What Happens in Vegas... Ch. 01


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"Amy? Hello?" Jake snapped his fingers in front of her. "Stare much?"

"Amy blushed furiously but recovered well. "Sorry, food coma. There was so much awesome here I don't think I'm going to eat again for days."

Jake chuckled, and it tightened things low in Amy's body. Had his laugh always sounded like that?

"I know what you mean, but I doubt you could ever go a day without food."

"Mmmmmm, food." Amy sighed contentedly. "So what now, Richie Rich? You going to go give the house their money back?"

Jake grinned through the last sip of his wine, and casually said, "I was thinking of a show first."

Amy's heart fell for a second. Hadn't he wanted to see the rest of- and she caught herself mid-sentence. Had she actually been disappointed that Jake didn't want to go back to the room and tear her clothes off?

"What show?"

"One of the Cirque du' Soleil ones. You heard of 'Zumanity'?"

"No, but Cirque du' Soleil is usually pretty entertaining. I'm game." She could do this. It was just a weekend with her roommate. She wasn't interested. She wasn't hornier than she had been in months. She wasn't half hoping he enforced the deal they had made.

Wait, what was that middle one?

Jake noticed how quiet Amy was on the short limo ride to the show. Outwardly, he was still projecting the calm confidence the Fever had given him, but his mind was in turmoil. Amy hadn't gone this long without saying something in the entire time he had known her. Had he come on too strong? Taken it too far with hinting at seeing more of her? Even though his body was still coursing with the Fever, his brain was starting to scream at him again.

Thanks to Sarah, their seats were amazing, close enough to see the action, but far enough back they wouldn't have to risk participating.

Amy's voice caught his attention "So what's this all about? I mean, you had me at Cirque du' Soleil, but what's the story?"

As Jake glanced at her, he thought he saw her blushing, but dismissed it as a trick of the light.

"Well, it doesn't actually. No real storyline. It's more of a...cabaret show. Kind of explores the themes of intimacy and sexuality."

Amy's mouth hung open. "What?" She hissed at Jake, "You took me to some kind of a strip show?" As horny as she secretly was, she couldn't believe even the 'New Jake' would do this.

Surprisingly he laughed, which only infuriated her more, until she heard him whisper, "Not even close. Just watch. If you don't like it in the first few minutes we can leave. Deal?"

"Fine. But no funny business." Amy only half believed herself at this point, and only half wanted Jake to listen, but she was still trying to make it through the weekend while maintaining their friendship.

Sure enough, Amy stayed for the whole show. Still skeptical, she sat rigid with crossed arms as Edie, the "Mistress of Sensuality" came forth onto the stage and bluntly stated that "she would be their guide through the many facets of lust, passion, and sensuality." Amy shot Jake a dirty look at this, but he only smiled and kept watching. She felt a little more at ease as a pair of twins calling themselves the Boteros walked around the audience, "accidentally" brushing up against or squeezing by audience members to give them strawberries.

The acts continued from there, from a primal dance performed to a savage drumbeat, the performer passionately twisting into poses and swaying to the beat of the drums. A pair of women slid silently into a bowl of water and stretched and bent in a series of sensual, enticing poses that had Amy's lips parting and heart racing. There was comedy from the Botero Twins, a schoolgirl spinning Hula Hoops around her waist in midair, and even a romantic, mid-air dance between two spectacular aerialists. Amy had to admit, it was a stunning performance. Different, yes, but tastefully done, and there was no denying the talent of the performers. The whole show was breathtaking.

Then a performer calling herself Laetita came on, and performed what could only be described as self-bondage, wrapping herself in dozens of intricate leather straps high above the ground. From there, she still managed to contort and twist herself into several erotic poses.

Unbelievably, it was Laetitia that made Amy start to squirm. Something about the leather, the restraint, was just so...hot. It didn't help that midway through the performance, Jake had draped his arm around her to rest on her shoulder. It wasn't a big deal, they had cuddled before, quite frequently, in fact. But something about this time made his fingertips feel like fire as he absentmindedly moved them in small circles on her shoulder. Again, this was a perfectly normal behavior for them.

'So then why am I freaking out like this?' She asked her own brain.

