Winding Creek Pt. 09 - Conclusion

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Tying up loose ends n Thank You.
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Tiffany Ann set the edge of the bed, her pale breasts gentle movin' n soft smilin' up at Lucas as she worked the shavin' soap in the heavy cup n brush set to a rich, thick lather.

"Linda Jean sent your razor n a fresh made shirt. She's concerned about you... Stayin' here in town n all L.B.."

Lucas was sit-layin' on the bed, back against the pillows watchin' her. She liked how his eyes would move from hers to enjoy the soft movin' of her breasts n then back to her eyes again. Lucas had one of those new kinda looks on his face they'd share since they'd become intimate... One she were not quite sure of.

"You know you got the whole town waggin' their tongues girl. You bein' here in town n not wearin' your mournin' dress n bonnet."

She knew and didn't give two hoots or a damn.

"I'm sorry Lucas, but I had the man at the welcome desk make sure I had a room far away from you n mama stayin' in a room center between us. Besides, the Reverand Stouts stoppet by n said there were no sense in me mourning over Jack any more seein' how he did us and our son."

Lucas Blake half smiled.

"That 'gentleman' at the desk is Fritz Schmidt, Helgas husband. He were a brewer back in Germany; made beer. After things settle a bit, he'll bein' doin' the same here... For us. He don't know that yet, but you'd do well to quietly put that fact inta that pretty little head of yours n do what's right by 'im."

Tiff reached next to Lucas n took the foldet towel off the near table n laid it over his lap. Gently, she ran the tip of her finger over the long, hard pink scar that ran from his side up n across his chest t'ward his shoulder.

"I think me n Mama need to head home this morning Lucas. Linda Jean should know all the happenin's these past few days n not from someone else."

"All of 'em?"

He reached out n circled her sleepin' nipple. She giggled a bit as she spread the lightly scented lather over the near side of his face, chin n neck. He gently tweaked the rising puffy pink skin 'fore he settled back again. She lifted the side of his face with her forefinger n thumb as she peered over her pretty little upturnt nose.

"You mite want to let that be L.B., I'll need a steady hand here."

Three wide swipes cleart a day of stubble from most that side of his face. A quick wipin' of the gleamin' steel on the towel n movin' her hand some n she slow shaved his neck n chin.

"Easy now."

A soft giggle.

"Hush you."

The straight razor scraped a bit here n there n then she were turnin' his face. The soap was rubbed on the other side n the straight razor made short work of her chosen chore. A gentle wipin' with the towel n Lucas was runnin' his fingertips over his fresh smootht skin.

"You missed above my lip."

She folded the straight razor into it's walnut handle n gathered the towel.

"I told you I wanted to see you with a mustache L.B.."

Luke wrinkled his forehead as he lookt at 'er.

"Your wife agrees with me."

Tiffany Ann ran her finger over the neglected skin above his lip.

"Two weeks, maybe three n we all can decide."

Lucas took her by the wrist n drew her close. Closin' his mouth over hers for a gentle kiss, he weren't ready for her to push her tongue inta his mouth. He lingered a bit, enjoyin' her attentions 'fore easin' her away.

"You best get to your own room n mess up the bed some. Jist in case someone comes lookin'."

She reached down n rubbed the slow swellin' bulge under the sheet just below his waist n looket over her shoulder at the still dark window.

"It's early yet L.B."

She closed her fingers around the hardening flesh.

"Don't you ever get enough Tiff."

She pouted a bit before runnin' her hand up n then under the sheet coverin' his waist.

"Not lately."

Lucas grunted when her small fingers took hold of what she'd been teasin'.

"I know this belongs to Linda Jean at the ranch... But we're not at the ranch now."

She squeezed tite before movin' her fingers slow up n down.

"I do love this cock Lucas."

She looket deep inta his eyes, searchin' for what reaction she'd get with her vulgar words. Lucas let her know by pullin' her mouth to his. His kiss was hungry, even after all they shared the night before. His hand slipped between her thighs, cuppin' her tender 'pink little pussy' as he called it. She broke the kiss.

"Mmmm... You gonna make your little whore do more bad things again L.B.?"

There wasn't the kindness she had had earlier as his fingers prodded then thrust deep inside. Her quick need n the long night's leavin's eased the hurt from the deep invasion.

"Oh gawd...."

Pullin' her arm hard, she found herself laid next to him as his fingers kept up the rough penetration, turnin' n twistin'. She opened her pale thighs wider. His green eyes flashed as she lifted her hips inta the two fingers bored deep inside.

