What Can I Say; She Offered!


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Rubbing his hands together in obvious delight, Alex grinned right back at her, firing off an enthusiastic "Sure baby...yo Bob, pretty damn good isn't she?

Well, until Jackie heard my "Oh Hell yes," her hands had been planted on her hips. I figured she was only teasing, because she'd grabbed hold of my cock again. Still, her "Good answer," sure seemed to have a sarcastic ring to it!

Not surprisingly, Alex earned a fierce scowl with his gleefully chuckled "You know what...I'm sort of wondering just what else my very nasty girlfriend has on her over sexed mind!" Well now, I was sort of wondering about that myself! Only a raspberry blowing Jackie didn't give me much time to ponder the question.

What Jackie had done; well, pretty good didn't even come close to describing it! And, luckily for me, she wasn't done yet either! Fist pumping madly away, she'd just leaned in to lick up a creamy glob of precum, when Alex's loud wolf whistle distracted her. She looked up giggled , and stuck her tongue out at him. And that's when, unable to hold back even one second longer, ready or not, I blew! And just like a freaking volcano, my cock exploded, blasting out a solid stream of molten cum. Jackie must have felt my dick jump, because she spun back, and dove for my erupting cock. But, she wasn't fast enough! Splat, that white gusher of cum splashed across her face. And didn't that just look fucking awesome!

Just in time, Jackie's mouth caught up with my cum fountaining cock. And while she was gulping down my second gusher of cum, I reached for her head. Pushing her head down, I bucked up hard and felt the jerking head of my cock slam in to her throat. And that's right where it stayed too; while my cock jerked, and jerked again , pumping a surging torrent of hot cum straight in to her throat. Yeah, I'd pushed her head down; oh but no way did I have to hold it down. Seriously, she ground her lips against me like she was trying to drive another inch of hard cock past her lips, and in to a throat still working to swallow a river of hot cum. Ok, and maybe I was showing off some too! Anyway, it was a real kick doing it while her boyfriend looked on!

I was bucking, driving my hips up hard, And Jackie was letting me fuck her mouth. She took my final volley of cum, waited for me to settle back; and then she began disentangling my fingers from her hair. Her head came up, and it sure wasn't a surprise to see that she was licking her lips and smiling. Yeah well, the sight of the smeared streaks of cum running down her face had me grinning too! And my fast shrinking cock almost sprang back to life, when she laughed and asked "Damn Bob, do you always cum that much? Wait..." Apparently Jackie had just spotted a target, one she just couldn't pass up. With a "Yum," she swooped in,, making quick work of the cum smeared over my semi limp cock. Treat collected, and a giggled "Umm yummy, I do love your cock " proclaimed, she stood up. Aiming that wicked grin of hers at Alex, she snickered nastily, and then told me don't run off darling, I'm just going to go deliver Alex a dose of trouble!" Hell, I wasn't going anywhere! Well, not unless my damn pager went off! Believe it, I was praying!

Just watching Jackie doing her sexy strut over to Alex, ratcheted my cock up, and right back in to rigid attention. Alex didn't wait for her to get there either. He was already pushing his shorts down, and telling her "Let's go, it's my turn now baby!" Jackie never even broke stride, just swung a leg over, and settled kneeling above one damn impressive looking cock. Man, I mean the guy wasn't any thicker then me; but shit, his damn cock must have been a solid ten inches.

Laughing, Jackie slapped his chest, letting him know in no uncertain terms "No darling, it's my turn!" Maneuvering so she had that big cock's fat head nestled right up against the glistening wet pink of her pussy, she began rotating her hips, while she breathily informed him of the facts. "Why don't you just lay there" she told him, "Lover, I'm going to cum all over you're big cock!" Hey, it sure sounded like she meant it to me!

Jackie gave a little bounce, and suddenly I was watching as Alex's cock started to slide out of sight. And when she started to laugh, before she'd even slid half way down that enormous cock, well she had me wondering! There was ten inches of hard cock inside her, when she leaned over and laid one seriously smoking hot looking kiss on him. But damn if she didn't come up laughing. Alex wasn't the only one looking confused after she told him "Buddy boy you lucked out!" Things made a whole lot more sense though, when she explained "I was going to hold on to a great big mouthful of Bob's cum...and then lover, I was going to kiss you. Only, I got excited and swallowed it all; bummer huh!" Already Alex's cool was pretty much mind-boggling, and never mind Jackie, but what he did next, well wow!