'Because you like him, dumbass', was the only reply she received.

Next to her, Jake's brain was also screaming at him. He was worried he'd pushed it too far with the show, and even though he put his arm around Amy all the time, she felt tense when he touched her. The only thing keeping him from completely losing his nerve was the remnants of the Fever, still whispering into his ear that he was invincible. Thankfully for both of them, Laetitia's exotic performance was the culmination of the show. As they walked out, Jake, aided by the Fever, threw caution to the winds and took Amy's arm in his.

"So, Amy, what do you say? Keep the night going or retreat to our modest little hotel room?"

"Honestly, it's been an exciting day, but a really long one. Maybe just a drink and a movie in the room?"

"Sounds good to me."

They toasted again in the limo, champagne flowing freely as they hit traffic leaving New York, New York. By the time they made it back to their room, there wasn't much pain to be felt from either of them.

Jake was content to let the comment he had made earlier go, but at this point, aided by the alcohol and her own growing need, Amy was just about ready to tear that perfectly tailored suit off of Jake's body.

"Say, don't I owe you a few more outfits?"

Jake's breath caught. She had brought it up. Amy had brought it up. Confidence resurging, Jake turned and flashed a brilliant smile. "I think you're right, Amy. Same as before?" Jake sat down and poured himself another Scotch, heart pounding straight through his chest.

Amy stepped into the next room, seemingly for hours. How long could it possibly take to put so little on? Jake was about to stand up when the door opened and Amy's head peeked around. Gone was the playful, catty confidence from earlier in the Forum shops. She was flushed red, though whether from embarrassment or lust was anyone's guess.

"Jake? I don't know about some of these..."

"Jake looked almost amused as he replied, "Amy, it's okay, really. What happens in Vegas..."

She smiled back at him and finished the saying: "stays in Vegas."

With that, she stepped into the room. Jake thought he was going to stroke out.

She was clad in a powder blue bra that made even her smaller breasts seem large, mounded and pushed up by the bra. She was sporting a matching pair of boyshorts that barely covered her rear, and outlined it like a spotlight. Jake's lips parted and he let out an inarticulate sound.

Saying that Amy had been nervous prior to stepping out would have been a colossal understatement, but seeing Jake's reaction gave her back the power that all women have over men when they're undressed. She started a strutting walk down towards Jake, swinging her hips to exaggerated effect. When she stood right before Jake, she cocked her hip and put a hand on it, saying one word: "Well?"

Jake, meanwhile, was trying to remember how to form words in the English language. Jesus, had he actually had a stroke? Finally, he managed to say, "Damn, Ames."

Amy smirked and cocked an eyebrow at him, then turned to walk away, making sure she pushed her ass out slowly as she turned. It would ruin the effect to look back, but she was fairly certain Jake's eyes were bulging out of his head.

As Amy stepped out to change again, Jake nervously took a gulp of the Scotch. It calmed his nerves, but also started to make him sweat. There was no way he could make it through all of these. One display had his pants tented, erection straining to escape. Jake loosened then removed his tie, waiting impatiently for Amy to come back.

Boy, did she ever. If the last outfit made him stroke out, this one had him six feet under. Using the same confident strut, Amy swayed toward him in a barely there red thong, the bright color contrasting beautifully with her ivory skin. The bra she wore seemed to put her breasts up on a shelf, almost spilling out. This time, as she walked over, he wordlessly reached out with one shaking hand. Amy saw, and almost subconsciously moved into its path so his hand came to rest on her hip. It was like electricity shooting through her body and she shuddered visibly. Shaken, she turned around to walk away, Jake's hand sliding across her hip and briefly over her ass before he removed it, trailing fire down her skin. Jake was in agony. He had to do something. His brain was screaming again. No, this was his roommate. It would make things weird.

That was the moment, of course, when the Fever came roaring back.

As Amy changed, she noticed a very damp spot on the bright red thong. That single touch had sent her into the stratosphere. Her body obviously wanted something to happen tonight, but did she? Jake was her roommate and friend. She shakily resolved to put it on him, relying on the fact that the Jake she knew would respect her if she got cold feet.

Jake was almost to the point of insanity when Amy stepped back in, and her outfit was what pushed him over. It looked as though she had taken the bra from the first outfit, thong from the second, and painted them both an inky, almost reflective black.

