Wildlife Adventures

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Asian MILF seduces lone teen out in the wild while camping.
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Chapter 1

As I drove through the mountainous roads, out in the middle of nowhere, I wasn't expecting to find anyone out there besides me.  Most of that was planned since I was driving out in the middle of nowhere to get away from it all back home.  I am feeling a bit frustrated since I haven't gotten laid in awhile, and I admit first and foremost that I am a nerd.  

I'm not being overly modest either; I have square glasses, a thin body, and I'm good with computers.  Sometimes I even wear a fanny pack around my waist for good measure.  Yeah, we're talking that type of nerd.  I am an 18 year old guy who doesn't have sex often, due to not exactly being the hottest commodity on the dating market. 

Due to a life of low self-confidence, I don't have much confidence when it comes to asking women out on dates.  I usually readily accept that they will reject me and don't even try.  

Yeah, I know, it's sad, really.  However, thus is the point of my trip out into the great outdoors.  I would like to find the answers, or at least some answers as to how I can change my life around.  Perhaps it will be to get lasik surgery, or maybe it'll be to find the perfect friend who is into fashion, or maybe I'll figure out that I need to dedicate my life to living in a gym pumping iron so that I can become muscular.  I sigh as I wish it was all easier than this.

Without a doubt, I need to overcome my fears of rejection and I need to improve my social life, but therein lies my reasoning for driving on a getaway.  I am hoping to have a "moment which changes my life".  I have read stories about people who camp out in nature for a week and then as they contemplate on life and what to do with it, they see the answer and it changes their life.  Hopefully that's not just a story they tell to sell stories, but I figure if nothing else, I will get to be alone with my thoughts and analyze myself deeper mentally.  

So, more about me.  My name is Martin and up to this point, I have had sex twice in my life.  The first time was with an African-American MILF and the second time was with an Indian doctor that I went to for an appointment.  Before you break out the champagne and say that I am a mack daddy, please be aware that for those two successes, I had a ton of failures.  More so than I'd like to admit.  Also, I don't think it truly compensated me for a life of always being single and a life of having women snicker at me when they saw me, or to openly laugh at me when I asked them out on a date.  Granted, getting laid by two women is nice, but I still yearn for more.  If you saw some of my jock friends, you'd know what I mean about really being able to get women and to not settle for just a couple women...

So, again, now here I am, driving through the state park, looking for a secluded spot where I can set up my tent and be alone to have my "aha" life-changing moment where I get to see the best version of myself.  The good news is that I have a week of free time, but can leave sooner than that if I want to.  The main point of this whole retreat is to get away from school, my parents, my town, and other people.  

As my car gives everything it has driving up the ascending road, I pause to look around at the beautiful scenery, reminding myself that there are worse things in the world than doing what I'm doing right now as I explore the serenity of nature.  Looking to the right, I see a side road, which I turn onto after slowing down.  My car turns and I slowly continue driving down the road as I get deeper into nature.  Not too far after that I see another side road, paved in dirt which I decide could be a good way to get even more off of the beaten path.  Turning onto the dirt road, I drive down it for a quarter of a mile, turning right once again as I pull into a vacant camping spot which I decide will be my new temporary home.

As I pull into a parking spot and park my car, I look around, noticing that I am surrounded by trees and a couple hiking trails.  Being satisfied that no one else is around, I take the keys from the ignition and pop my trunk as I get out to get my tent from the back of my car.  Walking a hundred feet away from my car, I begin to set up my tent.  Taking my time as I setup my tent, I focus on doing a quality job and I focus on making sure everything is structurally correct in it's assembly, so that I don't have it blow away while I am away from the tent, or even worse, to make sure it doesn't collapse on me while I'm in it.

Wouldn't that make for a funny social media video...

Giving the tent a thorough inspection after it is assembled, I decide all is good and I decide to leave my tent as I prepare to explore the area near me.  I feel okay with leaving the tent unattended since there is nothing of true value in there besides my sleeping bag, cot, pillows, and a few days worth of clothing.  As I look at my possessions inside of the tent, I doubt anyone would want to take any of it, unless they are an errant bear who thinks there's food inside.  

