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"Well, you really need to hear this then," said Ron. "Larry has been bragging for years about how successful he is in New York. The talk around town was that he was married to a supermodel and lives in a mansion in New York and drives a Ferrari. None of that shit was true. Not a single word of it. Larry is just a salesman and not a very good one. He lives in a fourth floor walk-up and doesn't even have a car. Even when he does make a few sales, all of his money goes to lawyers trying to fight off divorces. Larry hasn't ever been married but he's screwed a lot of really stupid married women and got caught and named in their divorces. Some of the husbands have sued him for alienation of affection or behavior leading to the dissolution of their marriages. He doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of."

I laughed when he said that. "It serves him right," I said.

"But wait Peyton, here's the good part," he laughed. "A couple of years ago, one of those husbands beat Larry half to death. He ended up with one less nut and from what I've heard he can't make babies. And you know how that goes. We always want most, the things we can't have and..."

"Thanks for the info, Ron," I said. "I have to go down to the Sheriff's office and get Will."

"Oh yeah," he said. "I'll see you at the game next week, Peyton."

I was shaking all over as I dialed the phone. Ron had no idea of what was going on. No one in town knew that Two wasn't Will's child. No wonder Will had fought with Larry. It was stupid though. But maybe that was why Will had been so cross with me. He was worried about Larry destroying my reputation and possibly our family. He was right. All of this had been my fault. I'd brought it all down on us. But if I had to seriously look at things, I was glad that it had happened.

I was glad that I'd fucked Larry, although I can't for the life of me remember why I'd done it. All I remember was that when Larry was around me, I just wanted to fuck. The sex itself was terrible. Larry had to have some sort of weird pheromone thing going on. I knew a couple of other women who had similar stories. Over the years, I'd never given Larry another thought. The only man I loved was my husband. And now I needed someone to watch my son so I could get Will out of jail.

I called Summer, Will's sister and asked if she could babysit for me. She was there before I was even dressed. It took me ten minutes to drive over to the Sheriff's office. And less than a minute after I stepped in there were three deputies standing in front of me.

A woman who had already been there when I walked in looked over and glared at us.

"Does it take all three of you to wait on her?" she asked. "I've been sitting here for an hour and..."

They ignored her. "What can we do for you ma'am?" asked one.

"My name is Peyton and..." I started.

"Oh, we already know who you are Mrs. Place," said the same man.

"Good, I'm here to find out what I have to do to get my husband out of here. He was brought in for fighting," I said.

"Uhm it was more like a massacre," said the second deputy.

"I think it was more like farming or waste disposal," said the third. "All he did was ta beat a piece of shit into the ground. I don't even think he should have been arrested."

"Let me see about what you have to do to get him out," said the first deputy. "Usually if he has no priors you can just sign for him and take him home. Sometimes there's bail or a bond depending on what they're charging him with. If Miller agrees not to press charges, we'll have to just let him go anyway. But in this case, there were no weapons involved so, I don't see any problems. I'll be right back."

The short, stocky woman just glared at me as I stepped away from the desk.

Within three minutes the first deputy who'd gone in the back came back out and he didn't look happy.

"Mrs. Place, uhm we have a problem," he said, hanging his head down.

"Do you accept checks?" I said.

He smiled. "Ma'am, we take it all. We take cash, checks, credit cards, debit cards, money orders, money grams and in certain cases IOU's but that's not the problem."

"What is the problem deputy?" I asked.

"He refuses to allow YOU to sign him out," he said. Will was taking this whole thing too far.

"Deputy, I need to speak to my husband," I said. "I'll clear this whole thing up right now."

He just started shaking his head. "He doesn't want to talk to you either," he said. "It doesn't make sense to me, ma'am. I'd follow YOU anywhere. But that's what he said."

I was more hurt than I'd ever been in my life. I started to cry for the first time that I could remember since...It took me a while to remember. The only time I'd ever cried since Will and I got together was when he tried to get out of our marriage because he didn't know how much I loved him.

"Wait ma'am," he said. "I have an idea. If we let him out he has to come home and you could talk to him then. So if you go over to the clinic and get Larry, piece of shit Miller, to drop the charges, we have no reason to hold him so we have to kick him loose."

