Wire-Pulling Pt. 03 (End)


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"Good. Because, after spending so much time cooped up under my colleagues' watch, I think I know of a few ways I'd like you to take care of me."

Now that had the desired effect! Her eyes grew wide before her smile took on a sultry note.

"Yes, Son!" she replied as one of her hands slowly wandered down my body to finally rest on my left thigh. "Would you like me to relieve you now?"

"Maybe not yet, Mom. The nurse said the doctor is due any minute now," I chuckled. "And I'm pretty sure they'll just barge in here once this heart monitor I'm hooked up to gets going. But as soon as I get out of the ICU and into a more private room, I'm looking forward to your sponge baths."

She squeezed my thigh before removing her hand.

"Of course, Son. Forgive me for being too eager. I will make sure to nurse you... back to health."

And then she grabbed my hand with both of hers again, simply smiling at me in admiration. I mentally cursed myself as I realized that I was rock hard under the covers, and having my willing and eager mother right next to me, waiting for my command, didn't exactly help me focus on boring things that didn't involve her mouth. Finally, I just resigned to leaning back into my pillow, closing my eyes, and concentrating on sorting through my memories.

As it turned out, it was the right thing to do as, merely minutes later, the doctor showed up to finally look at me. I didn't really understand most of what he told me but, curiously, I found myself not really caring either. All I needed to know was that I had been out for roughly two days after being shot, and I'd spend another day cooped up in this little cubicle because the tube in my chest presented an increased risk for infection. But since their surgeon did a remarkable job on me (the doctor's words, not mine), I'd be rid of the tube the following day and moved into a regular room.

"Now, Mr. White, there's a disturbingly insistent FBI agent waiting to speak with you," the doctor informed me without looking up from his clipboard. I'll tell him that you're awake."

"Did you speak with them already?" I asked Mom after the doctor left without even waiting for my response. To my surprise, I saw her feet shuffle a little before she opened her mouth.

"Yes. They wanted to interview me right after getting me out of that chair that man tied me to, but... I couldn't."


More uncomfortable shuffling.

"I couldn't think. I needed to be with you. I couldn't..." Her voice trailed off, but I understood. I opted to simply hold her hand while we waited for the agent to make his appearance, which happened about ten minutes later.

It was actually a pair of agents, one male and one female. They greeted us with a curt nod, asked us to tell them what happened before they found us in that factory hall, and made a lot of 'hm' and 'uh-huh' noises. Finally, after we had finished our tales, they studied our expressions for a moment.

"Do you have any idea who that man was, and why he'd want to get you out of the way?" the male agent asked while his partner kept her attention on Mom, seemingly waiting for any signs of deception.

"None that I could prove," I grunted, though his look told me that he wanted me to continue. "My personal suspicion is that this guy was who they called 'Fairfield'."


"A few days ago, we managed to get a recording of someone working for that 'Perfect Edge Consulting' firm," I started, to which the agents presented me with yet another curt nod. "Apparently, they had killed Steven Carver after we found proof of him being used to frame my mother. Now they were trying to pin that murder on some guy they called 'Fairfield'. Though, before the police could move in on them, the building simply burned down and the consulting firm just... vanished."

"We are aware," the female agent simply said. "Curiously, we were unable to locate, or even identify, any of the supposed employees of that consulting firm. All of the names we found in the official records seem to be fakes."

"Wow." I couldn't hide my admiration. Creating an entire firm that consists solely of fake identities is a feat, after all. "Well, the guy who shot me kept complaining about me 'ruining his career and messing with his retirement plans'. So... I suspect he was this Fairfield guy who they tried to pin Carver's murder on before shutting down operations because I got too close to exposing them."

The agents shared a pregnant look, and I could see that I was probably spot-on. The whole thing was just too weird to disregard a theory that sounded plausible, regardless of whether there was actual proof or not. Naturally, I instantly seized that opportunity.

