What's in a Cum Shot?


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In less than a minute we had lift off. Now, in my experience there is rarely any relationship between cock size and cum volume, much as logic might dictate to the contrary. It's just as much an old wives' tale as that of body, nose, or hand size being in some way related to cock size. Go figure.

But I was pleasantly surprised by the very commendable volume of semen that was now quickly filling my mouth. Jeff was OK by me. In fact, though I was not often interested in anal sex, I suddenly thought how nice it would feel, once I was well lubed, clean and relaxed, to have this nicely shaped, smooth, and relatively slender cock sliding in and out of my ass. I'd have to follow up on this, I thought to myself. Now, where is my day planner?

Sometimes alcohol and the thought of sucking eight more cocks can really make one dissociate!

Abruptly realizing that I was about to swallow the warm, delicious fluid washing around my mouth, I saw the need to concentrate on the business at hand, as it were. As Jeff had now finished and my mouth was almost completely full I enjoyed the feel of his cock rapidly shrinking. They're always so cute when they do that.

Letting his now shrunken cock fall from my mouth I closed it to retain the precious liquid. Now that I'd done my first one, I realized this was going to be a piece of cake. This gave me the opportunity to savor the taste of Jeff's cum. I inhaled through my nose and swirled the cum around, over and under my tongue, enhancing its volume with some of my own saliva. The wonderful semen finally made contact with the right taste buds and, realizing that my clitoris had probably been throbbing for the past ten minutes, I had a brief, but delightful orgasm.

Ladies, if you can't have a clitoral, have an oral. That should be put on a sampler!

So, there we were at the point of no return. Was Jeff going to fish or cut bait, bite the bullet, and take his medicine like a man? Would he be eating humble pie? Or was he going to look a gift horse in the mouth? (I love those adages, but I think it's that whole oral thing!)

I looked up at Jeff who was now deeply concentrating on what had just happened and its implications. Looking next around the room I realized no one else cared a whit about Jeff or his predicament. To a man they just wanted to experience disappearing down my throat just as Jeff had, cum tasting notwithstanding. So much for collegial support: this was more every man for himself.

"Hey, shrimp, you lose!" always the nurturer, Big Mike laughed and handed me one of the shot glasses. I looked up at Jeff who goofily smiled back. He seemed fine and nodded, indicating that he'd keep his end of the bargain.

I brought the large shot glass up to my lips, but they were reluctant to relinquish their prize. Since it was pretty full with the liqueurs already in place - the non-DNA parts of a Cum Shot - I was only able to release a small percentage of the delicious white juice in my mouth. That was fine, as it meant more for me. I finished allowing the semen to slowly slide down my slippery lip, filling the glass to the rim, and handed it to him.

Jeff took the glass and just stared at it, seemingly trying to get the nerve to drink it. Realizing he needed some assistance, I stood up, facing him. I smiled at him as I reached down and caressed his now soft cock. With my mouth still full of the remainder of his cum, I smiled and said with difficulty, "Do it and I'll do you again later."

Though a small amount of his cum ran down my chin, I swallowed everything in one gulp, just as Jeff picked up the shot and downed it. He quickly shook his head and shrugged his shoulders in disgust (I'll never understand guys! What's not to love?), making a grimace and frowning. I smiled supportively as everyone applauded with a few whistles and whoops. What a crew!

I won't go into all the detail, but that's pretty much the way the next hour or two went. I didn't get the chance to preview everyone, but as I'd start sucking one of them I tried to see who or at least what was going to be coming next. From the look of it, I was adroitly going to handle them all. But, I was surprised at the variety: short ones, long ones, wide ones, and skinny ones. Not at all like in the movies.

My throat was getting a workout, but everyone was gentle and let me work them at my own pace. Some needed more stroking; others just loved the throat action itself. Three of them wanted essentially to fuck my face (Though descriptive and precise, I dislike that expression.) The alcohol had made me pretty loose and I was able to move my head rapidly with their cocks buried deep in my throat, emulating intercourse. Isn't the body amazing?

