What If? Reading Erotica Ch. 04


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I figure you haven't gotten any in awhile so I'll be at the Nighty Night motel on Route 2, I 'll be in Room #9. Come by around six o'clock. I have the room rented for a couple of hours. I'll take the edge off your nerves. See you then, and then he hung up.

I turned off the machine and sat there in total disbelief. What was I thinking, believing that she was trying to turn things around. Asking me to watch the kids so she could go see Nancy. All she wanted was a baby sitter while she went to fuck the son of a bitch. I will have to contact Sally tomorrow and make new arrangements.

Marsha was ready to leave around 5:30 and said she would only be a couple of hours. She had on a nice skirt and blouse, she looked good but not overly sexy. The first thing that entered my mind was if she was wearing underwear, one of the things I remembered from the stories I read.. I tried to be calm but the rage was building. I had to confront her and her lover. I waited a few minutes after she left and then told the boys I had some urgent business to take care of. I wouldn't be an hour. I reminded them to care of Kyle and Robbie.

I went into my office and reached into my bottom drawer. I kept a pair of brass knuckles that my dad had given me years ago. Just kind of a keepsake, never thought I would use them. I left the house at 6:00 giving Marsha plenty of time to hang herself.

I arrived at the motel at 6:10. Room #9 was at the end. This was just a dumpy motel where rooms could be rented by the hour. I saw one car parked in front of the room, Marsha must have parked around back, still using the information she got from me reading those damn stories.

I took a pair of gloves out of the glove compartment, put on the brass knucks and went up to the door. All I heard was the television, so I tapped lightly on the door.

I heard a voice inside say it was about time and as he went to open the door, I kick it in at the same time.

The door flew open and smashed Jim in the face breaking his nose. I knocked him down and hit him twice with the knuckles, at the same time yelling, "Where's my wife you Mother Fucker, Where is she?"

He said, "She never showed up, honest, she's not here."

He had deep cuts above his eyes and on his forehead. They would require stitches, he looked like he fought a round or two with Mike Tyson.

I grabbed him by the shirt and told him if he ever did as much as talk to Marsha again that I would be back and kill him. He better get a story ready for the police also, if they came looking for me that I would make sure I finished the job before being arrested.

I then went back home, I wasn't gone much more than a half hour. I ordered Pizza in for the boys and then went back to my home office.

Where was Marsha? Was she telling me the truth? I turned the tape back on and listened to Jim's message again, only this time I let it keep running, after Jim hung up.

I heard Marsha say, "Oh my God, what am I going to do?"

Then I heard her dialing and then I heard, General Hospital, "How may I help you?"

"Room 204 Please."

Then I heard Nancy's voice saying, "Hello."

"Nancy it's me, Marsha, I have a problem."

She went on to explain what happened and that she didn't know what to do. Nancy said, "You're considering going to see him, aren't you?"

"My God No! Never! I just don't know what to say to Roger? I'm just so mixed up and nervous. Should I tell him about the call, I don't know how he will react? What should I do Nancy? What should I do?"

"There's only one thing you can do," replied Nancy. "Tell him the truth, whatever you do, don't lie to him. He's to good of a man to be lied too. Why don't you come by here tonight and we can discuss it further. I'm sure it will turn out alright. Just please, don't hurt Roger anymore," replied Nancy.

That was the end of the tape, no more messages, so Marsha really did go to see Nancy. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what she tells me.

Chap 6.

Marsha came in about 7:30 and said, "The weirdest thing happened at the hospital. While I was visiting with Nancy, I went down the hall to get us a soda. The machines were near the emergency door. While I was standing there, they brought a Gurney in. You're not going to believe this but Jim from the agency was on it. He was beat up pretty badly, he had to have 18 stitches on his forehead and 6 above his eye. He also had a broken nose. He looked worse then Nancy when she was brought in. He said he was jumped by two men while entering his motel room. They took his watch, and wallet. He told the police he didn't get a good look at the assailants. He will have to spend the one night in the hospital."

"The reason I'm telling you this Roger is because I don't want anymore secrets between us, even though we won't be together. I promised myself that I would never lie to you again. I know it's to late but I'm still going to keep that promise."