Oh, and she'd taken the liberty of adding a garter belt and thigh highs.

Jake's cock was straining at his pants, painful in its hardness. He only hoped his suit draped in such a way that it wasn't so noticeable. Amy made her way over to him again, accepting his electric touch on her hip once more, but as she turned away, Jake caught her hand and turned her around.

"Jake, what are you-mmph!"

Jake had given her a gentle tug and pulled her into his lap a split second before kissing her full on the lips. He didn't care anymore. There was not one single thing in Jake's world that could have kept him from kissing her. Amy struggled for a split second, confused, then melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Jake's neck. It was all the signal Jake needed, hands squeezing her hips, then slowly trailing around to cup that perfect ass that had been tantalizing him for weeks. Amy let out a moan. God, he was being so forceful. He kissed her like she was his last breath. She felt like she was on fire, unable to stop herself from returning his kiss. When his hands reached her ass and gripped tightly, her back arched and she moaned into him. She stroked across his hair, down to his shoulder, where she came across the silky fabric of his suit. "Suit?" She thought in her head, "no, that isn't right."

Amy broke the kiss only long enough to say two words:

"Clothes. Off."

Jake complied as quickly as he could, wriggling out of the finely tailored jacket and tossing it aside, while Amy's hands flew to the buttons of his shirt. Working together, they quickly had Jake down to a pair of very snug boxer briefs. Just as Jake's hands passionately roamed over her body, Amy had some exploring of her own to do. First, she put her hands on his arms. God, they were big. She was amazed by how strong Jake felt, her soft hands running down his arms to his waist. No six pack, to be sure, but not bad at all. As her hands wandered lower, she got her first surprise. Jake's ass was hard as a rock. Not firm, not muscled, but a rock. She could barely even dig her nails in, it was so unyielding. As much as she wanted to just keep her hands there, she had another question to answer, her hands slowly moving from his ass to his hips, then further towards the front of him. She heard Jake's breath catch as her fingers flew across his hips, filing the reaction away for later.

Jake was losing his mind. While Amy took her time exploring his body, Jake felt like he was going to explode. His own hands had been far less methodical, randomly running over Amy's skin, touching as much of her as he possibly could, not caring where, just that he was. But Amy's deliberate exploration left him aching for more.

Amy's journey continued down, where she found another surprise. "Holy Shit," she thought to herself as her tiny hand made a valiant effort to wrap all the way around him. "Jake wasn't the only one who won a jackpot this weekend", she thought to herself as she fished the sizeable dick out of Jake's boxers. It wasn't so much that it was long, though it looked like a respectable seven inches or so. Jake had perhaps the most girthy dick Amy had ever seen. "Jesus Christ, it's as big as my wrist," she thought. Still attached at the lips, Amy began to slowly stroke Jake, not just his shaft, but cupping and lightly running her nails along the sack of his balls. She could feel him shudder and tighten, so she continued on, enjoying how she could make him react with just a touch.

Jake was ecstatic and concerned. Amy was finally touching him, albeit teasing and unhurried. But the buildup of the entire night had been so much that Jake was already near his tipping point, and he needed to do something to cool off, fast. Keeping his lips locked on Amy's, their tongues dueling passionately, Jake used the considerable strength in his arms to lift Amy up by her ass, forcing her to wrap her legs around him as he lifted her from the ground. Carrying her out of the room and into the adjoining bedroom was the work of moments, though Amy was immensely turned on by the fact Jake had carried her so effortlessly.

Once on the bed, Jake pushed Amy's arms over her head, swiftly and securely tying them to the bedpost. Suddenly, Amy was a little nervous. She really couldn't move her arms.

"Jake, what are you-"

He placed one finger against her lips firmly.

"Shhh. Your night is just beginning."

Amy processed this for a second. "What do you mean-ohmyGOD!! Fuck, Jake!"

Jake had wasted no time removing the skimpy thong from around Amy's hips, her reaction born of his wet finger sliding ever so slowly over her oversensitive clit. She bucked into him, desperately wanting more, her body screaming for him to keep going. Amy couldn't remember a time in her 24 years on Earth that she had been this wet. It was almost to the point of being embarrassing. Then Jake touched her again, and all embarrassment, fear, and every other rational though went straight out the window.