They'd come. They'd swallow. I'd swallow. I'd come. Cum Shots - and grimaces - all around.

Through number seven my OK and my mouth had the desired effect. I worked my magic throat. Now you see it, now you don't. Each one was appreciative and downed his cum shots with no arguments. One actually admitted that it "didn't taste bad at all." Don't you just love guys?

The last two were surprises and if I hadn't known better I would have thought they had arranged this. Walking towards me was number eight, my old buddy Harvey. He'd come up with another ditty which he recited as he flaunted his good sized erection in my direction.

"She's taken seven
All saying 'twas heaven.
And all did squirm
But ate their sperm.

Though she'll try
To throat this demon
I know that I
Won't taste my semen."

I'd forgotten about the night I watched him masturbating, a favorite pastime of mine. He was at least nine inches, maybe more. Fortunately, he was pretty normal in terms of his circumference so I was able to deep throat him, but not with the ease that I'd experienced with the others.

He was nonplussed by my feat, rendered unexpectedly silent. Then he surprised me when, rather than letting me ooze the cum into the shot glass, he kissed me. The semen swap was a sensory delight and I loved caressing his deft tongue with my cum-laden one. I almost swooned as I came right on the spot!

Now for Mr. Mike. Big Mike had saved himself for last, never saying anything positive throughout the evening. Whereas the others had offered encouragement to their "partners in cum" and made it known they were thoroughly in thrall of my thrilling throat, no compliments on either any of the guys' equipment or on my capabilities were forthcoming from Big Mike, the creep.

By now my knees were killing me and my feet kept falling asleep. So, after Harvey I ceded the floor and went to sit on Judy's new chair, the only empty seat. Mike had been drinking even more than anyone else (We all still had to drive back to the hotel.), and I don't think he realized that I was on the "twill or toile or twat" chair.

As he lumbered towards me, two things struck me. First, he'd had way too much to drink. He was having a hard time remaining vertical and needed to go from one piece of furniture to another, like walking down an airplane aisle during turbulence.

The other thing that struck me was that I now saw why he had acquired his moniker. Calling him Big was small credit. He was huge. I don't think I'd ever seen such a cock. It was immense, red, thick, and the head seemed to be the size of an apple. At first I thought it was prosthetic, something he was just using to play with my mind. But as he came up and put a hand on each wing of "the chair" I was face to face with an ungainly (just like its owner), dripping, and huge dick!

Since I'd never seen one this big I had no idea if I could deep throat it. From just looking at it I didn't think I could even get the head in my mouth. Compounding my apprehension was the soreness in my jaw from being the evening's main event.

(Though I digress, I'm telling the story so I get to share this learning experience: For those of you who've never done it or even thought about it, sucking a cock means opening up your mouth, extending your lower jaw and keeping it there for a long time (if you're serious), not a normal position for a mouth. Throw in the care to keep hard teeth behind soft lips and even an oral aficionada like myself will get a tender jaw from a night of blowjobs with one man. Put eight guys in a row in an hour in your mouth and anyone's jaw would be somewhat strained! Deep throating adds a further dimension to the experience. All right, I'm done and glad I got that off my chest. Thank you for your attention to this "privates" service announcement.)

I pondered this as I licked the delicious (See? Even ugly, hateful men can have delicious juices.) pre-cum dripping off his head. If I couldn't deep throat him I get to drink another mouthful of cum. That would at the very least be pleasant. (I really can't get enough of this stuff.) If I could deep throat him I'd get to taste his cum and swallow part of it, but then I'd get the satisfaction of seeing him drink his own cum. That was something he would hate and was sure wasn't going to happen. I placed a quick value on these choices as I weighed my decision to try or not. Then Big Mike opened his nasty mouth and he made up my mind for me.

"Come on, cunt, I'm pretty drunk. Hurry up and suck me off," he slurred. Then he belched. "You'll never deep throat me."

