Wild Flower Ch. 06


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"You killed..."

"Yes!" He yelled like a maniac. "I killed him too. You were left alone. But I must say," He chuckled bitterly. "I really underestimated you. I thought you were to be really weak but turns out you were smarter than your father. You never trusted anyone. So..." He looked at Gabriel, grinning at him. "...that's where I had to use my son and of course, Jack. I vowed to get everything he owned and make it my own."

Angelo moved his already swollen eyes to Jack and Gabriel who also had the same intentions of getting rid of him. He cried even more when he looked at the two of them. He couldn't believe the people he trusted had still done that to him. That was something that he didn't even expect his worst enemy to do to him.

"Why?" Angelo asked Jack, looking into his mocking eyes. "Do you hate me that much, Jack? I thought we were meant to be friends, brothers even. I gave you everything that you could ever need in your life. You were part of this..."

"Yes!" Jack said in a really harsh voice. "I was a part of it because I hate you more than anything else in this world. When I found out about Gabriel and heard one of his conversations on the phone, I got it as an opportunity to destroy you. I had to collaborate with him and we worked together."

"You knew him even before..."

"Yes!" Gabriel answered with a really loud laugh. "We knew each other before that. We didn't know how the plan would work because you were such a tough nut to crack. But lucky for me, I used my charm and I could see your love for me the first time we met. Everything else was easy after that. You fell deeper in love with me and we got married even though I didn't love you. I just had to show you that I loved you and you fell for it like an idiot but now..." He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "...I have gained your trust and everything else came into place. It was just a matter of time before everything was over."

"Why?" Angelo cried as hard as he could.

"Did you think anyone would fall in love with someone like you?" He chuckled bitterly. "The only one in my heart is... Jack and I love him so much."

Angelo cried softly, trying to tell himself that what he was experiencing was a really bad dream but it wasn't even a dream. It was reality and he was experiencing it right there. He was deeply hurt. He had thought Gabriel and Jack had betrayed him and wanted his money but turns out the secret was even deeper than he had actually thought it had been. He had no idea what he was gonna do.

After a few seconds of crying and hurting terribly, Angelo slowly rubbed his tears and looked at all the three men in the room. "You will never get your hands on those properties." He said courageously. "I won't give them to you or anyone else." He said with a chuckle.

"Oh really?" Gabriel gave a teasing laugh.

"You may do whatever it is that you want." He said with a voice of pain. "You may kill me even but I will never let you get your hands on my properties, Gabriel. And..." He paused and went back to the past. Then more tears poured down his cheeks, making him even weaker. "That's why you wanted me to change my surname because it would make things easier for you to get your hands on my properties, right?"

Gabriel chuckled, clapping his hands hard. "Wow! You are such a genius. I must give you that. Everything would have been easy but you are such a bastard and you figured it out quickly." Gabriel was using a tone which Angelo found to be surprising. He couldn't believe that man he was speaking to had been his husband. "Everything would have been over and I would have gotten away with it too. Don't you think I am such a great actor?"

Angelo shook his head as more tears came from his eyes. He couldn't believe that he loved the guy that was speaking to him like that.

"You are right about." He said with a painful laugh. "You are such a traitor, Gabriel. I thought I was living with a human but I was wrong. You are a monster. But I will never allow you to get your hands on my properties. You might have kidnapped me but I will never transfer anything. You will pay for that, Gabriel. That's a promise that I am..."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Gabriel laughed, getting closer to Angelo. "And about the properties, we don't need you to transfer anything because..." He paused and gave a sinister chuckle. "...I have already gotten everything."

"What?" Angelo felt as if his life had just flashed before his very eyes.

"That's impossible and..."

"Oh! Wait a minute."

With those words, Gabriel left the room for a moment and came back with a small bag. He gave Angelo a cold look and got some papers from the bag. Then he laughed manically, opening the papers. He raised them in the air for Angelo to see.

Angelo rolled his eyes, moving his eyes to the paper. When he looked at those papers or rather documents, his strength completely left him. His heart broke even more and pounded deep in his chest. He felt a sharp pain pass throughout his entire body. His breaths became violent and painful. His entire body trembled terribly and more tears poured to his face. He was completely flooded.