"This what you want Tiff? Treated like sum gal that's been bought n paid for."

His thumb found her clit as he curled his fingers upward. His mouth found her taut nipple, suckin' it hard before swallowin' as much of her breast as he could. She lifted her hips higher to get more of him as his free hand found her other breast, fingers closin' hard on her nipples tip. Her long hiss ended with a deep groan as the delicate skin tightened far inside. He slowed his attack on her quick wettin' sex. She rolled her red, tightened face. His mouth explored her bristling skin...


A very pleased Tiffany Ann cuddled close, her fingers wandering over the front of his shoulders as she lay close as she could on his chest.

"I don't think I'll ever get enough of you Lucas Blake."

He kissed the top of her damp, straw colored hair. She tightened her well used pussy around the softenin' flesh that was still left inside.

"Mmmm... We got plenty of time Tiff."

She rubbed her cheek against him, drawin' his scent deep inside.

"Do we Lucas... I see the way Sally looks at you and I notice the other two whores tryin' to keep their soft looks at ya hidden from both her and me..."

She playfully slippet her hand between 'em tuggin' at his nipple.

"...You gonna add a redhead to your stable L.B.?"

He chuckled.

"I don't think I'll be able handle that with all your wantin' ways Missy... But the thought has occurred to m..."

Tiffany's fingers bit hard...

-------------------------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------------------

Sally Tart fended sleep as Stephen Bennett, quiet as could be, slippet from her bed. He was a good-looking young man. Clean n neat and a fair kisser too. He was unsure of himself when she encouraged him to join her for a walk after dinner n skittish when she finally led him up to her room. Sally had never had to ask any man she wanted to join her, but Stephen was shy: near timid. She'd dealt with shy before, but not this kind.

He'd been mostly quiet this evening as the Blake's n their friends enjoyed Lucas's 'full exoneration' as Pickett called it. The gathering enjoyed a fine dinner Helga had made special, including two different kinds of pie n something called strudel. During drinks afterwards, Lucas had asked her quietly to make Stephen a man.

She didn't hesitate, but this one was a hard nut to crack. He were restless when she tried to kiss him... Shied away when she put her hand on his manhood. He wasn't rude, just distent. His eyes were honest when he told she was the prettiest woman he'd ever spent time with, but what he'd really like was to just hold her close... Maybe cuddle a bit.

She didn't push it, deciding that she'd try n ease him into a bit more intimacy as the night passed. She'd fallen asleep in his arms, her cheek laid against his chest n wrapped tight in his arms...

-------------------------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------------------

The future Mrs. Tee laid quietly in 'er bed watching the slow comin' mornin' light peek around the fancy calico n lace curtains pulled tite over the window. She kinda liked her first stay in a hotel. Besides store bought, hot ironed sheets, she had what they called a commode closet; a fancy chamber pot in a nice cabinet with a cleant wash basin n a large pitcher filled with fresh water on it's polished top. Of course, having that bastard Pickett give up the nicest room in the hotel for her was just icin' on the cake.

Though she wouldn't have refused a late-evenin' ride back to the ranch to be with her daughter, Linda Jean, this was nice. She'd taken note how her youngest, the most pregnant woman she'd ever seen, struggled with gettin' up to help with the alterations to her near black crepe mournin' dress she were to wear on her first trip to town since J.D.'s passing. It were Luna that finally asked if Linda Jean mite help with alterin' Stephen's Sunday shirts knowin' that would keep her daughter sittin' n off her feet. The closeness Luna had with both her daughters made her more than a blessin'. Just another member of the Blake family now.

Debra Ann thought on how the sometimes-nervous young Stephen was havin' a hard time bein' part of the ever growin' Blake clan. Like her daughters, she had no idea what Lucas had planned for the boy. She did take note of Sally spendin' more time with 'im then she felt proper durin' n then after dinner...

Closin' her eyes, she remembered hearin' Tiffany earlier as she tried to quietly return to her own room that were right next to hers. She knew the sounds her oldest daughter made when she tried to do such things. Lucas had found some way to make her oldest daughter feel good again, bringing 'er back from the dark place her marriage had sent her.

If someone had said years ago when Lucas Blake was brought into their lives that things would be anywhere near what they were fast becoming, she'd slappet the taste outta their mouth.

She wanted to linger here a bit longer, thinkin' about this n that, but thoughts of Horace Pickett kept crowdin' her mind. The way he avoided her eyes yesterday at the inquiry n then after bein' special nice, shared their victory dinner. Shared. That bastard figured he'd gotten away with it. She weren't sure how she managed to keep a smile on her face when he'd try n chat then talk with her a bit. She 'playet him like a fish' like J.D. used to say, even fetchin' him a drink once when his near emptied.

