Work Husband


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"But instead of going where I was supposed to go, I misinterpreted his question and told him he was absolutely right, that you'd go off on me and it would end up turning into a fight that we'd both regret. I told him how much I appreciated his wisdom on how to deal with you.

"He told her about another time when I mentioned how frustrated I was with the sex we were having -- I did exaggerate a little -- and he knew so much more than you that I felt like telling you I was going to spend the weekend getting lessons from a master of sex. Then I'd come home and you'd get the benefit of what he'd teach me.

"I remember when I said that, I was looking at him and touching his hand. He was so good. He again asked me what you'd say if I said something like that to you. I noticed him twitch slightly when I again missed his cue and thanked him for the umpteenth time for being such a wonderful work husband.

"Lorena said our conversations were getting him so worked up that he had trouble thinking about anything except sex, but he couldn't have sex with me, and there was nowhere else for him to turn. He had never gone to a whore because he was scared of getting a disease. He tried masturbating, but when he closed his eyes, all he could see was me, and that sent him into a panic.

"His nerves were frayed, and he had a hard time holding it together at work. When I was around, he was frantic, so he tried to avoid me, but we now worked so closely that he couldn't. Minute by minute, he felt as thought he was unraveling, and his hands were starting to shake. Sometimes, out of nowhere, he felt like he had to scream or he'd go out of his mind.

"She thanked him for being open with her, but she wouldn't have sex with him that night. When he begged her and began sobbing, she said he had given her a lot to think about and she would discuss his desires again the next night.

"The following night he was in even worse shape until she told him she would have sex with him. She said he almost exploded with joy. Then she told him that first she needed payback for what he had been doing with his previous lovers and with me. He had humiliated her and nearly destroyed her spirit, and she was going to do the same thing to him if he agreed. If he didn't, no sex.

"He quickly agreed, and she spent the next two hours degrading him in all sorts of ways. Do you want to hear what she did?"


"I'm glad, because I don't want you to have nightmares. I enjoyed hearing everything, but at one point I started feeling a little queasy, so it was even a lot for me to swallow, and I hate Dylan with a passion.

"She said that the strangest thing was that when she finished humiliating him, the sex with him was terrific. Afterword, he thanked her without ever mentioning what she had done to him.

"She said he fell asleep, but she stayed awake thinking about what had just happened, and a plan began forming in her mind. The next day she went to an electronics store and bought video cameras and other equipment. Then she went to a sex store. While the kids were in school she rapidly worked her way through some video instruction classes and porn sites on the Internet. She's really smart. I don't think I could have mastered what she did in that short a time.

"He came home just as upset as the day before, and after the children were in bed, he once again pleaded for relief. She told him he would have to perform for her again before she would have sex with him, and this time it would be even worse, because they were going to dress up first, and she would make a video of everything.

"He told her he didn't care, but she made him think about it for an hour before they started. I won't tell you what they did, except it was the same as before, plus even worse stuff.

"Lorena wore a full-leather dominatrix costume a size too small, and she made Dylan put on panties, a garter belt and stockings. She applied the gaudiest whore makeup and lipstick she could find -- to herself and him. And then he had to beg her to do the first disgusting thing. When that was over he had to beg for the next one, and so on.

"She said she later looked at the video of a repulsive fat woman degrading a whiny sissy with a buff body, and it wasn't pretty.

"The next night they were back in costume doing new things. She asked me if I noticed anything about the way he had been walking at the office the last few days. I said all I noticed was that he spent most of his day sitting behind his desk.

"She said that I should have seen the huge rubber cock she fucked him with. The next morning, she had detached it from her harness, pushed it all the way back in and made him wear it to the office. That night she shredded his ass with a cane until it was covered with blood.

"Tonight, will be the last night she makes him perform in front of the cameras. It won't be painful, but it will be the most humiliating of all. She told me she's anxious to get finished. You'll never guess why."

"I won't even try."

"Because she's looking forward to the normal sex after the bizarre stuff. She said even after she turns him into a quivering blob of Jell-O with her horrible humiliations, he recovers quickly, and their lovemaking is as good as it ever was.

"Her first idea was to save the videos to use when she divorces him, but now she's going to use them to rebuild her marriage, and --."

Minerva stopped as I broke into gales of laughter. She laughed along with me for a while before she spoke.

