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There I would be on safer grounds since I could play tennis. We made a time and that brought the evening to an end, almost. As I went to leave Willow stood near me and stretching up placed her hand on one of my cheeks and on the other I felt soft, warm lips pressed.

"Thank you for coming with me," she said.

Had this been any other female this would have been the moment when I grabbed her to me and try to bring the evening to a climax, literally. I felt no such urge with Willow; it would have been as if I'd defiled something - taken a gorgeous rose and torn it to pieces.

I staggered home, horny and disorientated, trying to work out what was happening to me.

Chapter 7Tennis and Jealousy

The next week was the last of my vacation. My parents had arranged to spend the week with my grandmother – mother's mother – who was said to be "Ailing." Mother had filled the freezer with pre-cooked meals for me to unfreeze, and father lectured me about wild parties, broken ornaments and cigarette burns on furniture. Since I did not smoke myself and had no intention of holding wild parties, his talk was superfluous, but I accepted it in humble silence.

There were some details of my up coming course that needed tying up and there were books and a few pieces of equipment to be bought. The first couple of days were spent dealing with these matters.

The next day, Wednesday, was my tennis date with Willow. I presented myself at her door to be greeted by a white tennis dress clad Willow. This had much the same effect on me as the first time I saw her like that, and it can be difficult to hide an erection when you're only wearing tennis shorts.

We set off with me wheeling Ann in the pusher and Willow carrying our tennis rackets. On arrival at the courts I was somewhat put-out on seeing that my late girl friend Betty was already playing a game with a male partner. She spotted me and her look was one of triumphant venom. It was as if to say, "See what I've got."

Willow and I played the first set, and she proved to be a very good player. It took all my efforts to win that set.

As we rested after the set Betty came over bearing her male partner like a trophy and introduced him. I think his name was Arnold, and he was a tall good looking guy. Betty took the opportunity while Willow and Arnold were having a few words to whisper maliciously, "Saw you with the pusher; playing daddy now, are we?"

I didn't bother to answer, partly because I could see Arnold and Willow, their heads close together, laughing at some remark Arnold had made. Betty spotted this too, and she didn't bother to hide the look of fury on her face.

My own response was that of agonising jealousy. Betty snapped, "Come on, let's play the next set," and practically dragged the guy away. He called back to Willow, "Perhaps we'll meet again." Willow made no reply, but I thought, "So in the end she's just like the other women."

Willow seemed to be unperturbed by Betty's obvious wrath and said, "Shall we play the next set?"

My own fit of pique made itself felt and I replied, "Perhaps you'd rather play with Arnold or whatever his name is."

Willow looked very distressed by my vehemence and said, "Ross, I came to play with you, why do you think I'd want to play with someone else?"

The gentleness of her reply caught me off guard but I blundered on; "You seemed to be getting on very well with him."

"What is the matter with you Ross? He was only telling me some silly joke; it wasn't even really funny but I thought I'd be polite and laugh."

She paused for a moment looking puzzled then said, "Ross, you're not jealous are you, there's no reason for you to be?"

"No, I suppose there isn't, after all, we don't owe each other anything."

The moment I'd said the words I regretted them. They were unnecessary and were intended to hurt.

Willow in her gentle way took the sting out of my unpleasant remark.

"Ross, it isn't a matter of us owing each other anything. I'm here with you, not anyone else, and I'm here with you because I want to be, just as I wanted you to be with me when we went to the exhibition; if I must spell it out, I just like being with you."

Her words made me feel like the oaf that I was and I said so; "I'm sorry Willow, I don't know why you bother with me I'm such a clumsy fool; it's just that...well...I've never met anyone like you before."

She sat looking at me for what seemed an age, then very quietly and deliberately she said, "I don't think you're a clumsy fool Ross. You've been very kind and helpful and from the first time we met I liked you and if I'm something new in your experience then you have to understand that you're new to me. Now shall we play another set?"

We only managed one more set which I lost. It was lunch time and Ann was growing restive so we made our way back to Willow's house. As we left the court I could see Betty having a blazing row with her partner.

