What would a Girl Like Me?

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Sara tries being a stripper and goes from there.
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Sara's Story

I had come into Auckland City to meet up with some girlfriends. It had gone really well and we had all said our good-byes and headed off to our cars when, on an impulse, I headed up Commerce Street. My heart was pounding as I walked up on the right hand side. Near the end was a Strip Club, Mermaids. I went to the counter, paid the $20 admission and walked inside. There was a bar on my left and ahead were two small stages.

Past the bar and around on the left was a glass fronted water tank about twelve feet high and wide. In it was a nude girl swimming around in the water. She looked gorgeous and I made my way to stand in front of her and stare. She saw me and gave me a submerged smile, I smiled back and she continued swirling round and round in the water. She would do loops and her pussy showed as she came over in her loop and her asshole showed as she did a breast stroke kick to keep going. I was entranced, My God I so wanted to be in there doing that. I think she could read my mind as she surfaced and beckoned me to the glass.

"Wanna have a try," she asked me.

"Ooh, um, could I? Would it be alright?" I replied.

"Sure, just come up the stairs and I'll get out," she told me.

The stairs were to the right of the tank and they lead to the strippers' changing rooms and the water tank.

I walked up the stairs and at the top looked down on the floor, guys were watching me. God that made me feel so excited. Like I was fully clothed but they were still eying me up.

At the top I waited while the girl in the pool, Tiffany, got out and put her towel around herself. She leaned in and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Wow," she said, " that look in your eye. You're a natural."

"A natural?" I asked

"Exhibitionist, babe," she told me smiling," I'm one and I can recognize it and man do you have it or what."

I smiled at her and licked my lips.

"Come in here babe," she told me, directing me into a changing area. "OK, now strip off and let me see that cute little body of yours."

I stripped, carefully putting my slacks and my top on the hook followed by my thong and bra. I stepped out of my heels and left them neatly under the hook. I moved to stand in front of her, and waited for the verdict.

She turned me round, checked out my butt, got me to open my pussy, then turn and spread my cheeks and finally turned me back.

"Very, very nice babe. Just a bit of hair in places and you're carrying a little bit of weight."

True enough and I nodded in agreement.

"How about I shave you before you go in the pool?" she asked.

"In the pool, really, um, yes, ooh yes please that sounds good."

So she got out her shaving things and very expertly removed all the hair from my pussy and asshole- there wasn't much, I did trim. When she had finished she stepped back to have a proper look. From the smile on her face she was happy with what she was seeing.

"Hey babe, come on down and we'll go over to see Phil, he's the Manager, he's at that table over, over there. See?"

And she waved to him.

I was going to walk nude down the stairs with all these guys watching and walk across to this guy Phil. And stand in front of him while he checked me out?

I shrugged, "OK."

I had been obscured from general view up till now but Tiffany maneuverer me in front of her on the stairs and whispered, "don't cover, pull your pelvis up and show off your pussy."

I came down the stairs, I was so nervous and I could feel my nipples harden and my pussy getting wet. Some of the guys applauded and the girls on the stages stopped their acts and clapped me also. I gave the girls a happy smile and one for the guys too and put my fingers to my lips and blew them a kiss.

It felt wonderful. Here I was naked, everything on display and the atmosphere was so nice. I wanted to stop and ask some of them, you know, "What do you think of my pussy" sort of thing but I refrained from doing that and was steered across to meet Phil.

Ever the gentleman he stood up as we approached and reached his hand out. I took it and he brought my hand up, bent over and kissed it.

"Good evening sweetheart," he said with a smile," thinking of becoming a stripper?"

"Well I wasn't but oh gosh I think I would if, you know, if I can."

"Sit down sweetie, Tiffany, you stay too honey."

Tiffany and I sat.

He went over the industry, the pros the cons, things to avoid, how they could help, how much money I could make (goodness) and so on.

"Look bottom line?"


"Sara, bottom line is: do you enjoy being naked in front of other people? Is it a turn on for you? Cause if you don't this is work you'll simply endure for the money and there won't be much of that. If you do the sky's the limit," and he gave me a nice smile while checking out my tits - I arched my back a little for him.

"I think, I think I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist and I love showing off and I do love fucking so, yes, I want to become a stripper."