"Jim called me earlier today, and wanted me to get with him tonight. I told him I wanted nothing more to do with him. He wanted me to meet him at a motel, but before I could tell him I wasn't interested, he hung up. Could you imagine what would have happened if I would have been there? Even if it was just to tell him to stay away from me? It might have been me on that Gurney. I just thought you should know, even if it doesn't make a difference between us."

I thanked her for telling me, I would have hated to here it from someone else.

On Thursday Nancy was released from the hospital. Marsha picked her up and took her and the kids home. She stayed for awhile and helped her get adjusted. She promised to stop by every day to help out until she was well enough to do it herself. The two of them had become good friends.

I was moving my stuff to my new apartment, it looked nice. It had two bedrooms in case of company. I had a nice family room where I also kept my computer. It didn't have a woman's touch but I was happy with it. My only problem was that I was lonely.

I stopped by on Friday to see Nancy. She said she was coming along fine but was worried about her future. She was pretty sure Bob would be locked up for awhile and they would run out of finances. She needed a job.

I asked her what type she was interested in.

She said she had a degree in business administration, but stopped working after she and Bob had gotten married.

I told her she shouldn't have any problem finding work. I'll do what I can to help her out. She gave me a big hug, it felt like more then just a friendly hug, but maybe I was reading to much into it.

I looked at my watch and found out it wasn't 6:00 yet so I went over to talk to Mr. Little, Marsha's old boss. When I walked in, Mable, the receptionist looked stunned. I said there's no problem Mable, but I would like to speak to Mr. Little. She looked relieved as she paged him. When he came up to me I held out my hand, he shook it and asked me to step in his office.

"What can I do for you Roger", Mr. Little asked?

"Have you filled Marsha's position", I asked?

Mr. Little looked at me and said, "I'm sorry Roger but we can't re-hire Mar. . . "

I stopped him from continuing. "Mr. Little, this isn't for Marsha, it's for some one else."

"Who is it for?" asked Mr. Little.

I replied, "It's for Nancy, Bob's soon to be ex wife. Please hear me out Mr. Little. Bob will more then likely go to prison. Nancy has two children to support. She has a degree in 'Business Administration,' she's smart, intelligent, very personable, and wonderful with people."

"Who will watch her kids if she were to get the position?" replied Mr. Little.

"She has a very trustworthy women who will take great care of her kids, so she won't miss work due to family situation. Please at least give her an interview."

Mr Little replied, "I won't make you any promises Roger, but I will grant her an interview, it seems we owe her that much."

I thanked Mr. Little, said goodbye to Mable, and headed back to my apartment.

What If? Conclusion:

Well, it's been four months since this all took place.

Nancy did get the position that Marsha vacated. I got a personal call from Mr. Little saying what a wonderful asset Nancy has become to the agency. She is even taking the license exam to become an in office agent. That's an agent that doesn't leave the office but can do all necessary legal documentation saving time and money.

I stop by Nancy's place regularly. She is just a really good friend. Whenever I take my sons to a game, Kyle always comes along. One day Kyle looked at me and said, "I wish you were my dad too."

I smiled back at him and said, "Would you settle for me being Uncle Roger, an uncle that will treat you like a son?"

He smiled back at me and gave me a big hug.

Bob is now doing time and should be out of commission for a number of years. Jim has left the state, guess he's afraid he might run into Marsha which could cost him dearly.

I still talk to Marsha regularly. As far as I know, she doesn't date. She always treats me with respect, and apologizes for the lack of self control she used during those horrible months. She still hopes that maybe we will get back together.

For me, life just goes on. I work, visit my two families (yes Nancy is like my family too). At night I'm back on the computer, where it all started, "reading erotica".

It's like a bad habit, like a drug, I just have a hard time stopping. I read story after story about all these happy people having sex with multiple partners. Men who share their wives, having group sex, swapping, and now even married people having gay experiences. I don't know where it will all end. For me the fantasies should stay fantasies. The unknown consequences are too great a price to pay. I always wonder, "WHAT IF? I HAD NEVER STARTED READING EROTICA."

There is no next chapter. I haven't lived it yet.

