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"I used to read comic books about super-powered beings. And now, I'm a writer and I write about super-powered beings. I guess that might have something to do with it." This is my answer. Could I have done better? Not sure.

We stand there for moment as I take in everything that's happening. I assume that's what she's doing too. I have one last question, and I know I may not want to hear the answer.

So, I ask anyway. "Why were you put into a lamp in the first place, if you don't mind me asking."

"I don't mind, because most people are overwhelmed with getting wishes from a magical creature, they tend not to think of those things, so it's a question that I am rarely asked." She asks from her spot on the kitchen counter. I want to say something, like, "Please continue." or "So?" I don't and let her continue without interruption. I just nod, to let her know that she can continue.

"Over ten thousand years ago, when magic was the only science. The genie race was the invisible hands guiding human fate with the gods directing us. We lived in peace and harmony, but every so often, a genie would come along that would abuse their power and have to be dealt with. So those law breakers, troublemakers, or those who owe debts they couldn't pay would go in front of the genie council. They would be tried and sentenced. The imprisoned genie would be bound to a lamp or similar container, to carry out his or her sentence. Some would have to grant so many wishes per master each or serve many masters for long periods of time before moving on to the next, whatever came first. We have to grant a minimum of three wishes to be considered to have successfully served a master. That is part of law is what binds a genie to grant wishes, to a point.

That's where most people get the three wishes you hear about in stories. Once the terms of the imprisonment have been met, the genie is brought before the council for review, and then freed. Four thousand years ago, my father made a arrangement with some other genies and ended up not being able to pay his debt. So, the genie law enforcement was brought in and he went to trial. He was one of the oldest genies at that time and would have died serving his sentence, if I had not agreed to take his place. According to genie law any genie can take the place of any other genie, but the sentence would become more harsh for the genie taking the place of the first. My father, as I soon learned afterwards was a greedy one and hid his thoughts from all others. He wasn't trusted by any of his own kind, as more and more deals he would make. He would break them, or get others to do his dirty work. My act of kindness was wasted on him. He was later exiled, stripped of his powers, and forced to live as human, till the day he died. Most genies called it a fate worse than death." She hasn't moved from her spot the whole time she was talking. She seemed distant and cold for a that entire time. I swore I felt her pain, for a moment. I realized that haven't moved either. I set my cup down and move towards her. She looks like she needs a hug. So, I move to hug her, hard and tight. She wipes her face and slowly puts her arms around my waist, like she wasn't sure what I was about to do. She is still sitting on the counter and she barely meets me at eye level.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." I whisper into her ear with such a sadness.

"No, it's alright, Alan. You wanted to know and I told you, I just didn't think it would make me feel like this." She whispers back. I want to keep asking questions to sate my curiosity.

"I shouldn't have asked." I still keep my voice low.

"I have waited so long to tell my story to someone, I'm glad it's you." She is keeping her voice low as well. Like there is someone else in the room we don't want to hear us. Her hug becomes tighter and more tender. We stay like this for a moment and slowly break free from each other. I want to keep asking questions to sate my curiosity. I take a step back and we both take that opportunity to compose ourselves.

"Could I trouble you for one last question, Leaira?" I say softly not wanting to cause anymore pain with my questions.

"Yes, Alan, always." She smiles as her eyes looked like she was ready to cry all over again. "Are you able to have children with a human? What about diseases or sicknesses? Ok, so that's more like two questions." I try to be quick and rapid-fire as possible. I pick my coffee up.

"No, I am unable to have offspring with a human and wishing for that would fall under the same category as creating life." She thinks thoughtfully for a moment after saying that. I finally finish my cup of coffee with my last sip.

"And to answer your second question, genies are immune to all human diseases and aliments. Humans have used genie blood in the past, for it has curative and healing properties on your race." She tells me, not trying to show emotion. After another awkward silence between us I again take action.

"So, I guess I should ask how we are going to work this out?" I ask as I make my way to the sink and rinse my coffee cup.

"Work what out?" She asks as she watches me.

