What Are Friends For: The Loaner

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It’s always nice to help out a friend in need.
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"I feel bad for him," Atlantis said as she watched the buildings pass by along the side of the road.

"No shit, right," Jonathan replied and turned on his right turn signal before slowing down, "I mean, who would have ever thought that Jill would break up with him like this."

"Right before they went to Belize next week too!" Atlantis added and then laughed, "At least wait until you get back!"

"The fucked up thing is that he said he's not going now," Jonathan added, "Said it would suck going to the resort all by himself and seeing all the happy couples.

"Did Jill say anything?"

Atlantis continued to stare out her window for a minute while she toyed with one of her dirty blond dreadlocks before answering.

"She didn't say anything, but I think she was cheating," Atlantis finally replied, "She kept talking about that guy she met at the Shake."

"Wait, the jackass that didn't have a job and was living in a tent?" Jonathan asked in amazement.

"Yea," Atlantis replied sadly.

"She goes and dumps Tim who own's his own place, makes a shit ton of money and was getting ready to go to Belize with her for a guy who's basically homeless?" Jonathan shot back in amazement.

"I said yes!" Atlantis snapped, "I doesn't make a lot of since to me either."

"It does to me," Jonathan replied and swiped at a lock of dark brown hair that had fallen across his forehead, "Tim's to fucking nice, and you know what they say."

Atlantis snorted and then turned in her seat to stare at Jonathan.

"You're pretty nice yourself, you know," Atlantis said.

"Which is why we have our arrangement," Jonathan said with a laugh, "That way if you really want to fuck a bad boy..."

Atlantis shook her head with a grin and turned to stare out the window for a few more minutes.

"You know, I'd to go to Belize with him," Atlantis said and then propped her bare feet up on the dashboard and splayed her toes wide.

Jonathan glanced over distractedly while Atlantis tried to hide a grin at his very obvious and predictable reaction.

"Probably... uhhh... perk him right up," Jonathan replied while glancing from the side street they were driving on over to Atlantis's feet and long, dexterous toes, "But for some reason I don't think he'd want to go as just... you know... just as friends."

"And?" Atlantis said while stroking her right in step with the toes of her left foot.

"Kind of a bit of a shit move just to go on vacation to Belize, but it'd honestly probably help him get over Jill," Jonathan said while still taking quick glances at Atlantis's feet.

"What, you wouldn't have a problem with me running off to Belize to fuck your best friend for a week?" Atlantis asked huskily.

Jonathan laughed and then glanced over at Atlantis, his brown eyes catching her blue while he grinned.

"Sure, you get Erin to spend the week with me so I don't get lonely then go have fun in Belize," Jonathan said.

"Oh, so you want to fuck 'my' best friend?" Atlantis demanded.

"Well, you just said you wanted to run off to fuck my best friend just to go on a dream vacation to Belize," Jonathan shot back.

Atlantis leaned forward to lace her fingers between her toes spreading them wider while she squeezed her feet in her hands. Jonathan was paying more attention to Atlantis's feet than the road and had to jerk the wheel back when her realized he had started drifting over the centerline.

"Ok," Atlantis finally said.

"Huh?" Jonathan asked.

"Ok, we're only a few blocks from Tim's place, why don't you drive over so we can see him while I give Erin a call," Atlantis said.

Jonathan glanced from the road to Atlantis and back in confusion.

"I'm missing something, why am I going over to Tim's?" Jonathan asked, "You're not serious about going to Belize with him are you?"

"Sure," Atlantis replied, "Were you serious about getting to fuck Erin all week while I'm gone?"

Jonathan stared at Atlantis in open mouthed amazement until she jerked her head towards the windshield.

"The road," Atlantis said.

Jonathan glanced forward again and then had to jerk the wheel a second time to cross the centerline back to his own lane.

"So, you want to fuck Erin or not?" Atlantis asked.

Jonathan continued to drive for a minute without saying a word although Atlantis smiled when he took a turn that would lead them towards Timothy's house.

"I get free use," Jonathan said after another few minutes, "Erin comes over and stays with me all week while you and Tim are gone and I get to do whatever I like."

"She doesn't do anal," Atlantis replied and dropped her feet to the floorboard before reaching into her purse for her phone.

"Yea, ok, but who says Tim's even going to agree?" Jonathan asked, "He was all pissed that he couldn't refund the airline tickets or the resort, but that doesn't mean he's going to take you."

Atlantis gave him a look that told him how much of an idiot he was without saying a word before dialing her best friend.