"Brilliant," and he stood up, got me to my feet and gave me a big hug.

"Great to have you on board, I'll get Michelle to draw up a contract for you tomorrow morning. Meantime you're still an amateur, want to have a swim in the pool?"

I smiled and nodded.

He had a portable mike, he linked it into the sound system and made an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Mermaids Bar is pleased to present our newest girl Bianca!" (He said it BE an KAH.)

Loud applause broke out and guys grinned at me and some gave a thumbs up.

Bianca? But I went with it and walked back towards the stairs, on my own this time, and climbed the stairs knowing every eye in the place was glued to my butt. I did as slow a walk as I could and at the top turned did a curtsey and with a huge smile on my face blew them all a kiss.

The pool was right there as I put a nose clip on and the goggles and slipped in. The water was warm and I swam round doing all sorts of turns and splits, anything that would show my pussy off better. Tiffany lowered herself in and swam to me. She brushed her hands over my breasts and stroked down my body to my pussy. I arched my back and spread my legs for her. I could see the guys' faces and them applauding. Tiffany went up for air and I rolled over to be horizontal to the floor and pulled my legs back in a splits to show everything I had.

I surfaced and heard the applause. I smiled happily as I got out of the tank and stood full on to them and curtseyed. Tiffany handed me a towel and after I had dried off I headed down, naked, to mix with the customers.

If I expected guys to crowd round then I was mistaken. Perhaps they felt intimidated by me, I don't know but I ended sitting at a table with eight chairs and just one other occupant, a lady. Hey, flashing the home team was still a buzz for me and I gave her a smile as I held the drink Phil had left for me.

'You're very pretty?" she said finally.

"Sara, or Bianca possibly," as I tried a little witticism.


"Thank you," I replied- there was a "but" looming- I could tell.

"Thinking of starting here as a stripper?" she asked. The way she said "Stripper" made it sound degrading and she eroded a lot of my confidence.

"Yes, what's wrong with that? Free country, isn't it?"

Her tone changed.

"Oh God yes. Look what I was meaning was think about where you want to work. I think you have a big future naked" (and she smiled at me) "but where you choose that future to be is what determines how big it will end up."

Um? Yeah?

"Where are you going with this?"

"A few of us have decided to start a Sex Entertainment Theatre and the major theme will be lesbian vignettes. Things like, Slave and Mistress, artist and model, teacher and pupil."

"So acting?"

"We describe a scene, tell you what your character is like and you act out the scene as you interpret your character's attitudes and reactions but there are no scripts."

"Oh, OK. I get that. And I end up naked?"

"Guaranteed. Sometimes you start naked too."

We carried on with our drinks while I thought. The number of people in the place wasn't that many and I struggled to see how I could make the kind of money Phil had told me I could. I began to suspect he was bull shitting.

'Can we go somewhere and discuss this? I'm interested but I don't want to rush into something I might regret," I said finally.

As I crossed the room to go up the stairs I saw Phil standing over the lady with an angry expression on his face. I went up the stairs, got dressed and came back down.

"Don't listen to her Sara," he told me, "whatever she offers you I can match it and this place has a proven track record, she doesn't even have any premises yet."

"Phil, I saw you just now. You scared me. I couldn't work for you, I'm sorry."

And I rushed out leaving him to stare after me.

"Slut," he spat out gallantly at my departing figure.

Thank God for that, I thought. She was waiting about fifty yards down the road.

"Oh come here," she said when she saw me. I was terrified, I thought he'd follow me or send his men to drag me back. So I rushed into her arms and stood shaking while she hugged me.

"Where are you parked?" she asked and I told her the Downtown Car Park.

"You won't need your car tonight. Leave it there and we'll pop down tomorrow and get it -I'll pay for the overnight fee. OK?"

"Yes, fine," and I wrapped my left arm around her right and held her right hand with my left.

"You're terrified, aren't you?" she said to me.

"He scares me," I declared and I felt tears in my eyes.

"He's harmless but there are some who aren't."

I know "harmless"; Phil was not in that category. But I let it pass, she was clearly a lot more confident with people than I was. We got to her Mercedes and she drove me out of the inner city and up to a Bistro on Ponsonby Road. We sat at a table on the footpath and talked.