"How am I going to explain you to people. I mean you are more than welcome to stay with me as long as you want, I just have to tell my friends and family something." I turn my head to answer as I am turning on the water to rinse my cup. I have a plan forming in my head. Yes, a plan.

"You could simply just ask for me to be invisible to everyone, but you." She reminds me.

"That's no fun, cause you are far to beautiful to hide yourself." I say as I finish turning off the water and make my way to lean on the counter across from her. I take a towel off the counter and wipe my hands. She blushes, I haven't made a girl blush since grade school.

"You know I will stay with you until I complete serving you or whenever you no longer want my services." There's a hint of sorrow there. I toss the towel in the vicinity where I got it.

"I will figure out all the details later, but we do need to get you some clothes. We can't have you dressed like that everywhere you go. So, I am thinking a shopping spree is in order, on me." I say as I meet her eyes with mine. I don't want her to go anywhere. Wow, did I just think that?

"Clothes? You want to buy me something? That's so nice. The last time anyone did anything nice for me, they rebuilt my lamp into a lantern." She leaps from the counter and gives me the tightest and biggest hug I have ever gotten from any woman.

"Hey, remind me to do nice things for you all the time, if this is the way you are always going to thank me." I say jokingly. The hug catches me off guard, for it feels like I am getting a bear hug, from an actual bear. She slowly releases her titan hug, and looks at me directly in the eyes, only for a moment.

"Alan, you don't always have to do nice things to get me to hug you." She flashes a smile and I swear it's like a flash bulb going off.

"*Ahem* Let me take a shower and get dressed, then we will go shopping? Do genies eat?" I say clearing my throat and moving as quickly as I can.

"Oh? Yes if we want." She says surprised by my sudden burst of energy.

"Good. Wait here." I say as run to my room, quickly get stuff around, and jump in the shower.

The water of my shower is just right, as always. I get naked and wet. I can't believe anything that is happening. This stuff only happens in stories, I think to myself. I feel that nervous energy that you get when you are playing a game and you are so close to winning. I jump out of the shower, five minutes, thirty-two seconds, that's a new record for me. Just as I shut off the shower and pull back the curtain, there she is. Looking all innocent and sweet. Her beauty is so otherworldly it's hard not to look at her and think some dirty thoughts. Right now I am stunned. Utterly stunned. Her eyes never leave mine. We stay like that this for a few minutes, me in all my glory and her with my cell phone in her hand.

"This thing was making noise. I thought I should bring it to you. I thought it was warning you of danger." She breaks the silence we have shared for a third time.

"That's my cell phone. May I have it?" I say quietly with my hand out.

"This is a phone? I haven't been released in over seventy years, phones back then were very different." She tells me, as she hands me my phone.

I flip it open to see who has called. I take a deep, long breath, and reach for the towel that's hanging on a wall with in reach. I wrap it around myself. Her eyes have never left mine. Thank god I have a good memory of where my things are in my bathroom. I take a step forward and she takes a step back.

"It was a warning, of things to come." I smile as I pause for my joke, then realize it's lost.

"My sister called and left a voice message." I continue.

"Voice message?" The small, angelic voice asks.

"It's a digital recording people can leave when you don't answer your phone." I say as I make my way to my room with Leaira following. Even the way she walks is beautiful, it's like she's swimming in the air as she moves, with out even trying. I stop bothering to try to cover myself anymore. I dry quickly and throw the towel in the corner of the room. I grab a pair of blue boxers, some faded beat up jeans, and a faded Batman t-shirt. I find my flip-flops sitting where I left them. I flip my phone open and call my voice mail box. The message my sister left asked if I can make the reunion two months from now, then questions my love life, and ends telling me Jane broke up with her boyfriend.

"Digital?" She sounds like she doesn't want to bother me with her questions, she's not.

"It's done with computers. I have an idea, when we get back you can have all your questions answered." I tell her as close my phone and I start looking for some clothes for her to wear. I think my sister or the ex-girlfriend left some clothes here, somewhere.

"Really?" She sound excited. I find some, looks my ex forgot a few things here, it's been over three months if she wanted these clothes that bad, she would have come and gotten them or called.