"Hi!" Atlantis said cheerfully after a moment, "Yea, I'm good, but I was hoping you could do me a huge, giant, like I'll owe you forever favor?"

"Oh, I'm a favor am I?" Jonathan said while Atlantis glared at him and shushed him with a finger to her lips.

"Yea, well, you better hear me out first, ok," Atlantis said into the phone, "Remember how we were talking about maybe having a threesome with Jon?"

Jonathan's head snapped over to stare at Atlantis who glared back and pointed towards the road.

"Ok, here's the thing, I might have a chance to go on vacation for a week to Belize, but Jonathan isn't really excited about letting me go.

"Yea, he said he'd be 'lonely' if you can believe that crap."

Jonathan glared at Atlantis while she grinned back and held a finger to her lips again.

"So, I was kinda wondering and maybe hoping if you might think about spending the week with Jon," Atlantis said while Jonathan took another turn while barely paying attention to where he was driving, "If you were coming over to help keep him from getting lonely I don't think he'd have any problem at all with me going to Belize!"

Jonathan heard the excited squeal of 'Belize' over the phone while Atlantis smiled and nodded.

"No, I'd be out of town so it would just be you and him," Atlantis said after listening on the phone for a minute, "I'd be going to Belize with someone, and well, we wouldn't want Jonny to get lonely."

Atlantis laughed at whatever Erin said on the other end and turned to Jonathan with a huge grin and a nod while Jonathan found it harder and harder to concentrate on the road by the second.

"Yea, whatever you two like, but Jon loves it raw so I hope you're on the pill," Atlantis said on the phone, "The only catch is that Jon has this fantasy about free use.

"Whatever he wants, whenever he wants, no questions asked."

"You'll do it!" Atlantis said in excitement, "Alright, I'll call back in an hour or two to let you know the dates!

"Oh, and do me a favor too," Atlantis said while staring at Jonathan, "After he cums you have to sit on his face and make him eat his creampie!

Atlantis laughed again while nodding with the phone to her ear, "Oh, my god, he loves that, and you can't imagine how good it feels to have his tongue inside of you right after you've been fucked!"

"Atlantis!" Jonathan demanded only to have Atlantis glare and shush him again.

"Yea, I'll call back in a little while as soon as we get the dates set," Atlantis said in a rush, "Love you too!


Jonathan stared at Atlantis in shocked amazement while she sat back in her seat with a smug grin.

"How the hell do you know Tim's even going to want to take you to Belize?" Jonathan asked, "And what's this about you and Erin wanting a threesome?"

"You don't think Tim would want to go to Belize with him?" Atlantis asked while her hands cupped and squeezed her full C cup breasts, "I'm pretty sure he'd love to have... what did you call it... free use of me for the week?

"And if you're a good boy to Erin then maybe when I get back from Belize you'll find out about threesomes."

Jonathan choked back a laugh and shook his head while Atlantis propped her feet back up on the dashboard to splay and wiggle her toes for him to enjoy. After only another mile Atlantis spotted Timothy's two story Tudor with the arched entry coming up and pulled her feet back down.

"Just let me do the talking," Atlantis said breathlessly, "And follow my lead."

Jonathan glanced at Atlantis curiously but only nodded before pulling up to the curb. Atlantis was out of the car in seconds followed more sedately by Jonathan who followed her up the sidewalk to the red brick entry. Jonathan tried to not keep glancing down at Atlantis's bare feet, denim cut off Daisy Duke shorts and white crop top that left her midriff exposed and grinned at what Timothy was going to think.

"Hurry up!" Atlantis demanded while Jonathan lagged behind to enjoy the view of Atlantis's long, slim legs with just a hint of her ass cheeks exposed beneath the hem of her shorts.

"What are you going to say?" Jonathan asked as soon as they reached the shaded front door.

"Just play along," Atlantis replied and pressed the doorbell.

"Hello?" a sad sounding tenor voice said after only a moment from the smart doorbell.

Atlantis stared and nodded to Jonathan who after a moment threw up his hands in surprise.

"Hey, it's Jon and Atlantis," Jonathan finally said, "We were... uhh, driving by and wanted to stop by to see how you were doing."

Atlantis rolled her eyes with a glare.

"You said you were going to do the talking!" Jonathan whispered.

"Give me a sec," Timothy said over the speaker after thirty or forty seconds of waiting, "I need to throw something on."

"He's you're friend!" Atlantis shot back as quietly as she could.

Jonathan shook his head while they waited. They could see into the living room through the panes of glass set in the front door and it was almost two minutes before they saw Timothy come down the stairs to walk towards them.

