What the Fuck Now


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"When we were together, I was so young," said Janice. "I really didn't know what love was yet or who I felt it for. I thought that I was just having fun. I didn't realize until you were gone how deeply I felt for you. I never got over you." Janice leaned forward giving Pete a look at her breasts.

Pete smiled as he watched her Chest expand and contract with each breath. "Is it me or is it getting really hot in here?" she asked.

"Both," said Pete. "It is unseasonably warm in here, but you're definitely hot."

"I'd love to go for a drive in the moonlight," said Janice. "Like the old days."

"In the old days we only drove far enough to get away from where people would see us," smirked Pete.

"We really were smart for our ages, weren't we?" said Janice grabbing Pete by his shirt and pulling him towards the door.

"What about the party?" asked Pete. "It looked like it was going to be a good one. They were going to have strippers."

"You go to a party to meet people," said Janice. "I've met someone, you. And if you're a good boy, or a bad one, you might get to have a stripper of your very own. And you'll be able to do more than just watch this one."

That was all that Pete needed to hear. He took Janice out to the parking lot and they got into his Mustang and roared away.

"Nice car," said Janice leaning back in the soft leather. Pete smiled and looked over at Janice. Her skirt had ridden up and he was treated to a display of long lithe legs that started his dick to rise.

Janice likewise was squirming in her seat as the moon started to rise too. They drove out into the woods that surrounded the city only moments from the bar. Pete shut off the motor and lowered the windows so they wouldn't fog up. Janice was on him instantly. The intensity of her kiss and the urgency, with which she pressed her body against him, turned Pete on more than he'd remembered.

"We need to get out of this fucking car," she hissed. Janice opened her door and got out. Pete started the motor briefly and let the windows back up. Janice left her door open and sauntered towards a clearing a few yards away from the car.

She leaned back in the soft grass and pulled her skirt up around her waist. Then as Pete walked towards her she stripped off her panties. She handed them to Pete and he sniffed the damp fabric of the panties. Her smell was far muskier than anything Pete had ever smelled before. Then Janice pulled him down and started stripping off Pete's clothing. Soon they were both naked in the dusky forest as the moon started to rise.

Janice was hairier than Pete remembered. He put that thought away as he pushed his turgid erection into her sopping wet orifice. It was so warm and so wet that Pete thought he was in Heaven as he stroked her. Janice screamed out her pleasure. Her orgasmic cries almost sounded like she was howling. Then Janice with more strength than Pete remembered pushed him off of her. His dick made a little popping sound as it was ejected from her tight crevice.

"Fuck me doggy style," yelled Janice so loudly that it was apparent that she didn't care whether anyone heard her or knew what they were doing.

Pete bent her over and noticed again that Janice seemed to be even hairier. In fact, if he wasn't mistaken she seemed to have a bit of hair on her face as well. He was too far gone to care. He plunged his dick back inside her as she lowered herself to all fours. He went straight in, all the way to his balls in one stroke and then started fucking her harder than ever before. Janice was practically howling as he stroked inside of her. When Pete came, he gushed shot after shot of potent sperm directly into Janice's womb.

"You're going to have to marry me now, Pete," she said. "You've probably knocked me up for sure." There was something about Janice that looked strange to Pete. Beside that while they were having sex Janice had raked her fingers down Pete's sides. It had hurt of course but he'd been so busy fucking her that he'd put it out of his mind. When he looked down now he noticed that he was bleeding from the claw marks he'd failed to notice.

"What the fuck are you?" he asked.

"The same thing you'll be when I'm done with you she smiled. In just a few minutes, I'll start to change fully. Then there'll be no hope for you Petey. No one breaks my heart and lives."

"You're a..." began Pete.

"Werewolf," she said. "And once I change there's no way you'll get away from me and make it back to your car."

"Unless, you were knocked out before you changed," said Pete. Before Janice could say anything Pete punched her in the face harder than he'd ever hit anything in his life. The punch packed every iota of energy and strength that Pete could muster. It was the punch of a lifetime or the punch to save a life; Pete's in fact.

It worked, Janice was out like a light and Pete grabbed his clothes and didn't bother putting them on. He just ran. He dove into the car through the door that Janice had left open and started the car. He backed out onto the road and peeled rubber trying to get away. Luckily Janice had no idea of where Pete lived.

