With One Match

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Unlikely duo obsessed with fire for very different reasons.
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The vibrant venue was alive with chatter, experts from around the world gathered to share their findings intermixed with enthusiasts who were far too excited for the intellectual atmosphere. Hanging from the lofty ceilings were several large posters highlighted with flowing orange and yellow chiffon decorations. A woman clicked across the stage to the podium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Apollo historical exhibition, my name Rachel and I'll be your emcee for this event. I ask you all for a round of applause for our first presenter, expert pyrologist and archaeologist Doctor Soleil Akana!" The announcer pronounced, gesturing flamboyantly to the entrance of another Woman. As Doctor Akana took the stage her bright red trumpet skirt hugged her upper curves firmly while giving her tall heels a flowing flourish of orange.

"Hello everyone, as our lovely announcer just suggested, I am Doctor Soleil Akana and I have much to share from our new pyrology sector..."

The audience of established scientists and retired archaeologists were responsive but somewhat dismissive of Dr. Akana. There were a few relevant questions asked but by the time her presentation was complete Dr. Akana was rather disheartened. Having grown up in Hilo on the island of Hawaii, she had always had a fascination for the boiling pots nearby, and the volcano state parks to the south. Often visiting them with her father when he wasn't off digging up old pot shards in Africa.

"Doctor Soliel Akana?" A surprisingly handsome and surprisingly young-looking man in a charcoal black suit stretched out his hand in greeting.

"That would be me, yes, though it is pronounced So-Lay, who might you be?" She responded, noticing that the man had an aura of excitement and danger hanging about him.

"My name is Brenton Partné, and I represent an enterprise with which you might find a supreme interest." Mr. Partné moved with subtle flamboyant gestures. An arm waving left as his eyes flickered around. Giving the impression that he was somewhat flighty or nervous, though his stance communicated that he was entirely present with his audience.

"As you know the origins of fire are somewhat of a hot topic in the scientific and archaeological communities. Many theories have arisen, such as the tale of Prometheus bringing fire to man. Or the more scientific chance of lightning striking a forest giving them a reason to discover fire. Perhaps the rubbing of sticks used by the Egyptians..." Soleil held up a hand silencing him,

"Yes Mr. Partné I am well aware of the many views on the topic. I am a pyrologist, and it is not a stretch to say that I am the world's foremost expert on the topic. So please cut to the chase, there are many representatives here this evening that I would like to speak with." Brenton took a moment to compose himself after having been interrupted,

"Yes, well, I have followed your exploits for some time now and should have taken care not to assume so little of an expert such as yourself. The 'chase' as you say, is related to my own personal theory on the subject. My great interest in the subject has recently unearthed a village, a completely scorched village said to have been destroyed by the gods."

"That is quite the outlandish claim," Soleil was skeptical to say the least, "Do you have any evidence of this 'discovery.'" Brenton reached into his coat pocket and produced a black rock, handing it to Soleil to examine, he explained,

"I have here what appears to be an ancient fire starter, from the site." Soleil's eyes lit up with scholarly excitement. Brenton explained the intricate details of the artifact, showcasing its design and functionality. He quickly explained how he believes it was used by an ancient civilization for both practical and ceremonial purposes, emphasizing its significance. Soleil stared in awe; this artifact was remarkably close to what she believed could indeed be the very first fire starter. Handing the artifact back, careful not to damage it, she made up her mind. She absolutely had to see this site that Mr. Partné had mentioned.

"I'll admit you have piqued my interest Mr. Partné. When would you be able to tell me more about this village?" Brenton smiled,

"I was hoping I'd be able to catch your attention, I would cordially like to invite you to dinner tomorrow night to discuss further details of an expedition to explore the site. If you agree that is?" Soleil took his hand in a handshake and happily agreed to meet him at a small but well reviewed restaurant nearby.

The rest of the event was unsurprisingly dull, a few handshakes and well wishes later Soleil made her way back to the hotel that the exhibition had provided. Shrugging off her dress and kicking her heels into the closet she stretched her arms up and back, finally getting blood flow to her entire body.