Jackie was busy flashing me one of those wicked grins, with a wink thrown in, when Alex reached up, and with a hand on either side of her head, gently pulled her face down. And then, after surprising her with a tender kiss, he licked up every bit of the cum still smeared across her face. I knew that I couldn't have done that; but then, seeing her big pleased smile, who knows? What he did next though, well yeah! Hands locked behind his head, he grinned up at her, challenging her with his "Go for it baby! I'll just lay here; go on, let's see you cum all over my cock!" The way I saw it, after the sizzling little warm-up she'd already been through, and considering she was riding ten thick inches of hard cock, sure, some challenge!

Eyes boring in to Alex's, Jackie bounced lazily, riding slowly up and down that long thick shaft. Breaking eye contact, she turned her grin on me, waving, and calling out "Come on over Bob, you don't want to miss any of this!" I'd already decided; whatever Jackie and her very pretty pink pussy were going to do with that porn star sized cock, I wanted a real good close-up look. Hell, I was barely even half way there, before she'd turned back to deal with Alex, well, Alex's Cock that is. And like she'd done with me, she got things started by bracing her hands on his chest. I swung around behind her; hell, no way was I going to pass up that view. Jackie's ass is truly a spectacular thing to behold; and honestly, that's one Hell of an understatement! Whatever, she was riding that big cock. And she was doing it with my eyes all over that incredible ass; yeah, , and what was going down right there between her glistening wet tan thighs too. Right there in front of me, was the incredibly erotic sight of her glistening, slippery wet pussy, stretched tight and pink around the thick darkly engorged shaft of Alex's cock. Up she'd go, almost letting that cock's fat pussy drenched head slip out, before lazily riding its long thick shaft back down. But, when she started to pick up speed, I decided what I wanted was a frontal view.

Right then, any fool could have seen that Jackie was riding that big hunk of jutting cock strictly for her own pleasure. And, this poor nearly mesmerized fool was damn glad to be there, captivated by Jackie's exotic sensuality, and dazzled by the utterly uninhibited way she reveled in her wildly erotic play! Listening to her gasped moans, and whispered sighs of pleasure; I watched waves of emotion playing across her expressive face. There was no mistaking her fierce look of concentration; or, the way the next wave of pleasure would melt it in to one of her beaming face splitting grins. OK sure, , as she picked up speed, I sort of liked the sexy way her pretty tan tits jiggled too! Hell, and I sure liked hearing the sound of her ass slapping against Alex's thighs; yeah, and the ecstatic growled that burbled out of her. OK, and I guarantee that right then anyway, the only thing that lady wanted, was to be fucking that big hard cock! And, I don't think she gave a hoot about catching up with an orgasm either, well not right then anyway! Whatever, she sure seemed intent on taking every single inch of that handy bit of hard cock, and with every power packed thrust she slammed down on it too. Still, more then once she'd put the brakes on her frantic pistoning, leaned in, and crushed Alex's mouth under an absolutely ferocious looking kiss. But oh fuck, damn if just knowing she was kissing him with ten thick inches of hot hard cock impaling her didn't have me reaching for my own poor neglected cock. Naturally, Jackie spotted my move.

Sitting upright again, hands planted on her curvy hips, Jackie grinned over at me. And then, with this sly little smile on her face, she held her arms open to me, and almost shyly said "Come on Bob, I've never tried kissing a man...not while another one was fucking me anyway!" Glad Alex had licked all that cum off her face, I did as ordered. I stepped in, and her arms wrapped around my waist. Feeling bold, I grabbed a handful of her hair, and almost roughly pulled her head back. I waited a beat, staring down in to her wide eyed grin, and then I kissed her. And it was one damn hot kiss too, hard, long, and wildly intense. Guess she must have liked it! Anyway, her hands were in my hair, and the next kiss she gave me was every bit as wickedly ferocious as the one's she'd laid on Alex. Thinking fast, which under the circumstances counts as a miner miracle, when that fiery kiss ended, I held on to my handful of Jackie's hair. Straightening up, I thrust my cock forward, pushing it against her lips. Nervous, but way to turned-on to back down, I went for it, drove my cock deep in to her mouth, and asked "So Jackie, ever sucked hard cock, I mean, you know while you were getting your sweet ass fucked?" I pumped a few thrust in, and Hell yes, in to the hilt, before she pushed me back with a playful shove.

Laughing and looking almost unbearably impish, she told me "Wait...well yeah, come to think of it...gosh, now I've done it twice!" Well, my somewhat crushed ego rebounded when she added a cheery "Right...but gee that other guy's wasn't near as nice as yours Bob!"

Alex piped in then, reminding Jackie "yeah but, I wasn't even part of that nasty little threesome! Hey wait, remember that first time with Judi? Didn't I get to steer that sweet ass of yours while you practiced your muff diving? Sure I did; in fact, it was your ass I was driving!" Sure, and I wasn't even surprised to hear his chuckled "Damn girl, but I do like fucking your sexy little ass!" Clearly, I thought, I'm in way over my head with these two!