Just as Pete's high performance tires began to grip he felt something hit his rear bumper. Pete looked back and could see the creature that used to be Janice in the clear moonlit night.

Pete took his foot off of the gas and the car lurched forward. He hit the brake shifted into reverse and stomped the gas pedal again. The pony car lurched backwards and plowed into Janice then rolled over her. She howled in anger and in pain. Pete shifted into drive and ran over her again. He repeated the pattern several times until Janice was only a wet spot on the pavement. The he got out of his car and looked at her. He opened his trunk and got out his emergency gas can. He doused what was left of Janice with the entire can and then lit it on fire.

As Janice sizzled and burned away, Pete lit a cigar in the flames that consumed her body.

"Welcome to death, by Mustang, Janice. I already let one sneaky assed female dog live tonight," spat Pete. "There was no way I'd put up with that shit twice. Pete got into his car and drove off into the moonlight. He drove right past the motel and back to his house.

Pete opened the door and went inside where he found Ashleigh sitting on the couch drinking and crying.

"Pete, you're home," she cried.

"I made a terrible mistake tonight Ash," he said. "I was so angry that I went out and did something that I shouldn't have done."

"I understand, Petey," she said. "We've both made mistakes. Does that mean that you're willing to give us another chance?" Pete nodded and welcomed her into his arms. They made slow gentle passionate love. Then Ashleigh bandaged his cuts and they fell asleep. For the next few weeks Pete and Ashleigh were better than they'd ever been. They did everything together and Ashleigh realized that Pete truly was the love of her life. She was glad that he'd forgiven her.

Unfortunately Pete hadn't. In Ashleigh's mind she'd had sex with Howie. Pete had fucked some woman that she didn't want to know about. They were even.

Pete was still hurting over the ten years that she'd carried on her emotional if not physical affair with Howie. He hadn't gotten his payback for that yet. But as Pete's body changed and morphed inside he knew his revenge would come soon. All he was waiting for was the next full moon.

The end or is it?

* * * * * *

Alright Halloween story lovers. This is beginning to remind me of those Holiday special comic books where you got a bunch of different stories all grouped together. Or maybe like those simpson's holiday treehouse of horror shows. We have one more little ending for you. This one isn't connected to the previous 2. this one comes direct from mikothebaby's story.

* * * * * *

Pete walked into the home he shared with his wife Ashleigh. Ashleigh was a trim beautiful woman that Pete had fallen in love with the first time he saw her. That had been over ten years ago and he still loved her now. Things hadn't been going well for the past seven weeks. Back then on Halloween, Pete had come home and found Ashleigh in the arms of a college boy who disappeared right in front of Pete's eyes after giving him a shitty apology and a flimsy reason.

Pete had been tempted to leave Ashleigh then, but she really had appeared to be sorry and he loved her so fucking much. They hadn't really been the same since then. Pete had been sleeping in the guest room and they hadn't been speaking much either.

Pete slammed the door and took off his coat. He noticed that there was a set of new Mustang floor mats on the dining room table. Ashleigh came out of the kitchen and smiled at him.

"What do you think?" she asked cheerfully.

"About what?" he grumbled.

"The floor mats for your car, Silly," she said.

"Send them back," he snapped. "My Mustang is the only thing I have to be happy about. I don't want anything from you in it." The anger in his voice and its tone let her know that her husband was still stinging from what had happened 7 weeks before.

"Pete, do you think that we could have dinner together tonight?" she asked. "I know that you're still angry at me, but we really need to talk because we have another problem."

"Oh, shit," said Pete. "The first problem is bad enough. We almost didn't survive that one. What the fuck could be worse than what we're already dealing with?"

"I think we should sit down and discuss it over dinner," she said. "I love you Pete. I told you that what happened with Howie was a mistake. It can't ever happen again. You don't need to worry about that anymore. You are the only man I love and you always have been. I was just holding onto a childhood romance long after I should have let it go."

"Why can't you just let the other shoe drop?" asked Pete. "Why go through all of the pretense of having dinner together and all of that shit?"

