What the Hell's Happening Ch. 01

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Sweetie, would you like me to cuckold you?
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2015
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Hi there.

Yes this is my first submission... anywhere, so I hope you'll all go easy on me. I haven't found an editor brave enough to take me on and self-editing is worse than having a tooth pulled!!

This story is meant to be a bit of fun. And yes it is FICTION!

Mr Anonymous, if you can read, and if you do understand anything, please heed my warning. This is a story about a cuckold, a hot wife and a web of intrigue. If you DO NOT like these types of STORIES then don't read any further; go find someone else to abuse. If you do leave an 'anonymous' cowardly comment we'll all know you're illiterate and failed to understand this simple instruction, so don't embarrass yourself!

For everyone else I hope you enjoy and I would really love constructive comments.

I have heaps of stories ready to go, but I might wait and see how this one's received before submitting more and perhaps regretting my decision.

PS. If there's an editor out there willing to help a poor guy out, then please let me know!

Cheers, Arch. (next2ArchStanton and still unknown). Ref: The good , the bad and the ugly.



When does reality become fantasy, or fantasy reality?

It was a question I'd pondered often.

I remember, because it all began that fateful evening when my lovely wife glanced up, and smiled.

"Honey, how would you feel about me cuckolding you?"


"You heard me, and don't look so shocked. It's a hypothetical question."

My wife of four years examined me curiously. Her silver blue eyes sparkled with life and mischief. She's a beautiful woman my wife, and to this day I have no idea how I scored her.

Now, to set the scene, I'm currently sitting up in bed checking out my stocks in the financial times. She's relaxed back beside me reading a romance novel. Those goddamned sexy reading glasses are perched on the tip of her slightly upturned but petite nose.

"So, how would you feel if I cuckolded you?"

"Cuckolded?" I attempted confusion.

"Yes honey, and don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. What if I were to take a lover, or lovers? How would you react? Would you stop loving me?"

"Is this like the plot in that bloody book?"

"No Kevin, it isn't, but I'm just throwing it out there. Like hypothetically."

Okay, I'll fess up to you the reader. I, like most men, check out porn occasionally... well a lot actually. And yes the cuckold shit is interesting and I admit somewhat fascinating. The idea that a man could possibly wish his wife take a lover, and encourage her in that endeavor, does my head in! But the thought of Rebecca doing it, or even giving consideration to that concept, scared the absolute bejesus out of me! I folded the paper and turned to check out my gorgeous raven haired woman. Her hand was suddenly and purposely cupping my groin! My superman boxer shorts, which I wear because she thinks they're 'cute', were suspiciously tented!

"Just you saying that scares the shit out of me honey. The mere mention of you being with another guy makes me nauseous." Maybe I turned pale. I certainly felt dizzy!

"Hey, settle big boy. I'm just asking." She was stroking my penis which was now pointed skyward having escaped its silk confines... and the little guy was rapidly completing a launch sequence. "Some men find it a turn on when their wives take a lover. But not you sweetie...?"

Fuck no, not me, the idea of that was just plain repulsive! But some weird little announcer in my head was calling, 'launch sequence now completed, lift off is inevitable'. Oooh, shit! My body arched under the gravitational pull, my eye sockets cracked under pressure and my brain mushed. I definitely saw stars, for about five minutes... until the auxiliaries were depleted!

Holy crap!

My wife giggled... dabbing at my mess with tissues.

I fell asleep almost immediately. I must have slept like baby, only my dreams were somewhat disturbing.



Okay, so my 5'9" supermodel (well she is to me!) wife stands one inch taller than me in flats and she's a total babe. I'm a script writer and, if I may boast, have put my name to a number of hit TV shows. We met on a film set not long after I left college and had scored my first taste of the big league. Rebecca was another new fresh face just out of a well-regarded drama academy, happy to have a bit part in the cable telemovie I'd co-written. She took my breath away on first sight. Tight body, long legs and a full chest shrink wrapped beneath a tight, white, cotton top displaying the word 'cool' scrolled beneath two swaying palm trees that arched up toward her mostly bared shoulders. My first thought was that the bloody t-shirt might slide down her arms and reveal those two luscious pointed tipped 36's. Yes I'm a boob man, and hers were perfect! And yes, the gorgeous creature flirted... a lot, but then that was to be expected given her situation; a young newbie seeking discovery. I've seen jet black hair plenty of times, but the soft silk that flowed to her shoulders and constantly tucked behind one petite ear, defied description. I proved my suspicions later, after we had dated, that the exotic color was indeed 'le natural'.