"Of course, you know that it was Senator Anderson who hired that consulting firm in the first place, to try and frame my mother." They gave me a rather uncomfortable look upon hearing that. I couldn't tell whether this was news to them, or if they already knew but simply weren't eager to investigate a US senator. "I have him on tape admitting to hiring them. I also have him on tape admitting to having an affair, and boasting about how the consulting firm's findings saved him hundreds of millions of dollars. Just in case you wanted to ask for his motive next. My full report is with the DA's office and our lawyers. I managed to finish that before the whole thing went sideways, so you might want to follow my mother's trial."

I couldn't help but grin while the two agents sighed.

"Well, thank you for your time, Mr. White, Ms. Anderson. We will stay in contact," the female agent said as they finally took their leave. As soon as they were out of hearing range, Mom spoke up.

"Paulie... are they not going to investigate?" she asked fearfully.

"Oh, they will, don't worry." I patted her hand. "They really don't want to, but they know they don't have a choice."

"Why don't they..." she was visibly concerned. I sighed.

"The problem when your opponent is a senator, is that he won't lose his job even when indited." Her eyes widened. "He'll still have all the power he has now, legally and politically, and he will use it to make their life harder for taking this case."

"But... then..." Now she was shaken.

"Don't worry, Mom," I softly reassured her. "It'll work out. Breston, Bill, and I already thought of this. And we'll all be right by your side till the end."

This worked. She relaxed before presenting me with a smile.

"Yes, Son. If you say so, I'll believe in you."

I spent another two days in the ICU before being moved into a private room. To my great relief, that private room was in another hospital. A hospital that excelled in its security arrangements, which were additionally subsidized by two police officers who always stood guard in front of my room.

Mom basically moved into that room with me for the remainder of my stay there, which lasted about two weeks. Then we were moved into my old apartment, which now boasted the same level of security as my hospital room. We were even assigned a full security detail every time we left the house, which made our weekly appointments with Doctor Walker a little complicated. These appointments were so important for us, though, that we simply managed, and my relationship with Mom improved at a steady pace as she made good on her promise to be the perfect caretaker for her son and lover.

About four weeks after our abduction, on October 30th, 2020, Mom was officially exonerated of all charges brought up against her. Following that trial, we had a small but, in my opinion, still exciting celebration party, attended by all of my colleagues and friends who had been involved in the case, as well as Tim's family. The best part, though? It was the look of genuine joy on Mom's face as she mingled with the guests, expressing her gratitude.

As it turned out, our careful planning had worked out perfectly. Yes, Dick was still a senator who would have been able to make our lives hell... were it not for the timing we had worked out with our lawyers.

Breston had used the trial to prove Mom's innocence in every regard in an official setting, which included debunking her supposed affair. And that's when the divorce lawyer made her move. She used the evidence of Dick's long-term affair and lying in court that Breston brought forward in Mom's criminal trial and used that to void the divorce decree, since Dick had filed under adultery. As promised by the DA's office, we got a new judge who, after a thorough investigation had taken place, the ADA was confident wouldn't have any ties to the senator. And the man was not happy to hear that someone had lied in court, so he was all too happy to oblige and have the divorce renegotiated.

This had already delivered a surprisingly powerful blow to Dick's reputation. He was still a senator with all the power and authority of a senator, which was probably the only reason he didn't have to immediately defend himself against the perjury accusations, but his political power had dwindled significantly.

Somehow, and unbeknownst to anyone other than Mom's divorce lawyer, Tim had managed to dig up all the old medical records surrounding my past hospitalizations, as well as the police reports of all the times they had been called about our abuse by concerned doctors, teachers, and myself, which she now used to counter Dick's divorce petition with her own. Though, instead of simply presenting the evidence we had of Dick's affair and filing under adultery like Dick had, she used those records to publicly paint Dick as not just a cheater and wife beater, but a child abuser, and filed on the grounds of cruelty!

Needless to say, none of his oh-so-powerful friends and donors wanted to be his friends and donors anymore after those files went on public record. And, when the case around Carver's death, Mom's framing, and my abduction put some unwanted attention on Dick as the one who hired that consulting firm, none of his former friends wanted to be associated with it in any way. Especially after they conferred with their contacts in the various law enforcement agencies that were now involved in the investigation of Perfect Edge Consulting.

