What the Husband Saw

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Mark sees Penny going down on 70 year old Lady Rose.
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This story is the sixth in the Ashley-Penny series that began withAn Itch Needing Scratchingand continued withCaught in the Limelight, Never Too Old, Maid to Order, and Intimate Revelations.


Penny was sitting at her desk deep in thought when the tingling of the doorbell brought her abruptly out of her pondering the events of the past three months since she and her lover Ashley opened their photography-modeling studio they namedIntimate Revelations.

With the energy of a young girl Lady Rose bounced into the studio filled with her usual exuberance that belied her seventy years.

"Penny, Love, how good to see you. It seems like forever," said Lady Rose.

Penny was startled back to reality by Lady Rose's unexpected greeting.

"Oh, Lady Rose, it's always a pleasure to see you. I have nothing but good memories regarding our relationship ever since that first lingerie party you had at your beautiful home where you had my sister Marina and me modeling some of the sexiest ensembles I had ever seen, especially the brown leather one. And who could forget the sex orgy that followed involving all the friends you had invited to the party, both old and young, and how you had my sister Marina go down on you and eat your pussy," answered Penny.

A bigger smile animated Lady Rose's face, and her grey eyes sparkled as she, too, recalled that night and recreated erotic pictures in her mind that caused her love juice to flow, wetting the crotch of her lacy, pink panties. Despite her age it didn't take much to cause this reaction, and she now was sexually aroused as she looked at Penny's beautiful face and her large breasts with deep cleavage thrusting out from beneath her blouse. She also focused on Penny's full lips, lips she now would love to have kissing, licking, and eating her aroused pussy.

Lady Rose's heart beat faster as her breath quickened and became somewhat erratic, both of which didn't go unnoticed by Penny.

Penny smiled because of Lady Rose's erotic response to remembering that special night and because she was genuinely pleased to see her at the studio since this was the first time she had been there since she had helped Ashley and her get their studio by backing them in the lending institution.

"Well, Lady Rose, what can I do for you?" asked Penny inquisitively, inviting her to give meaning to the excited state in which Penny now saw her.

"Nothing really," answered Lady Rose as nonchalantly as she could. "I was in East Sydney and thought I'd stop by to see you and Ashley as well as see your new studio that looks very tastefully done and business-looking. You two have done a wonderful job with your studio. I really like it."

Penny took a deep breath and said, "I'm so glad you like what we did, Lady Rose, since Ashley and I value your opinion highly."

"Oh, posh, you don't need the approval of an old lady like me," Lady Rose said.

"But we do value your opinion, Lady Rose. After all, you do own two department stores and have knowledge and experience in sales and retail."

Penny moved her right arm around the office area and said, "As you can see, much of the décor and furnishings we purchased at your department stores."

Lady Rose knowingly shook her head, acknowledging their patronage at her stores.

"Besides being in the neighborhood was there anything special for your visit, Lady Rose?" asked Penny.

"No, not really, Penny. I was anxious to see how things are going for you and Ashley," said Lady Rose. "And where is Ashley?"

"Oh, Ashley took our weekly receipts to deposit them into the bank, and she needs to get a few office supplies, so unfortunately she'll be gone a good while. Sorry you'll miss her unless you want to stay and visit longer until she returns," said Penny.

"Well, as much as I'd like to see Ashley, our being alone gives us the chance to get to know one another better. Every time we've seen one another it's with others around, but here we are now alone where it's nice and quiet," said Lady Rose.

Penny sensed a slight change in Lady Rose's voice as she talked about their being alone, and she wondered what caused this change. She spoke more softly, almost in hushed tones, drawing out her words as if every syllable were important to convey what she wanted to say to Penny.

While Lady Rose continued talking about the studio and asking how things were going as far as their clientele was concerned, Penny watched her movements of her body and face, especially her face that was so full of expression and animation as she talked. Her face was like a canvas on which she painted a montage of facial features, showing various visages of expression. When it came to talking about anything having to do with sex and making love, Lady Rose's face became soft and a mirror to her soul, and her grey eyes showed a dream-like aura about them. They mesmerized Penny as her feelings continued to heighten throughout her body, causing her to become sexually aroused as she watched Lady Rose's lips move as she spoke. Penny imagined Lady Rose's lips moving over her hairy pussy and her tongue licking around her vagina and over her increasingly excited clit.

