Why I Really Hate Canada

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Haitian-American reflects on a year in Ottawa.
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Sometimes I wonder about certain things. It's my nature to wonder. A lot of things have been happening to me lately. My name is Stephen Auvergne and I'm a young Black man of Haitian descent living in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I'm new to the Confederation of Canada. I moved there from my native town of Boston, Massachusetts, about a year ago. My parents sent me to Canada after I made a mess of things in Bean Town. These days I attend Carleton University. Ottawa is the most boring City in the western hemisphere. However, it's my own private hell so I'm learning to adjust to it.

I attend All Nations Church, the biggest Black church in the City of Ottawa. I was invited there by a young lady I met while walking around Saint Laurent Mall. In lily-White Ottawa, All Nations Church became my refuge from the hostile sea of alabaster which surrounds me at all times. Canadians aren't the friendly and innocent people most Americans think they are. They're mean-spirited, deeply racist and xenophobic. Ottawa reflects that. People here are mean in ways us ordinary Americans can't fathom. They're insanely jealous of foreigners with intelligence and credentials. They admire everything American yet also hate us at the same time. They're a sea of contradictions. Ottawa is the interracial dating capital of the world, yet it's also the most racist City ever. Imagine that!

In this mad world, I found myself seeking my own. Too much White for one brother, you know? That's what I'm experiencing. The City of Boston is fun and diverse. The City of Ottawa is cold, White and dead. Just like its inhabitants. I can't stand this bigoted and supremely boring little town. I sought my African brothers and sisters because I figured only they could relate to me. There are about a thousand people in the All Nations Church of Ottawa. I saw a lot of young Black men and young Black women from Carleton University there. I also ran into people from other schools like La Cite Collegiale, the University of Ottawa, Algonquin College and Everest College. So many beautiful, educated brothers and sisters under one roof. It seemed like a dream come true to me. I thought I had at last found my refuge.

The Black folks of the City of Ottawa fascinate me. They don't seem to like each other. The Haitians don't like the Ghanaians. The Kenyans don't like the Congolese. And the Jamaicans don't like the Trinidadians. Nobody likes the Somalians. There are tons of Black folks living in the City of Ottawa and they're all discriminated against by the Powers That Be. Yet they refuse to unite. Instead, they give into their tribal mentality. They focus on the differences between them rather than unite against a common foe. Lots of Black men and Black women with degrees from fine schools like the University of Ottawa and Carleton University can't find steady work in the City of Ottawa. Why? Simply because the Canadian Federal Government actively discriminates against people of color. The private sector is a bit more tolerant of people of color with University degrees but private sector work comes with surprising risks as well as benefits. Private sector work isn't as steady as it used to be. For that reason, most people of color with University degrees living in Canada prefer to seek Government jobs. And that's exactly where they face the most discrimination.

Of course, not everybody faces the same kind of hurdles. Asians, whether we're talking about the Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese or the Indians ( from the Republic of India) are allowed entry into government and corporate work while Blacks and Aboriginals face the most discriminations. Welcome to Ottawa. I think White men and White women living in Canada don't feel threatened by the Chinese and the Indians from India because they kiss White folks butts all day. Blacks and Aboriginals carry themselves with more dignity and self-confidence. They also have more honesty and aren't as incline to kiss White folks butts as the Asians. For that reason, Blacks and Aboriginals are denied jobs even when they have University degrees while the Chinese and the Indians of India get easy access. Yeah, that's the law of the land in the City of Ottawa. Welcome to Canada, folks. The Canada they never show you.

The bloody Canadians like to say they're friendly and multicultural but I see them for what they are. A nation of bigots. They're far more bigoted than Americans. In America, if you're a person of color with a University degree, good references and no criminal history, you have a shot at getting things done for yourself. Not so in the Confederation of Canada. I understand all too well how things work in the City of Ottawa. That's why I can't wait to leave. When I tell Canadians that my father, Augustin Auvergne is a sergeant with the Boston Police Department, they're surprised. They're equally surprised to hear that my mother Elaine Jean Auvergne teaches business law at Emerson College in downtown Boston. The idea that people of African descent can accomplish great things simply doesn't enter the mind of your average Canadian of European descent. Yet Black Canadians don't seem to realize what kind of bigots they live with.

Every Black man I've ever met in the City of Ottawa has a White girlfriend. Want to know something funny? Nine out of ten times when someone is saying something racist in public, it's a White woman, not a White man. Yeah. I find White women in the City of Ottawa far more bigoted than the White men. Or at least, the White women are far more outspoken with their bigotry. Black men in the City of Ottawa don't seem to notice or care, though. They go after White women like their lives depend on it. Upon hearing that I exclusively date Black women, most Black men in the City of Ottawa chuckle. Black men in the City of Ottawa don't date Black women. It's almost as if they're allergic to them.