Jackie leaned over and brushed a kiss across the head of my cock, then bounced a palm off Alex's chest. Jabbing a finger at him she ordered "That's enough out of you buster, shut up, and lay still!" Another jabbed finger pointed out a spot on the deck beside her. And, her giggled "Right there buck-o, sure wouldn't want you to miss anything," sent me to my knees. Well no way around it, I suppose I'd have to call that a front row seat!

Jackie got things started again, bouncing once, and then lifting herself about half way up Alex's cock. She stopped there, with her pussy's juices practically pouring down that cock's thick shaft. Apparently I hadn't been paying attention, because not only did that cock have rivulets of Jackie's slippery juices running down it, but her thighs gleamed, looking slick and positively drenched. And, when she used the fingers of one hand to spread her pussy's labia apart, I could see why too! That pussy looked so hot, I expected to see steam! What I saw instead though, was one magnificently exposed clit. Seriously, it jutted out, so swollen that it reminded me of a miniature cock. Well now, I expected to catch her teasing it with a gently stroking fingertip, or maybe even rubbing a few tight circles around it. OK, and based on what I'd seen so far, lets make that, I expected to see her dancing that finger, rubbing it's tip in fast hard circles right on the damn thing!

Not Jackie, she set one finger to work tapping out a beat on it. Beating out a steady rhythm, she started pumping up and down Alex's cock. Only, when her upward thrust had her riding high on that cock, she started rotating her hips, twisting her vagina around its big head. Hey, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out she was working her G-spot. She stopped riding that cock's full length, pumping and twisting with only its big head and a couple of inches of thick shaft penetrating her. That drumming finger was a blur, her eyes were scrunched shut, and her ragged gasps had her tits heaving. OK So, yeah I'd been wondering if Jackie hadn't snuck in an orgasm or two earlier? No way, I decided, Jackie's not the type to shudder quietly through a discrete little orgasm! I was betting on something a whole lot more like something you'd see, and definitely hear one of the porn girls screaming her way through.

OK, score one for me! Oh sure, Jackie warmed-up with a few soft whimpers, and some low growl too. But then, it was a steady stream of yeses, building in volume and intensity, well, until she just went off! Cuming hard, she screamed her way through at least one body racking orgasm, after a warning "I'm gonna cum...yes, yes, yes, oh God yes, I'm cuming...oh fuck yes!" Right then anyway, I was content to just watch, yeah and listen; but, I wondered about poor Alex. I mean gosh, He just laid there grimacing, while her juices poured down his cock. What can I say, obviously the man wasn't ready, and was fighting hard not to cum. Believe me, the same can't be said for his girlfriend! HEY, just ask anyone in the neighborhood!

There was a brief moment of silence, while Jackie adjusted her position. Leaning forward with one hand braced on Alex's chest, she quickly got that talented finger of hers back to work. And then she was doing it again; yeah I mean cuming, cuming hard, cuming loud, and cuming again and again! Only that time around, when she wasn't too busy gasping for breath, she was sounding off like a cheerleader, chanting out a ear numbing chorus of yeses, mores, oh Gods, and even throwing in a few more emphatic, fuck yeses for good measure. One final shrilly squealed "yes," and she slumped forward, briefly resting her forehead on Alex's chest.

Laughing, Jackie sat up, arms thrown skyward, and whooped out a ringing "Woo woo!" Snickering nastily, she thumped his chest, and got as far as Hey Alex," before she was squealing another round of woo woos. I'd been wondering what he'd been waiting for; and, it looked like I was about to find out! With out a word, his hands had shot out from under his head, collecting a double handful of Jackie's smoking hot ass. Leaning back, she settled in to his hands, and surprised me by clasping her hands behind her back. Grinning menacingly, she issued a taunting challenge. With a whole lot of emphasis on the word, hard, she asked "So darling, what do you think ; could you just maybe, manage to give a girl a good hard fuck?" And somehow, I didn't suppose Alex was going to have any trouble delivering!

Good hard fuck; Hell yes, she got that alright! Hands locked firmly on her ass, he lifted, riding her up his full rigid ten inches of glistening cock, before bringing her crashing back down. Wow, and I mean slamming doesn't even begin to cover what he did with her! Slowly at first, then steadily faster, he lifted, sometimes hammering a thrust up in to her, and sometimes using his hands to bring her ass rocketing back down. Hands still behind her back she sang out with another one of those silly woo woos! Unbelievably, she started to giggle. And then, I was listening to her issuing what was most definitely an order! Telling him "Come on lover" she demanded " Hey, try hard!" Alex obliged by starting to drive his hips up, hammering his big cock up in to the pussy he repeatedly brought slamming down to meet it. I didn't figure any woman could cum, not getting flung around, and fucked with the ferocity Jackie was being fucked with anyway! OK, so she wasn't cuming; big deal, her whooped screams made it awfully clear she was having a ball!