As I walk down the dirt trail, I allow the sounds of nature to surround me as I walk past trees and see birds flying around me as I breathe in the clean air.  The walking continues as I go up inclines and down declines, winding through the trail as I feel myself relaxing.  As I get more into nature, I feel the craziness of the city now far away from where I am now.  I continue hiking along the trail as I steadily walk, not in a rush to get anywhere.  Minutes later, I pause and look off into the distance as I see an opening between a group of trees.  In the not too far distance I see a small camper, and near it I see a woman sitting in a folding chair in what appears to be just her bra and panties, although I can't tell if it's that or just a cheap bikini..   

I just hope she put on some mosquito spray, I say half-joking as I look at her from a distance, continuing to check her out as she has no idea that I am there.

From a distance, she appears to be an Asian woman.  As I look closer from behind the tree I'm using for cover, I notice she has short black hair, a porcelain-toned body, and seems to be in her late 40s.  Even though she is a bit on the older side, she still appears to be cute in her own Asian MILF way.  Her body seems to be well-maintained and as I squint at her, I look again at her white bra and plain white panties as she lays out in the sun as I realize that she's not actually wearing a bikini. As I continue to stare in curiosity, I see her head turn and I wonder if she is looking over at me.

Shit, did she see me? I wonder as I see her head scan around like a sentry as she passes over me and continues scanning back and forth as she takes in her surroundings.  

Retreating behind the tree for a couple seconds to avoid being seen, I allow myself to come out from behind the tree a couple seconds later.  I stick my head back out from behind the tree and it appears as if everything is back to normal and that she didn't see me, as she continues to lay out in her chair near her small camper van.  Moments later she gets up from her reclined position and her sandals touch the dirt as she stands up, once again looking around to be sure no one is in the area.

Thinking that she is surrounded only by nature and no people, I watch as her hands reach behind herself, undoing her bra as she sets it down on top of her shoes; Her small porcelain breasts in plain view as she looks around once again.  Not seeing anyone, she slowly pulls her plain white panties down to her ankles, allowing them to pass over her feet as she sets them down on top of her shoes and bra.  As she stands naked, I feel my breath catch in my throat as I watch her return to her chair as she resumes tanning.  I continue to stare as she puts her arms behind her head, letting the sunlight bathe her as her porcelain skin glistens in the warm summer sun as her naked body takes in the sunlight directly.  

As my eyes begin to wander down her body from her breasts to her flat stomach, I see a round patch of black pussy hair, which seems to cover her crotch in a perfect square.  

Oh golly, usually I think that is gross on women, but on her, for some reason it works, I said as I blinked my eyes, still mesmerized by the sight of her tanning naked fifty yards away from where I stood.  

Maybe I'm imagining all of this.  

Maybe I hiked too hard and exerted too much effort and am now hallucinating about this sexy Asian MILF tanning naked in the middle of nature with no one to witness it...

Pausing to turn back around I look again from the side of the tree trunk as I see the same image that I saw before of her lying naked in her chair, still maintaining the same pose.  

If you really want to prove that it's real, take a photo of it, I thought as I went down to retrieve my smartphone from my pocket.  

As I tried to take a photo of her nude body, I remembered that the battery had died since I had forgotten to charge it on the drive up to the wilderness.  

Shit! I thought as I was at a loss of what to do at that exact moment since I had no way to take a photo to prove what I was seeing.

Getting a bright idea, I began to jog, then run back to my car, determined to charge my phone just enough to get a photo of the woman to prove that I wasn't hallucinating or going mildly insane. Pretty soon I was in a full-on sprint as my chest heaved with exertion from running so hard as I ran back to my campsite.  A few minutes later I reached my car, quickly unlocking the car door as I put the keys in the ignition, turning the key one notch to illuminate my dashboard.  Reaching down, I plugged in my dead phone into the charger to get some life into it.  I looked down and noticed that the battery was now at 1%, as I cursed myself for not coming to the campsite with my phone fully charged.

As I closed my eyes and waited on my phone, I truly wondered if I had just seen what I thought I did back there with that mystery woman.  Most likely, I figured, I had seen that woman tanning in her underwear, but tout of wishful thinking and minor heat stroke I pictured her naked on the chair.  