"Thank you deputy," I said wiping my eyes. As I turned to leave, all three deputies watched me walk away.

"Good maybe someone can help me now," said the short, angry woman.

"Someone will be with you in a few minutes," said one of the deputies.

I drove the two blocks to the clinic and stepped up to the desk. The nurse behind the desk was Pauline French. She was one of my mom's friends.

"Hi Mrs. French," I said. "Can I see Larry Miller, please?" I asked.

"I'm not so sure it's a good idea for a married woman to see him," she said.

"I'll be fine," I said. "There's only one man on the planet for me and it's not Larry Miller."

She told me which room Larry Miller was in. I walked down the hall and found his room. I didn't knock I just walked in. I was pissed.

Larry didn't look good. He looked dizzy and a nurse was trying to hold him up so he could button up his shirt. He cracked his mouth when he saw me. I think he was trying to smile but his lips were both swollen and busted. Both of his eyes were blackened and his nose looked crooked. Larry was a lot fatter than I remembered. He looked flabby. I was shocked as I noticed that he wore some kind of girdle to make him slimmer.

"Larry," I said.

He smiled again and said, "Hey Pey'on." I think his busted mouth prevented him from saying my name correctly.

"Sit down on the bed before you fall over asshole," I said. "You and I need to talk."

"Zackly what ah was thinking," he said. The nurse who'd been helping him smiled and left the room. It was weird, even with his face all busted up, the barely twenty something nurse was obviously goo-goo eyed over him. I started thinking that maybe all of the things that had happened to him weren't really his fault. He wasn't a bad guy. I caught myself when I remembered that bad guy or not he'd gotten me pregnant and then ran out on me. And it hadn't been an accident. He'd told me everything would be fine and the home test was wrong or inaccurate, while taking his finals early and skipping out on me.

"You need to drop the charges against Will, right God damned now," I said.

"Tha bastard needs to be in jail," he slurred. "He din't want me to see my own kid. He even named my kid after himself."

"Larry, he isn't your son," I lied. I had to concentrate because what I was about to say was bothering me. And it wasn't because lying was a sin. I'd lie to the almighty for my husband or my child. But I didn't want to hurt Larry. I wanted Larry and I to be friends for some crazy reason.

"A few weeks after you left, I had a miscarriage," I lied again. "After that, I met Will, even though we'd always known each other from school. And I got pregnant again. I was the one who named my son William James Place Jr. because he should be named after his father. And Will turned out to be a better father than you ever would have been with all of your lies."

He just smiled at me through his busted lips. "You mean I got all beat up for nothing?" He laughed. I knew that bitch was stupid.

"Larry, you're lucky Two isn't your son," I said.

"Look Miss pretty," he said through his destroyed mouth. "Just because you're pretty it doesn't make your head any less empty. You don't know shit. I needed that fucking kid. I don't have any brothers or sisters. I don't have any family at all. And since I didn't leave any kids, my family line will end with me. I always thought I had all of the time in the world. I thought that one day I'd settle down with the perfect woman and we'd have a great family, but I've fucked it up now. Your kid was my last chance. And that damned Kathy set all of this up for nothing."

"Larry, if he had been your son, you'd owe me around thirty thousand dollars a year for his upbringing. I could have thrown you into jail for running out on me, so you're really lucky he isn't your son," I said. And even before I finished saying it, what he'd just said registered on me.

"What the fuck do you mean, Kathy set this all up?" I hissed.

"She's always hated you for taking Will away from her," he said. "Whenever I'm in town, I fuck her and we talk. I told her about my kid with you. I guess she didn't know about you losing it. Anyway, when she saw Will at the kid's game yesterday, she remembered that I wanted a child and reminded me that I already had one. She figured that maybe the two of us could drive a wedge between you and Will. She'd get Will and I'd get my kid or at least I'd get to be in his life."

"What about me?" I asked. It seemed shocking to me that this was all about my husband and my son and destroying my wonderful family. But for once it wasn't about me.

