What if...

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Wife finds time for her lover while camping.
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The firelight danced on the ceiling as she listened to her husband talk about a hike he'd taken earlier in the day. He spoke in low, hushed tones as to not wake their kids sleeping in the beds across from them. It had been a fun day camping with friends in the remote hills, hiking, and passing bottles of booze around the campfire like a bunch of hobos.

She laid her cheek against her husband's chest and rested in the comfort of him while he spoke. This was her favorite place to be. Not the cabin or the wilderness but right there on his shoulder, listening to the low rumble of his voice through his chest, feeling his warmth against her cheek, and breathing in his scent. It was Home. She wrapped her leg around the top of his, curling into him for more heat. His arm completed the movement by wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her near.

These were some of her favorite times, talking and laughing quietly. Just being a little silly and intimate at the same time. While they talked they touched, enjoying the feel of each others skin; answering a glide of fingertips on his rib cage with a hand cupped around her hip.

She had tilted her chin up to catch his lips in a soft kiss when there was a gentle knock at the door of the cabin. She and her husband both froze momentarily at the sound. Then, they both looked to the door as it opened a crack and their friend's face peered in at them.

"Hey," he said softly in to the dimly lit room. The fire's glow illuminated his face just enough to see him as he stepped inside the door. "You guys still up?"

"Hey man, yeah. We're up. Did you get everyone to bed okay? We weren't expecting you but glad you came back up," her husband whispered back as he absent-mindedly drew circles with his fingers on her back.

They had recently invited their life long friend to their marriage bed, against their better judgment. To their delight and surprise their friend had accepted. They had enjoyed only a few brief trysts so far, some as a threesome and some with just her and their friend-turned-lover.

"Everyone's asleep," he said, "I thought maybe you guys might still be by the fire."

Her heart was racing and her eyes wide. She looked between her husband and her sometimes-lover and anxiously waited to see what would play out.

Her husband replied, "We were until just a bit ago. We were still talking, and stuff. We weren't sleeping yet."

There was a heartbeat of time where what wasn't said lingered palpably in the air between them. Each of them feeling both hope and trepidation at the same time but for different reasons. They each had their own list of benefits and risks in their new situation. They each had something to lose.

A smile crept across the visitor's face as a thought dared to be spoken aloud. After only a moment's hesitation, her husband answered that smile with one of his own. Her mind raced, Could what's about to happen really happen?, she thought.

"I thought I might take a walk with your wife if it's okay with you, and her, of course."

Her husband's hand stopped the circles on her back and pressed his hand flat to her back when he looked at her, searching, "Yeah, looks like that won't be a problem at all, man." He smiled at her. She wondered what he saw. Her eyes large and overly bright? Could he sense her excitement and arousal? He cupped her cheek in his palm and pressed his lips to hers, capturing for a moment her bottom lip before letting her go. "Have fun," he whispered only to her, his smile mischievous, and pressed her little red silk case into her palm.

Her mouth fell open on a small gasp before the corner of her mouth turned up. "I'll be back to you soon," she kissed him quick on the lips. "I love you."

Her pajamas were not her typical come-hither-sailor jammies. She was camping after all. She became slightly more aware of her pink striped flannel pajama bottoms as she walked across the room. Grateful that she wore a bust-flattering lace cami to distract from the flannel, she decided to let it go. Her friend held the door for her and they stepped without a word out in to the dark night.


Glancing back at the door, behind which her husband sat, she fought to calm her heart. She turned to her friend, "Hey."

"Hey," he countered and they both giggled.

"Would 'oh my fucking god' be appropriate here?" she blurted, giggling nervously again.

"Yeah, I think it would," he smiled again and took her hand. She looked at their clasped hands between them and took a deep breath before he spoke again. "Will you walk with me?"

She nodded and they began walking up the hill. It took them past the fire pit they'd all sat at earlier. It still glowed orange with hot coals. As they continued on the air grew cooler away from the fire but not so much as to make it cold. The moon was bright and lit a silver path up the hill and around tree trunks that stood like black pillars lining their path. Neither spoke until they felt they were far enough away that everyone was out of earshot.

"I've been thinking about you all day. This is probably really a stupid thing to be doing with all these people here," he said.

"Probably. Doesn't seem to be stopping us though," she said. She worried the silk of the little case between her thumb and finger.