The weight of accumulated knowledge and the mental exertion from discussions on pyrology and archaeology had left her both intellectually fulfilled and physically drained. This was the first event that she had presented at in a while, and she had quickly remembered why when she had twisted and squirmed her way into the stupid dress. Beautiful as it was, it had zero practicality.

Soleil had, despite repeated accusations of tomboyishness, long since resorted to cargo shorts. Thankfully, her work in pyrology tended to keep her in her favorite climate: swelteringly hot. Hanging the dress in the closet out of respect for the price tag, Soleil stepped into the bathroom for a quick shower, turning the heat up and letting the boiling water scald off all the grime of slimy businessmen and women.

Most of the people who bothered to talk to her didn't actually care about her research, just what it could do for them and for 'her financial wellness.' Soleil shuddered under the water remembering the first time she almost fell for one of their schemes.

Running soap along her arms Soleil thought about her dinner plans for the next day, with Brenton Partné, even his name sounded sophisticated, that charcoal gray suit was perfectly fitted and his jawline was sharp. Soleil's hands began to wander over her collar bone, Brenton had seemed very excited to meet her and to show off his expedition, but the thing that caught her attention was his flamboyance when recounting his knowledge of her work, it was almost endearing the way he had thought he could teach her about her own expertise, besides the fact that he had seemed genuinely interested in the subject.

The intellect of the man was even more attractive than the man himself, Soleil thought as her hand slipped to her breasts not entirely focused on soaping herself up. It had been years since Soleil had felt the spark of arousal in her core that he had somehow ignited, slipping a finger down to stir her simmering pot. Soleil let her mind drift, flickering back and forth like the light of a candle, like Brenton's eyes.

Soleil stopped herself, she was about to start a business venture with this man, she should not have such unrestrained fantasies with him, that would be a terrible idea. But he was hot, in every sense of the word and if she was going to have any chance of keeping her head at dinner tomorrow, she would need to take the edge off.

At least that's what she told herself as her fingers slipped between her moist lips. Turning about in the shower Soleil pinched her nipples and allowed the scalding water to pound directly on her clit. The drilling vibrations of the water released steam that fogged the ceiling. Heart pounding, Soleil closed her eyes and watched as candlelight danced through her mind, dripping down her body, and flowing into a blazing bonfire in her pussy, scrambling for the knob in the shower she cranked it as hot as it could go. As the showerhead blasted her taut clit with fire she came, the burning water setting off a chain reaction throughout her. Fingers thrust deep inside her hot cunt as her muscles spasmed. The bonfire inside flaring out before cooling to a low glow of cinders.

She quickly shut off the water before it could cause any damage, she stood there for a moment, her body still twitching with release. Soleil languidly slid out of the bathroom, her mind foggy with the haze of heat as she toweled off the water and sweat she had collected on her skin. She collapsed into the hotel bed mostly dry, and entirely naked.

The next day was packing day, Soleil had a lot of work to do in collecting her supplies from the venue. Donning her cargo shorts she jogged back to the venue with a backpack. With meticulous care, Soleil collected her notes, slides, and any relevant materials, ensuring that every piece of information was accounted for. The anticipation for the evening with Brenton provided a welcome distraction from the day's intensity.

Spending most of the day reviewing and condensing her notes on the other presentations, as well as contemplating the various discussions and insights shared during the day. Despite her exhaustion, Soleil carried an air of excitement about the upcoming dinner and the promised explanation of the village site. Unfortunately, it would be a while before she would be able to find a good place to burn her extra transcripts, there was nothing like being able to set fire to extra copies of completed work and watch it get consumed before watching it fly off into the horizon.

Finishing up a page of notes Soleil leaned back in the somewhat uncomfortable hotel chair, to glance at the clock. Dismayed to find that it's already quite late, Soleil quickly throws together an outfit for her dinner date with Brenton. Trying to remind herself that this is a business meeting and not a date. Opting for her presentation dress from the closet she squirms her way into it, decorative attire seeming appropriate for the occasion. Brushing her hair, she gazed beyond her reflection in the mirror wondering what Brenton will be wearing.