When we got to her house Willow asked, "Would you like to have lunch with us, or is your mother expecting you?"

"Mum and dad are away for the week," I explained, "so yes, I'd like to have lunch with you, it'll save me having to do some unfreezing."

"Bloody clumsy again," I thought.

Willow bustled about getting lunch ready, a simple meal consisting of a delicious soup and bread rolls followed by some fruit. Willow had to attend to Ann as we ate, but she said, "As your parents are away, why don't we make a day of it. We could go out somewhere this afternoon – I've kept intending to take Ann to the zoo, why don't we go there and then you can stay and eat with us this evening." She smiled and added, "You won't have to do any unfreezing."

"I didn't mean it like that Willow, I want..."

"I know you didn't, I was just joking."

Chapter 8Love Will Out

After lunch I went home briefly to change into something more suitable for zoo visiting. My world was upside down and inside out; I would be with Willow for the rest of the day, an impossible dream come true. When I went back to the house Willow had changed into a fawn pants suit.

Going to the zoo had never been my idea of an entertaining time, but with Willow everything was transformed. We wandered past exotic creatures; watched while Ann took a ride on an elephant; we ate ice-cream, and when Ann grew tired I carried her. This was not really a selfless act since holding Ann made me feel as if I was holding part of Willow.

My morning jealousy gone I didn't care that men turned to stare after Willow; she was with me and I loved her and could only feel sorry for the guys who were not with her. No more inner conflicts; never mind mother's warnings, I was in love with Willow and this made me want to love the whole world. It was she, Willow, who seemed to lend beauty to everything around her, and even I felt less of an oaf.

We didn't bother to go back to her house to eat; instead we bought a meal in the zoo cafeteria, and after that made our way home with me bearing a weary Ann. I thought my day with Willow was at an end, but she invited me in saying we could spend the evening together.

With Ann tucked up in bed Willow put on some of her music and poured two drinks; brandy and dry again. We sat in companionable silence for a while. After a second drink I loosened up somewhat and told her about my vacation being just about over.

"We won't be seeing so much of you then," she commented.

A little alcohol can often draw out much truth, and I suppose that was what happened to me that evening.

"Do you want to see much of me?" I asked.

She looked at me for a few moments then in a very low voice said, "You know I do, Ross."

It was my turn to be silent and in that silence it all came welling up. I could no longer hold down what I longed to say to her, and putting our whole relationship at risk I said, "I love you Willow."

"Ross!" she said in an oddly serene voice.

We had been sitting opposite each other but now she rose and came to me and leaning over she kissed me. At first it was a soft warm kiss, but slowly her mouth opened. I drew her down onto my lap and our tongues began to contend with each other for entry into each other mouths.

On entering the house Willow had removed her jacket and now only a soft cream shirt covered her breasts. Very cautiously I cupped one of her small breasts with my hand and she made no opposition. I started to unbutton her shirt and then her firm exquisite little breasts with their pink nipples were exposed. After all the large mammary glands of my past experience I wondered at how sweet Willow's breasts looked, and how warm and smooth they were under my hand.

We sat like that for some time kissing as my hand continued to caress her breasts. There was none of the wild exuberance of my past love making; we were engaged in an expression of almost wordless love.

After several minutes of this touching and caressing Willow got off my lap and standing began to remove her pants and panties to stand naked before me. I looked at her small but gracefully formed body and it had the look of almost virginal innocence with its little vee of pubic hair partially concealing the lips of her vulva.

She spoke and said, "Let me see your body Ross."

It was my turn to stand a strip and then to stand before her naked. Her hand touched my hard penis as if exploring, feeling its length and circumference. She gave a gasp and said, "Darling, it's very big...I'm very small, you will be gentle, won't you?"

"Yes, I'll be very gentle," I said.

I was about to pick her up and carry her to the bedroom, but she gently urged me back onto the chair and then sat astride me, slowly lowering herself onto me. At the first touch of her warm, moist inner lips I felt a thrill of overwhelming pleasure and love wash over and through me.

