When The Heartache is Over


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I looked on my coffee table and saw a bunch of pictures that Elva had drawn. They were stick figures but were pretty good for a three year old. I like the fact that the nanny had her doing something creative to help develop her mind instead of just sitting in front of a TV or computer. I'd have to compliment her on that in the morning. Of course, that also gave validity to my theory that Grace had hired another sixty year old woman who probably lacked computer skills.

I showered and slipped into my bed. I was beat. I must have been far more tired than I thought because I didn't notice anything until I felt the tickling sensation on my stomach. My eyes shot open and in the darkness, I barely made out a face in front of me. Her breasts dangled down over my stomach with the nipples just barely touching me.

"You always liked that," she whispered. I was in shock. "You should have told me," she whispered again.

She stayed on her knees with her legs straddling me and squeezed my erection between those soft pillows that drew so much attention.

"Oh, God," I gushed. "Elvina, we shouldn't..."

"We really should," she said. She scooted forward and lowered one large breast to my lips. I feasted hungrily on it and she moaned in pleasure. She lowered her hips onto me and impaled herself on me. She sank slowly down until her hips were sitting just in front of my balls.

"Oh God, Oh fuck," she hissed. Then she started rocking her hips forward and back very slowly. "DO-YOU-EVEN-KNOW..." she began. She hissed one word after each pump of her hips.

"HOW-MUCH-I-MISSED-THISSSSSSSSS," The last word was drawn out as she collapsed onto me, her breasts heaved and I could feel her sheath clutching and fluttering my member.

I could also feel a flood of fluid soaking my sheets. "Shit, that was good," she said. "I almost blacked out. Do you realize what you made me do? It felt like I peed. I actually squirted. I didn't know I could even do that.

"Uhm it was kind of quick, Vina," I said. "Maybe you need Cialis or something."

"Maybe you need to start dating and making love to your wife instead of trying to replace her," she said. She started to gently kiss me.

"According to what you've been telling me, you've had enough practice," I said. She stiffened on top of me and just lay down.

"Danny, I did it," she said. "And I regret it with every thought that comes into my mind. I lost five years with you because of it. It was the worst mistake of my life and I swear, I will never repeat it. If you need to punish me, you go ahead and do it. But I'm not a monster. I'm just a woman who made a mistake. You know that I love you. I always have. And if you had even part of a brain in your head, you'd know that there is no way any fat, ugly, fifty year old man would ever take your place in my life or my heart."

"And you also sucker punched me yesterday too," she said kissing me again.

"How did I sucker punch you?" I asked.

"Danny, you never told me about Elva or how you got her or what happened to you. You never gave me the chance to tell you that I could accept and love any part of you including your child. You just gave me the bum's rush out the door."

"I'm not really proud of how she came about," I said. "But I love my angel so much that I'd never give her up for..."

"I'd never want you to," she said. "I just want you back. And you want me back too. You love me."

"I thought I did," I said.

"What do you mean you thought you did?" she asked.

"I'm not sure I could marry a woman with premature ejaculation issues," I said.

"I'll work on it," she said. "But that was the first orgasm that I've had in the past five years that I didn't give myself."

* * * * * *

Three days later, Lou was called to the office. He missed Elvina in more ways than one. He'd promised Mary that he'd never cheat on her again. But after going to Hawaii and seeing all of those women in bikinis and being trapped in the room with Mary, he was dying to have some kind of release.

On the other hand, he was a hero around the office for securing an advertising account with WellWen. Even some of the young hotshots were asking him how he pulled it off. Some of them were begging to accompany him on his next trip. As he stepped into the boardroom, he felt good. He sat down and his boss sat him in front of a computer.

"Lou, I need you to look at your department's expenses for the month and explain this transportation item to me," he said. "Oh and you did a great job with the WellWen thing. I'll bet you're happy for Elvina huh?"

"What do you mean?" asked Lou.

"She's back with her husband. She was practically giddy when she called to tell us which charity to donate her last check to."