It was no longer just the FBI that looked into the malware on the banks' systems. After their initial investigation had brought forth some new insights into Dick's financials, the treasury department joined in on the fun. And once they uncovered a few offshore accounts Dick had access to, and that one of those had been used to make a transfer of 4.75 million dollars to Perfect Edge Consulting back in April when all of this started, even the HSI got very interested in the case. Once news hit that Homeland Security was looking into the case, that was the final nail in Dick's coffin.

In short, Dick had lost any and all support he may have had and was soon met by a bunch of FBI agents waving an arrest warrant in his face. I would have loved to be there in person when they came to pick him up, but, sadly, I was still recuperating from being shot and Mom wouldn't hear any of it. As it turned out, though, I got the next best thing!

I sat on the couch in my living room when my phone rang with a video call from Tim. The little shit had ditched school again so he and Michael could make the drive up to Austin once they -- somehow -- heard about the warrant being issued, and, once I answered his call, I was greeted with the live stream of the agents rapping on Dick's door.

I quickly shouted for Mom to come out of the bathroom, which she did just in time to see them put the cuffs on the bastard. I couldn't stop snickering when I heard them read a list of financial crime charges that was so long, they were still going when they had walked him all the way down his driveway to the waiting police cruiser, before a very satisfied bluejacket finally ended with "Oh, and last but not least, Conspiracy to Commit Fraud, and Murder."

As if that wasn't enough good news, when they came to pick him up at his mansion, he was apparently in the middle of some fun with his PA, the lovely Ms. William, who instantly flipped on the guy once she realized how her continuous affair with Dick looked in the grand scheme of things. It took very little prodding on the FBI's part before she gave them a story that corroborated most of the timeline I had provided in my investigation report, including confirmation for the little skit where they had Mom stand in front of the bedroom door, making her listen while they fucked.

Turns out, the woman wasn't as stupid as I had speculated when watching them in that Asian restaurant. Just a run-of-the-mill sociopath who knew full well what Dick's true nature looked like, but was convinced she could manipulate him into giving up half his fortune without having to put up with his violent outbursts.

I had achieved my greatest goal. I had managed to pull a complete reversal of what Dick had done to Mom: The divorce would go to court while he sat in jail, abandoned by everyone after all of his accounts, even the ones he tried to hide, had been frozen thanks to a court order by the new judge, leaving him unable to attain one of his big-wig lawyers to represent him.

That was, however, also the time when my elation received a massive dampener.

About two weeks after Dick's arrest, and about two months after Breston first showed up in my apartment, Mom started getting sick. She just couldn't seem to hold her breakfast in the mornings, and it worried me. A lot! Even though Mom herself kept reassuring me that it couldn't be anything serious, probably just some kind of stomach bug. So, at the end of our next appointment with Doctor Walker, I couldn't help but tell Mom to go ahead without me and let the doctor know about my fears. After all, I had just gotten the woman back, and I was just in the process of finally ridding us of that asshole's presence in our lives, and then she started to get sick! I couldn't bear the thought of losing her again.

To my surprise, Doctor Walker looked at me with blinking eyes and a stunned half-grin before she spoke up.

"Paul... When exactly did you two start sleeping together?"

"Uh... about... seven weeks ago. Why?"

Now the woman was definitely grinning. It angered me. How the hell could that woman be amused by my mother getting sick and me worrying about it!?

"Did you get a pregnancy test yet?" Those words stunned me out of my budding anger. This couldn't be... could it?

"Mom's on the pill," I whispered, more to myself than to her.

"Well, Paul, the pill doesn't guarantee that a woman won't get pregnant. Also, there are different kinds that need to be taken in different timeframes. If my math is correct, you started sleeping with her immediately after she got the pill. It takes a few days for most of them to start working, you know?"

I blankly stared at the woman for all of ten seconds before I mumbled my goodbye, rushed out of her office, and caught up with Mom.