Yes this was still an idea and no they didn't yet have a venue. But. Another one? She and the other investors were wealthy women and had been working on the concept for some time. They had a premises in mind and were in the process of applying for planning permission with the council- she had no doubt it would be agreed to. So bottom line- six weeks till they opened.

"Downtown somewhere?" I asked.

"No, and not K Road either," she added, "Mt Eden."


"Absolutely. Our audience will come to see our shows, we're not looking for the boys on the town looking for some fun after the pub.

"Actually we're not looking for boys at all," and as she sipped her coffee she glanced at me over her cup to see what my reaction would be.

A lesbian review for lesbians?

"And what do I do for six weeks?" I asked.

"You would start Monday," she told me in dead earnest. "We need all our actresses all set to go on opening night. There is a lot for you to learn and you will be on full pay. Look."

I looked at her," You will earn this much every week. You don't have to be a prostitute to get the money. Do you understand?"

Oh yes I did. I nodded. We sat and talked about ourselves and in her case her children and her businesses and in mine about my family and my nieces and nephews and I could tell she was for real. Way, way richer than me she never used money to intimidate me and built up my confidence that I was up for the work ahead.

We finished and made our way back to her car, we walked with arms linked and I felt like I had known her for years, instead of a few hours. At the car she opened my door and closed it for me then went round to her side. She drove expertly and unhurriedly to her home in Remuera. The garage door opened as we drove up and closed after she had parked.

I heard a woman's voice call out.

"Oh that's Marcia," Deborah told me very much in control, "Look let's get you in training now. Strip off here."

But things had happened since that marvellous time at Mermaids. Now I wasn't so confident. So I hesitated. She saw it and came round to me.

"Darling you're gorgeous. Do you understand that? Absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Everyone, male or female wants to see your body. Is that clear?"

I nodded but half-heartedly. My confidence had had a real shock with the Phil episode.

"Take your clothes off for me. OK?" she told me quietly.

I stripped.

"Good girl. See? You look gorgeous".

She checked my hair and make-up. We agreed fresh lipstick and some blusher. Checked again.

"Put your shoes back on darling and come with me."

I walked beside her down the hall way to the lounge.

Three older ladies, all dressed were waiting for us. As we entered they rose to their feet, looks of utter delight on their faces.

"Oh Deborah," the brunette said," She's even better than you said."

She looked me in the eye and gave me a smile.

"You are so brave and so pretty, turn for me," she requested gently.

I turned and let her examine my rear view.

"Oh exquisite," to Deborah," you have done so well to find her."

To me," Oh excuse me talking about you dear."

"Oh that's fine," I replied.

She continued," look sit down here between me and?"

The other two put their hands up looking like kids wanting to give the answer.


Jubilation from one; the other stuck her tongue out.

'Oh now Pam, you can bring a chair right up close."

So I sat between these two darling ladies with Deborah and Jane who were seated with their knees touching mine and Pam flat out trying to play footsie.

And we talked. They told me of the plans they had, the dreams they had for this venture, the people they had on board already, how perfect the venue would be and the words drifted across my brain- some stuck- but what hit me most of all was how genuinely nice they were. I had gone there partially sold. I was now keen to be a part of it.

"Are you lesbian or bi-sexual dear?" Pam asked me, as you might ask do you support this team or that.

"Well, um really, bi-sexual I'm afraid," I answered thinking they were looking for straight out lesbians.

"Oh excellent!" she exclaimed and leant over me and gave me a big hug.

I was puzzled.

"Oh goodness haven't you worked it out? Or haven't we explained it well enough?" Deborah asked.

"Honey our clients are women. OK?"

Yes that much I understood, which was why I was expecting to have to be a lesbian.

"Most of them are married and they will be bringing their husbands or "partners" with the idea of, um, kindling the flame as it were." And she looked at me to see if I'd got it.


"Darling, if you watch a strip show, or sit through one, they are so boring, the only time the guys actually pay attention is when there are two girls together. Imagine if these husbands are watching a lesbian sexual fantasy." she looked at me, it was making sense and I nodded.

"So they're turned on and go home and root the missus?" I asked.

"Well they root the missus, as you put it honey, but no they don't go home to do that. We have rooms for them to use. Lovely rooms and they will probably be keen for one or more of the actresses to be present as well."

