What Are Friends For: A Favor

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A desperate mother asks her best friend for help.
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"So, how's Eric been?" Beth asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Not good," Julie replied, "He's been spending most of his time up in his room moping since he came back for summer break and I'm getting worried."

"What happened with Kellie?" Beth asked with real concern.

"I wish I knew," Julie said before her face contorted in anger, "You know what, I don't give a shit what happened, I just wish he had never met her after all this crap!"

"He's been with her for years, hasn't he?" Beth asked.

"Since 9th grade which is the problem," Julie replied, "He's never dated or been with anyone else and she was always so uptight about dating and sex with the way her parents brought her up!

"Eric broke down last week and finally admitted he was still a virgin because of her for fucks sake!" Julie said angrily, "Twenty one years old and because his high school sweetheart was never emotionally mature and wanted to 'wait' until they were married now that the bitch just out of the blue dumps him he's developed this huge mental block about dating and women in general!"

Beth nodded in sympathy, "I always wondered why he was so attracted to her.

"He could have had his pick of almost any of the girls on the swim team with him but instead of one of his hot half naked teammates in those swimsuits he picks the frumpy homely girl with the ridiculously strict religious parents?"

"I don't have a clue," Julie said as she shook her head and glared down at her own coffee cup, "All I know is that Eric is really hurting and is having a hell of a time getting over her. And now that she's 'found herself' and started dating some 30 year old looser and bragging about how great at sex he is to all of her and Eric's old friends it's just making things worse.

"I really wish this had happened back in high school," Julie said in exasperation, "I can't believe I'm saying this about my own son but I wish he had lost his virginity back then and not have this huge issue about it now!"

"I know he's your son, but it does sound like he needs to get laid," Beth said with a grin, "Know any loose women who might be available?"

"Well, actually...." Julie replied while still staring down at her coffee cup.

"Oh, my god," Beth said in delight, "Who's the lucky girl you're trying to set him up with?"

"I'm not trying to set him up," Julie confessed, "I'm trying to get him laid so he gets over this hang-up about being a virgin!"

"Ohhh, even better," Beth said with a laugh, "So who's the lucky gal who gets to have hot sex to pop his cherry?"

"You?" Julie said hesitantly.

"What?" Beth said in shock.

"When he was in high school how many times did we talk about you catching Eric peeking at you when you got out of the shower through his bedroom window?" Julie asked, "How many times did we talk about you teasing him by masturbating on your bed while he watched?"

"That's..." Beth began only to stop at a loss for words.

"You know he used to jerk off watching you," Julie continued, "The shit head used to use his socks instead of tissues and I'd have to discover the crusty things in the laundry basket or hidden under his bed!

"He always had a huge crush on you and you always said it was a good thing you were married to David or who knows what would have happened.

"You're not married to David anymore."

"Julie, you can not be serious!" Beth exclaimed even as her nipples poked at the thin yellow fabric of her tank top, "We're talking about Eric here!"

"Yes we are," Julie replied with a searching look at her friend, "And I really am worried about him!

"He's lost all interest in his hobbies, he's not kayaking anymore, he's missing swim team practices at college, his grades are down, there's no way he's talking to any of his old friends that knew both him and Kellie, and it's only getting worse. When I asked him about dating someone else he blew up and asked who would ever want to fuck a twenty-one year old virgin!

"So yes, just like you said he needs to get laid," Julie said angrily, "He needs to get fucked... no, he needs to get his idiotic lovesick brains fucked out of his skull and then get fucked again!

"And the only person I know of who not only could but would want to and enjoy it... as well as do a really really good job is you," Julie finished with a lopsided grin and a tear trickling down her cheek

"And someone I trust enough not to hurt him when she's done," Julie said so quietly that Beth had to lean forward to hear her.

"You're serious?" Beth asked in astonishment.

"I don't know how many times you've told me over the years that Eric was always too good for Kellie and it was a shitty deal that his first lover was someone who probably thought missionary once every second Tuesday of even numbered months was the only god approved way of having sex and then only after getting married," Julie said as she angrily swiped the tear away from her check, "Well, Kellie is out of the fucking picture, thank whatever sky ghost she's so into, so why don't you be his first instead of that bi... instead of her and show him what sex can really be like?"