There were times Penny wondered how a seventy-year old woman like Lady Rose could excite her so and cause her to become so sexually aroused. However, even though she had no immediate answers, she accepted her erotic feelings when it came to Lady Rose.

"Perhaps," Penny thought, "it might be that Lady Rose, keeping herself in such good physical and mental condition, was able to keep her skin smooth and youthful, making her look much younger than her years and keeping her sensual appearance that could still excite a woman's libido to the point of wanting to make love with her. After all, there are older women such as Annette Benning; Elizabeth Taylor; Cybele Shepherd who at the age of fifty-seven is going to be a newcomer on the successful TV seriesLthat tells stories about the lives and loves of lesbians; and Diane Keaton who is in her early sixties, all of whom are stunningly beautiful and look much younger than their years."

"Penny. Penny," Lady Rose broke into her reverie, "are you still with me?"

Penny blinked her eyes, bringing herself back into reality as she heard her name called.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lady Rose," Penny said apologetically. "I went on a short walk-about with thoughts of you and how beautiful you are despite your age."

Lady Rose smiled, and her eyes twinkled even more.

"Well, how flattering, Penny," Lady Rose said. "In that case I shall forgive you your walk-about."

"Thank you," Penny said quietly.

"And where may I ask did you go on your walk-about, and about what were you pondering that held you trancelike?" Lady Rose asked.

Penny blushed when Lady Rose asked these questions because she felt she had been caught mind-masturbating by Lady Rose, and she wondered if Lady Rose somehow knew or suspected where she had gone and what she had been thinking.

Lady Rose saw this change come over Penny and how flushed she was in her face, and this prompted her to press the issue.

"Well, truthfully, I was thinking of you, Lady Rose, and how beautiful you look both in face as well as body and how you sexually excite me," Penny admitted unabashedly.

Lady Rose's face beamed as she said, "How sweet of you to say so, Penny. You know the same goes for you, too. Each time I've seen you naked, you aroused my sexual desires, but our planned activities never permitted us to make love with each other."

"Yes, that's true. You've even made love with my younger sister Marina, and when I saw the two of you eating one another's pussy, I was so wishing it had been I and not Marina who went down on you," said Penny.

Thoughts now raced through Penny's head as erotic images of her and Lady Rose mingled with her wanton, sexual energy that made her feel the need to be satisfied not at some future date but then and now. She pondered the situation, looking for answers until she came up with a solution.

"Lady Rose, it is lunch time, and, as I told you, Ashley won't be back for most of the afternoon, so I could lock the door and turn the sign around to CLOSED. So, if you wish, this could bethat day we remedy the situation of our making love with one another. That is if you wish it so." Penny said encouragingly.

Lady Rose caught Penny's look with her grey eyes before she replied. "Oh, Penny, that is a wonderful idea. Just thinking about our making love has me horny and wet. I came only to see how things were going, never having the slightest thought about making love, but now that it presents itself to us it seems so natural and almost fatalistic."

Penny returned Lady Rose's passionate look, and her heart skipped a beat. Her throat was dry, and she licked her lips as she went to the front door, locked it, and turned the sign around to CLOSED.

Penny and Ashley had agreed that during business hours whenever they came to the studio and saw the door sign CLOSED, each would know there was more than business going on inside. And even though the front door was locked, there was a back entrance for which she and Ashley had a key. With Ashley's permission, Penny also gave her husband Mark a key so he could come and go through the back door if he wanted rather than walk into the office, especially if there was an interview in progress.

Ashley and Mark had hit it off when they first met on the night she took Penny to the lingerie party at one of her friend's home and became lovers on the same night. She knew Mark was aware of Penny's inclination towards being bi-curious and did not object to it so long as this lifestyle made her happy. In fact, he had told Penny, if ever there should come a day he would love to watch her and her lover making love.

Thus far it hadn't happened. Certainly not with her and Ashley. They were too committed lovers even though they did not have strings tied to their relationship, and during this time Penny went from being bi-curious to being bi-sexual, enjoying the lesbian lifestyle even though she still loved her husband Mark and her family. Penny was caught between two worlds, but by having Mark's understanding her needs she was able to live in both worlds.