"Hello." The siren blinked and smiled. "I'm Rebecca Muldoon, and you must be Mr Kevin Diamond."

My voice hitched. "Yeah, um, it's great to meet you Rebecca. How are you finding the part of Samantha?"

"Oh, it's great. She's a complex individual and I love how you have portrayed that in her schizophrenia. One minute she's like this girl next door and the next thing she's an ax wielding nymphomaniac! I love playing her and your writing is just fab Mr Diamond." She sparkled, this girl, and I think I was in love with her already! She batted those lashes... yep, I was in love...

Of course fate weaved that meandering course that fate ultimately weaves, and needless to say it came to pass that I eventually sucked up enough faux courage to ask her out... on a date, and, to my relief, she eagerly accepted. The rest, as they say folks... is history.

We possibly conceived the twins on our wedding night, but if not then, then the six days of almost non-stop coitus on the honeymoon certainly did the trick! I stupidly assumed Rebecca was on the pill, but when she excitedly announced the 'news', I realized that she'd had every intention of becoming pregnant. I suspected the possession of a baby, or in our case 'babies', was the confirmation she required to feel secure in our union. Having the children certainly grounded my own security. She was hot and men wanted her... but she was mine... all mine.

I've since deduced that Rebecca is a somewhat insecure person. She seeks companionship and comfort. Her father disappeared early in her life, shacking up with another woman when Rebecca was merely a small child, and the memories of her abandonment are still raw and ever present. She's clingy and very possessive of me, like I'm some exposed rock she can swim back to when she steps out of her depth. Funny enough, like a curious child, she will step out of her depth constantly and without fear, until she realizes her dilemma, that's she is in fact 'out of her depth', and then she panics and seeks out her rock once more. With Rebecca's father's abandonment of the family in her infancy and then her mother's sudden death from a brain clot about two years ago, I somewhat understood how those sad occurrences have added to her desperate need, her need for stability, for reassurance and for my total and focused dedication to her.

But, my wife is outgoing and bubbly to the uninformed. She is an excellent actress and has that uncanny ability to project her character, seemingly to distance her own self in doing so. I guess she feels comfortable in believing she is another person, and in most cases this is fulfilled within the total absorption of her 'character'. It allows her to distance herself from the insecurities.

Outside of her vocation Rebecca is in her element as an outgoing fun loving exhibitionist, until that 'need' seeps back into her core and she comes running back to me seeking my consolation and love. Yes, I'm her rock, her fortress of stability. At least that was my perception.

Her gorgeous body attracts other men like flies to a BBQ, or insects to a light bulb. She plays them like they are her puppets, flirts and struts, sways those lovely full hips and pouts, and then, when it gets a bit too deep, she abandons them and she swims back to her me. Okay, this is where I admit that her actions, her open flaunting and come-ons, excite me. Yes she's like a supermodel, perhaps not as tall or as flat chested as your typical supermodel, but Rebecca would shame them all in strutting her stuff down a Paris runway. And so what if she puts it out there, and does that really matter anyway... when she always come running back to her place of refuge?

Think Meagan Fox, but mix in a little softness and you'd come close to picturing my Rebecca. Rebecca Diamond had the face, body and now even the name of a movie starlet, and she could take it as far as she desired.

Did I mention she was insatiable in bed? She nearly killed me on our honeymoon and there's been no let up since, other than me feigning the occasional head ache or 'tiring day'. Like I said, she's clingy and needs that constant personal closeness in her life. I guess sex is an extension of that need. I try to keep up, honestly I do, but I have to admit that's difficult. What a tragedy, to complain of too much sex in a marriage!!

In hindsight this may have been my Achilles heel.

One thing I've learned is that she definitely prefers oral to penetrative sex. I blame that on me, because she gets me too excited and I can't get her across the line, but I do have other talents which, thank god, she seems to appreciate!