"Julie..." Beth said while shaking her head.

"No, Beth!" Julie interrupted, "Ever since you and David divorced you've been bragging about how much you love being a slut, your words, not mine, how you've always loved being an exhibitionist and now getting to make love to so many new lovers...

"I want you to make love to my son, Beth... he's upstairs in his room now."

"I... what?" Beth asked, "Now?"

"Why not?" Julie asked, "Do you need to freshen up?

"Go home and take a shower, think about it and come back over in an hour."

Beth stared at her friend for over a minute before glancing down at her cup and back up at Julie, "I already showered this morning, and um... well, I wax down stairs now so I don't need to shave.

"Are you sure, Julie?"

"I'm absolutely fucking sure!" Julie shot back, "That up tight bitch strung Eric along for years... 'Oh, we have to wait until we're married'... 'Don't you love me enough to wait'... 'You can't put your hands there, it's a sin'... all that crap and then dumps him to fuck some stoner looser who's only career is taking an endless string of college classes and Eric is hurting!

"Really hurting since he was foolish enough to fall in love with that bitch!

"So yes, I want you to go show him exactly what sex and sexual desire and intimacy really is instead of that crap that Kellie was peddling and once he's up on his feet again I need you to give him a gentle loving push to get his ass in gear and get on with his life!"

Julie broke down in sobs while she looked pleadingly at her best friend who she had known since her own high school days until Beth gave a small, hesitant nod.

"You won't let this hurt us?" Beth asked quietly, "Our friendship?"

"I'm asking you to fuck my son," Julie said with a snort of amusement as she wiped her tears away, "Promise me to fuck him senseless and then give him a swift kick in the ass to get him out of this funk and I think we'll be fine!"

Beth laughed and wiped a few tears away herself and then pushed her chair back away from the table with her face turning a bright red, "He's upstairs?"

Julie smiled and nodded and then glanced up and down at Beth and the flip flops, blue athletic shorts and yellow tank top she had thrown on before coming over, "Not exactly Victoria Secret, but for some reason I think Eric is going to be very impressed."

Beth laughed a bit breathlessly and then nodded to her friend as she started to walk out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.

"Beth," Julie asked a bit hesitantly.

"Yes?" Beth asked as she turned back to Julie, her mid length raven black hair cascading over her shoulder.

"I've seen some of his searches on the internet," Julie confided, "Take your shoes off and..."

Beth stared at her friend with a smirk before Julie finally continued.

"Rub your feet on his face and dick?"

"Oh, I think I can manage that," Beth said as she quickly slipped out of her flip flops and started to walk through the living room and towards the stairs before suddenly pausing and turning back, "Julie?"

Julie looked up from her coffee cup which she had been staring at, "Yes?"

"The back door to my house is open," Beth said softly, "And my bedroom curtains are always open."

Julie stared at her friend for several moments before giving a hesitant and very shaky nod. Beth smiled and then turned back to the stairs up to the second floor.

Beth had been upstairs to her friends' bedroom dozens of times over the years so she knew the way to Eric's room as well, but the trip seemed to take her ages this time. Each step up the cool bare wood steps of the stairs sent chills up Beth's legs, legs and even arms and torso that just happened to be covered in goosebumps.

Beth thought back to how many times she had only half joked with Julie about seducing Eric, especially once he had hit sixteen and had started filling out with all the hours he had spent working out on the swim team. Julie had teased Beth about always showing up for Eric's home swim meets, but Beth had enjoyed being there both to support him as well as to see him in the speedos that were the teams official uniform, and maybe to see the bulge he always had when he saw her very obviously looking down to check him out.

Beth reached the second floor and was surprised to see how much her hands were shaking as she padded silently down the hall on bare feet. She remembered vividly when she had confessed to Julie that she had caught Eric watching her get out of the shower through his bedroom window that overlooked her own and that she started intentionally leaving her curtains up and all the lights on when she got out of the shower.

She also remembered later that year when she had confessed to Julie that she had masturbated while knowing Eric had been watching from his room. It had amazed Beth that Julie hadn't been mad and had even encouraged Beth to go even further, that Julie even then been unhappy with his relationship with Kellie.