Looking around at those still awake I could see each one cringe at Mike's foul mouth. All of them attempted to defend me, but a quick "Shut the fuck up; it's my house and I'll say whatever the hell I want." silenced my supporters.

At this point each one of them, save Big Mike, made the OK sign with his fingers. I could feel and see the support and loved them all for it.

I was going to see this guy eat his own cum. Period.

I licked around the head, licking my lips with the saliva that was left. Then I got him as wet as I could, licking up and down the shaft. It amazed me how much shaft there was. It felt like it took twice as long to lick from top to bottom as any of the others. Plus, looking at his abdomen with my mouth encircling his head was like watching a movie, looking down the barrel of a rifle - or looking down from the tip of a missile!

One can only do what one can. After thoroughly wetting his entire salami, I slowly made OK signs with both hands so that all my mates could see. Then I put them both at the base of Mike's colossal cock. It put things in perspective and gave me my target. I relaxed my lower jaw and took his head in my mouth.

So far, so good.

Letting it just sit there I took one hand off his base and used it to massage his massive member. There was no way my thumb and forefinger could even fit around this thing so I simply made sure to keep up the pressure at the base and to work my hand up and down the shaft. Eventually I felt his head butting up against the back of my mouth with more inches than I could even imagine still between my lips and my OK fingers.

"You're not even close, bitch," he said.

Boy, do I hate this guy, I thought to myself. And I'm sucking his cock, why?

I had to remind myself: Don't think about it. Do your thing and get him to do something he will detest doing.

I forced his cock down past the beginning of my throat, taking a moment to get accustomed to the intrusion. My gag reflex was under control, but his girth was massive. I pushed him further back into my throat and paused again. No one had ever been this deep, that I knew. I had worked on my technique for years and was confident that I could deep throat any man, but Mike was not human.

Changing the angle a little by leaning forward I managed to lower my jaw a bit more until he was aiming more directly down my gullet. Slowly I was able to get him further down. Then I needed to bring him back up to get some relief. My jaw was killing me. I was ready to say "uncle."

"Never can, never will."

That did it! I was gonna get this guy or barf trying. I reached my other hand around his butt and pushed him back into my mouth. He stuck at the top of my throat and, taking a deep breath, I diligently forced him slowly but inexorably down, down, down into my esophagus. I didn't know I could do this - never having done it.

Eventually, the difficult work got his cock so far down my throat that my lips were touching my OK. And OK was exactly how I was feeling. I got him!

I held him there and could feel the amazement around the room. Everyone, I realized, was cheering me on, standing all around Mike and me.

This felt so good that I needed a slam-dunk, a topper to put this turkey in his place. I couldn't move my head at all, but my peripheral vision told me that Big Mike was staring slack-jawed down at me. Amazed, as was everyone else, that I had done it. To put the final nail in this big man's coffin, I took my fingers away from the base and forced him almost another inch further down my throat, my teeth clenching around the base of his cock, his scraggly hair tickling my nose. I loved every inch of it, not for the pleasure - it was terribly uncomfortable bordering on painful - but because of what I had just done to this asshole.

After making minor indentations to his cock's base with my teeth, nothing permanent of course, but he'd see my mark for a day or two, I slowly let his monster out of my mouth, replacing my teeth at the base with my OK fingers. I took my other hand and began to stroke his behemoth firmly with it. I clenched the shaft tightly just retaining his head in my mouth, forcing my tongue back and forth under the head to make him cum as soon as possible, given his drunken state.

After several minutes of my rapidly tiring expertise Big Mike displayed a brief but diverse demonstration of multitasking. He concurrently bellowed in a long, rather melismatic euphony with, it seemed, support from his diaphragm. He shot out an enormous, vigorous, and lengthy stream of cum into my mouth mimicking a fire hose.

And he farted. The guy actually farted while coming in my mouth. What an asshole! But, I forced myself to stay focused on the literally mouth-watering semen saturating my mouth. So, as the eight others in the room were complaining about and criticizing his odious odor, Mike just kept shooting and shooting and shooting.