Now that the frenzy of their initial connection was over, Jake slowed down and took his time. After all, if this was going to be his only chance with Amy, he was going to make damn sure she remembered every second. His fingers trailed over her hips, so lightly she wasn't even sure they were there. They started to apply more pressure as they reached her thighs, almost kneading them, making no apparent move toward her entrance. Amy was the one aching now, and she couldn't do a thing about it. She realized Jake was right: She would have left marks down his back trying to get what she wanted, and in that moment, it was Jake denying her, not the other way around. She pulled against the tie, knowing she couldn't escape, and came to a surprising realization: she loved it. She loved the way Jake had taken control, taken away her ability to stop him. She trusted Jake enough to know he would stop if she really wanted to, but the idea that he might not was stoking her fire hotter than it had ever been, and he hadn't even really gotten started yet.

The next half hour was torture for Amy. Jake would tease her, slowly finger her, make her hips buck every time he left her empty. Then he'd run slow circles around her clit, first with a finger, then tongue, but never, ever touching. His finger began to curl and twist inside her, beckoning her towards him from the inside, each stroke just enough to caress her g-spot without giving her release. His tongue would lap at her pussy lips, then up to ever so briefly tap directly on her clit, making her cry out every time. To make it all so much worse was the fact that Jake didn't let her cum. Not once. He brought her to that teetering brink again and again, where even a warm breath could have sent her over, and stopped completely. Every time Amy felt that warm weight building slowly, low in her stomach, Jake would leave her bereft. It got to the point that Amy was almost crying, incomprehensible, barely able to mewl out the word "please" over and over again in a continuous, unending chant.

"Please what, Amy?" Jake stopped for just a moment so Amy could collect her senses.

"Jesus. Please Jake, let me cum. I need it. Oh my god, please make me cum. pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, oh FUCK!"

Truth be told, Jake's tongue was getting tired, so he silently agreed it would be best to wrap this part of the evening up. Outwardly, he only gave a devilish smirk before diving in between Amy's legs. This time, she knew, he was serious. Two of his fingers rolled inside her, using that constant beckoning motion to hit her G-spot again and again. Meanwhile, Jake's tongue ran in short, quick laps, constantly playing over Amy's clit. The intense buildup of pleasure both outside and in was too much. Amy's eyes rolled back as she bucked into Jake, the waves of the orgasm crashing down over her, almost painful in the intensity of the pleasure. When she came down from the floaty place in her head, she realized he hadn't stopped beckoning inside her. He had eased off her clit, probably because of how sensitive it was, but kept the beckoning motion going. She realized quickly that he wasn't done. His fingers played her like a musical instrument, touching spots deep inside her that she hadn't even known existed. Faster than she thought possible, she felt herself overflowing with pleasure again, hands still bound, leaving her helpless.

Jake was having a ball. He had figured out exactly what made Amy squirm, and wasn't nearly through. His thumb slid up to massage her clit slowly, even as his fingers beckoned faster. Amy's eyes rolled back again, so she couldn't see as Jake positioned himself higher on her body and suddenly suck hard at one of her nipples. She shrieked from the unexpected contact, just enough to send her moaning into another orgasm. This time, however, Jake didn't stop at all. He simply kept driving her higher and higher. It was definitely painful now, her clit so terribly oversensitized from the attention it was getting. Amy tried to tap out, to say something, but all that came out was "Jake, please oooooooooooooo". Amy had never experienced anything like this. The combination of her hands being tied, the painful pleasure that seemed to radiate from every pore in her body. It was all racing like a freight train to one inevitable conclusion. A bomb exploded behind Amy's eyes and she went limp, completely spent, unable to even protest anymore.

Jake slowly withdrew, and kissed his way up Amy's body. Softly planting one more kiss on her lips, he untied the tie and rubbed Amy's wrists until her arms molded around him, resting somewhere between sleep and utter bliss. Jake contentedly let her snuggle next to him, put his hands behind his head, and looked up at the ceiling.

"To think," he thought to himself, "This is just my first night in Vegas."