"No. I guess not." Their footsteps fell in sync as they continued to climb up, passing the water tank and zigzagging around pines and Manzanita. But soon it opened into a small clearing and in the middle of the clearing sat a blanket and a bottle of wine.

She gasped, "You've already been up here! Wow. Cool," she smiled as she walked the rest of the way to the blanket.

He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist tucking his face into her neck. Inhaling her scent, he trailed kisses down her shoulder and delighted in the chills she got at his touch. "Come here," he said low and right at her ear so that she felt his warm breath on her skin. She shivered again and turned in his arms to face him.

He picked up her hand placing it at the front of his shirt, flashing a crooked smile. His heart raced in his chest. "Mine, too," she laughed.

Time was short, he knew. If he were gone too long someone would notice and maybe even come looking for him. He wanted to taste and savor her, to contemplate each body part, to explore her leisurely but that would be a luxury for another time. He covered her mouth, absorbing her answering moan. And with knees intertwined he lowered her to the blanket, her hair fanning out around her head. Kneeling above her, his eyes roved over her body. The mounds of her breasts fell outward under her camisole perfectly framed by a line of inky showdown. Her nipples stood to attention in the cool air and begged to be caressed.

Her breaths came in quiet huffs, and she watched him looking at her. She felt beautiful, powerful, seeing how he desired her. She raised her hand to his cheek.

He hovered above her, his knee tucked firmly between her legs, and he traced the outline of her with his fingertip. When his finger found the edge of her pajama bottoms he hooked his thumbs neatly under the hem and slid them past her hips. She rocked left and right to assist. Once removed, he rolled them neatly and placed them under her head, his eyes fixed to hers.

He laid a hand flat to her belly as he lowered himself to kiss her. She licked and sucked at his lip before he continued his decent to her neck and collarbone. Then he cupped his lips around her nipple through the fabric of her shirt and she arched in to him. But he continued his path down. He bunched her top up under her breasts and kissed down the center of her bare stomach and then licked each hip with the flat of his tongue, his arms reaching up around her thighs, securing her.

Eyes heavily lidded, she watched him lick and suck his way across her body to her center. At once he pushed two long fingers into her hot core and sucked her clit. She cried out and partially rolled to the side at the intensity. He reached up with his free hand and gently covered her mouth. A reminder that sounds travelled well in the cool valley. But he continued his licking and plunging, and she writhed, trying to stay silent but losing that battle. Heat flared in her abdomen and spread as her climax built. Then, with a subtle twist of his fingers within her she broke and came. Her muscles clenched rhythmically on his hand and her stifled murmurs became groans punctuating the night air.

He laughed to himself, while he shushed her quietly and more forcefully covered her mouth with his hand. With the other he slowly worked the tender spot inside her until her body relaxed again and she seemed to melt back in to the blanket.

But he was not done with her yet. While she still caught her breath he reached over her right shoulder where the little silk pouch had landed. In one smooth movement his hand emerged with a condom between the tips of his first and second fingers. Deftly he tore open the wrapper and rolled the condom down his firm length. He replaced the wrapper in the pouch as not to leave evidence. Then covered her body with his own and slid his cock hot and deep into her still quivering flesh. He covered her gasp with his mouth, kissing her deeply. She could make all the noise she wanted now and he would swallow every sound.

He pushed in to her, relishing the heat and slickness of her already worked pussy. He pushed deeper and let out his own low, soft moan. Her legs wrapped around his hips in encouragement and he picked up the pace. The slapping of his hips against her thighs was incredibly arousing but also very unmistakably the sound of fucking and he decided to back off a little. Curled into her body, his arms holding her to him as he worked, he felt his release coming. Her moans became soft, encouraging grunts at his ear. With her breasts pressed tightly to his chest and his dick buried in her scorching center, he came. She felt his body still, and hold her rigid and tight to his torso. Then, the hot pulsing deep within her that could be nothing else but his eruption of come inside her. Fuck, she loved that feeling.

He collapsed into her, breathing heavy into her neck. "You are fucking amazing," he confided.

She giggled, "You're not so bad yourself."

"Do you think anyone heard us, well, really, you?" He smirked.

Eyes big, she began to ramble, "Oh my gosh! Do you think I was too loud? I was really trying not to make too much noise but I forget and it's really hard not to. And it's so quiet out here..."