Then she watchet as Lucas n Quick helpet 'im to his room when he had bit to much to drink. (Edith Nelson always kept a bit of laudanum in the storeroom at the Mercantile). She marked the time close, then excused herself to those that mattered to go up to her own room. There were enough shenanigans goin' on to make her leavin' near unnoticed...

Closin' her eyes again, she remembered how she asket Luis to empty the wash basins n fetch fresh water so the gals could 'tidy' up a bit. Gretchen took the chance to offer up everything she knowd about the Judge to save her own hide, includin' the fact that he kept a secret diary. When the young gal seen Debra Ann was interestet, she shared how he always kept it hidden in his room, under the top of the bed in which he were sleepin'.

Debra Ann had found that diary late last night after the drugged man had fallen hard asleep. Checkin' the last few entries n seein' nothin' about her own self, she read some of the tales it told. Foul, evil stories 'bout his doin's n such. Lucas would be well served knowin' what was there, but she weren't the one to show 'im. She'd have to figure out how.

Debra Ann smiled soft. She were gonna take care of hers anyway she could: just like she'd done with Mathew Billings...

-------------------------------------------------------- 0 -------------------------------------------------------------

Stephen Bennett had been deep thinkin' all mornin' about his choice not to try things with Sally Tart. He'd never been with a woman before. Had no need. He were even more concernet when he'd seen Lucas with the near beautiful whore and what mite be bein' said. He saw no answers in Mr. Blake's face when he came to his table in the eatery.

"Stephen. I need you ready the carriage n take Tiffany Ann n Mama home as soon as they're ready. Tell Linda Jean I'll be home today."

Lucas took two steps away, then turnt to look at 'im again.

"I'd like you to make some time for me this evening."...

---------------------------------------------------------- 0 -----------------------------------------------------------

Sally tried hard to hide her pleasure at her new responsibilities as she n Lucas shared a drink 'fore he left for home. Joel Tinker had just left after tellin' Lucas that Patch were grained up n ready to go.

"So you believe I were right about the boy?"

She met Lucas's ever changing green eyes: Pasture green now. Relaxed. Tiffany Ann must be quite the woman to quiet a man after all that happenet yesterday.

"I do. He's the kindest young man I've ever known Mr. Blake. Most everything you said n maybe a bit more."

"No interest at all you say."

She slow nodded her head.

"A good kisser too. A bit shy, but he knows what he's doing."


She didn't hesitate.

"Yes sir. That young man admires you. Loves your wife too. Calls her the best woman he ever knew next to his mama."

Lucas Blake reachet across the table, closin' his hand over hers. He noted the softness that came into her eyes.

"Thank you Sally. I'll not forget what you've done for me n mine."

The tall man rose to leave. Sally reachet out, taking his long-fingered hand with the tips of her fingers.

"It's me who should be thanking you... L.B.."

Lucas met the smoldering emerald eyes lookin' up at 'im.

"That's a term Tiffany Ann is tryin' out Sally. I think it best be left to her for now."

Miss Sally Tart felt a heat grow deep in her belly when the tall man swooshed the tip of her nose n smilet. They too now maybe shared a secret...

------------------------------------------------------------- 0 --------------------------------------------------------

Jacob Russell looket down at the dark-haired woman, her mouth n tongue movin' slow as she pleasuret his long hard pecker. For a new whore, she knowed well enough what she were doin'. He tightenet a bit when she cradlet his near emptied balls with her fingers, lickin' 'em some 'fore takin' one n then the other into her warm mouth. He liked her big brown eyes, how they near never left his. Be nice if she had bigger tits like Sally did.

He still thought 'bout the red headed whore n the things he hadn't done. Wonderet 'bout her time spent with another gal... Why her small feet were so soft: like no other woman he'd ever knowd.

But Lucas had taken a likin' to the gal. Some wheres he'd gotten the feelin' he could trust 'er. So Jacob would choose to keep his distance. This gal kneelin' between his thighs were more then willin' n sure didn't mind he wantet her as often as he did...

Jacob had spent considerable time with Lucas and watchin' the wide shouldered, sandy haired man these past days. He always knowed Lucas was scary smart, but quick learnt he had a way with folks too, his self includet.