I may have to revise my earlier statement about size and volume. Just as Big Mike's size was larger than any other cock I've known, I don't think anyone has ever come in my mouth as much as he did. There was so much of it that even after one swallow, my mouth filled completely. I had to fully remove his cock from my mouth, just maintaining my lips at the sizeable slit to capture and keep it all.

What really ticked me off was this: it tasted wonderful. It was thick, slimy, warm, rich, creamy, salty, and absolutely delicious. (I should write ad copy.) How's that for irony? I detested this man. Yet, he's got the largest cock and can shoot the most delectable cum in more volume than I've ever seen even with my depth of experience. I needed to contact Merriam-Webster to update the entry for "paradox."

Returning to reality: What a tableau! Not quite Renoir'sLuncheon of the Boating Party. We were all still slightly sick from Big Mike's gaseous emanation, but I was in cum heaven. I began to have such a large cum taste orgasm that I didn't even feel the soreness in my jaw or the residual discomfort in my throat. All the guys were amazed at my seemingly spontaneous orgasm. I think that few men have ever been with women who can come from cum. We are out there, but rare indeed.

My orgasm lasted close to a minute and exhausted me, just like everything else that had happened that evening.

I pulled my head back after letting go of Mike's gargantuan member, smiling in close-lipped fashion at the thud sound it made when hitting his thigh. I looked up with squirrel cheeks filled choc-a-bloc with savory semen. It appeared that Mike was still thinking about what had just happened to him and what his obligation now was.

He looked around him and saw eight men who had all done their part of this little arrangement. Each looking at him, daring him to renege on the plan.

Mike was attempting to stare them all down, but his eyes seemed to be rolling in his head. I decided to get up and go find the last Cum Shot. Big Mike remained still, holding onto the wings of the chair as I snuck out from under him. I walked over and picked up the last premixed glass.

I stopped, contemplating the volume of cum I had in my mouth and the pitifully small amount of room atop the Cum Shot. Nope, he needs more of his medicine, I remember thinking. There it was: a brandy snifter would do the trick. I brought it over to the group, still staring at Big Mike who was reeling a bit more now. As all the guys turned towards me I slowly - and somewhat reluctantly - dribbled most of the tasty cum into the brandy snifter. It took quite some time and looked like it filled almost half the glass. Of course, I saved some for myself, swilling it a bit like mouthwash, finally swallowing, savoring the delicious long-lasting aftertaste.

"Come on, Mr. Never-can-never-will, take your medicine," I challenged him.

Everyone shouted in agreement, acknowledging that they'd done it, too. Though it was quite late by now, I think they were all ready for this contest to be finally over and still eagerly anticipating their promised subsequent blowjobs. And, with the exciting potential for some clitoral attention, I was similarly anticipating providing them.

It was then that the unexpected happened. Big Mike looked down at the floor, still holding onto the chair, and in the same extraordinarily copious manner as he'd ejaculated, with almost no sound, regurgitated what seemed to be quarts of putrescence. Little sound, no groan, no movement. He just let loose half a gallon directly from somewhere deep inside him.

All, and I meanall, over "the chair."

Dumbstruck, we stared in silence. Mike was still vertical, but that seemed quite temporary.

In the dead quiet, good old Harvey interposed this bit of spontaneous creativity:

"Never can, never will.
He'd never known Lisa's skill.
And surely adding to her thrill,
Big Mike barfed on Judy's twill."

* * *

We were all still laughing and giving the OK sign when we arrived back at the hotel. Everyone was so tired; no one was even interested in another blowjob that night.

I did, however, have the good fortune to be cradling the aromatic brandy snifter in my lap.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
pooky12349pooky12349over 7 years ago
Cum shot

A very interesting story, I'm surprised there are no other comments. So I'll try to make up for it. Its an interesting premiss, and a fun one and told with a bit of humor which should be in more stories. Sex is supposed to be fun, get a little giggley in the process. But that was too bad about Big Mike, didn't get to drink his own cum.