Lou just stared at the computer in front of him. He had no idea how to access a spreadsheet. He barely knew how to turn the damned thing on.

"Any time now Lou," said his boss.

"I don't know how to do that," said Lou. The younger man stood up and let out a heavy sigh.

"Lou, computer skills are a requirement for your job," he said. "Everyone around here respects you and values the services you've performed for the company for the past fourteen years, but I'm going to have to let you go."

Five minutes later, Lou was in his office packing his belongings into one small white box. It was pitiful to see how little he'd actually accumulated over his career in that building. When he'd started working here, his sons had been toddlers. Now they were grown men about to start college and careers of their own.

"Excuse me," said a voice behind him.

Lou turned around and saw an attractive young woman standing behind him. She looked like one of their interns. She was probably one of those college girls they hired to deliver mail and documents.

This one was a looker. She was chewing gum and looking through the files she carried.

"Are you Lou Grant?" she said.

"Yeah, Honey," he said. "They've changed their minds," he thought.

She handed him the folder. "You've been served," she said. "Have a nice day."

Six months later, Lou was moving into his new efficiency apartment. His divorce was final and his wife had taken everything. Lou looked around the small room and shook his head. He blamed that fucking Elvina for everything he was going through. It was partially his own fault but if he'd never seen how big those tits were he'd probably never have gone after her.

After Mary divorced him, he'd tried to get in touch with Elvina and found out that she didn't work for WellWen. She didn't work at all. She just relaxed and took care of her husband and their daughter. He'd asked her to put in a good word for him because he was having trouble finding work. He was desperate. He'd do anything.

He looked around the small one room apartment with its hot plate in the corner and sofa bed against the wall. The window was drafty and the plumbing in the tiny bathroom leaked but it was all he could afford on his pay from his job as a night watchman at the warehouse down the street. His wife had gotten his car in the settlement and his sons now shared her car so he had to take the bus to work.

He looked through his mail and found a photo postcard

The card showed Elvina on the beach in what was probably Hawaii. She was smiling and holding the hand of that little Asian girl he'd seen at WellWen. She was pointing out at some men surfing. Elvina's boobs were even bigger than he remembered but her obviously pregnant stomach was bigger still.

* * * * * *


"Elva, Don't get too close to the water, Honey," I yell at her in a tone that only a mother can muster.

"Ma' ahm," she grumbles. "How am I going to surf someday if I can't even stand near the water while daddy surfs?" She's six now and growing like a weed. She looks more like her aunt Grace every day. And I love her just as much as I love her almost two year old brother Calvin. Over the past two and a half years that I've been in Hawaii, Elva and I have gone through a few stages. I've gone from her Nanny to her Step-Mom and then finally she just told me that Step-Mom was too long to say so she just shortened it to Mom. Danny is back to being Danny and Calvin or Cal is our son. I once thought that a sunrise I watched here in Hawaii wasn't that spectacular when I watched it alone. But I never tire of watching them with my family.

And yes, at almost forty one years old and a mom, my boobs are even bigger. They get a lot of attention but only one person gets to handle them. I'm out of the scheming business.

Losing Danny almost killed me and I'll never risk that again. By all rights he probably shouldn't have taken me back. I was wrong as hell. But I only did the stupid thing I did because I love him so much. Even so, I probably didn't deserve this second chance at happiness. But neither of us was happy apart and we're ecstatic together. I think that on some level he knows how obsessed I am with him and keeping his love for me. Grace and I are very close friends and I've picked up her habit of making sure Danny only has ugly and old secretaries. Okay, sue me I'm insecure when it comes to my husband. But I'm never going to let him go again. It took a long time for us to get back to this point. But the heartache is finally over.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

While yes Elvina brought on all her own troubles, the character in this I would like to see drawn and quartered is her father (a self-center, worthless, uncommitted, shallow piece of filth) he destroyed his loving wife and corrupted his daughters character through his lack of character, may he burn in hell for all eternity.

