Wolf Bound

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A woman learns a town's dark secret.
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This is a Literotica 2021 Winter Holidays Story Contest. Please vote! Thank you!


Abigail. had to leave Boston. It wasn't just the terrible winters, she could handle those. After the war between the States, Boston had just become too crowded. She needed wide open spaces. Also she didn't have much family in the Boston area. Abigail knew she had to make it on her own she decided to head West. She figured she could teach somewhere on the unexplored prairies.

So she took a train from Des Moines to Omaha. In Omaha, she had to switch trains to head further west. There in Union Station she struggled to get her luggage on the westward bound train.

"Can I help you with your things ma'am?" came a kind voice.

"Yes, please. I don't have much but I can't seem to manage it." said Abigail.

"I'm Eamon and I'm the conductor on this track from Omaha, to Denver. Where are you headed?" questioned Eamon.

"I'm Abigail..but everybody calls me Abby and I don't know where I'm headed. I'm from Boston and I want to teach somewhere out West that's not a big city. I don't suppose that you'd know of anywhere that needs a teacher?" asked Abby.

"As a matter of fact, Abby I do. It's my hometown, Antelope Hill, in the middle of Wyoming. It's a small town of only about fifty people. But, the kids do need a teacher. There's no ocean like Boston, but there's some nice hot springs nearby. So if you can handle a place like that, we'd be glad to have you." said Eamon eagerly. Thinking to himself, he knew only ½ of that was true. But, he'd be glad to have her. Eamon believed that he deserved happiness.

"Antelope Hill sounds as good as anywhere. The hot springs sound nice. I love the water and wide open spaces. If the kids need a teacher then I'm the lady to do it." Abby determinedly said.

"Well, I'll drop you at the station there and when I have my week off next week, I'll get you all squared away with the school board." stated Eamon.

Eamon steered the train across the snowy prairie. The train made a brief stop in Lincoln. Eamon deboarded. He grabbed a cup of coffee and steak sandwich for both himself and Abby.

"Thank you." muttered Abby. She watched as Eamon quickly wolfed his sandwich down.

"Your hair is in your eyes. Let me get that for you." With a brief motion, Abby took a stray lock of Eamon's shaggy black hair and hooked it behind his ear.

"That you sweetie." stated Eamon. He winked at her and Abby blushed a deep red.

It was early in the morning the second day, when Eamon woke Abby.

"So..early in the morning...sun's not up yet." said Abby sleepily and with a big yawn.

"I know Abby, but we're here in Antelope Hill. You gotta get off. I'll see you next week on my way back through town." said Eamon. He helped Abby with her luggage and left her on the train platform.

The train pulled away across the prairie and Abby was left all alone in a strange town where she knew no one. She knew she'd have to get things done by surviving on her own grit. She walked up the street looking for someone to speak to.

Halfway up the street a strange man approached her. "Hello I'm Abigail Green, Eamon Falleon sent me. He said this town was looking for a teacher. Well, I'm your lady. I can teach kids from kindergarten through eighth grade. I don't suppose you'd know someone I could speak to about the position or a place to stay in town until Eamon gets back from his job next week?

The rough looking man stared at this strange woman for awhile. Why would a lady like this come to a small irrelevant town in the middle of Wyoming? How did she meet Eamon? Why did he send her here instead of taking her to a city like Denver? Eamon should respect Antelope Hill's secret. The strange man always knew that Eamon was out of his mind. Why involve this mortal? Still she was very pretty. The man supposed that was what Eamon had seen in Abby. She was beautiful but there were many beautiful mortal women. Why would Eamon risk Antelope Hill's secret? The strange man had never liked Eamon. He played fast and lose with the rules.

The man looked to the sky. He still wondered why Eamon sent this woman to Antelope Hill. He was risking exposing the pack. Eamon the idiot had to know what would happen to the woman if she discovered the truth. She would have to die. Right now, this mortal woman knew nothing. He was sure of that, otherwise she would have fled in terror. The man had made up his mind. The town could put her up for awhile. The man was sure she wouldn't learn their secret.

"Shane Ross, I'm the mayor of Antelope Hill and I own the saloon. I live right next to the school house and for $2 a month, I'd be more than happy to let you board with me. Eamon lives on the opposite end of town from the schoolhouse...right on the edge of the prairie. It gets very cold there and there's no protection from wild animals and Indians...it's not safe for a woman like you, especially since he's always gone. Stay with me and I'll speak to the school board about you being our teacher." stated Shane. He extended his hand to Abby. She trepidatiously shook it.