Allowing myself to indulge in my fantasy, I began to wonder what if it was true that I had really seen what I thought I did.  I began to think of her naked body and what it would be like if I got to lay on top of her while she laid in the chair, both of our bodies wrapped in the other's as we laid naked on the chair with my penis snugly inside of her.  

I pictured her begging me to stuff her deeper, yearning for me to fill her up as we made love on her folding chair...Not stopping until she came and until I felt my entire load pass through the tip of my cock and into her wet, tight, Asian pussy...

Snap out of it, she's probably married or not into you, the protective voice in my head said as I continued to fantasize about her. 

Well, what if she's single?  Or better yet, what if she is on vacation from her family and is open to a random fling?  I thought in a sort of mental compromise.  

Yeah, it's all fun and games until she rejects you like so many other women did, the hater voice in my head told me as I thought about her naked body some more.

Looking down at my phone, I noticed that the battery was now at 10%, which was just enough to stay powered up and get a few clear photos of her with.  As I took the keys out of my car and locked the doors, with my phone in my pocket, I went into a dead sprint, heading back towards where the Asian woman was camping out at.  A few minutes later I reached the part of the trail which lent a view to her campsite as I saw her tanning once again on the chair, lying on her back as the sun beat down on her.  Taking my phone out of my pocket, I pulled up the camera app, getting ready to take a photo of what I literally and figuratively had came back there for.  

Chapter 2

As the photo lens appeared on my camera, I centered it towards her sexy naked body, zooming in on her naked front side.  As the camera zoomed in, I looked again and saw that there was a white towel covering her crotch and she had her bra back on.  Figuring that I had truly hallucinated earlier, I put my phone back down as I looked at her again, wishing that I had been treated to the sight I had seen earlier.

While the sight of her in her bra and with a white towel running over her crotch wasn't a bad sight, it wasn't what I had truly wanted to see again.  Sighing in disappointment, I heaved my shoulders as I looked down at the dirt, unsure of what to do next.  However, as I stood there with my hand against the tree, I turned back to face her and I noticed that this time she appeared to be looking right at me with a scowl on her face as she had detected me standing from a distance and staring at her.

Shit, I'm caught! Retreat! My mind shouted as I ran from behind the tree and headed back to my campsite, going as fast as I could go, thankful that I was wearing camping shorts and a t-shirt.  This made it much easier to run away faster, faster, and farther away from the Asian MILF who had just been tanning naked fifty yards away from me mere moments before.

Chapter 3

As I got back to my campsite, I quickly retreated to my tent, hiding out and praying that she didn't find me as I zipped the tent up behind myself.  As I sat in the tent, I felt my chest heave as I tried to calm myself down.  

Relax, you might have looked like a creeper, but you didn't do anything illegal. Plus, you could always say that you were just randomly walking and saw her...That is, if you ever see her again...

Plus, if anything else, she was the one at-fault by tanning naked in an area that backed up to a trail...

Reassuring myself that she probably couldn't have cared less about chasing me down, I admitted that there was a strong chance that I had been watching too many horror movies lately and that I was making a mountain out of a molehill.  I guessed that an Asian lady of her age would probably just shrug it off or laugh and go back to what she was doing before she saw me.  

Hey, there are worse things in the world than having a guy half your age check you out since he thought you were cute, or so I figured. 

I felt my breathing return to normal as I admitted that I overreacted, as I let out a small laugh at how paranoid I had acted just now with the whole notion that she would actually get up and follow me to my campsite.

Yeah, talk about neurotic...  

Feeling safe as I was securely zipped up inside of my tent, I listened as I tried to focus on the world outside my tent for any abnormal sounds.  As I continued to listen, all I heard were birds and the wind running up against my tent.  Truly, nothing out of the ordinary.  Nope, there were no chainsaws, no scary sounds, but just birds in the distance and the wind gently passing through the campsite.  

Well, talk about an active imagination...I thought as I began to chuckle.  

There was absolutely no reason for me to even...

"Hello? Is anyone there?" a heavily-accented female voice inquired from outside of my tent.