"Hey," Timothy said as soon as he opened the door, "Sorry about the wait, I was taking a nap."

Jonathan smiled even though he was more than a little worried by the appearance of Timothy wearing an old t shirt and athletic shorts with his black hair sticking out in random directions. His lean face with a heavy five oclock shadow was made somehow harsh with dark circles under both eyes and sad expression.

"We were wanting to come by and say hello," Atlantis said cheerfully, "Do you mind if we come in?"

"Ahh," Timothy said while running his fingers through his flyaway hair, "Sure."

Timothy stepped aside while Atlantis came in, his eyes flickering down to her exposed midriff and bare feet. Jonathan hid a smile at Timothy's interest as he followed her and then couldn't help but grin as she took a step towards Timothy before standing on tiptoe to kiss his lips. Timothy stiffened in surprise before pulling back with his eyes flashing towards Jonathan.

"I heard about Jill," Atlantis said and took both of Timothy's hands in hers, "I'm not going to say I'm sorry because Jill was always a bitch and you could do sooo much better.

"Now, where's your liquor?"

"What?" Timothy asked, his eyes flicking between Atlantis who was still standing only inches from him while holding his hands to Jonathan as if he expected Jonathan to start yelling at any moment.

"Come on," Atlantis said and began to pull Timothy into the living room, "It's been a week and you're still laying in bed at noon and mopping around pinning for some bitch who never knew what she had.

"Let's do some shots and get you back on the horse!"

"You still have that Glenfiddich?" Jonathan asked.

"Ahh... yea, it's in the liquor cabinet in the office," Timothy replied in a perplexed voice.

Atlantis gave Jonathan a glance and a nod while she continued to pull Timothy across the room to the couch. Jonathan nodded with a knowing smile and then walked into Tim's office. The room was messier than he'd ever seen with loose papers and random books strewn across the desk as well as wadded up balls scattered across the floor and around a trashcan in the corner. There was even the remains of a sandwich on a plate that looked several days old. Jonathan shook his head and made his way over to the liquor cabinet with the score of bottles of whisky, tequila, and cognac before pulling out the half full bottle of Glenfiddich and three shot glasses. He was happy to see that at least Timothy hadn't tried to drown away his sorrows as he heard Atlantis's silvery laugh from the other room.

"I hated to think about you sitting here all by yourself!" Atlantis was saying when Jonathan came back into the living room.

"Oh, hey Jon," Timothy said the moment he saw Jonathan and tried to push Atlantis's feet from out of his lap and stand up.

"No, you're good," Jonathan said as he walked over to the couch and sat opposite Tim on the far side of Atlantis, "I'm surprised she hasn't made you start rubbing her feet yet."

"He wouldn't do it!" Atlantis said in an aggrieved voice, "Even after I told him you wouldn't mind!"

"It's better to keep her happy," Jonathan said and poured three shots of Glenfiddich before handing them around, "Makes life so much more enjoyable.

"To friends when you need them most," Jonathan said and finished off his.

The smokey, honeyed liquid burned its way down before exploding in a warm glow somewhere around his navel. Jonathan gave a long sigh and set his shot glass down while watching Atlantis wiggle her petite feet in Timothy's lap and knew she was going to have her way.

"So, are you going to rub my feet or not?" Atlantis demanded after she sat her own glass down.

Timothy gave Jon another quick glance before slamming his own shot back and then reached down to take one of Atlantis's feet in hand to start kneading her instep.

"Ummmmm," Atlantis sighed and wiggled around so that she was leaning back against Jonathan with her feet in Timothy's lap.

"You could have always done better than Jill," Atlantis sighed while Timothy massaged her feet, "The bullshit she used to go on about!"

"I don't know," Timothy replied, "We were both from Spanaway so... we knew some of the same people... ran in the same circles growing up.

"It was... comfortable I guess."

"Well, you have to get out of your comfort zone to really see what you enjoy," Atlantis purred, "Like right now.

"Do you like feet?"

"What?" Timothy asked and glanced away from Atlantis's feet he had been staring at as he massaged them and up at Jonathan in alarm.

"Don't look at him," Atlantis replied sharply, "If you like feet you can suck on my toes."

Timothy's eyes flashed down to meet Atlantis's as she raised her right foot up to stroke his cheek with her toes.

"I dare you," Atlantis sighed.