Then I was very slowly penetrating her. I could feel the tightness of her vaginal canal as it gripped my shaft with the spasmodic flexing of her vaginal muscle. When she had lowered her self to take my full length she spoke again sighing, "Oh Ross, my love" in tones of deep contentment, then she kissed me again and I was once more fondling her breasts.

It was all so slow, so unhurried, as if we wanted to linger over this first experience of each other's bodies. I felt that for the first time I was truly making love and not just fucking.

Willow drew back her head and arched her back and began to move on me with short sharp gasps with every downward thrust. Her movements became more rapid and I took hold of her hips, moving her up and own on me.

Suddenly she gave a little squeal and said, "It's coming darling, it's coming, come with me."

I released the first discharge of sperm into her; she cried out "Oh my darling...Oh God...oh...oh...Aaaah..." She pressed down harder on me as if to get my seed deep into her and I responded by dragging even more firmly on her hips. She let out one wild anguished cry and started to make quick flicking motions over my shaft while I continued to pump my sperm into her.

"It's beautiful...it's beautiful..." she kept repeating until finally she relaxed and slumped over me smothering my face with moist kisses until she buried her face against my chest and burst into tears.

Concerned I held her and asked, "What's the matter, did I hurt you?"

Through her sobs she answered, "No...no...it's just that it's been so long."

I thought she might want to remove my penis from her vagina so I started to lift her but she protested, "No...No stay with me...stay for a little longer."

She cried herself out and then looked at me and said, "I'm a slut, aren't I?"

"No," I replied, "it couldn't have been so wonderful if you were but...but you never gave me any indication, not a single hint that you wanted me to..."

"I've learned to hide my feelings but when you said you loved me...and I could see you meant it, I had to...I couldn't...it...something seemed to take over and I wanted to make love with you so badly. Darling, you don't have to go home; stay the night with me."

There are times when you wonder if you're dreaming; when something you've longed for happens and it's more beautiful that you'd ever imagined; it's then that you think that you might wake up at any moment to a mundane reality.

That's how I felt at that moment. The start of our first embraces and kisses had had a dreamlike quality and it had only been as we climaxed together that the carnal reality had really struck home, and now this lovely gentle little woman was asking me to spend the night with her, and this too had an otherworldly quality.

I removed my penis from her vagina and picked her up in my arms; she felt so light and fragile I feared I would crush her. I carried her to her bedroom and laid her on the bed.

For a few moments I stood looking at her and understood why for some people sexual intercourse is an almost religious act. I had what must seem like a crazy thought that I wanted to worship her as if she were a sacred shrine. I adored her and loved her in a way I had never known before; a gauche devotee gazing at the sacred object of his devotion.

She extended her arms to me saying, "Come and lay beside me and touch me."

I kissed her and gently touched her breasts as if fearing she might break under my embrace.

"Darling," she whispered with a hint of laugher in her voice, "I'm not made of glass, I won't shatter."

She put a hand under one of her breasts and raised its nipple toward me and I took it into my mouth. As I suckled her she made soft sighing sounds of contentment.

I had no need to part her legs since she had opened them herself ready to receive me. When I came over her I rested on my elbows, still fearful that I might crush her under my weight, and when guided by her hand I entered her tight, hot little vaginal canal I could feel the mixture of our fluids from our first coupling.

As I moved in her, very slowly at first, she stroked my hair and face murmuring, "I love you...I love you..."

We took a long time to come and the first intimations of her approaching orgasm were cries, that at first were low whimpering sounds of, "No...no...no darling I can't...I can't stand it;" cries that intensified and changed to "Oh my God...yes...yes...don't stop...don't stop..."

I felt her legs wind round me and I put my hands under her buttocks and we struggled together as I shot my sperm into her. I groaned with ever new ejection as she howled and wept in the anguish and ecstasy of her climax.

It took a long time for her orgasmic after shocks to fade away, and I continued to move in her until I felt her slow down and relax.

Those green eyes looked into mine as if questioning and seeking something there. Not sure what it was she sought I tried to reassure her saying, "I love you so much, Willow."