"Because I love you Pete," she said. "I want to spend as much time with you as I can. I want to make up for the past in any way that I can. But we have a really big problem. And I'd like for us to discuss it like rational adults."

"Whatever," said Pete.

Pete started for the stairs. Ashleigh was afraid that he'd go upstairs to his room and spend the night drinking again. Most nights, Pete drank until he fell asleep. He was having a tough time getting over her infidelity. Ashleigh knew that it was because he loved her so much.

Her betrayal had simply knocked his world off kilter. She'd never thought that he would ever find out. The worst part of it was that if he hadn't found out, their lives together would be better than they'd ever been. Ashleigh's tryst with Howie had only served to show her that she really loved Pete. Even when she was with Howie all she'd thought about was Pete.

"Pete please don't go upstairs and drink yourself to sleep," begged Ashleigh. "I know I hurt you, but I don't want to be the reason for your death from alcohol poisoning. Why don't you set the table for our dinner?"

"Whatever," said Pete. He went to the cabinet and started setting out plates and silver ware. When he was done Ashleigh came into the room. She had a big bowl of mashed potatoes made just the way that Pete liked them. She'd broiled two thick steaks and made a salad as well.

They sat down to eat and Pete couldn't help thinking about how beautiful his wife was and how much he loved her. She caught him smiling at him and smiled Pete looked back down at his food.

"You don't have to look away, Pete," she said. "I love having you look at me. You used to light up like a Christmas tree every time I came into the room. I miss that."

Pete grunted but didn't say anything.

"I miss having you make love to me too, Pete. And I really miss having you sleep beside me in our bed. There are so many nights that I reach for you and then remember where you are and why you aren't with me," she said sadly.

"Can we just get on with it," snapped Pete.

"Pete, I'm pregnant," she said.

Pete dropped his fork, pushed his chair away from the table and stood up glaring at her. Ashleigh looked down at her food. She'd been picking at it the whole time that they'd been there.

"How far along are you?" he asked.

"It's Howie's baby, Pete," she said with tears in her eyes. She was sure that this would be the final straw and that Pete would leave her.

"Ashleigh, do you love me?" asked Pete.

"Yes, Pete," cried Ashleigh. "I love you more than anyone or anything I know. I'd do anything for you. I just wish I'd found that out before I messed things up."

"Then have it taken care of," said Pete. "I don't think we'd survive with Howie junior running around the house."

"Pete, I already tried that. That was what I went to the doctor's office for last week. I didn't want you to ever find out. You already hate me so much. But for some reason the procedure didn't work," she said.

"What the fuck do you mean, it didn't work" yelled Pete. "What kind of sucker do you take me for? It didn't work because you didn't fucking go. You're just trying to pull one over on me again. You just want to have Howie's fucking brat."

"No Pete, that isn't true at all," cried Ashleigh. "This whole thing has become a nightmare. I'm on the verge of losing my marriage and the man I love over some really mediocre sex. And now I find that I'm pregnant and I'll end up with no one to help me raise a baby that I don't want."

"If I did want to get pregnant, I'd want it to be with you Pete. I made another appointment at the clinic. I want you to come with me. I want you to be there while it's done and talk to the doctor yourself. I'm sorry this is happening, but I really don't want to lose you, Pete," said Ashleigh.

The next day Pete and Ashleigh went to the doctor's office. The doctor was very polite to Ashleigh but also looked a little uneasy.

"I explained to your wife that I'm willing to repeat the procedure but this is the last time," said the doctor. "Though the procedure is not life threatening, overdoing it may render her unable to have children in the future."

Pete thought about it. As angry as he was he still loved Ashleigh. As he watched they got her ready for the procedure. A nurse came and got him too. He was scrubbed in and dressed in scrubs. As he watched from right next to the doctor the dilated Ashleigh's cervix and inserted a small suction device. As they started the suction Ashleigh began cramping.

Pete couldn't handle seeing Ashleigh in pain. "Stop," he yelled. "That's enough."

"I'm almost done," said the doctor. After Ashleigh had a chance to recover, the doctor looked at her womb again through a scope. Unbelievably, Ashleigh was still pregnant.

"That's not possible," said the doctor. "This makes three fucking times we've done this." The doctor had lost his professional decorum. He was still yelling about how it wasn't possible when Pete took his sobbing wife home.

