What Did Happen in Vegas? Ch. 02


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"We both know that even though we didn't finish it we went to far for me to be able to say nothing happened."

"I guess you're right," Brad said. "You know that if there ever comes a time when you want to finish what we started, I will be here for you."

"If that time comes, I'll be happy to come to you," Lisa said.

Brad smiled and looked down at the newspaper.

"There is a story about last night's accident in the paper. Apparently there were no fatalities but they didn't release the names of the people involved." Brad didn't bother to mention that a motorcycle was involved because he didn't know it was important. He didn't know that Tom had been driving his bike.

Brad said, "I thought we would go have breakfast and then we can go get your car."


10:15 AM

The surgeons had done everything they could. They had set his broken leg and his left arm and repaired his punctured lung and his broken ribs. His left leg was in a cast from his crotch to his ankle, his left arm was in a cast and they put a body cast around his chest to protect his ribs. They had also stitched and bandaged several lacerations on his back and his legs. It had been ten hours and forty-five minutes since the accident and as they rolled Tom into the recovery room they still didn't know who he was.


11:00 AM

Brad and Lisa stopped at a Denny's for breakfast. Brad sensed that Lisa was deep in her own thoughts so he didn't try to engage her in conversation as they ate. After breakfast Brad drove Lisa back out to Ben's Lounge to pick up her car.

"Would you like me to follow you home in case Tom becomes violent?" Brad asked.

"I am sure Tom will be angry but I know him. He would never hurt me, at least not physically. I'll be okay. Besides I think it would be better if he didn't see you with me."

Lisa got into the car and thanked Brad for being there for her.

"Call me if you need anything," Brad said and closed Lisa's car door.

As Brad watched her drive away he thought, "Their marriage is a mess. There is no way they can save it now. Lisa, you may be mine yet."


11:25 AM

As Lisa approached her house she hit the garage door opener and when she pulled up to the garage she saw that Tom's truck was still there. She had expected as much but she was still a little worried that he might have carried out his threat to leave her.

Lisa's heart rate increased and she could feel every thud of her heart as she entered the house. She was nervous about the confrontation that she knew was coming. This one would be different than the last one in that she was no longer the innocent party. She may not have gone as far as Tom but she had definitely gone too far.

Lisa was surprised when she didn't find Tom at home. Lisa looked out into the garage again and saw that Tom's motorcycle was gone. That made Lisa wonder if Tom had been home at all. Lisa went up to the room Tom had been sleeping in for the last two weeks and checked the bed. It was made which didn't prove anything. He could have slept in it and then made the bed before he left but that didn't seem like something Tom would have done. Lisa thought that Tom would have left the bed unmade. Then Lisa noticed that Tom's wallet was on the bedside table. She thought that was strange. Why would he have gone out without his wallet?

Lisa looked to see if he had left a note but found none. She also checked the answering machine for a message from Tom but found none. Had he gone looking for her? She wondered if she should wait to see if Tom would call or come home but decided to call him instead.


11:35 AM

Lieutenant Denton was in charge of the accident investigation and was at the scene late Saturday morning taking some measurements. He was standing at the side of the road looking at the skid marks from the tires on the SUV. They indicated that the driver didn't even hit his brakes until after he hit the motorcycle. Lt. Denton was making some notes in his log when he heard a noise behind him. It took him a minute to identify the sound. It was a cell phone ringing. He followed the sound down the embankment and found Tom's cell phone lying in the grass were Tom he had dropped it. . Unfortunately the caller disconnected before he could get to the phone. The voice mail indicator was flashing but Lt. Denton couldn't open it because it was password protected.

Lt. Denton noticed that it was a Sprint phone so he took the phone to one of the patrol officers on site and asked him to contact Sprint and see if they could figure out whom the phone belonged to.


When Tom didn't answer Lisa waited for his voice mail to answer.

"Tom, please come home. We need to talk."


11:45 AM

The patrol officer told Lt. Denton that the phone belonged to Tom Boyer of 2289 Evergreen Trace in Mount Olivet. Lt. Denton told him to have dispatch send a car to that address and notify anyone there that Mr. Boyer had been in an accident and was currently at Life Care Hospital in Denver.