Angelo felt weak... he felt vulnerable... he felt defeated... he felt cheated... he felt stupid and foolish... he was trembling, hyperventilating. So much was in his mind that he couldn't even think properly. He was frozen and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the documents that Gabriel was holding. He started sobbing terribly, feeling as if a sharp arrow had just pierced his heart. It was ripping him apart, causing him to bleed.

Right in front of him, Gabriel was holding really important documents in his hands. Those documents were not ordinary documents. They were the power of attorney papers and property papers and they had... his signature. He closed his eyes to see if what he was looking at was actually real but it was his signature on all those documents. Gabriel flipped the pages and they all had his signature.

Seeing the look in Angelo's eyes, Gabriel gave a teasing laugh, dropping the documents he was holding. "From the look in your eyes, I don't need to explain to you what these papers are."

Angelo moved his eyes and gave Gabriel a cold look. "When... what..."

"These are your signatures, aren't they?"

"How did you get those?" Angelo quavered. "When... when did I... I sign those documents?"

"Don't you remember?" Gabriel said in mocking astonishment, covering his mouth. "I thought you remembered. Oh wait!" He chuckled as an evil grin appeared on his face. Then he leaned down and got closer to Angelo's face. "I don't think you remember."

Angelo's world was crushing and he had no idea when he had signed those papers. He was trembling and his entire body was betraying him. His entire body felt really cold. It was as if poisonous blood was passing through his veins.

"Well! You signed these documents and..."

"H-how?" He quivered, trying to move his shaky hands. He felt a really sharp headache hit him right there. It was as if his heart stopped beating.

"Don't you remember that night," He chuckled teasingly. "That night I gave you some important documents to sign? The night I was supposed to leave for the meeting in the morning."

Angelo felt really weak as he went down memory lane. He remembered he had signed some documents that night. He remembered he didn't read those documents and Gabriel gave him other documents to sign as well. He had signed them because...

"I guess you remember now, right?" He inflicted more pain on Angelo. "Now that you remember signing these documents, I feel really happy. These documents..." he raised them. "...states clearly that you have transferred all your companies and everything you own in my name. All those companies and anything linked to them are now mine."

Angelo moved his teary eyes to Gabriel, breathing as if he had been in a race.

"You bastard." He cried, dropping his eyes to the floor. "How could you do this to me? I trusted you and you..."

"Of course, your trust is the only thing that has betrayed you." He said harshly. "I must tell you that you are a really smart man. I thought my mission was gonna be impossible after you refused to change your surname. I lost all hope but you provided us with an opportunity once again."

"You bastard." He cried weakly.

"And oh, by the way..." He chuckled. "Do you also know the reason why you were getting weak?" Angelo couldn't stop crying. "You see, with the help of someone really powerful and influential, we were able to do something even great to weaken you and take advantage of you."

"What?" Angelo moved his face up weakly to stare into the face of Gabriel, the face that caused him so much pain. "What are you talking about?"

"Ha ha..." The three of them laughed manically.

"I thought you were smart but turns out you are stupid." Gabriel laughed with mock in his voice. "Well! We had to do something to make you vulnerable." He laughed together with the three men in the room. "And it was..."


"Did you actually think that your sickness or rather your problems were natural?" Gabriel said sparingly. "Well! I guess not."

Angelo got even more agitated when he heard Gabriel's words. He locked his eyes with him and got nothing more than pain and anguish. He just wept. He had lost everything because of that same guy that was in front of him. A few days ago they were both happy but now... his man was evil and had been using him all that time. It was the most painful thing that he had found out. He had no idea what to do with it. How could his husband do that to him?

"That was you too?" He cried.

"Of course," He breathed in satisfaction. "It's a miracle what a rare and important drug with little hallucinogen can do. It did wonders on you and I couldn't have done it better myself. While it was doing its magic on you, all I had to was pretend."

"It was you?" Angelo said harshly though his voice sounded different. "You were the one that was causing me all those problems?"

"Yes! Who else would want you to suffer apart from us?" He asked coldly. "And..."

"What about..."