Beth reached the door to Eric's room which was closed and stood listening for a minute trying to hear any activity from within as her entire body tingled in anticipation. Finally Beth caught the sound of Eric typing on his keyboard and reached out with shaking hands to knock on his door.

"I'm busy," Eric said in a flat, annoyed voice.

Beth took a deep, steadying breath and opened the door before stepping slowly inside.

"What's up mo..."Eric began to say sharply and then cut off abruptly when he saw Beth step into his room.

"Hi," Beth said as she quietly closed the door behind her and stepped over to Eric's window.

"Ms Anderson, I, uh..." Eric said in amazement.

"I'm not Ms Anderson anymore," Beth said as she looked across the narrow gap between her and Julie's homes and into her own bedroom, "I'm just Beth now."

"Oh, yea, sure, I'm sorry, I had heard about the divorce and..." Eric stammered before finally trailing off.

"You had a nice view of my bedroom growing up, didn't you?" Beth asked as she stood next to the window and watched Eric out of the corner of her eye, "Did you like what you saw?"

"I'd never sp... I mean...watch, or... I..." Eric stammered with his face a bright red.

Beth turned to face Eric who looked a bit bedraggled in a pair of ratty old swim trunks, a dirty t shirt and his auburn hair a bit greasy from not having been recently washed with dark circles under his eyes. But Beth also had to admit that he was still handsome with his broad chest and athletic frame and his gray eyes looking at Beth in near panic.

"I hope you watched me, I wanted you to watch me getting out of the shower when I was soaking wet," Beth admitted as she stared at Eric, "I wanted you... I liked you watching me when I played with my kitty and used my toys inside of me."

"What?" Eric said with his mouth hanging open comically.

Beth glanced at the half open door to Eric's bathroom and then back to him before slowly pulling her yellow tank top over her head to expose her C cup breasts and walking over to him.

"Ms Anders... I mean... Beth... what are you doing?" Eric asked as his hand strayed to his crotch to hide the fact that he already had an erection.

"Come on," Beth said gently as she held out her hand to Eric who reached out hesitantly.

"Wh... why?" Eric stammered, "What are you doing?"

Beth pulled Eric up out of his chair, the smell of too little deodorant and not enough showers just as strong as she suspected, but not really unpleasant either. Eric resisted for a moment longer and then stood up to let Beth encircle him in her arms and pull him to her.

"Did you ever want to get a closer view of me?" Beth asked with her head tilted back since she barely topped five and a half feet and Eric was well over six, "Maybe watch from just a few inches away while I slipped my toys in and out of my pussy until I came all over them?'

"Beth?" Eric said as stood a bit stiffly in Beth's arms, "What the hell?"

Beth stepped away from Eric and then took his hands in hers to guide them up to her breasts before she reached down to squeeze his erection through the fabric of his swim trunks, "Did you ever want to feel my tits when I got out of the shower, did you ever want to squeeze them?"

Beth gave Eric's dick another gentle squeeze and was rewarded for her efforts by Eric beginning to kneed her breasts with her hard and aching nipples slipping across the palms of his hands. Beth moaned in pleasure and then stepped away from Eric to take his hand and guide him towards the bathroom.

"Did you know that I knew you were watching me?" Beth asked as she stepped into the bathroom, "Did you know I was thinking about you having your hard dick in your hand and stroking yourself, making yourself cum at the exact same time I was making my tight little pussy cum?"

"I always daydreamed that you knew..." Eric said breathlessly.

Beth turned on the water in the shower and checked it with her hand before slowly slipping Eric's t shirt over his head, his body shuddering as her fingernails grazed his sides from his waistband all the way up to his armpits.

"I knew," Beth confessed as she nibbled and sucked on Eric's nipples, her fingernails slowly tracing down his flanks until she found the waistband of his swim trunks, "I left the blinds up for you."

Beth's fingers slipped inside of Eric's waistband before slipping around to the front, her fingernail grazing the tip of Eric's dick before she pulled her hands out and untied the drawstring, "I left the lights on for you."

Beth pushed Eric's swim trunks down until they slipped over his hips and fell to the floor around his feet, his dick pressing against her bare stomach, "I moved my bed so that you'd have a perfect view when I fucked my pussy with my toys... just for you."