"Look, you're pretty," he said. "But you suck in bed. But I'll fuck you if you just want me too. I'm sure you have all kinds of pleasant memories about the last time we were together. But truthfully it's getting boring. Come on, take your clothes off. Your husband is probably knee deep in Kathy's hole right now, anyway"

I started to unbutton my blouse despite the fact that I hated him. I've already had sex with him before and at least this time, even if he's lying, he can't get me pregnant, I thought. Then his words registered again. I hated him, why was I even thinking about having sex with him? I'm a married woman and I love my husband more than anything. If I did this, I'd lose Will. And I wouldn't lose will over Larry Miller. He had to have that pheromone thing going really strong. The only thing that stopped me from fucking him was what he'd just said. My head was fuzzy as if I'd been drugged.

I buttoned my blouse back up. "What do you mean about Will being with Kathy?" I growled into his face. My head wasn't fuzzy anymore and I was pissed. Will was mine and no one was going to take him from me.

"Just before you got here, Kathy called and told me it was game on," he said. "She got him out of jail and was taking him back to her place." I was angrier than I've ever been in my life.

"Where does that bitch live?" I asked. I think he saw something in my eyes because he told me without hesitation. "You need to call the Sheriff's office and drop the charges right now. Because if Will even goes to court. I'll sue you for getting me pregnant and running out on me. Plus, I'll sue you for the cost of the therapists I went to when I lost YOUR baby," I lied again. He just nodded his head and slumped back on the table.

I broke every speed limit in town getting to Kathy's place. I drove right up onto her lawn chewing up the grass in the process. I knocked on the door and no one answered but I could see two figures on the couch in her living room. I squinted to try to see through the curtains covering the large windows in her living room and noticed that the smaller figure pulled the other towards it. The bitch was trying to seduce my husband. That was it.

I picked up the heavy lawn chair on her front porch and threw it through the plate glass of the window. After all of the glass had fallen, I stepped into her living room and headed straight for her. The bitch had taken off her blouse and her bra and was down to her panties. She was pressing her large saggy breasts against Will's chest. He just looked depressed. She had that deer in the headlights look. Will was still fully dressed.

"You're dead, bitch," I said. Even as I said it, she ran for one of the open doors and slammed it behind her.

"Get out of my house," she screamed through the doorway. "I'll call the Sheriff."

"Okay, I'm leaving," I yelled. "Please don't call the Sheriff." I stepped back onto the glass as if I was leaving and then jumped back next to the door she'd slammed shut.

She opened the door and then stepped out to look around. As soon as she stepped out, I grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the ground. I started slapping her and pulling her hair while screaming at her and scratching her face up.

Will pulled me off of her and she pushed herself away from me into a corner.

"You're going to jail now," she hissed.

"We'll be there together," I hissed back. "And I'll beat your ass again. I just spoke to Larry and he told me this was your plan to break us up from the beginning. As soon as Will saw you in the park yesterday you..."

"But this started way before yesterday, Peyton," said Will. "This started when I overheard two of your friends whispering yesterday morning while I cut the grass."

"Is that why you got so angry at me, Honey?" I asked. He nodded and a big tear rolled down his cheek.

"What were they whispering about that got you so angry? I really thought that you'd be glad," I said. "I was just working up the nerve to tell you myself."

"Peyton, are you fucking crazy?" he snapped. "Why would I be glad to hear about you fucking Larry? I love you so much it hurts Peyton."

I just started laughing and he looked at me like I was crazy. I went to him and tried to hug him but he moved away from me. I tilted my head and smiled at him.

"Will, stop acting so silly," I said. "You love me, Dummy. I haven't even thought about fucking Larry since the first time that you and I got together. Since the first time you found me crying at that bus stop, no other man has even touched me, let alone had sex with me. I'm all yours idiot."

"Peyton, I heard your two friends talking," he said, still keeping his distance from me.

I pulled out my phone and called Millie and Terri. I gave them Kathy's address. The Sheriff pulled up in his jeep. I guess someone had called them about me breaking the window.

He knocked on the door and looked at Kathy with her face bleeding. "Will, please tell me you didn't hit a woman this time," he said.

"It was an accident, Sheriff," said Kathy. "When the window shattered, I got a couple of cuts. There's nothing going on here. The Sheriff drove off shaking his head. The three of us just sat around staring at each other, with me smiling at Will.

"What are you smiling about," he asked.

"You kissing my ass in a few minutes," I smirked.