I find the Black women of Ottawa friendlier overall than the Black women I used to know in urban America. Unfortunately, just like the Black women of the U.S. they claim to want a good Black man but ignore a good brother when they see him. The only time I feel invisible in the City of Ottawa is when I'm walking around the Black Church, All Nations. There are many lovely Black women there. They're pretty, educated and friendly. However, they don't notice that I exist. They're too busy looking at the Black men with White girlfriends to notice a brother like me. The Black man who only has eyes for Black women. Me. Yeah, they never notice me. If that's how they treat a nice and gentlemanly young Black man like me, you can only imagine how they treat the not-so-nice brothers out there.

Yeah, Black women are always saying there are no available Black men around. At All Nations Church in Ottawa, there are dozens of young Black men. They attend schools like Algonquin College, the University of Ottawa, Carleton University, La Cite Collegiale and Everest College. Yet the Black women we love never notice us. The moment a Black man has a White girlfriend, that's when Black women notice he exists. Until then, he could be as good-looking as Tyson Beckford, as educated as Henry Louis Gates, as rich as Puff Daddy and as well-endowed as Lexington Steele, Black women will NEVER notice he exists. That's the truth, folks. The whole damn truth and nothing but the truth.

The City of Ottawa is a mad world to me. Not a day goes by that I don't regret leaving the City of Boston. I wish I could go back. However, I am committed to this course of action and I have to see it through. As a big and tall, good-looking and educated young Black man in Ottawa, I'm the loneliest creature in the City. Black women don't notice I exist. And I'm not interested in White women. They just don't do it for me. If I were as flexible as the other ninety nine percent of the Black guys in Ontario, I'd just hook up with one of the many loose White women in the City. However, I can't do that. I still believe in the Black Love. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to die alone. Black women simply don't want me. And I love Black women too much to switch sides. I'm good-looking, healthy, educated and gainfully employed. I'm a law-abiding individual. I have my own apartment and my own car. I'm friendly, easygoing and very respectful of women. And I respect Black women most of all. Why am I alone?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Proud to be Haitian Canadian

I'm Haitian decent and grew up in Montreal, I'm proud of my haitian heritage and also proud of my Canadian heritage. I now live in the US because of work. My friend bigotry is every where on this planet, there's even bigotry among Haitian based on your skin tone. Since you are not happy in Canada, I have one word for you go back where you came from. Oh!! I have couple of States where you can go Mississippi, Alabama, Maybe North or South Dakota

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 13 years ago
what a load of crap!

In all fairness, Ottawa is indeed a boring city, an administrative and legal capital with a few interesting museums thrown in. However you make the mistaken assumption that all the rest of Canada is the same.

Sorry, but we never had the "race" problems that you describe; as a french-canadian, I saw more tension between the french and anglos than "white" and "black" conflicts.

Also, I have to say that I never did like you writings- I read you first few stories and was rapidly fed up with the garbage so I now avoid reading you as much as possible. The title of this piece prompted my reading it and hence, this response.

All of this makes me think that maybe the real problem is between your ears. Sorry, but that's my opinion for now, until proven otherwise. Good day to you, sir.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Prejudice is nearly always two-sided

Trouble is prejudice is a two-way street. Each group perceives the other as a threat, so they form their own little stockade, such as a 'black church' - what's that if not racist? Sure, they don't say 'whites are banned', but neither can the so-called 'white churches' impose the equivalent view from the other side. I have no religion, so I'm not taking sides here. I'm a [white] Briton, born in Africa and raised in several different African countries. When I was younger, prejudice was enshrined in the white man's law in a great part of Africa - formal policy in South Africa as 'apartheid', and informally practised in other territories administered by Britain, France, Belgium and Portugal. Some adminstrations were harsher than others. I wrote my M.Ed dissertation on prejudice, and did a lot of reading into the psychology, practice and results of it. It seems to me that prejudice, just like political parties, so called 'patriotism', and parochialism, are all simply forms of paranoia; funny they should all start with 'p'. It's a miracle that those two great heroes of the 20th century, Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela, managed almost overnight to annul it where it was worst without people being 'bathed in blood', as the pessimists forecast. My wife is a Brazilian whose two grandfathers were black men descended from slaves, and I couldn't be happier. Freddy, the nut from Brazil.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
just leave

Get out and get lost

not like we want you here anyway

probably on welfare back in ontario and did a con job on social services there to get reduced rental housing

hey i got an idea why dont you go home to haiti and help with the recovery down there

oh yea you would have to work - sorry i forgot about that part

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Fascinating gateway into a slightly psychotic guy's perception.

Keep writing, and if you stop taking the meds it could get really something...unleashing that talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
really dumb ass

You know what dumb ass I'm a Caribbean-Canadian first generation and I'm going to tell you the black women I know here get turned off by racist jackasses like you. Maybe you should go back to Chicago. Also I can tell you for a fact that everywhere have racism since I travel, and Canada is one of the least racist countries right now. We welcome and tolerate people from all over the world, your just seeing a small part with your narrow minded view.