"Yes, please take your clothes off and put..." I am stunned as she undresses with out a second thought in front of me. I fight all the power that in me is male and turn my ass around. I am still a gentleman, my mom did raise me right.

"Alan? I am not wearing anything, now what?" I hear her from behind me.

"Leaira, from now on let me finish my sentences before you carry out what I ask." I say as I hand back the clothes without looking behind me.

"Sorry, I am so used to be told to undress. It won't happen again." Shamefully is how that sounds and I wasn't trying to scold her.

"It's fine, you didn't do anything wrong, don't worry about. Just put these on, please." I feel her take the clothes.

I wait. After a few minutes I hear her dressing and undressing a few times. I wait. Then just when I thought the waiting was over. I wait some more. She's taking awhile, more than likely trying to figure out how things fit. I see her hat, veil, pants, and shirt get thrown my direction.

"Alan, I think I'm done." It sounded like more of a question than a statement. I would have missed her answer if I wasn't listening for it, because she whispered.

"Well, let's see if..." I slowly turn around. When I catch my first glimpse of her, I stand stunned, mouth slightly open. She is standing in a yellow, flower printed, sun dress that comes just over her knee, it does look a little big on her, but she is stunning. I had bought it for my ex-girlfriend Michelle, but she never did try it on. I didn't think she liked it, obviously the reason she left here. It looks unbelievable on Leaira. Still standing, mouth open.

"Does it look, alright?" She is looking at me tentatively and so very innocent.

"Yeah it, looks awesome, what are you wearing underneath?" I manage to eek out.

"Nothing, I didn't think I needed them and for some reason I thought it a little gross." She's pointing at the bra and panties on the floor.

"We should just get you some shoes and you will be set." I look around for some extra flip-flops.

"That won't be necessary. I prefer walking bare-foot and you don't have anything that would fit me, anyway." She giggles and it's really fucking cute.

"So, shall we?" As I gesture towards the door.

"Are you sure you want me to be seen by everyone? I can make it so you're the only one who does." Nervousness is in her voice.

"I told you before what I think and everyone should see how beautiful you are." I think she should be proud. I grab my keys, wallet, and smashed up pack of smokes. I haven't had one since I got home. I think I picked them up just out of habit.

"Very few masters have let me be seen by everyone." Nervous again.

"Let's just go and if you feel uncomfortable at any time, you can just let me see you, ok? Although, it's going to be hard to explain why I am buying dresses, bras, and panties for myself." I say. After thinking for a second she steps towards me and takes my hand, and I let her.

"Let's go." She says as she looks at my face and we are out the door.

We walk to my car, the sun is shinning brightly, there's not a cloud in the sky, and you could smell the fresh cut grass. If I lived near Central Park we would be smelling it. I miss that smell, reminds me of growing up back in Georgia. I open the passenger side door for her. She looks at the car for a few moments, after which she gets in, sits and I show her how to buckle her seat belt. She just looks amazed at it all. I get in on the other side, start the car, buckle my seat belt, and we are off. She remarks on the car and how much technology has changed in seventy years. Which starts a new conversation on our way to the mall.

"Seventy years? That was the last time you were out of your lantern." I don't take my eyes off the road.

"More like sixty eight years since the last time freed." She doesn't look at me she is looking out her passenger side window at the buildings and streets full with people.

"Was your last master male or female." I ask when I am stopped at a light.

"Male." She looks at me with a little worry.

"His name was Harold?" I know I am right.

"Yes." She sounds ashamed.

"How did he get a hold of your lantern?" The light changes green and I go.

"A pawn shop, when he was sixteen, his father made him get a job with a train company. He bought my lantern, because he had to supply his own equipment." She states.

"He didn't know what he had at first did he?" I feel like this is upsetting her.

"He was drafted two years later, into the second world war. You're right though, he never knew what he had, until after he came home." She is preferring not to look at me.

"He served in the army, came back home, saw his old train lantern gathering dust, polished it off, and then 'poof', right?" I think I am getting good at this.