12:00 PM

When Lisa didn't hear back from Tom she decided to drive by the office to see if maybe he might possibly be there. She didn't bother to call first because she thought he might not be answering calls or at least not her calls.


In the recovery room Tom briefly woke up and wondered where he was and then vaguely remembered the accident and was surprised to find that he was alive. He tried to move but he could only move his head and his right arm. He felt light-headed and didn't feel any pain. He didn't really feel anything, then he drifted off to sleep.


12:40 PM

Lisa walked down the long hallway to Tom's office at NTD only to find the door locked and no one there. On her way out of the building she ran into Zack. He asked her why she was in on a Saturday. She didn't want to tell him that she was looking for Tom.

"I just stopped by to drop off some papers I had been looking through," she lied.

"Couldn't that wait till Monday?"

"I was in the area so I thought I could check my e-mail and return the papers."

"Lisa, if you need to talk ... about anything ... come see me, okay? I will be out of town on Monday but I'll be back in the office on Tuesday. You can call me at home tomorrow if you need to."

Lisa wondered why Zack said that but didn't question him. "Okay, I will. Thanks."


12:44 PM

The patrol car pulled up into the driveway at Tom Boyer's house and the two officers walked to the front door. They rang the doorbell and knocked on the door several times before returning to their car. They checked in with the desk sergeant and he told them he would call the house and leave a message. The officers waited another ten minutes to see if anyone would show up and when no one did they left.


12:45 PM

Instead of leaving the building after talking to Zack, Lisa went to her office and called home to see if Tom had returned yet. When he didn't answer she left him a message and said she would be home shortly and to wait for her.


1:10 PM

Lisa returned to the house but there was no sign that Tom had been home. She saw the message light on the phone blinking but figured it was the message she had left fifteen minutes earlier so she didn't check the machine. She went to the phone to clear the message but the phone rang just as she reached to push the message button. The sudden ring startled Lisa. She picked up the phone and said "Tom?"

"Sorry, not Tom. What's going on girl?"

"Oh, Shandra, Tom's not here."

"Where'd he go?"

"I don't know. I didn't come home last night and Tom wasn't here when I came home this morning."

"You didn't go home? Where were you last night?"

Lisa told Shandra about meeting Brad at Ben's Lounge and about Tom coming there and giving her an ultimatum. She said she was planning to do what Shandra had suggested and just stay out late and make Tom jealous.

"When Tom told me to come home or else, I got so pissed I couldn't think straight. Then I had too much to drink and I ended up at Brad's apartment."

"You didn't do the nasty with Brad, did you?"

"Not completely but things went too far."

"Not completely? What does that mean?"

"It's too complicated and I am too upset to go into that right now."

"You're sure a bad girl. Now what are you going to do?" Shandra asked.

"I don't know. I'm not sure now if I want to be here when Tom comes home."

"Just throw some clothes in a bag and you can crash here until you figure things out." Shandra said.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. When you get here you can explain 'not completely' to me."


3:00 PM

Tom woke for the second time. This time he was in a lot of pain and it took him a few minutes to find the nurses call button. The nurse appeared in less than a minute and injected a painkiller into his IV. Within seconds Tom felt himself beginning to drift as the drug took affect.


9:00 PM

Lisa tried calling the house again and when she still got no answer she hung up. No point in leaving another message. Lisa was beginning to worry. Why wasn't Tom home? Why hadn't he tried to call her? Was he doing the same thing she was and staying with a friend until he could decide what to do? Or worse yet, maybe he was with the other woman, the one in the pictures.


Sunday April 27, 2003

10:00 AM

Tom was awake when Dr. Jasper came into his room.

"I'm Dr. Jasper and I take it that you are Tom Boyer. Is that correct?"


"I was one of the doctors that put you back together after your accident. How are you feeling?"

"Not too bad right now but I think that's because the nurse put some happy juice in my IV a few minutes ago. When I woke up I was in a lot of pain."

"The pain should start to lessen over the next several days but it will be several months before you get completely back to normal."

Tom's eyes were beginning to have difficulty focusing on Dr. Jasper.

