What I Want To Do

All the things I want to do. [F4M]
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This came about in response to a conversation with another author while I was in a much more innocent mindset.

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THoney269THoney2694 months agoAuthor

Such simple activities, yet some of the most intimate to me 💜

bestkeptsecret678bestkeptsecret6784 months ago

You have a remarkable sense of intimacy, it’s so clear from this audio. Cuddling, preparing and sharing a meal, as examples. Appreciated this.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

We'll see what bubbles to the surface next😈

THoney269THoney2694 months agoAuthor

We'll see what bubbles to the surface next,hmm?

Familyluv2114uFamilyluv2114u4 months ago


I NEED to hear more of your dominant/weird s**t that marinates in your brain next please.🤞🏽

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