"With someone powerful, all those doctors were threatened to lie to you." Jack said happily. "They all knew what was going on with you. They knew that there was a dangerous drug that was in your system. All we had to do was continue giving you that drug and you... got headaches, pains and hallucinations. All those nightmares were caused by that drug. Without suspecting anything, you were taking that drug yourself because it was meant to make you better but it was the other way around. Those drugs were making you feel worse."


"I am sure you remember that day I gave you juice, right?" Gabriel raised his eyebrow, giving Angelo an evil grin. "That was the day it all started."

Angelo cried even more that his eyes were swollen and hurting terribly. He'd never been in the situation that he was in his entire life. It was hard and it was painful. He had no idea what to do.

"Why?" He wailed. "I trusted you and you used that against me."

"Yes!" Josh said harshly. "Your faith has led you here." He laughed. "Your parents are dead and your entire family. You are the only one left. Actually, you were supposed to die a long time ago but you were so useful and we couldn't risk that. But now we don't..."

"You will pay for this." Angelo said harshly, looking angrily at the man. "You will pay for killing my parents, my uncle and for all the pains that you've caused us all. You were only obsessed with my family wealth because your businesses were..."

"Sharp up." The man yelled, gripping Angelo's jaws hard.

Angelo used his hands and furiously removed the dirty man's hands.

"You are gonna pay for everything because I am not a weak man. You are..."

"Hmm, I like your confidence but you are not gonna survive this. You are gonna be dead. Do you actually think that you are gonna survive after everything that I have told you. Your days are numbered boy or should I say your hours."

Angelo cried. "You might kill me but karma will catch up with you one day." He said in between sobs. He was trying to act as confidently as he could but his entire body was betraying him. "You are gonna get what you deserve and..."

"Shut the fuck up." Gabriel snapped, stamping his feet on the floor. "Don't you fucking talk to my father like that and..."

"He's a bastard and I don't take orders from anyone." He said harshly. "I don't care if he's your fucking father or your..."

"Shut your trap." Gabriel warned. "You might have had the power out there but in here you are nothing but a prisoner. Now we have your entire wealth. Karma has caught up with your bastard father. Where were you when he made my father suffer and wiped out my entire family?"

"I don't care what you have to say." He cried.

"Good!" He warned, pointing right at Angelo. "You don't know me, Angelo. I am far more dangerous than you can actually imagine. Now that you are gonna be burning in hell..." He laughed manically. "...I will finally be able to control everything that you own. And do you know what's even fun." He laughed. "I have gained the trust of your employees and your workers. That is something that you were never able to do during your tyrant rule."

"I was never a..."

"You may think what you want. Everybody hates you so much." He rubbed more salt into Angelo's wounds. "They never loved you. For the last two months that you were sick, nobody asked about you. Nobody even extended their greetings to you or even said anything nice about you."

Angelo cried even more, trying to make the pain feel a little better but it was really worse and his entire body was in pain. He couldn't control it.

"Wouldn't it be just better if you died?" He continued. "I guess we are gonna be doing them all a favor by wiping you from the face of this earth. You are gonna pay for everything and I am sure no one will ever miss you."

Gabriel got closer to Angelo but Angelo crawled back, moving away from the monster. He had never thought that would ever happen to him. Fear and anger had taken control of him at the same time. He didn't even know what to do.

"Why are you moving away from me?" Gabriel laughed, winking at Angelo. He loved seeing him in the state that he was in. "Don't you want your loving husband to come close to you anymore?"

"Get away from me." He said harshly. "Don't come any closer."

"Why?" He laughed, opening his arms widely. "Don't you want to hug me and kiss me? Don't you want to make love anymore?"

"Get away." He cried softly. "Please."

"Hmm, I never thought you were scared of anything. What happened to the fearless boy I knew days ago?" He teased. "What about the boy that is never scared of anyone and who no one can bring down." He got really close and Angelo moved his face, looking the other way around as Gabriel's love turned to hatred. "This is who you are, a helpless little boy who thinks he is above anyone else. Too bad your sexy body and your beautiful face is going to waste. But..."

Gabriel stopped talking and looked at the scared looking boy. With a deep groan, Gabriel gripped Angelo's hair, bringing his face forward. He looked deep in his eyes and got really close to his face, licking his lips sensually. Then he breathed on Angelo's face hard.