He watched close as Lucas would talk to a man like 'Hoss' Dickens, the big 'smithy' that ownet the Blacksmith shop. He also saw the magic Lucas worket to get the man to agree to let hisself spend time in his shop... Use the forge n his tools n such. Lucas askt Jacob to take measure of the hard-set man n his two sons that spent a good part of their day workin' the shop.

Then, when the new town council asket him to consider to be actin' sheriff, he'd acceptet the job... Til they could find someone else with more experience of course. Jacob Russell, Sheriff. Who'd a thought...

----------------------------------------------------- 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------

Lucas led the restless Patch across n down the street to the Mercantile, the black gelding's nose pushin' at the pocket that held a dried apple. The horse knew it were gonna be his n wanted it sooner then later.

He wanted to gift Linda Jean somethin' but had no earthly idea what... N damned if he could figure out what as Patch made quick work of the apple held out in the flat of his hand standin' in front of the Mercantile. The tinklin' bell when he entered had Edith Nelson wipin' her hands on the worn apron she wore as she exited the storeroom from in back to behind the long counter.

"G-good afternoon, Lu-Mr. Blake..."

"Lucas is fine Edith. Two things..."

The woman pulled up short, her hand pointin' over her shoulder.

"B-Bill went to the privy n..."

Lucas offeret a quick smile.

"It would be you I wish to speak to Edith."

He noted the color leave her cheeks.

"These last few days have been hard Edith. I want ta thank you for the way you treated Luna n Stephen. They were both more then proud when they came back to see me at the hotel 'fore headin' home."

Lucas removet his hat n slid his fingers through his hair.

"I'll be lookin' for something special for Linda Jean. She's been pretty much alone at the ranch n with all the goings on here in town, I'd like somethin'.... Different if you will."

He actually felt the woman's eyes as they softened.

"C-can you give me a minute Mr... Lucas?"

He slow nodded at the already turnin' woman as she went back to the storeroom. She were gone a bit 'fore she returned with a small, carved wooden box.

"I-I know Linda Jean had her eye on this many years ago Lucas. I put it away after she took note of it, knowin' someday when she got older... "

Edith Nelson took a quick breath.

"...I always knew..."

She dabbed at her slow dammpenin' eyes.

"... maybe you or some other fella..."

She handed the box to Lucas.

"I-I'm so glad it's you Lucas."


Lucas Blake gave the black gelding it's head on the ride home. The fast rushin' air over his face n shoulders gave 'im more then a little relief. The powerful animal knew where it were headet n wanted to be home as badly as its rider did. Patch slowed to an easy trot when the ranch came inta site.

The framin' of Smokes house was near done over the wooden floor, the stone fireplace chimney well above the waitin' roof rafters. No less then eight men were movin' about: Tiffany Ann, a bucket n long handled ladle were making sure the men had plenty of water served up n with a teasin' smile to boot. Luke wondered who were happier, the men or the blue-eyed water girl with all the attentions she were gettin'.

John's hello shriek when Lucas neared the porch ended any hope Lucas mite have to sneak in the open windowed house. Linda Jean, even bigger then he remembered jist a few days before, was being helped into the swing by a worn-out lookin' Luna. A high-pitched whistle from Smoke Garcia brought the hapeenin' at the corrals to a halt n 'Quick' was on his way 'fore Lucas had gotten off Patch. It were Luna that left the porch to take the geldin's reins. Her dark, near black eyes told Lucas she were worried.

"Hello Wife!"

His words were a little over done.

"Hello Husband. It's 'bout time you found your way home."

She didn't have time to even try to get off the porch swing. Three long strides had her man kissin' her softly 'fore kneelin' at her swollen feet.

"You look well Darlin'."

"I am n I ain't Lucas. I just wish this child raisin' such a fuss inside me would decide it were time... It's way past I believe."

The young man n wife shared that long, special look. He cradled her swollen belly with his hands n kisset the light cotton coverin' it. Luna's strained voice forced itself into Lucas Blakes mind.

"Shee refuuses to staay in bedd Padrone. I tryy..."

Smokes heavy hand settled on his fiancées shoulder. Her slow wettin' eyes met Smokes as she bit at her lower lip.

Luke slow stood, fillin' his hands with his wife's. A smile tugged at Linda Jean's lips as she were helped to her feet. Luke slippet his right arm around 'er just below her shoulders, his left around n behind her knees as he bent to gently lift his wife into his arms. Debra Ann, watchin' silently from the door, opened it wide for Lucas as he carried his wife inside to their bed. Linda Jeans smile was hidden as she buried her face into the man's shoulder she loved so very, very much...