"That's not exactly what happened." Still not looking at me.

"Ok, what did happened?" I glance at the back of her head. She doesn't want to talk about this. Why? I ask myself. I guess I might find the answer.

"After serving three tours of duty, he came home just as the war ended. Four years later he got married and a year after that he came across my lantern when he was cleaning out the attic. He dusted me off and 'poof', as you say." She annoyed and doesn't want to tell me this.

"What did he use his wishes for?" Curiosity is going to kill me, if I am not careful.

"His very first wish was to be physically intimate with me. I granted the wish, even though I didn't want too and told him such. He didn't seem to care. When I told him he had two wishes left, he pointed out that he never actually made the first wish. Which was true, so he got extra wishes on a technicality. He had tricked me into giving him a total of six wishes. Even though I found him unworthy." She sounds ashamed by this as she takes a pause. My right hand comes off the wheel and I reach for hers. She quickly pulls her hand away as she feels my slight touch. I have nothing to say, I wish I did. So, again I say nothing.

"Second wish, he wished for physical perfection. He made the third to wish his life more adventurous, so I had to be creative with that one. I made it so he was asked to be part of the C.I.A. He would go these secret assignments all over the world. The fourth wish he used to erase his wife's memories of his indiscretions and of me. The fifth wish he used to extend the life of his wife, she ages at less than half speed and if she was still alive she would be about eighty years old. The last wish he used to put me back in the lantern." She slowly turns toward me and I see her out of the corner of my eye.

There's again that silence. I know she's upset with me and I don't know why.

"Leaira? I'm sorry if I upset you. I wasn't trying to. It's that I know Harold's wife, Doris and she's eighty? I thought she was six..." I start the sentence low and gradually get louder, because of my surprise of Doris's true age. Then, I get cut off. I keep my eyes on the road, and trust me that isn't an easy task. I take a cigarette out of the smashed pack, put in my mouth, and light it.

"HE was one of the most terrible masters I have ever known and I knew Mongol warriors who were nicer. For twenty years I served him, he brought me with him everywhere he went, I watched him torture and kill innocent people, all for America, he would tell me. He used me as a safety net, since he was the only person who could see or hear me. He would cheat on his wife, treated her very badly, and made me do horrible things that no one should make anyone do. His luck finally ran out when he said contracted a virus that was part of a rival government experiment, but I think he got some sort of disease I had no experience with. He died slowly on his death bed. It was too good for him, if you ask me. Those last three wishes were made the day he died. I guess he tried to make it things right, mostly. Can we talk about something else, please?" She angrily states. I crack my window and take a puff, and feel like I crossed a line, again. I didn't know and I feel worse this time than last. I take another drag and let the rest of the unfinished cigarette fly out the window. After a few more lights and turns we arrive at the mall. I find a parking spot, and realize I could have wished for a good one. We find a spot that's not to far and not to close. Just right, I think. I turn off the car, unbuckle myself, and I tell her to stay put. Then I get out of the car, close my door, and run to the other side of the car. I open her door and hold my hand out. Most of her anger dissipates as she takes my hand. She slowly rises to stand and takes a few steps away from the car as I shut the car door tight, still holding her hand. I don't know what comes over me as my free hand move around her waist, I lean down, and I pull her towards me in a blink. I look into her eyes just before they are closed as I kiss her. She is surprised as much as I am as I plant one right on her lips. Then, my mouth parts slightly as does hers and the next thing either of us know we are making out. It feels like time has stopped around us, until we are interrupted by a screaming car horn. We break the embrace of not only our arms, but our mouths, too. What has this beautiful creature done to me, I think I could fall for this girl, genie, or whatever she is.

"What was that for?" She asks trying to catch her breath.

"I was going to hug you and apologize for making you remember those things. I didn't go to far, did I?" I tell her as bring my gaze from her down till I'm stare at the pavement.

"No... no, apology accepted." She smiles as she puts her hand on my face and raises my head by my chin.

"So, we're ok?" I say as I wish her hand doesn't leave my chin, but it does. That's a wish I could have made. I am just making wishes to myself all over the place.