She wondered why Eamon had left her in such a place. She was starting to question why she'd trusted him. Abigial had just seen him on the train platform. Then bam! Colpo di fulmine---the old Italian saying, love like lightning. It seemed from that moment on there was no escaping him. She trusted Eamon completely. Now he'd left her in this place. But, he was coming back. She'd make do for now, sure that Eamon would be back.

"Well, that's very kind of you Shane. I'll stay with you till I get the details figured out with Eamon and the school board." Abby struggled to pick up her bags and followed Shane to his house. Shane didn't help her.

Shane showed her around his bar before he took her into the house. He said he could "use a woman to help out about the place." Abby hoped he didn't want her to work at his bar. She wanted to be a teacher to the children of Antelope Hill...not a barmaid. Abby hoped that Eamon would be back soon. Even though they had only been apart for a few hours. She missed him.

So Abby followed Shane to his bar. It was tiny, just a counter and a few seats. There was an oven where Shane cooked greasy food, such as bacon and eggs, hardtack bread. Abby thought it could use some cleaning even if it was just managed by a single guy.

"The bedroom's in the back. You and I will be sharing it." said Shane. Abby sighed. She didn't expect to have her own room. But, she didn't expect she'd be sleeping so close to a complete stranger...especially since that stranger was a man.

Abigail carried her luggage to the room. She didn't think it was possible but the bedroom was even dirtier than the bar. Her mother would have called it a pigsty but Abby didn't think that a pig would live here. Pigs had standards, Shane didn't.

"Here's a broom." said Shane. He took the broom from a cobweb-ridden corner.

Abby knew if she took the broom. She'd be the maid and chef at Shane's bar forever. Abby hadn't come from Boston to do that. Boston was full of busty barmaids, the beer was probably better there too. She had come from the East Coast to the Western frontier to teach and to seek new opportunities. So Abby deflected. She was determined not to do Shane's bidding for as long as she could.

"When will Eamon be back?" questioned Abby.

"Why do you care so much? I don't care. Eamon comes and goes as he pleases. He has no loyalty."

Abby shrugged. She didn't know why she cared so much about Eamon. They'd just met after all. He shouldn't mean anything to her. Still Abby felt a cosmic connection between them. Her senses told her to be wary of Shane. She hoped Eamon would be home.

Abby didn't say anything. Shane also said nothing. He wanted her gone. Eamon had been such an idiot for sending her. He wanted the town to be solitary. Time seemed to stand still.

"I should probably look at the school now. To see if anything needs to be done to it. If you don't have school books I've brought some. The children can share." Abby wanted to get started on her work. She wanted to be around Shane as little as possible.

"We built this school back when the town was first starting up. Only seven kids in town then, we still wanted a school. Kids need family and structure. They need to learn the outside world is a dangerous place." stated Shane. He led Abby into the school house. It had fallen into disrepair. It was dusty, with cobwebs and snow had drifted in from under the door.

Abby nodded politely. She would have to put some elbow grease into this school house if she was going to teach here. So she took the broom from the bar and began sweeping up. She had a job to do after all.

Over the next week, much to Shane's dismay. Various town citizens dropped by. His pack members seemed to want a modern teacher. The town agreed to pay Abby $30 a month. There were 30 kids in the district and each family would pay $1 a kid. That was how Abigail became the school teacher for Antelope Hill.

Abby had been so busy setting up and cleaning the school that she had forgotten about Eamon. She'd just come into the bar from the school house when she heard arguing.

"I thought we agreed people like her weren't allowed in Antelope Hill. You should know the danger she brings. Not to mention the danger she's in. How can you expose your family like this?" questioned Shane angrily.

Abby lingered in the doorway wary of the argument that was going on. That was when Eamon looked up, saw her, smiled and winked. Abby trepidatiosly came into the bar. "Hello.." she said uncertainly. Why were they fighting about her?

"Hello, Ms. Abigail...glad to see you. How are things going over at the school?" questioned Eamon. He hadn't meant for Abigail to hear about troubles between him and Antelope Hill.