After Penny had locked the front door, she returned to Lady Rose and took her small hand into hers. It felt cold, especially her fingers.

"Come with me, Lady Rose. Let's go over to the area where we conduct our interviews. We gave it a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere in order to set the women's minds at ease so they could relax. This way we hoped to get more women interested in having photographs taken of them with and without clothes, learning the do's and don'ts of modeling, or both. Of course, we use techniques during the interview through our words and body language to help instill in them a desire to go beyond the photography and modeling to, as the name implies, moreIntimate Revelations, namely seducing those who seemed inclined to find out the joys of the world of Lesbos. The decision was always that of the woman. We just plant the idea for them to ponder and willingly make a decision on their own."

"My, my, I must admit you and Ashley have thought this out all very well, and I must tell you I thought your advertisements in the newspapers and tabloids were quite provocatively well-done. You almost came to your third element you are willing to offer atIntimate Revelations, sexual satisfaction, but implying it indirectly," said Lady Rose.

"We try, Lady Rose. There are many women out there who have a deep-seated desire or curiosity about the lesbian lifestyle who just need a little guidance to let them follow their desires. And I'm glad you gave me your opinion about the advertisements. As our business prospers, Ashley and I have thought about promoting the really beautiful and sexy women in women's magazines, especially lingerie as inFeline, in order to expand our advertising through them. We already have one, tall, gorgeous redhead with large, firm breasts and rounded hips to match. Her name is Estella Morgan. But then, you already know her. Don't you?"

"Well, yes. In passing. I suggested she come see you, but I don't know her very well. However, from your brief description of this Estella Morgan, I'm sure I want to be with her one day. She sounds delicious," Lady Rose said.

By this time Penny and Lady Rose were in the interview area that cannot be seen from the street because there are decorative folding panels standing like an open fan behind the window. When they were between the loveseats placed in front of the folding panels, Penny turned Lady Rose around while cupping her small breasts in her hands.

Her breasts were not as pert as when she was a young girl, but since they were small and the fact Lady Rose, being a lesbian, never married nor had children, they still had their natural form that kept them standing out from her chest without any support.

Penny squeezed them gently and felt their small fullness beneath Lady Rose's pink dress that had a lacy neckline down to the first button. It fit snuggly around her petite waist but flared out slightly over her small, curved hips.

Penny bent forward and kissed Lady Rose on the side of her neck that was bare since, as usual, she had her hair neatly braided and pinned to the back of her head with two silver hair combs. When Penny's moving lips reached the nape of Lady Rose's neck, shivers traveled down her spine, and Penny felt the sexual energy her kiss created in Lady Rose.

"Mmmmm. That feels so sweet, Penny. Your lips are so soft and moist. I feel all tingly inside," moaned Lady Rose.

Penny's answer came with her pressing her hands over Lady Rose's breasts and bringing her closer to her body so that her large, round breasts pressed against the top of Lady Rose's back close to her shoulders. Penny was a tall woman at almost six feet while Lady Rose was just over five feet.

"I'm going to take off my clothes, Lady Rose, while your back is turned away from me, and then I'm going to undress you slowly piece by piece until you stand before me completely naked," Penny purred.

"Oh, my, yes. Please do, Penny. I want to see your full, lovely body again, your body that never leaves my mind," answered Lady Rose.

While Lady Rose stood still, waiting with great anticipation, Penny stepped back several feet and removed her clothes, revealing her stunning body with each article of clothing she took off until she was naked. She then with great deliberation removed Lady Rose's clothes one piece at a time until she, too, was naked.

Once more Penny stepped forward and pressed her large breasts against Lady Rose's upper back, feeling her nipples become hard and erect. At the same time Penny reached around Lady Rose's body and cupped her breasts, feeling their small roundness, their warmth, their smoothness, their hard nipples that stood erect against Penny's palms.

Penny massaged Lady Rose's breasts for several minutes while at the same time kissing and licking up and down her neck. She then gave a final squeeze and turned Lady Rose around until they were facing one another, Penny looking down into Lady Rose's eyes that were looking up at her.