Chapter 4

Staying deathly silent, I sat in the tent, hoping she'd go away and not return and think I wasn't home in my tent.

Hmmm, actually, talking to her might not be such a bad thing...

"Don't be scared, I'm not upset, just trying to find young man who look at me," she said in a patient voice as she stood outside of my tent.

Be careful, this may just be bait to lure you out.  

Stay quiet, I said as I kept myself as quiet as could be.  

"I mean, if you want to take photo of me, that's fine.  I just figured you would have chosen someone younger and more pretty," she said in a self-deprecating voice as I involuntarily chuckled out loud at her joke.

SHIT!  Well, so much for not being in my tent.  Now she knows I'm in here!

"Oh, so there IS someone in that tent," she said as a couple seconds later I heard her fingers rapping on my tent door.  

"Will you please open this?" she asked as she stood outside my tent as she waited for me.

"Uh, I'm uh, sorry, ma'am, it wasn't what it looked like when I had my phone out," I said meekly.

"It's fine, I'm not going to do anything bad, can I at least introduce myself to you?" she asked as the voice came in from the other side of the tent. 

"I, umm, I, maybe that's okay," I said shyly.

Come on, Martin, there's a woman out there that you are attracted to.  

Quit being so shy!

"Please, just open it.  I'm not leaving until you do," she said in a joking sing-song tone of voice, then quickly corrected herself so that she didn't seem like the stalker.  

"Sorry, wrong time for humor.  If you don't want me here, I'll leave.  I just came by to say hi."

Something in her voice sounded sincere and I crawled over to unzip the tent door as I saw her stop and turn around and walk back towards me once she saw my face smiling at her through the opening in the tent.  Up close she had a kind face and an even cuter body, which was now covered by a towel.  

"You'll have excuse me, I really should have changed before I came, but all I have on now is this towel," she said matter-of-factly as I felt myself begin to get slightly aroused.

"No worries, you are okay just the way you are," I said, feeling my cheeks turn red with nervousness.

"I think you saw me when I try to tan my whole body," she said, staring at me with a neutral expression.

"Umm, well, I noticed that you didn't have any clothes on and looked away quickly," I said, feeling my arousal begin to return as her brown eyes looked into mine with a twinkle, as she smiled down at me through the tent door. 

"Did you like what you saw?" she asked, her voice taking on another neutral tone.

"Umm, well, the scenes of nature in that area were quite attractive, so yes, I did," I replied, playing dumb.

"Haha, you funny.  No, I mean, you like seeing my naked body?" she asked as she bent down in front of my tent door, her small cleavage showing off to me. 

"It, well, I, geez, truth be told, umm," I stuttered, feeling my nervousness begin to rise at her playful question.

"You can think about it for second.  May I come in to tent?"

"Y-y-yes," I replied as I scooted back on the tent floor, allowing her to enter as she zipped the tent door up behind herself.

"You a funny young man, don't think I didn't notice you when you look at my naked body from far away.  Now, I wouldn't have tanned naked had I known that people were around, but I looked out and saw you behind a tree pointing your camera at me while I was tanning naked," she informed me as she gave me an impish grin.

"It, it, it must have been a misunderstanding.  I saw a rare bird that was flying around your campsite," I said as I grew nervous looking into her brown eyes and at her pretty MILF face.

A bird flying around her campsite?  Seriously?  A bird flying around..., but before my mind could finish, I quickly shut it up.

"Maybe it was.  But, tell me, again, did you like what you saw?" she asked in a playful voice as her porcelain hand rested on my knee, just below the bottom of my short shorts.

"Yes! I mean, umm, the bird was an attractive bird," I waffled as I tried not to sound like a pervert.  

"Well, here, I'll make you a deal.  Get your camera ready.  No, wait.  Better yet, let me see your camera," she ordered as I dug into my pocket and handed it to her.

I watched as she pulled her towel aside, sticking the camera underneath it as the sound of the photo being taken filled the tent.  Pulling my phone back out from her towel, she looked at the photo with a satisfied grin as she smiled widely.  A moment later she handed me the phone as I looked at the photo.  Upon seeing the photo my breath caught in my throat as I realized it was the exact same body I had seen earlier, as my eyes remained glued on the photo.