Timothy looked up at Jonathan despite himself who only shrugged with a grin before reaching down to lift Atlantis's crop top to expose her breasts. Timothy's eyes followed Jonathan's hands as he began to fondle Atlantis's firm breasts, his fingertips pinching and rolling her hard nipples.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Timothy asked just before Atlantis stroked her toes over his lips and then pushed her big toe into his mouth.

"Best way to get over an old flame," Atlantis sighed while Timothy began to suck on her toe, "It's time to get back on the horse and I'm a mare who's in heat."

Atlantis unbuttoned her shorts and then picked up her butt to shove them down past her hips, Timothy slipping his tongue between her toes while he watched.

"You're serious?" Timothy asked while looking down at Atlantis and then glanced up at Jonathan, "You're ok with this?"

"Sure," Jonathan replied and pulled Atlantis's nipples until her breasts were lifted and stretched away from her body, "Hell, if you really wanted you could still go to Belize."

"I can't go by myself," Timothy said breathlessly while Atlantis pulled her foot away from him just long enough to slip her Daisy Dukes off and toss them aside.

"It'd be... just weird and sad and shit," Timothy replied just as Atlantis shoved her right foot up to his mouth while using the toes of her left foot to stroke his hard length that was already visible beneath his athletic shorts.

"So, take Atlantis," Jonathan replied and then picked up his own hips to slip his jeans down.

His erection sprang free the moment he had his jeans around his knees, Atlantis turning her head to run her tongue along the length of his shaft before placing a kiss at his tip and the large, clear drop of precum that had already formed.

"What? I couldn't do that," Timothy panted and tried to move Atlantis's foot away from his hard length, "Jill fucking cheated on me, I couldn't cheat with Atlantis on you!"

"It's not cheating if he knows," Atlantis cooed and placed her left foot on the ground to spread her legs wide.

Jonathan watched Timothy lick his lips and knew exactly what he was staring at between her firm thighs. Atlantis reached down between her legs and ran her fingers through her large, wrinkly labia and then used her fingers to spread herself open for Tim to gaze deep inside her body.

"I don't have any issues loaning her to you if you still want to go to Belize," Jonathan added, "Seriously, I'd take her with me in a heartbeat.

"Just as long as you remember she's only a loaner."

Timothy glanced away from Atlantis's fingers as they slipped into her body and up to Jonathan for just a second before returning to what Atlantis was doing.

"I can't believe you guys," Timothy said between pants.

"I know," Atlantis said with a smile, "Why don't you stick that nice, hard dick inside of me so you can try me out as a test drive."

Atlantis turned her head while Jonathan scooted a little to the side until she was able to take his glans in her mouth.

"Ahhh, fuck," Jonathan said involuntarily as Atlantis's cheeks puckered with her lips still wrapped around his glans and then looked up to see Timothy watching her pull him out of her mouth with a loud pop, "So go ahead, you told me how cute and hot you always though Atlantis was, fuck her."

"Ahh, you said I was cute and hot?" Atlantis simpered, "That's so sweet!"

Atlantis leaned back down to take Jonathan back in her mouth while Timothy only stared before shaking his head.

"I can't!" Timothy cried and reached down to grab his length beneath the thin fabric of his athletic shorts.

"Sure you can, Atlantis and I have always had an open relationship and I fucking love watching and then getting sloppy seconds," Jonathan said reassuringly.

"No man!" Timothy said with a stricken look, "I mean, I really can't!

"I haven't showered since day before yesterday and probably smell worse than a roadkill skunk!"

Jonathan gapped at him in surprise before Atlantis pulled his dick from her mouth with another loud, wet pop.

"You really are sweet," Atlantis cooed while using her free hand to slip her fingers in and out of her wet pussy, "I don't mind.

"Really, and after you finish I promise to go take a shower with you and make sure you're all nice and clean!"

"What?" Jonathan demanded suddenly, "Hey, don't I get my sloppy seconds!"

"Fine," Atlantis smirked, "He likes his creampies so I promise I'll take a shower with you after Jonathan gets done fucking me after you fill me full of your nice, warm cum.

"Now, are you going to give me that test drive?"

Timothy glanced wide eyed from Jonathan who was slowly stroking his wet saliva covered shaft and back to Atlantis who was staring at him expectantly before giving a jerking nod.

"Ohhhh, my god, please hurry!" Atlantis sighed and then leaned over to take Jonathan back in her mouth.

Timothy took Atlantis to heart and rushed to shove his athletic shorts down before kicking them to the side of the room. Jonathan admired Tim's length and girth for a moment before Tim positioned himself between Atlantis's thighs and in a single thrust plunged his full length into her.