"Tell me," He moaned softly, moving closer to Angelo's face and lips. "Do you still love me like the way you loved me? Do you still desire me and my body? Do you still want me to be your husband? Do you want me to make love to you right here?"

Angelo panted when he felt Gabriel's hot breath on his face. He had known Gabriel was his strength and weakness. At that time he felt so weak that he was trembling. The more Gabriel got closer to his lips, breathing on his face the weaker he got. He felt speechless and he couldn't even move when Gabriel got closer to him. He could still feel the love for him deep inside of him.

"Answer me, baby?" Gabriel moaned, now just an inch away from Angelo. "Should I make love to you right here and..." He brushed his nose on Angelo's. "I am ready to do that right now, baby. Just say yes and I will make..."

"Gabriel." Jack sounded pissed.

Hearing Jack, Gabriel laughed and let go of Angelo, leaving him vulnerable and weak. He was still crying. Gabriel then got up and went to Jack. He gripped his waist and brought him closer to his body. Then he planted a kiss on his lips.

"Don't worry, baby." He said softly. "I was just teasing him to see if he still has feeling for me."

"What do you expect?" Jack said happily. "You are one sexy guy. Anyone can have feelings for you okay? You are so handsome."

Angelo watched everything in pain and anguish. First, the death of his parents had him pinned down by pain and anger at the same time. He was in rage. He couldn't even stop crying.

"By the way," Gabriel chuckled. "You should see Alicia. She is really worried about you. Imagine what she will feel once she discovers that you are dead. You should have seen us last night. We had to play it cool and they all believe us. But don't worry, we will give you a befitting burial as soon as you die, bitch."

Angelo just looked at the three of them and cried even more. "Even at that..." He sobbed. "...you will still pay, Gabriel."

"I won't pay. Everyone will be busy pitying me at your funeral. I have already reported to the police and they are looking for you but too bad they won't find this place."

"You are evil, Gabriel." Angelo cried. "You are really evil."

"Yeah, whatever." He laughed. "I outsmarted you and now... you look stupid and foolish."

"I loved you." Angelo sobbed.

"Well! I already told you I didn't love you so... get that and remember it while dying okay." He laughed. "You are gonna be..."

"Please. Stop it and...Just leave." He slightly raised his voice.

"Fine. Anyway," He chuckled sinisterly. "I have a great surprise for you, okay. I have someone that I want to introduce to you and..."

"I am not interested." Angelo snapped. "I don't want anybody or you. Just leave me alone, Gabriel. I don't want to see you. Please." He cried. "You've hurt me more than I could have ever imagined. All that I want is for you to leave me."

"Hmm," Josh chirped. "I pity you so much but you have to leave. It's just sad that you happened to be your father's son, the man I hate the most. Anyway," He sighed. "We have to leave you now to enjoy the little time that you have."

"Bye!" Gabriel waved. "We will be seeing you very soon."

With those words, the three men started going away. Gabriel had his arms wrapped around Jack and was kissing him from time to time.

"Gabriel!" Angelo called in the most painful voice.

"What?" Gabriel said harshly, furiously turning. "What do you want?"

"Can I speak to you, alone?" He said softly. "I just want to talk to you."

Gabriel looked at Jack and then his father. Both of them looked pissed and they were really surprised.

"Why do you want to see him alone?" Jack thundered, pointing his finger angrily at Angelo. "Are you trying to seduce my man and..."

"It's okay, baby." Gabriel said, raising his hand. "Go out. I will find you outside. This will only be a minute."

Gabriel kissed Jack. Jack left together with Josh. Gabriel slowly came inside, looking at the boy that was slowly getting up from the floor. He went near and he met with Angelo. They were now face to face looking at each other.

Angelo was getting really close to the man that he hated so much and loved too. He couldn't believe it. That grin on his face was only making him madder than he actually was. He couldn't even imagine that the man standing right in front of him was actually the man that he loved so much and gave everything including money and wealth.

"Gabriel, how could you?" He gasped. "How could you hurt me like this? I never thought in my wildest dreams that you would hurt me like this. I have never been hurt like this and not coming from the man that I had actually loved. You knew how my parents died and you are also as guilty as that man you call your father. I gave you everything, my love... my soul... my life and my body. I even gave you money more than you needed. Why would you..."
