room from the short corridor leading from the Sybian alcove. More brightly but still softly lit, the sound of a trickling wall of water and an exotic floral aroma permeated the atmosphere.

There was the requisite row of toilet stalls along one long wall, but here attention was immediately fixed on the other end of the space. Several shallow troughs in the floor extended from the wall out for a couple feet. Roughly a foot wide, they also ran up the wall to about waist level. Lined in tiny ceramic tiles, water flowed down the vertical slot and lay a few inches deep in the trough, where it flowed in a steady motion.

Standing astride one of the troughs was a long legged short haired blonde. Her dress was at her waist exposing a beautiful tight ass with Brazilian tan lines. One hand held a pair of skimpy magenta panties and she was facing the wall. She was peeing standing there like that, nonchalantly letting loose a stream of piss into the trough between her legs.

Soon the blonde finished, stepped back and walked toward the row of sinks and mirror, dress still around her waist. Another naked castrato appeared, handed her a damp washcloth and a hand towel. He disappeared, she cleaned herself, dried, then deposited both the cloth and the towel on the countertop before stepping back into the panties and finally pulling her dress back down. She washed her hands, primped a bit, then disappeared back to the club.

Jennifer looked at the troughs, wondering if she could do it, then thought "what the hell" before strutting across the tile floor, hiking her skirt and slipping the white lace g-string she was wearing down her legs and off her feet. Straddling the trough she let go a stream of urine, bringing immediate relief to her weary bladder. There was no one else around, but she felt deliciously exposed. She knew the castrato was around somewhere but he was nowhere in sight.

Sure enough, as soon as she was finished, he appeared with washcloth and towel. The cloth was warm and felt wonderful against her smoothly shaven snatch. She dried, and was prepared to step back into the soggy g-string, but opted to extract a fresh one from her clutch, leaving the used one in a pile with the washcloth and towel.

Just as she was ready to leave, one of the waiters entered. He strode purposely over to the troughs and nonchalantly started to pee. Standing several feet from the wall, he blasted an arc into the vertical part of the trough which was audible above the sound of the running water. Jenn had never seen a man urinate and was fascinated as she stood watching him relieve himself. When he was finished, he stepped forward slightly, jiggling his penis with one hand. As he headed for the sinks the castrato again appeared, handing him a towel only which he briefly used then washed his hands. As he passed Jennifer on the way out he smiled and blew her a kiss.

On the way back to the table she again passed through the Sybian lounge. This time six of the devices were in use by women in varying states of delight. She was tempted to give it a try, but decided that she had best get back to her friends. Besides, now that she had emptied her bladder, she was ready for another round of drinks and more importantly for the up-close display of manhood that accompanied it.

No sooner had David refreshed their drinks and given her another intimate display but the curtain opened again. This time it was a sultry Marilyn Monroe looking woman who proceeded to do a striptease, slithering out of her satin dress, revealing a vintage bra and girdle set, then off came the bra allowing a display of rather large pointy breasts. Jenn was wondering what the hell this was all about when the girdle came off and she realized that this was a shemale and she(he?) also possessed an impressive dick which he(she?) then masturbated using both hands resulting in a gush of ejaculate that ended up in a puddle on the floor before the curtain again closed.

Maya poked her under the table, then asked what she had thought of the back room. "Wild." was all she could come up with and the other three began prodded her for an explanation. Jennifer simply told them they would have to find out for themselves. Maya smiled knowingly and Jenn suddenly realized that she must have partaken of the Sybians in the past.

As the night continued, they were next treated to a performance by a young man who came on stage totally naked. He knelt down then arched backward in a yoga type position, his muscular and tanned body oiled up and glistening in the spotlight. He too started to masturbate. His member was not all that impressive, but when he finally came it was like a geyser of white goo that shot several feet into the air and ten or twelve feet across the stage. The room erupted in applause and Jennifer thought about how much thrust was involved in creating a display like that. It would probably feel incredible to have a cock like that explode inside you.

She was getting hornier and hornier. Glancing at Maya, she received a dirty smirk. Maya stood and announced she was headed to "use the facilities." Jennifer couldn't understand how the others were able to contain themselves, but figured they were just drunk enough that it didn't matter.

Trailing Maya across the main room, she reached the Sybian lounge a few scant steps behind. This time only one machine was in use, by an older and slightly overweight woman. As she bounced and pounded away, Jenn swore she could feel the floor shaking.

Maya strutted over to a cabinet that Jenn had not noticed earlier. In it were all assortment of dildo fittings for the contraptions, all carefully labeled with names such as "Thrasher", "Dr.J", and "Vlad", but then there were ordinary names as well and suddenly she realized that there were casts of the staff and performers. Sure enough, there was one labeled "David". This pushed her over the edge and as Maya selected a knobby studded shaft that looked more like a torture device, Jenn wrapped her hand around David and took it from the case.