As soon as I managed to maneuver her into my car, we stopped at the very first Walgreens I saw to pick up three different kinds of pregnancy tests, not giving a rat's ass about my FBI entourage watching me. Even on the way home, I didn't even care whether the follow-up car was able to keep up with me after I left the store. My mind was racing, and it somehow manifested in me putting too much pressure on the gas.

I remembered the first time I fucked Mom. The day I took her on the kitchen table. I remembered her reaction when I announced that I would come inside her. How her eyes widened, how recognition flooded her face... and how she tried to say something, but I shut her up. And the next time we did it on the sofa, she said that I had "claimed her womb that day". Did she know this would happen? No, not necessarily. But she was a woman, she knew a hell of a lot more about contraceptives than I did, so she must have suspected it.

My greatest fear at that moment was that she let me impregnate her as part of her total submission to me.

When I presented the pregnancy tests to Mom, she, at first, looked at me with hesitation in her eyes. Though, the fact that she didn't look surprised at all was what confirmed some of my fears. It was clear that she knew all along, or at least suspected, that this morning sickness of hers was more than a mere stomach bug as she claimed. But why did she claim that? Why would she try to play it off? What was she planning to do once her belly started swelling?

After a moment, she hung her head, grabbed the tests out of my hand, and vanished into the bathroom.

I couldn't stop wondering why she had tried to hide this from me. There was no way this child wouldn't be mine if she was pregnant. And, honestly, I guess I did everything I could to get my mother pregnant, given how eager I was to unload inside her and then refuse to let any of my seed go to waste. But what exactly was she afraid of? Did she think I would get angry with her for letting me impregnate her? I mean, I had some of the best orgasms of my life while acting like I was breeding the woman, for Christ's sake!

And, suddenly, I realized that my initial panic was in no way caused by the thought of having impregnated my mother. No, the negative emotions I felt after realizing that she might be pregnant was the worry about her well-being.

I sat on the couch with a grin, waiting for Mom to emerge from the bathroom. It only took about fifteen minutes before she did, though she looked like a beaten dog, which confused me.

"They're... they're all positive, Son," she whispered while holding out her hand, presenting me with all three test sticks. I took notice of the way she addressed me.

"Hm," I hummed in a neutral tone. I couldn't let on that I wasn't, in any way, opposed to this. "Well... what do you want to do now?"

She had trouble keeping eye-contact with me while the silence hung heavy in the room. Ultimately, she took a deep breath, folded her hands in front of herself, and kneeled before me.

"I love you, Son. I mean, really love you. I have been happier with you than even when I was with your father. You've been better to me than any other man I ever knew. I would do everything for you. I would give my life to protect you." My heart sank. This was exactly what I had been scared of. But before I could say or do anything, Mom continued and positively baffled me as she placed her hands on her belly while looking at me with wet eyes. "But I can't give up this baby."

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly. This was completely outside my expectations.

"I want this child, Paulie," she said, her voice starting to break. "Please don't tell me to... I can't do it. If you do, I'll... have to leave. And I don't want to leave you. I don't want to ever leave you."

I was stunned. Did my submissive mother, who, according to herself, had completely surrendered herself to me, just give me an ultimatum!? This was... fucking HUGE!

I couldn't stop the massive smile that spread on my face as I reached down to take hold of Mom's hands and pull her back onto her feet. The moment she saw my expression, she visibly relaxed and gifted me with a tentative smile, though that changed as I slowly leaned forward and kissed her. There was nothing hot or wild or passionate about this kiss. All I wanted was to show her that she was loved.

"I already told you, Mom. You're mine. I'm not letting you go," I whispered after we broke the kiss.

The elation on her face, the genuine happiness, was something that will be forever etched into my mind. Though, it switched to confusion when I went down to my knees in front of her and lifted the hem of her shirt above her belly button.

I found myself confronted with a very close look at her belly. My fingertips traced the thin, white scars that ran across it, causing her to giggle as she reached down to hold her shirt up for me. I suddenly realized that, underneath those scars, this testament to all the pain we had gone through, now grew what would be the symbol for our new, happy life together. Once more, I leaned forward and placed a kiss right underneath her belly button.