Our twin daughters are beautiful, and because I work from home, writing and composing my scripts, I'm mostly the sole carer of our three year old twin baby daughters. I love them dearly but thank goodness they sleep/nap in the afternoon, because otherwise I don't think I'd get anything done! They demand my full attention, constantly. Maybe it was time for a full time nanny?

When Rebecca is at home between shoots, she will dote over her babies, delighting in motherhood, but that precious home-time was becoming less frequent with time, given her now constant acting demands.

Of course it also goes without saying, that my wife is always surrounded by handsome leading men, and one such man, Mathew Mason, her current onscreen love interest, worries me. Yeah, he worries me a lot!


"So, what scene were you filming today?" I inquired hopefully, somewhat nonchalantly whist hugging her close as she sat on my lap. It was of course my script. I'd written the brief and the original pilot and we were now in full production.

"We're doing the kissing scene in the kitchen, you know the one with my 'lover', just before the phone rings and my husband calls me from work... to see how I am and he hears the mystery voice in the background that's asking me who it is on the phone, and I have to signal my lover to shush up."

She pressed in closer to my chest. I knew the scene because obviously I'd written it. My wife's 'character' was having an affair behind her husband's back and he was becoming more and more suspicious... that not all was as it should be in the marriage. But the kissing scene with the 'lover' had worried me when I'd written it, knowing that Rebecca would be acting it out... with him, bloody Matt Mason. Authenticity in her mind was always paramount.

"So, how did that go?" I suddenly felt chilled.

"Oh, okay. We did about six or seven takes." She squirmed. "Wanna come to bed?"

It was like 4pm! "You seem pretty aroused, what's going on hon?"

"Nuthin, just feeling twitchy. I need that lovely cock of yours baby!" She turned and her sexy smirk actually fried my brain. "All that kissing today has got me all hot and bothered."

And there it was, her confession wrapped in horror! Another man had been kissing her and she had the hots! I had to have her then, reclaim her and show her who and where her 'solid rock' lay. We giggled like kids as I raced her up the stairs to our bedroom. A sturdy light house awaited her!

"So, does it turn you on thinking about Matt kissing me?" She was riding me hard, her perfect breasts bounced hypnotically as she panted and sweated above me. I had succumbed to her arbitrary hand job already, because she knew I lasted longer the second time around. Rebecca whimpered, ground her hips down onto me, arched her back, pointed her chest and shuddered through an eye reversing orgasm. I followed a millisecond later, slamming up into her quivering hot grip and those familiar stars circled my head like 'Wile E Coyote'... embedded beneath a rock fall.

Fuck, that was intense!

"So you were thinking about me kissing Matt! Does that really excite you baby?" She slowly continued rolling her hips and sloppy sex over my dead little guy.

"No, it doesn't, but you were pretty wild. Did kissing your co-star turn you on?" I tried not to grimace as she jumped off my groin, her dark pussy hair was matted and dripping ejaculate. My hungry girl shuffled about and knelt, grabbing my fallen soldier and began furiously stroking and sucking, attempting to give the poor thing the 'kiss of life'. The brave little trooper twitched with renewed vigor and that seemed to spur her on. She looked up and grinned. In that moment I saw the devil smirking.

"Yes it turned me on, does that bother you honey? He's a pretty good kisser and we did the scene eight times! I was getting pretty hot baby!" She returned to her application. I distinctly remembered it being six... or seven! My wife giggled. "Matt was using his tongue, so that the kiss would look authentic. I was going a bit nuts and Barry told us to 'cut' and cool down a bit."

Shit my soldier sprung to his feet and saluted, 'ready for action Sir!'

So I guess it was back then, that night, laying on the bed thinking anxiously about the six or eight takes it took to 'can' the kissing scene, with my goddess bouncing and riding me hard, when life shifted sideways; a minuscule shift albeit... but the aftershocks were still to come.

That first shock came later and it blindsided me. The question was hypothetical. 'How would you feel... if I were to cuckold you?'

How indeed!