Eric moaned and reached out a tentative hand to pinch Beth's nipple when she took his dick in her hand and squeezed before her petite hand began to slowly stroke up and down his length. With her other hand Beth managed to push both her sports shorts and panties down over her own hips so that she could press her naked body against Eric's as she admired his full six and a half inches in her hand while she continued to stroke him. Beth bit her lip and stifled a gasp of pleasure when Eric hesitantly pinched her nipples even harder, his fingers pulling on her tender aching nubs and stretching them out before letting them slip between his fingers.

"I had dreams about you," Eric confessed, his voice uneven and shaky, "I dreamed about you catching me and then waving at me to come over."

"Ummmm, I would have loved that," Beth said huskily, one hand stroking up and down Eric's length while her other hand squeezed his hard ass, "I wanted you sooo bad, I wanted your young dick inside of my body instead of my toys, I wanted your warm hot cum filling my tight, wet pussy."

Eric suddenly grunted as his body jerked and Beth felt something warm splash across her stomach followed quickly by two and then three more splashes. Beth looked down in surprise to see her stomach covered in Eric's thick white cum as it ran slowly down her skin.

"Fuck!" Eric said in anguish, "I'm such a fucking loser, I can't even manage to fuck my lifelong dream girl!"

Eric tried to pull away but Beth kept his dick firmly in hand as she realized that he had never had the experience of being slowly built up like she had been trying to do.

"There's nothing wrong with you cumming on me, Eric," Beth said while using her fingers to scrape up as much of Eric's cum as she could while still stroking his dick in her other hand, "Do you know how fucking hot that is for me?

"Do you know how fucking hot it is for me to be your dream girl and then to finally get you to cum alllll over me?"

Beth brought her fingers to her mouth and licked off all of Eric's cum while looking up into his eyes while he watched in amazement. After Beth had licked her fingers clean the first time she scraped up more of Eric's cum off her belly and started licking her fingers clean once more.

"I'm... uh, sorry," Eric managed to say while never taking his eyes off Beth's fingers and mouth, "I've never had a girl do..."

Beth squeezed Eric's dick in her hand and glared up at him, "You mean Kellie never even gave you a hand job?


Eric jerked at the mention of his ex's name but then shook his head, "She... she didn't want to touch me.

"She said it was dirty and disgusting to do that or to even play with yourself."

Beth felt her face heat but in anger instead of the lust that was still coursing from her wet and aching pussy throughout her tingling body, "As long as it's between consenting adults, there's nothing ever dirty or disgusting about sex."

Beth quickly bent down onto her knees and leaned forward to lick at a thick rope of cum that was dangling from the tip of Eric's dick before taking his length into her mouth. Beth sucked hard trying to milk the last few drops of his cum from him before pulling his dick out of her mouth and standing back up.

"There's nothing wrong with me sucking on you, or loving the taste of your cum or..." Beth stood up on tiptoe and pulled Eric's head down until she could kiss his lips before breaking away, "Or you cumming all over my body... and when you are ready again... there's nothing wrong with you fucking me and cumming inside of me."

"You still want to..." Eric asked hesitantly.

Beth moved the shower curtain aside and took a step back as she pulled Eric in with her, the hot water coursing over both of their bodies.

"I want your hard dick inside of me more than ever," Beth said as she wrapped her arms around Eric, "I want to spend the rest of the afternoon and all night fucking you."

Eric's eyes widened in surprise and a bit of hope as Beth handed him a bottle of shampoo, "Here, wash your hair for me."

As Eric hastily began to scrub his fingers through his hair while Beth took a washcloth and soap and in moments had him lathered from head to toe, scrubbing the grime of the last few days away as she let her fingernails trace over every inch of his toned body. Once Eric had the lather rinsed from his hair and skin Beth handed him the bar of soap with a smile.

"My turn, but I want you to go slow and not miss a single inch anywhere on my entire body," Beth said while biting her lip.

Eric grinned and began to lather the washcloth until Beth reached out and stopped him, "No, I don't want you to use the washcloth, just the soap and your hands.

"I want to feel your hands caress my entire body."

Eric nodded shakily and then began to use the soap to lather his hands to run over Beth's shoulders before working his way hesitantly down her chest. When Eric reached her breasts Beth helpfully leaned back and arched her back and was happy to see Eric's semi flaccid dick give a jerk.