Try calling someone nigger or a fagot here and even the most stuck up politician you know in Ottawa won't support that shit here cause Canadians will demand that person out of office, there will be no choice, unlike other places I know. I hope people in Ottawa are even more crappy to you now. Oh and one more thing, maybe if you had a better attitude we Canadians would have been way more friendly and open to you, but you know Canadians could smell a racist Jackass from miles away, so to bad for you I guess.

Alberta  AlAlberta Alover 13 years ago

I have never been to Ottawa and have spent my life in Western Canada.

There is no question that there is prejudice in Western Canada. From my experience as a blue collar Canadian of

European descent (through the experiences of my acquaintances from all areas of the world) the Canadian indian and the Indian indian are treated the poorest. Both blacks and orientals are treated much better with central americans and middle easterners somewhere in the middle.

If you were sent to Ottawa as punishment for screwing up in Boston, I would expect you to dislike Ottawa. Who likes the prison that they are in. To hate Canadians because of your punishment is just prejudice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Canadians are "cold"?

... I doubt it. "Samuelx" has vented his racist attitudes ever since he stumbled onto Literotica while looking for the Sesame Street website. While he DOES appear to be very slowly maturing (he used to say "Black" and "white", and now he says "Black" and "White"), he's still every inch a racist.

It's probably better just to ignore him. If nobody bothers responding to his vitriol, maybe he'll think that nobody is reading the garbage he submits, and stop posting.

Oh - to the anonymous person who made the anti-American wisecrack: Please don't judge us all, on the basis of one ignoramus. Last time I looked, the only people who believed that America was arrogant were Obama, Al Qaeda, and a few tin-pot dictators in Latin America. For you to make that sort of comment is only adding fuel to the fire.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
almost amusing

this story would almost be amusing if you weren't so pathetic. you come across as a guy who likes to blame everyone but himself for his own problems.

i'd also ask, weren't you in ottawa last year? and you went back to school again if you hated it so much? sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

so many rants and yet you stay -guess you get on on hating and feeling put down and one wonders why you cannot go back to Boston- maybe you do need to reflect on your issues and not assume you are awesome

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
You Are One Dumb Nigger

Hard to believe after reading you anybody voted for obama.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Wow - this was horrible

Good for you at giving it the old college try, right? You certainly don't sound as though your arrived with an open mind, ready to learn from your new environment or the people who live there. Yes, Canadians come from all places and yes, some of them bring their own prejudices with them. You sound as though you fit the bill perfectly. It's unfortunate that Carleton didn't do a very detailed interview process prior to accepting you as a student, as I have little doubt that a university education will change your pattern of critical thought.

I sincerely hope but doubt that your experience gets better, simply because you sound as though you want this to happen. If you made an honest effort to get to know some of the people around you (horror of horrors, maybe even some white people) you'd find that Canadians are pretty much the same as everyone else; we have some bigots, but apparently, so does Boston.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Wow. You sure told us!

Good thing you know so much about Canada so you can educate others!!! What a gift for the world!! Your legacy will live forever.

Mom will be proud.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Yes Ottawa is a cold place I mean ITS A GOVERMENT town. You complain anbout then stand up and be sociabe. SMile to someone on the street say hello. I grew up in Jamaica for 10 years and Im as white as they come and you know what I learnt. If you want change do it yourself. The reason why goverment jobs are hard to get into simple, you need to be perfectly bilingual, need to know somebody and most goverment jobs right rite now are set for life for that one person. Live here and listen to people at a bar andd to people who work in the goverment. The goverment isn't racist. It hates everybody equally

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You never have anything to say other than the observations of a completely biased person... worthless

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Takes one to know one...

I've never read any of your stories (until this essay) because the your titles and descriptions drip racism. You need to examine your own prejudices. You always identify people by their race. People are people, look past skin color or regional origin. If you hate Canada, why not leave? OH, it sounds like there are warrants for you in Boston.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I imagine you'll see racism every time you look in a mirror. Your rationalizing of your hatred by saying they hate you shows symptoms of stereotypical American arrogance. Not only are you perptualizing hate, you're propogating a stereotype that is unfair (in cases other than yours, obviously). If Canada is so much your personal hell, why don't you go back home? Right, you can't. It might do you some good to consider for one moment that others aren't the problem. You are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Grow up.

What, they let 12 year olds into Carleton nowadays?

APeacefulPlaceTxAPeacefulPlaceTxover 13 years ago
Funny, a racist thinks everyone else is racist because they aren't "friendly!"?

Could it be that others are repelled by your racism? Growing up can be painful, but the alternative is worse! If you're looking for racism you'll find it everywhere, because you'll take non-racist dislike for it.

I am sick of President Obama's policies and Chiago style of governing. His skin color has nothing to do with it!!!!!!

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