A silence ensued.

"So I'll be doing threesomes?"

Deborah nodded.

"So I'll be a fucking prostitute! I thought I would just be an actress. That's what you said. Jesus fucking Christ is any other cunt going to fucking bullshit me tonight!"

I was furious. I don't usually swear but I had had a guts full.

" Look cunt face," I said to Deborah," Just get me my fucking clothes and I will fucking walk home. My God you bitches make me sick."

They turned pale. Deborah rushed to get my clothes from the car and I got dressed. Before I could finish dressing Pam went to the door to be in my way.

"Oh God Sara," she said, and the front was gone now, this was the real Pam speaking.

"You are so right, we have been scheming bitches. We have. No question. And we put this all wrong to you. Look, please, can we start again. No BS, cards on the table- face up? Please? And if you don't want to run with us I'll drop you home and pick you up to get your car in the morning -Deb said it was in one of the car parks?"

"OK," I'd calmed down a bit since my outburst but I was going to need a power of persuading.

The other lady, Jane, now spoke.

"Let's deal with the prostitution question first, yes?" she asked me quietly.

I nodded.

"You would be paid for any sexual encounters you had so yes, in that sense you would be acting as a prostitute, yes?"

Again I nodded.

"But they'd be fun don't you think? Threesomes with two other people you've spent the past fifteen minutes or so turning on? A nice hard cock in your pussy, a woman to lick your pussy and with one for you to lick. And you get paid, heaps, trust me you will be paid heaps. Is it sounding better?"

I smiled, just a little one. I was becoming more confident in them again. They got me to go back to the couch and I sat with Deborah. She sat at the end, I was next to her and she gestured for me to lean on her and as I did so she got me to slip down so my head was on to her lap. She smiled down at me.

"Cunt face? God I deserved that. Hey, it's late. Let's get you off to bed and the girls and I will go over everything in detail in the morning with you so you can see how it's going to work and what your role will be. You will be vital to its success."

She nodded as she said this last part. Which boosted my self-esteem no end.

"OK up."

I stood.

Out in the hallway she asked me,

"Do you want to sleep on your own or with me?"

"With you," I said with no hesitation.

'Me too," she replied and hugged me tight.

We went to her room. It was large with a four poster bed against the end wall.

"I can get you a nightie if you wish?"

She was stripping as she said this, in no time she was nude.

Worth the wait, I thought. An older woman her body was simply gorgeous; trim, tanned and smooth. I stripped off yet again and we both hopped into bed.

"Lie here with me," she told me softly. She lay on her back and I lay on my side with my head against her hair and us both sharing her pillow. Her right arm cradled my neck with her hand caressing my hair and face and her left hand stroke up and down over my back and bottom. It felt very nice. I toyed with her nipples with my right hand and felt them harden as I tweaked them.

"Sleep time possum," she told me,

"Close your eyes, that's it. You go to sleep now. I'll be here for you in the morning."

As she spoke she stroked my forehead and her left hand stopped its roaming and just rested on my right buttock. I felt so secure and relaxed that I quickly fell asleep.

I slept soundly and woke when it was light next morning. I opened my eyes to see her face and as she saw I was finally awake a happy spontaneous smile broke out on her face.

"Good morning sweetie," she said," Sleep well?"

"Like a log. I hope I didn't snore?"

"Not that I heard. Jane's making breakfasts soon- she is really good with food- trust me."

Well I was bursting so I got out of bed and went to the ensuite toilet. As I sat there having a pee Deb came to the door and watched. I saw her and spread my legs wider so she could see the stream.

"Do you like this sort of thing?" I asked her with a smile- I didn't mind.

"Oh that and more. I'm sorry, I think I'm a lot more advanced on my sexual journey than you, I'll try to remember that in future."

She washed my pussy for me with soap and warm water and dried it off with a towel.

"Let's go out to breakfast like this," she suggested.

"OK. Do you need to go?"

"I went earlier but, OK, I'll put on a show for you too."

So she sat on the seat and spread her legs wide apart. She was able to pee a little and I watched her stream hit the porcelain and run down into the water. Interesting but it wasn't a turn on for me the same as it had been for her. Following her example I washed her pussy and dried it. Taking great pains to ensure I had everything dry. As one does.