"I can see you are starting to drift off again. I just need to ask you who we should contact to tell them where you are?"

"Didn't anyone contact my wife, Lisa?"

"Apparently the police went to your house and no one was there. They also left a message on your recorder but no one called them back."

Even through the pain-killer-induced haze Tom could feel the ache in his heart. Lisa hadn't come home. His marriage was over. He wanted to cry but the drugs made him laugh instead.

"Mr. Boyer, is there some other way we can get a hold of your wife?"

"No. Don't bother. She's gone," Tom said.

"Gone? Gone where, Mr. Boyer?"

"Never mind her," Tom said. "Call my boss, Zack Morgan and tell him I won't be in tomorrow."

"How do we get a hold of Mr. Morgan?"

Tom tried but he cold not clear his mind enough to come up with Zack's phone number.

"Just call NewTech Design and ask for the big man," Tom said and started giggling. Tom then mumbled something that sounded like, "Lisa should have believed me," followed by a few incoherent words as he drifted off to sleep.


10:45 AM

Following up after having sent the officers to Tom Boyer's home, Sergeant Brown called the hospital to see if anyone had contacted them looking for Mr. Boyer. The nurse that took his call told him that Mr. Boyer had regained consciousness and gave instructions about who should be contacted so they didn't have to bother with that anymore.

The rest of that day Tom Boyer drifted in and out of sleep thanks to the painkillers.


Monday, April 28, 2003

8:30 AM

Brad stopped by Lisa's office and asked how things went when she got home.

"Tom wasn't there," Lisa said.

"When did he come home?"

"He didn't?"

"He didn't? Did he move out like he threatened?"

"No. His truck is still in the garage and none of his clothes are missing."

"I looked for him in his office this morning but he didn't come in," Brad said, "and he didn't call anyone to tell them he wouldn't be in."

Lisa was beginning to feel that cold chill again. "I just can't imagine where he would be. I thought that he would at least call me," she said. "And not showing up for work is not like him."


10:30 AM

Lisa opened her e-mail hoping that Tom might have sent her an e-mail telling her what he was up to. Instead of a note from Tom she found another note from the same hotmail address as before. This note had an attachment with it.

The note said, "You had better tell your husband to stay away from my wife or there will be trouble. You better have a talk with him. These pictures were taken yesterday."

When Lisa opened the attachment there was a picture of Tom coming out of an Applebee's restaurant and that same blond was with him. When she took a closer look she recognized the Applebee's in the picture as the one that was just a couple miles from their house. The second picture was more upsetting than any of the others. This one showed the blond standing on their front porch and it looked as if she was about to open the door."

"That bastard was with her yesterday. I'm worried sick because I can't find him and he has the nerve to bring that slut into my house," Lisa said to herself.


12:15 PM

At lunchtime Lisa ran out to the bank to check the account balances to see if Tom had withdrawn any money recently. He hadn't. Before she headed back to the office, she decided to call Shandra and ask her if she could spend another night at her place. When she pulled her cell phone out of her handbag she was surprised to see that it was turned off and then she remembered that she had turned it off Friday night when Tom had tried to call her.

She turned the phone on and saw the message light blinking. Lisa was hoping that Tom had left her a message as she pushed the button to retrieve her voice mail. She did get a message from Tom but it wasn't at all what she expected. The message had been recorded at 11:57 Friday night.

"Lisa, I don't have much time left. I just need you to know that I love you and only you. I don't understand why you don't believe me about Las Vegas. I just hope that you will remember me as the loving husband that I really am and not the person you seem to think I am now. Unfortunately my last memory of you will be of the last conversation we had tonight. I forgive you for whatever happened tonight. I hope someday when you know the truth that you will be able to forgive yourself."

Lisa had trouble identifying the voice at first. The breathing sounded strange but she knew it had to be Tom. After she listened to the whole message she thought, "What the hell is this?" She listened to it several more times and began to wonder if Tom was talking about suicide. But that couldn't be because he had been at Applebee's on Sunday. Then she wondered if he was drunk and was talking about their marriage being over. Was he crying, she wondered? Is that why it was so hard to understand him? Lisa thought, "If he wanted to save the marriage he should have come home and talked to me. "


1:00 PM

When Lisa got back to the office she went to see Brad and she played the voice mail message for him and asked him what he thought it meant.