Unlike her, he seems like a dapper man who could scarcely consider wearing the same charcoal gray suit two days in a row. She's also very excited to hear more about this village he discovered, if that lighter was anything to go by this could be the kind of thing she had spent her entire career looking for.


Brenton met her at the entrance of the restaurant in a fiery orange suitcoat, he appeared eager to begin his pitch yet remained composed and behaved as a gentleman. Once they had placed their orders; him the flame charred steak and her the smoked salmon, he practically exploded, apparently this discovery held a revelation that had been burning within him for quite some time. His eyes glinted with a mysterious excitement as he shared tales of historical fires and the profound impact they had on societies throughout the ages.

Their conversation quickly delved deep into the intricacies of fire and its historical significance, both looking for an opportunity to outdo one another with their superior knowledge of the subject. Soon they were laughing like old friends at jokes no one else would understand. The ambiance of the dinner and the flickering candle on the table, added an unintentionally romantic flair to the evening.

As the night wore on Brenton began to fixate on the candle's flame. There was a somewhat unsettling glint in his eye as he described the many ways in which burning was used to purify. Soleil never had much interest in the direct applications of fire itself and so had a slightly different perspective of the candle before them. She shared her insights into the properties of the wax that prolonged the fire's life.

"It seems I have nearly forgotten myself," Brenton chuckled warmly, "Such stunning company and impressive intellectual stimulation could distract any man." Soleil blushed more than was proper for a business meeting. "I believe now I should recount the details of my discovery..." Brenton carefully began to explain how he came across such a find and what he thought it could mean to the development of the historical records regarding the origins of fire.

Listening intently to Brenton's revelations, Soleil brought only a few of her own thoughts and questions to the conversation. She was content to watch him as he spoke with enthusiasm and a dramatic flair. Brenton painted a vivid picture of the ancient city, describing it as a hidden gem untouched by modern eyes for centuries. His storytelling skills were impressive, intertwining historical facts with a touch of mystery that captivated Soleil's imagination.

The promise of unraveling new archaeological insights fueled her excitement, overshadowing any suspicions that might have arisen from Brenton's earlier unsettling glint. When Brenton finally got around to asking if Soleil would join him on the expedition, she was ecstatic. The prospect of unveiling the secrets of an unknown civilization ignited Soleil's academic curiosity, and the prospect of spending the trip with him ignited a glowing simmer in her loins. She was more than eager to accompany him.


Unfortunately it took several weeks to prepare for the journey, Brenton confirmed details of the trip, while Soleil herself prepared for what she believed would be an academic adventure of a lifetime, she continued to have concerns about her own growing interest in Brenton himself. Finding herself daydreaming at her computer, her hand slipping down her body far more often than usual.

Finally, the duo embarked on their expedition, traveling to the undisclosed location of Brenton's alleged discovery. The journey itself took several hours of flights and was filled with animated discussions about the history and significance of ancient civilizations. Brenton was completely engrossed in the prospect of unearthing forgotten artifacts and deciphering ancient texts, while Soleil spent a fair amount of time fantasizing while his brilliance seared its way to her heart.

Soleil watched the volcano rise up from the earth as the ATV crested the hill. The view was spectacular, its towering silhouette piercing the sky like a dormant giant that had long ago surrendered to the embrace of slumber. Soleil could feel her excitement rising. Upon reaching the site, the ancient city revealed itself in all its splendor.

Soleil marveled at the architectural wonders and historical remnants that lay before her. Slowly they descended on the remains of the town, blackened, and charred; she could almost see the smoke still rising from the burned-out husks, only slightly disturbing were the marks left where there had once been charred remains, long since removed from the site for examination elsewhere.

Brenton shouted over the engine,

"I know the town is interesting, but it is not why I came to find you. My team has carefully examined and cataloged the vast majority. What we discovered was that the pattern of the fire that destroyed this town was highly irregular." Leading them to the town square Brenton pointed out several of the shells as distinct storefronts, homes, and storage locations.