Hope you enjoyed the reading of What If? Reading Erotica. Please feel free to leave messages, DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

The answer to the last question is: it would only have delayed the inevitable and she would have got caught sooner because you didn't give her tips on how to avoid being caught from your reading. Skanks gonna skank. The old "feeling old and undesirable" trope so the solution is, obviously, jump on some strange cock as soon as a stranger compliments you. I know, ridiculous sounding but so many stories use it so maybe there's some truth to it. There has to be right?

He should have just kicked her out and pursued Nancy. Kind of a disappointing ending after all that. Either BTB, reconcile (not realistic after so many months of whoring let's be real) or divorce and find someone else. Not this weird limbo. Anything but that.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Marsha was a cheating skank and he shouldn't hitch his trailer with the skank again.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

To some commenters below who criticize the husband: sharing a fantasy and showing her how to get away with cheating is like.showong someone how to use a gun. But she pulled the trigger on their marriage, over and over, and went temporarily insane with lust. Her obsession was with monumental and pathetic. There is no coming back from that. Blaming thr husband is stupid. They tried a lot of things to spice up thr marriage and had particular kinks. Yes he introduced her to a.narcotic in the form of stories about cheating, but she decided to become a heroin addict all on her own. Putting fault on the MC is stupid. And many of the guys she banged regularly at lunch for like four mo ths were scum. She had her epiphany finally when the MC reversed a hypothetical situation on her. Suddenly she has her on the road to Damascus experience. Whatever. Worked for Paul from Tarsus but doesn't put her marriage back together. She was thinking if maybe going to see Jim again but backed out. Wise choice and what happened to him reinforced her moral choice. But what about the other nearly 80 times she f"cked one of six guys at the agency on her lunch hour? Seriously there is no coming back for that. Maybe they can be cordial to each other given their shared history but that is where it stops. It would be a ludicrous RAAC yo put them back together, though the MC clearly still loves her and she was surprisingly good at compartmentalizating her many betrayals from her time with her husband while she exercised her obsession to the limits. At best she is mentally ill. Therapy may help her function and move on without killing herself or dying by blow out sex with biker gangs hooked on crack, but the marriage is dead many times over. Anyways this leaves us with a somewhat lame non-ending.

NicealloverNiceallover4 months ago

I don’t know. The lack of decision is not very gratifying. However, I can see why. Any reconciliation after what Marsha did would be met with a chorus of angry voices knocking down the door and the story would receive 1 star. There are hints that there might be a reconciliation between them if she got counseling. She would have to suffer for a while before this would happen. There would have to be some sort of agreement between them that she would lose everything if she strayed again. Of course the opposite ending would be for Roger to marry Nancy. Most readers would like that better. Marsha would be a mother but lead a celibate life for years. She would have to witness their wedding ceremony and be reminded of what she had lost every single day.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I dunno. Story was kind of interesting but I felt that the lack of any real conclusion about MC's relationship with Marsha really dragged the score down. Either with her, or without her, there needed to be some sort of ending.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Umm while Marsha wasn't evil, she was clearly delusional. Mv brings up the analogy of him cheating with Nancy or some other woman and would that help their marriage and suddenly she has her epiphany. Apparently for four months she was temporarily insane. Well too bad. So sad. Don't cheat. Especially banging one of six guys almost every workday at lunch for four months. Thatbis like 80 sex trysts. What a delusional slut. Her rationale was just dumb. While she acted reasonable afterwards and was genuinely contrite, no way back from her actions. She is an idiot who ruined both her and her husband's life outside of their children. MC has become a geadcase reading erotica online. But Marsha couldn't separate fantasy from reality. Uggh.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

It's kind of disturbing that Marsha was let go but, none of the men. Seems like Mr. Little is setting himself up for the mother of all lawsuits.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Not a bad series. Wish that authors would take some time and proof read their stories. There are a number of distracting errors that spell check and grammar check won't/don't catch.

chasbo38chasbo389 months ago

No real ending. Did you run out of ideas ?

Otherwise I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Roger was a complete dickhead, he read online stories and then SHARED THEM WITH HIS WIFE, then he told her how to get away with cheating on him, what an absolute moron. He deserved everything that he got.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Four of the six lustful employees remained in this firm. How long will it take before Nancy's skirt goes up and her panties go down? And what should she do if Roger prefers to read erotic stories?

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