Brad said, "I don't know, I guess he could be crying. Was he drunk when he talked to you at Ben's?"

"No. I don't think he'd had anything to drink," Lisa said.

"This call was made shortly after we left Ben's. Could he get that drunk that fast? He's probably in a motel somewhere drinking himself into oblivion. I bet he will get himself straightened out in a couple of days."

"Well, he may be in a hotel but he is not drinking himself into oblivion." Lisa said as she handed Brad the pictures she received that morning.

"He took her to your house?"

"It appears so," Lisa said.

"What are you going to do?" Brad asked.

"I don't know. I can't even find him so we can talk about this."

Although he felt bad for Lisa, Brad saw an opportunity for himself.

"Why don't you have dinner with me tonight and I'll help you work through this?" Brad suggested. "Maybe together we can figure out where he is and decide what you should do."

"I am not sure I would be very good company," Lisa said.

"You've got to eat and I am not sure you should be alone tonight," Brad said.

Lisa was reluctant but agreed to have dinner with Brad.


1:15 PM

Tom woke up in pain again but he wanted to avoid the painkillers as long as possible. He needed a clear head. It was difficult to think when he was in so much pain but it was impossible to think when his mind was in a drug-induced haze. He wondered why no one had come to see him. Where was Lisa? Even if she were mad at him, wouldn't she come to see if he was all right?

Tom was still resisting the urge to ring for the nurse when Dr. Jasper stopped in to check on him.

"Doctor, has anyone called my boss to tell him where I am?"

"I called him myself this morning but he wasn't in. His message said that he was out of town today. I left him a message to call the hospital and the staff knows what to tell him when he calls. Is there anyone else you would like us to notify?"

Tom thought about Lisa for a moment.



7:30 PM

"Welcome to Applebee's."

Brad and Lisa were escorted to a table by a bubbly teenager who pointed to the menus on the table and promptly retreated to the front of the restaurant.

"Why did you want me to meet you at this Applebee's?" Brad asked.

"I just wanted to check and see if by chance Tom and his new girlfriend would show up here. That would end all of the lies."

It was a very uncomfortable dinner for both of them. Lisa was constantly watching the door looking for Tom as though she really expected he would show up. Brad had hoped that he and Lisa could talk about what happened in his apartment. He wanted to assess his chances of having a meaningful relationship with her if she and Tom couldn't work out their problems. Then to make matters worse one of Lisa and Tom's neighbors came with a group of people.

Under her breath Lisa said 'Shit, how do I explain being here with you? Mrs. Bennett is such a busy-body. Everybody in the neighborhood will know I was here with someone other than my husband."

Before Brad could answer her Mrs. Bennett spotted Lisa and came directly over to the table. Mrs. Bennett didn't seem to even notice Brad.

"Lisa, what was going on at your house Saturday? Everyone was so worried," Mrs. Bennett said.

"What are you talking about?" Lisa asked.

"There was a police car in your driveway. Two officers went to your door and rang the bell and knocked on the door several times and then they sat in their car in your driveway talking on their radio for quite a while. Is Tom in some kind of trouble?" Mrs. Bennett said. "I was talking to Mrs. Benson and she said that she heard that someone might have broken into your house but her husband said that was just a rumor. I didn't know what to think. Everyone is concerned. By the way, where is Tom?"

Lisa didn't know what to say. Mrs. Bennett was a talker and it was hard to get her to stop long enough to answer her question.

"The Police? No, Tom is not in any trouble. No one was home Saturday so I don't know why the police would have been there."

"Very strange," Mrs. Bennett said. "If you find out what that was all about, let the rest of us know, okay?" Mrs. Bennett said before she turned and left to join the rest of her party on the other side of the dining room.

Lisa saw Mrs. Bennett point at her and then say something to her friends. She had a pretty good idea what they were saying about her. Lisa finished her meal as quickly as she could and told Brad she needed to go home.

Brad asked, "To my apartment?"

"No. To my house."

Brad walked Lisa to her car and asked her if she want him to go to the house with her.