She turned her head away, burying it against my shoulder as if suddenly shy and not wanting me to look at her. I knew this was no passing infatuation or lust. From the first she had touched something deep inside me; something that had lurked there long before I met her; it had awaited its object and had found it in Willow. I loved her and longed to protect and cherish her.

I moved to lie beside her and drew her close. She felt almost like a child in my arms; a child seeking comfort, and I wondered what her past had been. I could not bring myself to ask her, thinking that when she was ready she would tell me.

A shiver of apprehension ran though me; would there come a time when I too must speak of my past behaviour for surely lovers must have no secrets from each other? They must know the best and the worst of each other or their love is only founded on quicksand.

Willow started to speak; "Darling, I want you to stay with me, but you'll have to leave before Ann wakes because she always comes in to see me for a morning cuddle and it's too soon for her to see us together."

I indicated that I understood and suggested we should take a shower since the aroma of our couplings was quite potent and the mixture of Willow's lubricant and my sperm must have been oozing out of her.

She seemed very weary and I think would have gone to sleep had I not picked her up and carried her to the shower. I felt that her tiredness emanated less from our sexual activity than from another emotional conflict that was going on in her. I washed her as she leaned against me, and once more I thought she was in a sense sheltering herself in what she perceived as my strength.

I made no further attempt to engage her in sex in the shower or when we went back to bed. She curled up against me laying one hand on my cheek, and whispering, "goodnight my love," slipped into sleep.

I lay awake for some time contemplating her and felt an almost aching desire to shelter her from whatever troubled her.

I was awakened in the morning by Willow shaking me.

"Ross...Ross...Ann will be here soon, you must get up."

I rose and went to the lounge where we had undressed to find Penny curled up asleep on my clothes that were lying on the floor. I pushed her off and dressed while Willow picked up her things and kissing me said, "Come back later today if you can, darling, I want to talk."

Chapter 9I Learn what Ailed Willow

In the half light of the dawn I made my way back to my house still wondering if I had been dreaming. There were so many confusing questions going round in my head mainly concerning the future; how my parents would take it if they learned of the relationship I now had with Willow; what could I, a student offer Willow, and thinking of Ann and Willow's words about Ann not knowing yet about us. It was this thought that led on to my wondering if among all my other transgressions I was now engaged in an adulterous affair. Was there a husband, and if so, where was he?

I did a bit of clearing up around the house and unfroze one of mothers meals for lunch. I knew that Ann had an afternoon sleep, and since Willow had mention "talk" I thought it best to wait until we could talk freely.

When around one o'clock I went back to Willow, Anne was still up and awake. There was no intimate greeting between Willow and me, and anxious to learn what Willow had to say I waited impatiently for the child to be put to bed. When she was put to bed we then had to wait for a while to ensure she was asleep.

We went out onto the patio and sat opposite each other at a small table. Willow looked at me for a few moments as if she was assessing my mood, and then said, "There's something I need to tell you about myself."

Unsure how to respond I simply nodded and she went on, "Have you ever wondered why we've come to live here, Ann and me?"

I admitted I had been curious.

"I suppose you've guessed I've been married?"

"I thought you might have been; are you still married?"

She shook her head and said, "Divorced."

At least we hadn't committed adultery. "Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"Not just that; I want to tell you why I'm divorced."

I started to protest; "But you don't have..."

"I want to; I want to I suppose just to have things clear between us."

She had been talking in a slightly edgy, brittle manner, but now her speech became heartfelt.

"Last night it was really me who made the approach to you and..."

Again I made to protest but she cut me off.

"No, let me tell you. You may believe me or not, but I don't make sexual approaches lightly, in fact last night was the first time ever. For me sex has to be with someone I love, and I love you, and because I love you I want you to know why I'm here with Ann."

"You're hiding from your ex-husband?"

She gave a bitter laugh; "Not quite. You see, he's in prison."

"Prison, what for?"

"Sex with an underage girl whom he got pregnant."

Given all the media hype that was current about underage sex the revelation was not altogether surprising, but I did wonder how a man married to someone as lovely as Willow would want to look elsewhere for sex.