"Shh. Shh," he was laughing again. "You were fine. I think everyone is either asleep or knew we were up here." He was referring to her husband only, he hoped. "We should get back."

While she dressed he gathered the blanket and the unopened wine, and they walked slowly back to the cabin. The moon had moved farther across the sky causing the shadows to be darker and deeper. It was harder to see where they were stepping. They stopped short of the cabin by 10 yards. Standing in shadow he cupped her face in his hand and kissed her softly on the lips and neck. "You smell so good. I'll fall asleep with the smell and taste of you in my head." He stood straight and looked at her, "Are you okay?"

She smiled, "Yes, very much so. I'm a little nervous to head back in but I know I don't need to be." She glanced down the hill toward his trailer, and his family, and tried not to allow the guilt eat at her. "Be careful heading down there. The paths are harder to see now." Smiling again, she stretched up to kiss him once more. "Goodnight."


The front door of the cabin often stuck a little and required some brute force to get it to open. She applied just enough to do the job endeavoring to avoid the "thunggg!" of the metal-sided cabin when it finally released. With some success (at least the kids didn't wake up) she entered the warm cabin. The firelight still danced orange on the ceiling. Her husband sat watching the fire from the couch. He stood when she came in the room and wrapped her up in his arms. Safe. Loved. Home. She thought to herself.

"Well?" He whispered by way of starting. "How was your walk?" He was smiling at her now. A knowing smile and slightly teasing.

"The walk was nice," she whispered back, returning his mischievous smile. "The moon is gorgeous tonight and the air is cool and fresh. The fire pit finally died out."

He kissed her gently on the lips, "Quit teasing, I want to know what happened. Did you make him come? I know that you did..." he goaded.

"What do you mean that you know I did?" she said defensively.

Still smiling his Cheshire grin he said, "Because I heard you..." At her startled look he added, "I sat on the steps outside awhile. Anyone inside or farther away would not have heard. It's okay."

"Fuck. You scared me. I tried. I really did try to stay quiet."

"How do you feel?" he asked honestly.

"I'm still trembling, but I feel good."

"I can feel you still trembling. Did it feel good to have his cock inside you again?" he whispered right into her ear. "To have a dick in you that was not your husband's?"

She couldn't believe what his words could do to her. She felt her low belly flare and heat again. Hadn't it only been a half hour since she had an orgasm?

Her husband knew exactly what he was doing to her so he continued. His hands slid down her waist and into the flannel pajamas, cupping her ass. She thrilled at his warm hands on her cool skin. "Did he put his fingers inside you?" he whispered dangerously. She knew is was just for effect and her pussy clenched in anticipation and the heat of her arousal spread farther, flushing her skin out to her shoulders. "Did he put his mouth on your clit?"

"Yes," was all she managed.

"Did you come when he ate you out...or when he fucked you?" His words stoked her fire and her knees became weak. He held her, not letting her get away from him. He held her and kept speaking into her ear, "I think you probably came for him both times. Is that right?" She was not capable of words anymore and he knew it. He did not expect a verbal answer but was highly interested in her physical one. She had practically melted into him, her skin was hot, and her breaths were fast and shallow. He had her right where he wanted her.

He continued, "You know, a good husband wouldn't let his gorgeous wife fuck another man. A good husband wouldn't enjoy knowing that his best friend had been nailing his wife just 30 minutes ago. So why is it I have a rock hard boner at the thought of sliding into your wet pussy? Wet, because you've been with another man?" He knew damn well that she was wet all over again because of him but the dirty talk made them both fucking turned on so he kept it up.

"Do you want me to fuck you, too, Baby?" he asked sweetly. "Do you want my dick inside you, too?"

"Ahh, yes. Yes, I need you inside me. I want to feel you." Her reply came out desperate and breathy.

He bent his wife over the table and slid her pajama bottoms down to the top of her thighs. Positioning his throbbing cock at her entrance and wrapping both hands around her hips he pushed, slowly, savoring the silky swollen flesh inch by inch. She moaned. Their kids were sleeping just on the other side of a flimsy wall and if they really got going the whole cabin would rock. So this fucking was going to be slow and agonizingly intense.