Lector78Lector78about 2 months ago

Muy buena historia, además bien escrita y los toques de humor e ironía, la hacen más atractiva de leer.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

I enjoyed the story. I was a bit non-plussed by Elvina still having sex with Lou. Even if she viewed it as horrible and an end to a means (finding Danny) - I don't know how she managed to do justify it really. I have noticed that in your reconciliation ending stories, the characters overall are a bit more sympathetic, although Elvina still seems to suffer from your classic "too dumb to live" trait on the cheating wife front. I mean, really, her plan was retarded. You should have made Lou more a villain and had him blackmail her, then her continuing to have sex with him would have felt like more of a punishment rather than a choice because she didn't want to cough up another 12k a year in PI fees by working a couple nights or weekends a week at McDonalds.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Poor Lou, yes it was partly his fault. But he didn't deserve all that did he? It was all the scheming on the wife's part, he felt for her boobs and beauty, and before her since he was already unfaithful he did it again. He was not getting it from his wife marry. He should have probably divorced her but if he did we wouldn't have a story.

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy596 months ago

Bravo. Well developed story. Outstanding little tale.

All the best,


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Weird motive. She was that obsessed with her husband. However, the author did her a disservice by having her keep screwing Lou for five years with zero attraction, pleasure or attachment. He wasn't even a functioning dildo for her. The premise that she would do that based on needing money for PIs is just surreal. Yea this is fiction but would anyone do that in that situation? Would think she would tell Lounto go to hell and file a sexual harassment case. Nowadays she would win, settle and use the proceeds to pay the PIs. Her husband just left her everything anyways. They didn't have a lot but that could be used also. Besides in a situation like this, would be 95% digital. Cast and lay out nets / webs and see what comes out. Expensive but not like hiring a gumshoe PI to follow people around for months. Having her continue to be screwed by Lou to dangle the promise of enough money to keep hiring PIs is definitely her punishment and her weird penance. Felt sorry for her as she is clear really stupid. But continuing to use her multiple times a week for five years is just stomach churning. And she just accepts it because she is obsessed with finding her husband. There were other alternatives. But then again she is as dumb as a bag of rocks.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

4 Stars as the wife did cheat .. I think that Elvira and my ex are hanging out together

Schlouis57Schlouis5712 months ago

Beurk. Vous nous avez habitué à mieux SS06 . Très déçu.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Elvira (WTF kind of name is that?) didn't deserve to be forgiven, too bad Grace went a little stupid as well. One could have hoped this story could have been a lesson to people (read WOMEN) not to do the manipulation/scheming routine as it's a truly hateful thing to do to someone you supposedly love.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

How many thousands of times did she cheat on him? She wore out her fucking pussy cheating on her husband. Fuck!

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 1 year ago

Nope did not like the story

Danny and Grace made a better couple

inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

This is the worst SS06 story I ever remember reading. Hell it's one of the worst stories of any author I read all year, and this says something. The fact that the author decided that the woman who ACTUALLY loved the guy deserved punishment while the conniving whore who doesn't even understand what love is and is toxic as hell, got rewarded. This is the opposite of karma. And the dumb trope of him pining for the evil bitch for years is as grating as it is stupid and unrealistic.

Shepard_N7Shepard_N7about 1 year ago

I can't even begin to express my disappointment in how this one fell off the cliff

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

While I enjoyed the story, like many others I find the way the Elvina’s affair started not realistic, nor the fact that she continued to screw here boss after the loss of her husband, which she loved so much.

The continuation of the affair with her boss was the worst of the plot and to have it so easily dismissed by her husband at the end just underscores the unbelievable realistic notion within the story line.

While I’ve found the author to be one of the best here on Literotica, he tends to screw up at a times with a totally unbelievable story line. I do enjoy his sense of humor, but I want things to be believable. I have know problems excepting some type of Star Trek future if it is back with science, but no man or woman will tolerate the extreme hurt, humiliation and disrespect that many of the characters in so many of the stories that are posted of Literotica. Some authors, for whatever reason chose to screwup their plot, it’s like they are taking advice from a thirteen year old kid.

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