Shane stayed behind the bar and glared at the two of them. How could Eamon expose the pack like this? What was so special about this mortal woman? Why was he risking her life? Shane only had questions.

"Things are going fine, at the school. It was all messy and a sight to see but I cleaned it up. There's going to be thirty kids coming from all over the area, three days a week. I really don't know how I'll manage. But, it's going to be interesting to try. Would you like to stay for some coffee? It's getting to be nippy in this winter weather." asked Abby.

Before Eamon had a chance to answer Shane angrily spat. "He's not allowed in my bar and he's definitely not allowed in my house.

Abby didn't know how she felt about Eamon. But definitely knew how she felt about Shane. She was sick of him and the chauvinistic way he'd treated her. She'd only known Eamon for a brief while. But Abby felt that Eamon and her had an entwined destiny. How she knew this was beyond her understanding.

Despite wanting to be with him and believing they had a shared fate, Eamon had an air about him that made her cautious. Since she'd arrived in Antelope Hill, the whole town had acted like she was an anonomily. Abigail knew it was more than her being a stranger.

Still Abigail felt that Eamon was the only person in town she could trust. Eamon could see Abby's uncertainty and knew Shane would continue to give him grief about this moral woman. He loathed Shane and the way Shane adhered to ancient wolf laws. Eamon knew there was no escaping from the modern world. He wanted to be out in it.

The repressed atmosphere in the bar was too much for Eamon to take. Eamon had to get out of there. He wanted to spend more time with Abigail.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me Ms. Abigail? We could stop by my house for a cup of coffee if you'd like?" Eamon questioned. He hoped Abigail would say yes. He had so much to make her understand. He hoped Abby would have confidence in him.

"Sure Eamon, I'd love to go with you. Just let me get my coat." With that Abby went to fetch her coat. Shane glared at the couple as they left. He was sure they'd fuck everything up one way or the other.

Abby and Eamon walked Main Street. Soon they came to Eamon's house at the end of town right on the prairie.

"Come in for a cup of coffee?" questioned Eamon.

"Sure, I want to talk to you about some stuff...I've noticed around town. She went into Eamon's for coffee.

Eamon froze. So Abby had noticed the town's abnormalities. She hadn't run...yet. That was good? He was glad Abby had questions but scared of what he had to tell her. He wasn't sure she could handle the truth about the citizens of Antelope Hill.

"I never see anyone in this town besides Shane. Everyone seems to be away all the time. I thought since it was winter everyone would be settled down by fires keeping warm. I could call on the families to talk. The kids come to class but they leave as soon school is over. It's perplexing. I just want to be able to trust someone. I just want a friend." stated Abby sadly.

Eamon was at the stove making the coffee. He sadly sighed and said frustratingly. "It's true, here in Antelope Hill we've stuck to our traditions for a long time. Sometimes it feels like centuries. They've kept us safe. I'm the first person to venture out on his own. I brought you into our family. There's alot of resentment for that..it would have been better for both of us if I'd left you on that train platform."

Abby let out a small laugh at that. "I can't imagine any resentment against me. They just haven't accepted me. I want to be a part of a community. I want my own family. Somehow I'll do it. Besides, I already have a friend in you. Now sit down and have another cup of coffee with me."

Eamon put the coffee cups down on the table. He knew Abigail would never be truly accepted. It broke the laws he'd grown up with but she deserved to know. He would tell her. He would protect her.

"Trust me?" questioned Eamon, his voice was full of hope.

Abigail nodded yes.

Fast as lightning, Eamon transformed into a wolf. Abigail let out a little scream. What in the world was going on? She must be dreaming. But, was sure she was awake. Abigail had seen the transformation with her own two eyes.

Eamon?" she questioned the black wolf. For Abigail there was really no reason to ask besides the fact that she needed reassurance. The wolf had the same loose strand of hair that fell in front of his eyes. Abby nervously reached and placed the stray hair behind the wolf's ear.

The black wolf nodded its head and quickly transformed back into Eamon. He noticed that Abigail's hand was shaking. He placed his hand on hers to reassure her. Then he took her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. Abigail angrily yanked her hand back.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON???" questioned Abigail. She was scared. She wanted to run? She wanted to stay? Most of all she wanted an explanation. Surely, she deserved one.