"Why am I going to be kissing your ass?" he asked.

"Three reasons," I said. "First, because you're going to feel stupid when I prove to you that no one was talking about me having sex with Larry because I didn't do it. You'll feel guilty about accusing me so you'll kiss my ass. Number two will be when you find out what they were really talking about. I think you really will be happy like I kept telling you and you'll be kissing my ass."

"What's the third reason?" he asked.

"I have a really nice ass," I said. "And you just seem to like kissing it and licking it and biting it and f..."

"Okay, we get the picture," said Kathy, just as my friends rang the doorbell. Millie knocked on the door and as I went to open it, Terri just stepped through the window.

"Hi Terri," I said smiling. "Talk to my husband. Tell him the truth about anything he wants to know."

"Hi Will," said Terri. "Ask away."

"What were you and Millie talking about yesterday morning in my kitchen?"

"We talked about a couple of things," she said. "Do you want to know about all of it or is there something in particular."

"I want to hear about her fucking Larry Miller," I said.

"We never talked about that," said Terri. "I'm her best friend beside you. I know all of her secrets including nine years ago before you guys got together and she's never mentioned that. I don't think they've seen each other since before you two got together."

"Then what..." began Will in frustration.

"I remember telling her that Larry Miller was back in town," said Millie. "But we didn't talk about him. We immediately changed the subject because Peyton was screaming about you leaving hair in the sink from when you shave. I told Terri that I didn't know why Peyton stayed with you."

And then I said," She stays because she loves him," said Terry.

"And I said it was probably because it's the best sex she's ever had even though it's the only sex she's ever had," said Millie.

"And I said what about the b..." started Terry before Peyton closed her hand over her mouth.

"He doesn't need to know that part," I said.

"Well, then I said something like she doesn't know how to tell Will yet," continued Terry.

"And I said that she didn't know how you'd take it," said Millie. "You heard all of that?"

"Well, parts of it," said Will.

"And he started thinking that I was having sex with Larry Miller," I laughed. "What an idiot."

Will came over and hugged me then. "I'm sorry, Honey," he said, with tears of relief in his eyes.

"But you've been treating me like crap for the last week," he said.

"I know honey and when we get home and get into our bed, I'll make it all up to you," I smirked. "But you're going to be pretty happy."

Millie and Terri smiled as they watched us kiss and then walked back out through the broken window.

"Hey, what about my fucking window?" said Kathy.

"You deserve it for your stupid scheme," I snapped at her. "Just use it as a door. It seems to work better than your damned plan did."

A half hour later we were back at home. Will promised to go out and buy McDonald's for Two on the way home from work the next day and as we tucked him in together, all was right with our world again.

I was a happy girl although I was a little bit nervous about finally getting to tell my husband my news.

"Honey, you missed Two's game this morning," said Will.

"It's okay," I said. "With you there, he never noticed that I wasn't. That is why kids come with two parent's you know." I kissed him softly on his neck.

"Guess what I told Larry?" I said. Will stiffened beside me and I pulled him back. "We don't ever have to worry about him again," I said.

"I told him that I'd had a miscarriage and then got pregnant again a few weeks later," I said. "Now only you, me and my dad know. And I'll swear Dad to secrecy about Two," she smiled.

"And that brings me to our new news, Honey," I said. I grabbed his hand tightly even as he leaned over to kiss me. "I've been really cranky and tired in the mornings, Honey. That's why I've been treating you badly and it's why I missed Two's game. Will, I'm pregnant again and this time there's no doubting who the father is."

Will must've fainted because he just went flat all of a sudden. Then he just leaned over and started kissing me.

"Are you happy?" I asked. "Do you want to have a baby with me?"

"Already did," he said, as he forced his tongue into my mouth. He reached down to pull my panties off and noticed that I'd already done it.

"So how come you told the girls before me," he asked.

"Well, dummy, they do work in the doctor's office," I said. "So actually they told me. But you're the first one to know after me."

After that, I dove for Will's dick. There seemed to be an urgency in me that drove me onwards. Sex with Will was always magical but this time there seemed to be something weird going on. I sucked him until he was as hard as a diamond and I knew that I'd explode long before he finished his usual foreplay. I didn't want him to eat me. I wanted him inside of me badly.