"Honey, we're having a post episode party on Saturday night. Could we get the twins over to your Moms and go together. I think the cast would like to see their writer. What do you think?" Rebecca looked excited and hopeful.

"Yeah, okay, I guess." I hated mixing with the cast because I'd invariably be quizzed on the direction of their characters, or cop some criticism over the script. Besides, I dreaded seeing Matt Mason, because I was insanely jealous of the prick. He got to see my wife perhaps longer and more often than I did. I could have brushed the temporary alliance aside because all scripts had an end point, but the studio had ordered and contracted me to another two full seasons, and Matt Mason was not in the gun sights to be written out of the show and likely never would be! He and Rebecca were the principal characters and besides that, the viewing audience adored the 6'4" dark eyed hunk of rippled abs and squared jawed male perfection. The perceived interaction he had with the hot leading lady was loved by all!

Her onscreen 'husband', played by a mid-thirties guy by the name of David Bell, was not nearly the threat I envisaged her 'boyfriend' Matt Mason to be. David was firstly happily married in real life to his wife Wendy, and he was not a predator. Matt Mason was both things David Bell wasn't... he was a predator and he was a single unattached player!

Now I trusted my wife, and I knew she clung to me and the kids as her emotional support pillars, but I didn't trust Mason. He fucking scared me. I'd only met him three times in the flesh and his shit eating smirk always made me shiver with unease. Of course I watched him act on-screen and he was both professional and talented, but he was so different in 'person', so full of himself and brimming with macho self-confidence. Girls ate out of his fingers and they swooned over every word he uttered.

My beautiful wife even came home hot after kissing him...!

And so it was, simmering with apprehension and unease, that I entered the club, hand in hand with my Rebecca, to meet and greet the cast of the serial soap opera, 'Missionary Man'.


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ronnicdtgronnicdtgover 7 years ago
over doing it

Just my opinion and not that the story itself is bad, but like a few years ago when I read the Twilight books, how many times do you have to say, "Oh my god she is gorgeous.

In every story the woman doesn't have to beautiful.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Cheating wife stories are not=cuckold husband stories

@kyron99 + Cheating wife stories. Loving Wives are satiric name. Look at the cheating wife stories, they are much more popular than cuckold husband stories.

Much more is in the definition and it means cheating wife stories.

The cheating wife story means the husband divorce his cheating wife and finds a better woman with BTB or without BTB.

We are BTB story fans!

kyron99kyron99almost 9 years ago
LW is right for cuck

sorry hardheads, but read the Loving Wives description -- it's not for monogamy. cuck stories are right at home here.

and you closet-cucks get off on it....else you wouldn't read so many of them!

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

Cuckolding is a fetish.

Literotica has a "Fetish" category.

Why do writers of cuckold stories insist on putting them in "Loving Wives" where they are sure to get trashed?

rightbankrightbankalmost 9 years ago
Dear fifteen16

The author took the time to post a warning at the introduction to the story.

" . . if you can read, and if you do understand anything, please heed my warning. This is a story about a cuckold, a hot wife and a web of intrigue. If you DO NOT like these types of STORIES then don't read any further; go find someone else to abuse. If you do leave an 'anonymous' cowardly comment we'll all know you're illiterate and failed to understand this simple instruction, so don't embarrass yourself! "

Many authors do not have the courtesy to advise the reader regarding the content of their stories. This one did.

Because the author saved me the discomfort of reading a story about - a cuckold, a hot wife and a web of intrigue - I wanted to let the author know I appreciated the advice and warning. I did not want to 1 bomb the story. I did not want to abuse the author or leave a cowardly anonymous comment.

To answer your question, I would not knowingly eat a meal I knew I would not like. I am glad you enjoyed reading the story. But in the future when a reader acknowledges, responds to, and understands the simple instruction provided by the author, accept it for what it is, don't embarrass yourself.

LorisLickerLorisLickeralmost 9 years ago
Anonymous, your argument is with Literotica. Literotica moderators? Do your job.