On a personal note, I've never drank it from a glass with or without booze, but I have sucked it out of a pussy or two and that was awesome.

So in any event the story was fun, well written, and pointing the way to more of your work.

Thank you for a delightful story!


Global CarolGlobal Carolabout 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you for the comment

I don't read them often, but I try to. Thank you for reading this oldie. I'm glad you liked it and left a comment. Regards.

newfuntimesguynewfuntimesguyover 11 years ago
soooo nice

ah carol...thanks for the lovely tale. your lisa character is one i'd love to "meat"- and fill with my own man cream- in person!

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 12 years ago
Serves Big Mike right

He was hung like a horse, but she deep throated him anyway. What a gal, and what guy wouldn't love to be on the receiving end of one of her blow jobs? Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
loving girls that luv sperm

Carol: i had a girl friend back in the 70s that did just. she would suck and drain me everymornig, we'd meet for lunch (hers) i'd fuck her mouth then we'd go back to work. she then would drink some more cum as we watched tv, then put me to sleep after sucking more cum down her throat... each blowjob she gave me would orgasm her! come to find out she loved cum somuch, she was sucking her brother off also, and suspect her dad too.AFter two years i figured she sucked my sperm down at least 365 x 2yrs x at least once per day, most twice per day. she loved sperm as much as you do. keep up the good work, and more dad fucking dtr's mouth stories, and son fucking mom's mouth stories. i too tasted my own cum, and it wasn't bad

Global CarolGlobal Carolover 12 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Once again, thanks. I'm glad you liked this story. I had fun writing it.

2275jr2275jrover 12 years ago
oh to cum ill take the Dare lol.

brilliant story . fun but the feeling being so nice to have one such as you taking one and all an out standing very hot story love it .

ASONJ23ASONJ23over 13 years ago
Well done!

What a fantastic very well written story with detail in all the right places yet enough "gray" areas for the imagination to run wild.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
i don't think i've ever been so hard!

great story!

AffirmationAffirmationabout 18 years ago
Love a woman who can hold her drink

I very much enjoyed this amusing and horny story. Loved the language and references, and the first-person narration. Lisa sounds like a whole lot of fun to be around... especially when she's thirsty!

This was easily my favourite Literotica story, and I thank the author very much indeed.

I'm off now to search for that bartender's website, to add a few recipies of my own.

With admiration,


Adrian LeverkuhnAdrian Leverkuhnover 18 years ago
no stopping her...

Fun story...the voice of expereince? Or fantasy? Doesn't matter; I was taken there by your words and was rooting for you from beginning to end...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
I'll take the kiss!

Fantastic story.

Well written (I love the asides), and well thought out. It read at a perfect pace that draws the reader through the story, and ends in a wonderful twist of fate.

Thanks for the boner, I'd love the chance to donate my cum for your orgasming pleasure (and I don't mind the taste of my own, I actually kind of like it).


loves oral wifeloves oral wifealmost 19 years ago

Incredible story. Everytime I thought I'd be overcum with lust, there was a laugh-out-loud funny line.

Not sure what the previous comment about no context for the "OK" was about. I thought the description and purpose of it were explained fully.

As far as uber-dickhead "Big Mike" is concerned, I agree with Lisa, "How does his wife stand him?" Of course, there is that potential answer: "Calling him Big was small credit. He was huge. I don't think I'd ever seen such a cock. It was immense, red, thick, and the head seemed to be the size of an apple."

One caveat: keep your dictionary handy (and not just to check "obnoxious prick" for Big Mike's photo).

A truly delightful story. Thank you Carol.

Lesly SloanLesly Sloanalmost 19 years ago
Good blow-job tale

Only problem, stuff like "OK" without any context.

Otherwise, quite hot.

jakebarnes48jakebarnes48almost 19 years ago
Opting for the kiss

A mighty fine little tale you told Carol. I for one gladly would have opted for the kiss . . . as I have on many occasions.

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