"I'm sorry, Ash," said Pete. "I didn't believe you. I thought...well you know what I thought."

Seven months later Ashleigh gave birth to a very small very pale baby boy. At first both Pete and Ashleigh had planned on giving the child up for adoption. But Pete upon seeing the boy in the hospital decided that it wasn't the child's fault and that they should raise him. Pete doted on the boy giving him everything he wanted.

By the time the boy whom they'd name Butch was seven years old he was a handful. He wasn't exactly bad, he was just mischievous. At least that was what Pete told everyone.

Butch was small for his age and never seemed to want to play with other children. He found them boring.

Pete wrote it off as proof of his superior intelligence. Ashleigh found herself wishing the abortion had taken.

Butch was terrible with pets. They'd lost several dogs and cats. They tried birds, hamsters and even fish. None of the pets seemed to last for more than a few days.

On the Halloween following the boy's thirteenth birthday Pete and Ashleigh had a visitor. Pete was humping away between Ashleigh's beautiful legs when he looked up and saw Howie standing beside their bed.

"Oh, shit," snapped Pete. "I thought you could only come once. You don't get any more pussy from my wife Howie."

Ashleigh looked beside the bed to see who Pete was talking to. When she saw Howie she covered herself. Howie said only two words. "Sorry," he said. "Beware!" Then he faded away again.

Pete's dick shrank until it was the size of a cocktail wiener. Ashleigh tried giving him a blow job but it didn't help. They went to sleep cuddled in each other's arms.

The next morning Pete went to work as usual. He kissed Ashleigh goodbye as he always did and hugged Butch. "Don't leave me here with her. She hates me," said Butch. Pete just shook his head and went to work.

Pete knew that Ashleigh did in fact resent Butch. She blamed him, or at least the multiple procedures she went through trying to abort him for her inability to bear any more children.

Ashleigh also hated the fact that Butch was a constant reminder of the night with Howie that had nearly ended her marriage. When Howie she'd covered herself up because she simply wasn't in love with him anymore. Whatever feelings had been there were gone.

The last reason that Ashleigh didn't like her son was simply because the boy was strange. He was so pale. He looked like a fucking vampire. And he was always lurking in the shadows. He also seemed to be able to make her tired, just by being near her.

Ashleigh started the day out by deciding to make Pete's favorite dinner. Seeing Howie again had to be rough on him. He was probably remembering what had happened the last time Howie had appeared.

Ashleigh was carrying a load of laundry down the stairs when someone ran up behind her and pushed her down the long stairwell.

She woke up several days later in the hospital with a tearful Pete hovering over her. She smiled when she saw his face. He leaned down and kissed her gently. It was their last kiss. Ashleigh's heart started pumping so fast it nearly burst when she saw who was standing behind Pete and the smile on his face.

"Pete," she said. "Buuuuutch!" and then she died. Pete never understood his wife's warning. He thought she was just calling their son's name as she'd died.

It took a long time for Pete to get over Ashleigh's death. He became distant and just sat in his room drinking. When he finally went back to work he seemed to be coming out of his depression over the loss of his beautiful wife.

Pete met another woman. She was a beautiful dark haired woman who worked in a restaurant near his job. They fell in love. She came from a family who believed in psychic phenomena though they had no psychic abilities of their own.

On Halloween she convinced Pete to go to a fortune teller just for shits and giggles. Pete had bad feelings about it because of what had happened when Ashleigh went to a fortune teller. But Pete did it just to make his new wife, Sally, happy.

The fortune teller told Pete that someone was trying to contact him from beyond. Pete looked back and laughed at her. "Is it Howie?" he asked.

"No, it's a woman," said the fortune teller.

Her eyes rolled back in her head and she started speaking in weird voices. Then the room got darker and colder and Pete found himself looking at Ashleigh.

"Hi, Pete," said Ashleigh. "I'm not here to haunt you, or to make you feel bad. I want you to be happy. But just like Howie, I have something I have to do before I can move on. I have to warn you about Butch. He was the one who killed me Pete. Be careful, now that you have someone else in your life he may try to kill her as well. You're the only person who pays him any attention or likes him, Honey."

But Ash," cried Pete. "If he killed me we could be together again."