What The Future Holds


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"Hold on a second kiddo, I will try and answer all of your concerns, but first your Mom and I have to have a little talk. " Jamie answered as he asked Carol to accompany him into his bedroom for a bit of privacy.

As they reached the bedroom the couple fell into a very passionate embrace that temporally drew their minds away from the matter at hand. After finally coming to his senses, Jamie reluctantly pulled away from Carol and began to speak. "Honey, the reason why I called you in here, is to tell you what I have been done since we last parted ways." He said. Jamie then reached into his briefcase and while handing her the large folder it contained he started to explain. "I know that you were disappointed when you asked me to fly back here with you last month, and I turned you down. I told you that I had work to do, but the truth is that I had a few things that I needed to accomplish before I was able to propose marriage." Jamie stated.

Opening the folder, Carol was shocked to see that it contained a full report and background check on one Dr. Brian Winters.

"I don't understand!" she said, her expression turning form confusion to anger. "You had Timmy's biological father checked out? Why? Did you think I was lying to you about his identify?" Carol asked now fuming.

"Carol, of course I didn't think you were lying sweetheart, I usually have the people I do business with investigated. I find it very useful to know all you can about the person in question before negotiations transpire. It sort of gives me a bit of an edge over the competition." Jamie replied.

"I am still confused. Just what business can you possibly have with Brian?" She asked.

"Well, when you told me about him, you seemed to have left out the fact that along with being a Mathematics instructor, he also held a degree in electrical engineering." He said.

"I knew that about him, but I didn't think it was relevant to bring it up." She stated.

"Well, it seems that he has been working on a whole new concept in D.C. power management. His ideas just may revolutionize the battery industry, allowing people to use devices such as cell phones, and laptop computers for considerably longer periods of time, with a far shorter regeneration period. He has shown me the preliminary reports, and I have been seriously impressed with his findings. His only real hurdle lies in trying to secure the funding needed to turn his concept into working units that can be properly marketed." Jamie finished.

"That still doesn't explain why you sought him out, without having advanced knowledge of his work?" Carol questioned.

"You're right, but this will." Jamie answered, while handing her another set of papers from his briefcase.

Carol was shocked for the second time sense entering his room, as she looked down to find a full set of adoption papers staring back at her.

"You want to adopt my son?" She asked startled.

"Is that really such a surprise? Jamie asked. "My proposal was based on the fact that I was not only taking on a wife, but a son as well. Both of whom I have grown to love very much. I have every intention of treating Timmy as if he were my own, and my making it official will not only help with legal issues down the road, but it will also elicit a bond between us as father and son." Jamie replied.

"But what about Brian? I know that he never really wanted to be in Timmy's life, but I can't imagine him signing papers that that would allow you to replace him as Timmy's legal father? She questioned.

"Well, once I agreed to fund a rather substantial grant, which would allow him to further his research, he seemed more receptive to my adoption of Timmy." Jamie answered.

"Am I to understand that you are trying to buy my son?" Carol asked, her anger now returning.

"Brian asked that question as well. My official answer to him is that a project such as what he is taking on requires complete concentration, and it is far more likely to succeed if the person in question is not burdened by the stress of family obligations. Since I will be reaping about 15% of the profits for this little venture, I would be far more likely to secure the grant if he were free from such distractions." Jamie stated.

"And Brian bought that?" She asked dumbfounded.

"Of course not. He knew it was just bullshit legal maneuvers, but this way he not only gets out of paying child support for a kid he never wanted, but he has the financial backing to make his dream come true. I admit that this is not the most moral thing that I have ever done, but in my mind it is a win win situation for everyone. Brian gets his backing, you get a husband, Timmy gets a father that will love and support the both of you financially as well as emotionally, and I get the family I've always wanted, with the wife who captured my heart many years ago. We may even make a few more million when Brian's batteries finally hit the market." Jamie explained.

"You must be one hell of a business man James Mantle, because even though I know I should be royally pissed at you, everything that you have said makes logical sense. I still don't feel right about essentially kicking Brian out of Timmy's life." Carol answered.

"Carol, from what you and my parents have told me, Brian has not made any effort to be a father to Timmy in any way. You heard yourself how excited he was when he asked if I was going to be his new Dad. Timmy not only wants, but needs a father in his life. I am very willingly applying for the job. If for some reason you have reservations about me in Timmy's life, now is defiantly the time to speak, before things go any further. Do you still have feelings for Brian?" Jamie asked in a deflated tone of voice.

"Oh my God NO! Baby how could you even think such a thing? I am totally in love with one person, and that man is you James Mantle. Please never doubt that." Carol replied.

"Then please tell me why you are pushing me away in favor of a man who has shown no interest in Timmy from day one? Jamie wondered.

"Hope. I promise you that I have absolutely no romantic interest in Brian Winters any longer. You must believe that. I have always kept the fantasy alive that one day he would show at least some type of interest in his son. Timmy is such a great kid that I can't imagine any man rejecting him the way Brian has. I fear that when he grows older and learns the truth it will just devastate Tim. I know that you would make a wonderful father, but if you adopt him, one day he'll have to face the fact that his own biological father willingly gave him up to pursue a damn business venture." Carol replied through tears.

"Baby, whether I adopt Timmy or not, he will still have to someday face the issue of his biological father. At least this way he will know that he was wanted and love, if not by Brian, then most certainly by you and I. We will be there to support him, and although he may be angry at first, I feel that he will eventually come to the conclusion that we did what we felt was in his best interest at the time. The ball is in your hands now Carol. My attorney tells me that he can push the paperwork through the court system, but you have to be on board 100%. So tell me, Do I get a new wife and son for Christmas?" Jamie asked in a pleading voice.

"Just show me where to sign sweetheart!" Carol replied throwing herself in the arms of her future husband.


Carol and Jamie were married in a huge Valentine's Day wedding that occurred just over a year after their engagement. The ex Vice President, now President and his wife insisted on hosting the entire event themselves on none other than the White House lawn as a way of thanking James for saving his life a few years back. Security was a bit of a pain, but the advantages far outweighed the drawbacks, and the guest, which ranged from the very élite, to Carol's colleagues at school all seemed elated to be part of such a grand affair. Some of the names that were not on the guest list included one Brian Winters, as well as Jamie's former principal Mr. Olson, although he had hinted around about an invite. Of course Carol and Jamie went on to have other children as well, but at the end of the ceremony, when it was time to sign the marriage license another document was addressed as well. Timothy Dawson officially became Timothy James Mantle. These papers were approved by none other than his honor the head of the supreme court, who was also in attendance that evening. Power, gotta love it.

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BertishamBertisham4 months ago

What a F..KING Bullshit ! Is this ?! Wait not bullshit, its damn idiotic wimpy, Jackass, Godzila Shit story is THIS !!!!!! For someone who gets straight A's, he is REALLY Out of this world STUPID. I gave up ready the minute he openly & like a whimp, accept everyone back into his life after destroying his academic future.

PLEASE do everyone a favour, GROW a brain, a ball (if you're a man) & a Common sense before you continue writing. You make me SO.......F..king Angry that I may stop reading this site altogether !!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ugh man you really didn’t do anyone any favors with this…. Don’t just don’t with this story ppl it’s not worth it.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What terrible bullshit is this. I stop reading at page 4 & check the ending before I had to hold my vomit in. What a waste of time reading up till then. Stop writing if this is the only kind of bulls you can offer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

I mean seriously. This is absolute drivel. I get that this is a sex site for a variety of different people but Jesus Christ what I wouldn't give for some actual realism and verisimilitude

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 1 year ago

This site gets worse every year.

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