He tangled his right fist in her hair and gently pulled her head back making her back arch. With his left hand he cupped her neck and jaw, and pushed his finger into her mouth. She clamped her lips around it and sucked softly. This will keep you quieter, he thought. And he began to gently rock his hips, pulling his entire length from her and then slowly... sliding... back... in. He continued this discipline, muffling his wife's moans and keeping her (and the cabin) virtually immobile. In, then out, in, then out. Maddeningly slow, until he felt her body tense and her pussy grab at him. A few more strokes. She began to make desperate whimpering noises. One more long slide in and he held there, large and throbbing inside her, and she came, hard. He kept her head pulled back with her back arched and firmed his grip on her neck. She couldn't move or really make noise to ease the intensity of her orgasm. She just had to ride it while he held her. And when her quivering lessened he released her, grabbed her at the hips again, gave two hard and fast thrusts, and came also. Pumping and filling her with his load.


Cleaned up and tucked back in to bed she found her place on his chest again. Satisfied, wrung out, and deliriously happy she gave in to her heavy lids. "I love you."

"I love you ,too," her husband whispered back and kissed the top of her head. And his breathing fell instantly into that pattern that could only mean sleep.

How does he do that? she marveled before letting sleep finally claim her also.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

kristensmith4u is an excellent story teller.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago



Her heart was racing and her eyes wide. She looked between her husband and her sometimes-lover and anxiously waited to see what would play out.

Her husband replied, "We were until just a bit ago. We were still talking, and stuff. We weren't sleeping yet."

End quoute.

• • •


Erotic and romantic 2-in-1.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Camping for cucks and whores. Didn't learn that in the Campfire Girls.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Holy cow !!

That was one hot story. I had a hard on practically from the beginning. Your descriptions of the surroundings, the firelight, their feelings, etc. made me feel I was a close by voyer. You have a real talent for loving wife stories, rarely found here. Please write more. I so look forward to more stories from your fertile mind. Thankyou. How about more chapters on this one???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Annony eats shit!!!

Gave you a 5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Sorry you can't satisfy your wife.

Oh well, more pussy for everyone else, cucks and whores suck dick.

honey_licker1124honey_licker1124about 10 years ago
Excelent story!

Kristen, you have a gift for telling an erotic story. As another said, you did not have to use all the vulgar words but you got the emotions across. My biggest question in the beginning was...Did she want to go with her husband's friend or not? Seems like she was conflicted to just stay with her husband. But seemingly in the end, she enjoyed the experience. Your bio mentioned about time constraints. I wish you had more time to write. You mentioned about editing. You did very well because I harp on it here constantly. I only found about 2 places where the wrong word was used. A story is much easier to read when the reader doesn't have to stop and figure out what word was supposed to be there.

Of course, don't listen to the Anonymous naysayers. They don't like anybody's work.

Of course I gave you 5*'s.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

You shouldn't be reading wife-sharing stories if you're "not" into wife-sharing. I mean, why would a KKK member partake in a Black Panther parade. Methinks, you secretly wish to share your wife, even clean her creampie once her lover has deposited it, after a bareback pounding you cannot deliver yourself...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Love your stories!

'What if' is an excellent follow up to 'House Guest'. I especially like the succinct yet erotically-charged writing which evokes titillation and excitement. You don't linger too much in the sex scenes, yet each word is delivers impact by conveying passion, sexual tension and ultimate release within limited prose. It is easy to understand through your writing that the POV of a woman does not focus on the anatomy but rather the blissful ministrations of it.

Aside from a few, minor editing niggles, you are a skilled writer who is accomplished beyond doubt.

I am a male and would love to read more of your offerings, please keep it up!

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 10 years ago
An excellent love story

I like the way the author let us in on the thought process of this loving married couple. I believe she answered the question of why a perfectly happy married couple would ever consider extra-marital sex with another person (or people.) It isn't about being a "wimpy cuck", as so many who comment on these stories seem to believe. It is about love and trust and letting go of petty jealousy and insecurity. Well done, kristensmith4u.

urbane500urbane500about 10 years ago
Nicely done.

Those who ridicule should should read your personal comments. Nicely done while avoiding trashy words and exaggerated body parts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Not a fan of cheating or swinging but you did a good job on this story.

Hopefully it doesn't become emotionally complicated because for women, great sex usually ends up with strong feelings of attachment...or love.

OOAAOOAAabout 10 years ago


Excellent story!!!

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