The castrato suddenly was right there and took the fittings from them, then mounted them on two adjacent machines, screwing them firmly into place. Handing them each a wireless remote he in a high pitched voice bade them "Enjoy yourselves ladies."

Maya hike up her dress revealing a simple white thing that she slid down and off. It had been a long time since Jenn had seen her former roommate naked and she was surprised to see the ankh symbol that was tattooed just above her pussyslit. That must've hurt like hell but damn it was sexy as all get out. Maya straddled the Sybian fitted with the knobby shaft and fingered herself for a minute before easing herself onto it. Slowly it disappeared inside her as she close her eyes and smiled blissfully.

Jennifer followed suit and before she realized what she had done, was impaled on the replica of David's cock. She had intended to slowly lower herself onto it, savoring the feeling of it working its way into her vaginal cavity but she was so wet from all the erotic stimulation over the evening that it just slid right in all the way to the hilt immediately. It felt marvelous, a great fit, filling her and bumping right against her cervix. And it was hard, very very hard, hard unlike she had ever had inside her before.

Playing with the remote she found that there were several speeds as well as a back-forth, up-down and cyclical motion that could be selected. Settling for a simple vibration mode on low, she drifted off into a very blissful place where the only thing that mattered were the wonderful sensations emanating from within her womb.

Maya was making bizarre sounds to her left and Jenn glanced over to see that she had removed her dress completely and was in the process of unhooking her bra. Once freed, her breasts bounced and jiggled in rhythm with the thrusting motion she had dialed in on her remote. With her feet planted firmly on each side of the machine she held herself slightly above it and the dildo jammed itself in and out of her producing little slapping sounds in the process. She sped it up resulting in a fast thwap thwap thwap and reached down to finger her clit.

Jennifer followed suit, finding her nub and rolling it between two fingers as David vibrated away inside her. The first of several mini orgasms washed over her. Each one was a little more intense than the previous. She discovered a way to position herself that the base of the Sybian also vibrated against her sphincter and suddenly she shot off into a mind wrenching climax.

As she went into orgasmic convulsions she could hear Maya screaming "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" as she too peaked. It seemed to go on forever until finally she realized she was only going to make herself sore if she continued and switched off the machine. Her pussy continued to spasm even after she climbed off the shaft she had been riding for the last twenty minutes.

Maya was somehow already dressed again. The castrato handed her a washcloth and towel. As she used the warm cloth to rinse off the vaginal fluids that had oozed from her she came again from the friction of the cloth over her swollen clitoris.

Maya handed her her g-string and as she stepped into it again then pulled it into place over her sex and into the crack of her ass, she felt lightheaded. Maya recognized immediately and steered her over to the long sofa where they lay and cuddled for several minutes before heading back to the table. Now all ten machines were in use and the castrato was very busy. A cacophony of groans, wails and shrieks was rising to a crescendo.

By the time Maya and Jenn made their way back to the table, it was approaching closing time. David made one more stop at the table and this time, much to Jennifer's delight, his cock barely grazed her cheek as he leaned over to top off her glass. Then he was gone and table toasted a fine evening just before the curtain opened one last time. As the lights onstage came on, there stood all the waiters only now they all sported hard-ons and as a drum roll was heard offstage they all started masturbating.

For what seemed like forever they all stood in a semicircle dutifully stroking their rigid members. Each man had his own technique and every woman in the audience was silent in anticipation, wondering who would ejaculate first. Jennifer stared at David and she could swear he was staring back at her, burning a hole with his eyes right into her soul, but more importantly making her sopping wet once more.

Glancing around she counted. Twenty-one magnificent examples of manhood dressed in stockings and high heels wanking away for the pure enjoyment of a room full of women in estrogen overload. Suddenly she started to giggle as she realized the significance of the number in the troupe. They were going to give the ladies a twenty-one gun salute!

All at once the men looked at each other, nodded their heads and then it happened -- in unison they all erupted in one simultaneous ejaculatory extravaganza, semen shooting from twenty-one cocks toward the center of the stage. The room burst into a thundering round of applause and every woman was on her feet. There were whistles and yelps of pure delight as they watched the performance.

Then just as suddenly it was over. The last dribble of spunk had dripped from now semi-hard dicks, the stage emptied, and the curtain was drawn closed for the final time that night. The girls looked at each other and their shoulders drooped as they gathered their purses and joined the others heading for the door.

What a night.

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bottovarnisbottovarnisover 2 years ago

intereresting. It was quite a night! Good fantasy,Thanks!

nocturnaldelightsnocturnaldelightsover 12 years ago

I like the way your stories are a little off the beaten path and I LOVE the idea of naked guys wearing stockings and high heels with their bits jiggling about for all to see.

keep up the good work and keep getting us girls wet!

sanchezshpsanchezshpover 12 years ago

great idea and story

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