Impressed, I honestly couldn't believe that Alex hadn't already blown his load! But, there was Jackie fluttering her hands, and crying out a frantic "Whoa there, come on Alex, don't cum yet!" To my absolute amazement, he actually stopped that pussy churning fuck! Scowling an eyebrow raised look of astonished disbelief at such a ridiculous request, he thundered "Why, and baby girl, it better be good, or I'm going to spank that pretty ass of yours until it glows!" hey, I for one believed him!

And Jackie ; well, somehow she managed to sound pouty, while cooing out a teasing "Gee darling, that does sound like fun!" Half expecting to see her hop off, bend over and assume the position, I wasn't prepared to have my cock grabbed, or to be yanked forward by it either. But before I could launch a bitch about being turned in to her pull toy, her idea of just what to do with her captured prize sort of distracted me. And, it wasn't even me she asked; instead, it was Alex she asked "Look darling, Bob's still so delightfully hard! Do you suppose, if maybe I asked him real nice he might be willing to help a poor girl out with another one of those nasty first time things?" But then, it was me she squeezed, well the raging hard-on I'd been nursing for what seemed like hours anyway. She gave me a saucy wink, and a throatily growled Umm yes, you're certainly up for it!" Apparently Alex had figured out what she had in mind, I sure didn't have a clue! And I still didn't, not even after he pointed out the bottle of sunscreen sitting on the patio table, suggesting that I just might want to wander over and grab it. Well, Jackie was bouncing and clapping; so, I figured what the Hell! Besides, she'd let go of my cock!

Curious, and anticipating who knew what, I wanted to run; but, being a cool dude, I walked. Still, by the time I made it back, Jackie was at it again. She was on the bounce, pistoning herself up and down Alex's cock, and whimpering "Oh God, oh god, Alex you're a beast!" Yeah well, he did have a pretty firm hold on her nipples! But hey, it did sort of look like he intended to twist them right off her tits! Well ok, maybe it just looked like it should have felt like it! Slapping his hands away, she said a polite "Thank-you darling," and held a hand out to me. Snatching the bottle of sunscreen out of my hand, she didn't waste any time getting some poured in to her open palm. And then head cocked coquettishly, she caught my eye, shot me this pretence of a shy smile, blew it by giggling, and finally managed to get out Gee, I've never had to actually ask a guy before! Oh well, so anyway Bob honey, I'd really like it, if you'd fuck my ass; so OK, will you? And it's not like she bothered to wait for an answer, before she started spreading that handful of oil over my cock.

Back then, I'd only fucked one chick in the ass! Yeah, and that night, I'd been to drunk to appreciate it. So yeah I was looking forward to giving it another try. The way Jackie had just sat there, casually bouncing on her lover's cock, while she brazenly made her proposal, really added fuel to my already blazing desire! Sure, by then I was getting to be pretty comfortable with Alex., But still, I wasn't real sure how I felt about doing it, you know with his busy cock hanging-out right next door in her vagina. The look of excited anticipation burning in Jackie's eyes, and the slippery hand spreading that oil over my cock, melted away my reluctance! Still, she must have sensed my unease; anyway, sounding eager and hopeful she asked "Please Bob, won't you fuck my ass? Come on, it'll be my first real double penetration! Oh my God, I'm going to be just so fucking full of hard cock!" And of course, I don't guess that I ever really thought about saying no!

Never mind over crowded, that poor recliner was definitely overloaded. I'd carefully maneuvered, managing to crawl up and kneel between Jackie's knees, and Alex's outstretched legs. Once in position though, I took a moment to enjoy the view. Jackie's labia were stretched taunt around Alex's cock, only by then they were looking dark, engorged and puffy. Yeah, and fuck me if there wasn't one Hell of a lot of fat cock showing below that bit of very tasty looking pussy. Jackie knelt there waiting, with her head pillowed on Alex's chest. Her position left the very sexy cheeks of her ass spread wide, showing off her puckered little opening. And right there, just above where Alex's cock disappeared out of sight, it beckoned, offering me a wide open target. I settled my hands on her hips, and let the slippery head of my cock slide down the cleft of that beautiful ass. Jackie actually managed to wagged that ass, While cajoling "Hurry Bob; oh God, I want to feel you inside me!"