"I'm a werewolf. We're all werewolves here in Antelope Hill. Shane is our Alpha, our leader and the mayor. I'm the first wolf to branch out on my own. The first to have a job outside of the pack. The first to love a mortal woman." stated Eamon nervously. He didn't meet Abigail's eyes as he said this.

Abigail looked down and stirred her coffee with a spoon. It had long gone cold. She was wondering if the mortal woman that Eamon loved was her. She had feelings for him. But, could people really fall in love that fast?

Abigail could only trust her instincts. She didn't know what mysterious path fate had led her down. She didn't know what destiny had in store for her. Abigail could only rely on herself and hopefully Eamon.

"What am I supposed to do now? Should I go back to Boston? Should I go back to the school and Shane?" questioned Abigail.

Eamon nodded his head no. Ever since he'd met this woman, he'd cursed himself. He wanted to be with her. He wanted to love her. He wanted to give her everything and more. Old wolf tales had always spoken of true mates. A lover whose soul was entwined with yours. Until he'd seen Abigail on that train platform, Eamon had never believed them. Then as the Italian and wolf saying went "colpo di fulmine". A lightning bolt had struck and he was in love.

All week, Eamon had tried to put Abigail out of his mind. Yet, his desire for her had only grown stronger. He knew now that he'd told Abigail the truth about the wolves of Antelope Hill; they'd kill her. Only he could prot

ect her. He wanted that. If Abigail ran now, Eamon didn't know what he'd do.

"Trust me Abby...I have a place for us to go. A place for us to be with one another." Eamon extended his hand. To his surprise, Abigail took it.

Eamon led her out onto the prairie. He took his Abby to a secret hot spring only he knew about. On their way across the prairie, Eamon drew Abby close wondering if it would be the last time they spent together. It was only then he noticed she was trembling. Eamon didn't know if it was from terror at finding out he was a werewolf, desire or just the winter weather. Abby didn't know herself. But, she let Eamon hold her close and relaxed in his strong arms.

Eamon enjoyed the feeling of Abby close to him. It was hard for him to believe that this mortal woman wanted him, that she was willing to accept him. Eamon wanted to speak, to move, but he dared not break such a fragile moment. He just loved being in his beloved embrace.

"You're shivering. I'll start a fire for you." stated Eamon.

Abigail tried to tell him that she was fine. That she didn't mind the cold.

"I love you Abby. I'm your protector. It's snowing you're only a mortal and need to be warm." stated Eamon as he gathered wood for the fire.

Abigail just nodded. Eamon was right. She was cold. Colder than she realized. Goosebumps were forming on her skin and her teeth were chattering. Abby realized she could find warmth in the hot spring until the fire was ready. Eamon soon had a roaring fire going. He looked at Abigail as she stood beneath the ancient evergreen trees. He watched as she let her long hair out of it's tight braids. He loved how it sparkled in the winter sun. Snow from ancient evergreen trees fell on her face and Abigail shivered against the winter wind.

Out in the sun, Eamon realized just how breathtakingly beautiful this woman was. Abigail noticed him staring and winked at him. She lifted her dress over her head and jumped into the hot springs. She swam across the hot spring teasing Eamon with her naked body. Eamon swam after his Abby, chasing her.

Swiftly, Abigail changed directions, she swam towards him. She pushed Eamon up against the shore with a strength he didn't expect. Now that Abigail had him pinned, she stretched up to kiss him softly on the mouth all the while pulling him close to her. Her legs parted for him and she felt the brush of his warm, turgid cock. Abigail twined her hands deep in Eamon's black hair, and he gasped at the warm, sweet musk that rose from her.

"That's it...make love to me." Abigail begged softly in his ear.

Eamon's head dipped and his tongue flicked out to taste a sensitive nipple. They were standing out from the fierce winter wind. Abigail let out a tiny whimper and she felt his silky cock teasingly brush against her tender lips. She arched against him, and Eamon's calloused hands gently raked her thigh. His breath was warm on her neck as he poised the head of his cock...

"Abigail, my sweetheart" Eamon panted as he looked up at Abigail with wanton desire in his eyes. "I need you—please. But, I'll only claim you if you want me to."

Abigail looked up at Eamon. He was so vulnerable, so fragile then. Everything he was, was laid bare before her and her small hands gently cupped his face.

"It doesn't matter. I've loved you from the moment I saw you. My sweetheart...my wolf." she murmured. "Love me..." her voice was thick with desire.