In one smooth motion Penny took Lady Rose into her arms, bent forward, closed her eyes, and sought Lady Rose's lips. Their first kiss was soft, warm, and tender. Lady Rose opened her lips to receive Penny's tongue that she insinuated between her lips and into her mouth where she searched around with its tip. At the same time Lady Rose pressed her lips open and full against Penny's.

"Mmmm," Lady Rose moaned softly as Penny searched her mouth with her tongue, sucked on her upper and lower lips, and sucked on Lady Rose's tongue as if it were a nipple.

In a final erotic kiss Penny moved away still looking at Lady Rose, seeing the passion she had created in her eyes.

"Oh, my, Penny," said Lady Rose, "what a kiss that was, or should I say kisses. You made me weak in the knees, and I didn't know if I was going to be able to stand much longer."

Penny smiled.

"You won't have to stand much longer. I want you to sit down on the loveseat with your ass resting on the edge of the cushion, and lay your head on the pillows behind you. I want you to be comfortable and able to see me eating your pussy until you cum all over my face."

Without a word Penny helped Lady Rose down onto the loveseat where she sat exactly as Penny had told her, ass on the edge of the cushion and head resting on the pillows.

Lady Rose's legs were still together so that all Penny could see of her pussy was the top of the "V" of her womanhood. However, that was short lived when Penny knelt down on the soft, padded carpet. She placed her hands lightly on Lady Rose's knees and applied pressure against the insides. She then smoothly spread her legs until Penny saw Lady Rose's full pussy all covered with soft, curly, grey pubic hair.

Now, for a seventy year old woman one would expect to see loose skin and an aging pussy that many women of Lady Rose's age have, but she being petite and having kept herself in good physical condition by walking a mile each day and doing yoga exercises with her private instructor had neither of these.

The skin on her thighs was firm and smooth. Her calves were well proportioned and defined. Her abdomen, while she did not have a six-pack, was taught and flat with no stretch marks or excessive fat. Her waist was slim. Her breasts stood out on her chest with a natural shape to them which, when she was young, stood out firm and pert. Her neck was narrow and smooth. Her face was beautiful and oval shaped with only hints of lines near the sides of her eyes and on her forehead. Her hair that came to a widow's peak was evenly grey, giving her a regal look. Her eyes were luminescent grey with large, dark pupils. Her nose was small to match her body, and her lips were small but sensuous.

The one thing that gave her age away was her pussy. It looked young and firm, but her pubic hair was a soft, solid grey that matched the hair on her head. Other than that Lady Rose was, indeed, a stunning woman no matter what her age, and looking young for her years made her seductively alluring.

Penny gathered all this assessment of Lady Rose and her physical features in a momentary study of it, and she stored this image of Lady Rose in her mind. Zoning in on her pussy and marveling at how tempting it looked, Penny wondered as she prepared to go down on Lady Rose how many women had had their heads between her legs and their faces in her pussy over her seventy years. There must have been hundreds. Even thousands.

Penny knew she would be just another in a long list of women who found pleasure in eating Lady Rose's pussy while making love with her. However, whether first or not Penny's sexual arousal was very great, and she couldn't wait until she, too, had her face in Lady Rose's pussy, working her lips and tongue all through the velvety recesses of her vulva and inside her vagina.

All of this happened in seconds before Penny slid her hands from Lady Rose's knees and down the inside of her smooth thighs until they reached the apex where her legs and abdomen come together at her pussy.

In the same movement Penny had moved her body forward between Lady Rose's legs so she could be nearer to her pussy. Once in position Penny lowered her head slowly, keeping her eyes open so she could watch herself getting closer to her goal. As she did, Penny smelled the fragrance of roses that Lady Rose always used, putting it on her pubic hair and on the outside of her pussy lips. The pink rose was Lady Rose's personal signature, and one could pick her out in the dark by its very fragrant musk.

Now Penny was at the gates of Lady Rose's Nirvana as she dipped her head forward, and for the first time Penny's lips melded with Lady Rose's nether lips. At first contact Penny felt a sexual surge of erotic energy course through her body, causing her to tingle all over.