Those constantly complaining that cuckold stories belong elsewhere should argue with the Literotica site hosts. It is Literotica's labels that clearly suggest that cuckold stories belong in the Loving Wives category. And it is a fundamental failure of moderation that allows this conflict to continue so long. Literotica is alienating folks be allowing the Anonymous abuse. Anonymous is not anonymous to site administrators. Anonymous, go organize your own site with labels and categories you want. Stop being a totalitarian so willing to impose your own views of proper entertainment on others.

Harryin VAHarryin VAalmost 9 years ago
pathetically and wretchedly stupid

WOW dyde... This is crap. clsssic cuckold man hating shit

Look STUPID just because a woman puts her hand on your cock does NOT mean every thing she says and does is 100% ok....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Really, this is your idea of fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good start

I like your approach. I suggest you use exclamation points more sparingly... They lose their effectiveness when overused.

Keep going

QuantockQuantockalmost 9 years ago
good start

Part1 has set the scene and I am interested where part 2 takes our two. Shame I had to do a search as part 2 is not in the Loving Wives section.

YusakuYusakualmost 9 years ago
Intriguing start!

Really excited to see where this goes...

xylem69, our hero didn't vomit at her question, he ejaculated!

xylem69xylem69almost 9 years ago
She's a cunt

He vomited at her suggestion and all she could do was giggle? Screw her. He made it known he was not interested.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
From Thank you Anon

@ Luedon There are 1 maximum 2 % husbands who like or dream on their wives fuck strangers. There are 55% of the wives who are, were or would be minimum 1 extramarital sex. I would like a hub where the stories deal with the 98% (100%-2%)of the husbands how they treat the 53% (55%-2%) of the wives.

It may be Laurel and Manu will not change their mind, but to give 1* is a good struggle instrument............

livetoreadlivetoreadalmost 9 years ago
To anonymous, and author.

please don't criticize the psychology of the affair, this story is written from the man's point of view. It is completely realistic for the narrator to believe one thing and observe behavior that may or may not indicate the opposite. Until the moment a man is confronted with proof of infidelity, it is entirely possibly for him to trust her, while she is nothing but a rabid whore. The wife in this story could already be having an affair, be seeking permission to have one, be worried her husband wants her to have one, or be acting as if any of the above are true to empassion her cherished soul mate! Think before you criticize, the story isn't complete.

Now to the author, well scripted.. Pun intended.. I'm envisioning the same scenario being played out in a hundred Hollywood homes at this moment.

I was was frustrated with the seemingly rushed ending, because I didn't get the stroke story I was looking for. That is until I realized that this could very well be great literature! Will this story emplode into the simple stroke story? Will it run on and on like the soap the characters are in? It may prove to actually be a story about a loving wife, or a blend of two or more. However you choose to continue this story, you are an excellent story teller. Don't get discouraged. I look forward to more!

fifteen16fifteen16almost 9 years ago
Do Not Like

I wonder if "rightbank" would eat a meal he does not like?, it seems he reads stories he knows he will not like then proceeds to tell us, hmmm!. I liked it and look forward to more.

rightbankrightbankalmost 9 years ago
thanks for posting the warning

I will not read, nor will I rate.

Why read a story I know I will not like?


Why rate a story I know before I read it

I will not like?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
He's the writer and lead characters have been written out for less.

Not to mention the paparazzi would be all over this affair. Now, either he trusts his wife or he doesn't, you can't add "but". If he's afraid then he doesn't trust her.

Lastly, if she's already asked him if she could have an affair, then it's obvious she does not "cling" to her husband and children as her emotional rock. Which is it because I'm confused, it's like you're writing about two different women.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A goog start

seems headed in a good direction.

As for your opening statement, if you are afraid of any criticism, then don't submit stories. Whining about it just makes you appear to be a spineless wimp. Grow a pair and don't be such a chicken-shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good start

but this hardly makes a complete chapter. If you put out an interesting plot like this, it needs development. Hope for a more statisfying Chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Loving Wives stories don't belong in Loving Wives category!!!

I love how many comments complain that stories where a woman has sex with someone other than her husband don't belong in the category defined as "Married extra-marital fun". Huh? Do you people understand what the phrase "extra-marital" actually means?

By the way, as an actual comment about the story itself (somewhat rare in this category) I'd say that it is very well written and I'm interested to see where the author takes it. Thanks for sharing your work!

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