The square was very odd indeed, at its center lay a large cauldron and the remains of what appeared to have been its pedestal, but even stranger were the burn marks. Starting in a circle around the cauldron hundreds of burn trails wove across the ground, occasionally crossing one another and weaving in and around and through the husks of houses and storefronts. Every trail was permeated with large burn spots like knots in a rope.

"What happened here?" Soleil wondered aloud.

"That is what we had hoped you could help us with Dr. Akana," Brenton replied, "Our prevailing theory is that that pot in the center was being used as a sort of communal cooking pot for a gathering of some sort, and that when lightning struck the pot much of its contents was launched into a crowd who presumably were also holding materials of high inflammability which caused the blaze to spread rapidly."

Soleil moved closer to the pot, considering the theory, it could possibly work, however a single bolt would likely not be able to set a panic big enough to destroy the entire town. Then there were the scorch marks, both inside and outside of the homes. Why would someone on fire willingly walk inside a wooden house? It just didn't make sense.

The size of the scorch didn't seem to maintain any pattern either, there were some a few inches wide and others several feet across. Though they all seemed to generally move into or around a house once they left the square, pacing around the pot Soleil started to follow a few of the trails. One after another each trail seemed to hit the edge of the town and turn towards the volcano. She called to Brenton,

"Where do the burn marks lead?"

"Lead?" he responded with confusion audible in his voice, "why would they lead anywhere? Other than to a crispy corpse I mean."

"Don't you see it? All of the trails turn back towards the volcano at some point, and based on your markings there were several 'crispy corpses' along each one." Soleil explained, A look of recognition flashed across Brenton's face,

"I knew it was a good idea to recruit an expert such as yourself. By all means let us follow this new discovery to wherever it leads. Ladies first."

The duo pressed on, following the mysterious trails that seemed to converge toward the base of the dormant volcano. What was initially perceived as a leisurely walk had morphed into an impromptu hike as they ascended the rocky incline. Climbing higher they discovered a cave, all of the scorch marks converging on the entrance.

"Well, that's interesting. Fire with a sense of direction," he remarked, deadpanning his observation. Soleil, equally intrigued, nodded in agreement. This trip was growing more curious all the time. Undeterred by the potential dangers, Brenton resolutely declared,

"Well, no sense in going this far just to stop," stepping towards the cave's entrance flashlight now in hand. Soleil followed after a moment's hesitation,

"Perhaps we should think about this for a moment," she mused, "We are currently following blackened scorch trails into a semi-active volcano."

Brenton, with a dismissive wave, urged her forward. Moving to keep pace with Brenton Soleil examined the scorch marks more closely. She noticed an intriguing detail -- none of the marks left the ground. If there had been an object on fire, it should have left scorch marks on the surrounding walls as well. Brenton stopped suddenly and Soleil almost ran into him. Soleil opened her mouth to accuse Brenton of carelessness but was stopped short when she saw what he did.

"What is this place?" Soleil gasped.

Before them was a massive ornate arch, at least eleven feet wide, and 60 feet tall. Brenton's flashlight trailed across the edges, illuminating strange markings carved into the edges.

"The gates of hell... Avernus," Brenton gazed up in awe. Beyond the arch lay a large cavern lit by the subtle glow of the volcano around them.

"It's incredible, how...?" Soleil stepped through the arch preceding down a path that turned right along the cavern wall. Soleil heard a loud boom. Somehow Soleil knew that was the sound of the arch closing. Trapping them both inside. The heat of the volcano seemed almost oppressive now, sweat beading out on her forehead. With no other recourse than to continue forward Soleil followed the right wall of the cavern. Discovering a set of stairs she paused,

"Brenton look! Stairs." She shouted, Brenton shook from his awed stupor,

"This is amazing, these structures clearly demonstrate some form of advanced society..." The crumbly steps were liable to give way under them so they both pressed a hand to the cavern wall; it was strangely warm without being blisteringly hot. Possibly due to the volcano's venting method. Reaching the bottom of the stairs first Soleil paused, there at the bottom of the stairs was something. Something that shouldn't be there. As Soleil bent to examine the impossible object she gasped, clutching it to her chest to keep it hidden from Brenton.