"Yes, it's funny, but she's serious. She thinks they're closer now than they've been since they were married. She's stopped playing the role of victim.

"She used to be in awe of Dylan because he looked like a god and was full of confidence. She felt helpless. She asked me what I thought, and I told her I thought the same thing her husband thought."

"You what?"

"Absolutely. Dylan taught me that those who think of themselves as powerful and infallible are the most vulnerable to those who know how to expose and exploit their weaknesses. He proved it to me when we brought in Consolidated.

"All but one of their negotiators were top sales executives. You'd think they would immediately spot everything we were using to sell them. But, as Dylan pointed out, they were easy prey, because when you spend nearly all your time on offense and focus on being positive and enthusiastic, you can't suddenly switch your mindset and become defensive, wary and suspicious.

"That's exactly what I did to Dylan. He heard me saying the lines in his play that would lead me to his happy ending. Because he had no idea I knew what he was doing, it was easy to play mind games with him. The male ego is so fragile. He was on his way to a nervous breakdown before Lorena stepped in.

"I told Lorena that without intending to, I had prepared him for her to dominate, and it was up to her now to stay proactive and aggressive.

"She said that she's going to take charge of Dylan and their marriage. If he shows signs of straying again, she'll be ready. She'll find out who his new target is and threaten to show her the videos. But she doesn't think that's going to happen. She says she's going to exploit his fear of me."

"How will she do that?"

"It takes too long to explain everything, but the idea is that women at the office are dangerous, and if you get too close to them, they might tear you apart limb from limb, at least mentally. That's what she's going to condition him to believe. Lorena's so smart -- and imaginative, too.

"She asked me how I came up with my idea. I told her it was from a Henry James story where one character found out the secret of another one. The second character ended up mentally destroyed, because the first one was so subtle in using the information. If the second person had guessed that the first person had found out the secret, it wouldn't have worked."

"What story was it?"

"You'll find out when you read some great books for a change. Lorena guessed right away. She loves literature, and when I told her about my library, she asked me to help her acquire her own set of great books. Meanwhile, she's going to start borrowing mine, so you might be seeing more of her.

"She also plans to get back into shape. She's already started watching what she eats, and she asked my advice about which fitness club to join. I told her she should join mine, because I'll get a free month and I'll use the money to take her out for healthy lunches. We're going to work out together. She won't have to hire a trainer, and I'll have a gym buddy for the first time since Emma moved."


"I also found out what she was doing at the gardening show. She's been obsessed with succulents since she was a kid and watched a movie about the desert at school while the temperature outside was sub-zero. She wants to bring over a potted plant each time she borrows a book. I said no way, but she said that she would pick out the prettiest cactus in her garden and insist on planting it here. I said in that case I would bring her my most beautiful mum."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I really like her. She's smart and warm and --"

"And she reads great books and is into fitness, and I suppose she goes to the same church."

"I forgot that part. She and Dylan will be checking it out on Sunday. I know you can handle it, because you never liked Jesse either."

"Are you comparing Dylan to Jesse?"

"No. Jesse never did anything that horrible to Emma. I'm just saying, I don't expect you to get along with Dylan, so I'll make sure you see him as little as possible."

"Thanks a lot. So what's this sudden interest in church again? Now that you've gotten your revenge, are you going to ask God to forgive you for torturing Dylan?

"No. I'm going to thank him for leading us in his path. It started out with us fighting about Dylan, and then came my humiliation. When I set out to get back at Dylan, I never thought about God, but God thought about me. Look what I did! I saved a marriage and rescued a wonderful woman from a miserable life. And God rewarded me for my goodness by giving me a friend --"

"To take the place of Emma."

"No one will ever take her place, but I know Emma will be as happy as I am when I talk to her this weekend. Aren't you happy for me?"

What could I say?

"Of course I'm happy. It's just so strange."

"Yes, isn't it? God works in mysterious ways."

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

The smart ones are often the hardest to convince they are in the wrong. Their ego won't allow them to accept that someone has gotten one over on them.

I did enjoy this one though. It's like, how can someone be so smart yet so stupid at the same time? Interesting but extremely frustrating. I can only imagine the turmoil the husband must've felt. Like trying to convince someone they're in danger as the whole building is burning and collapsing around them and they're just telling you, "this is fine."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

She is an incredible, Machiavellian sociopath. He self absorption with her brilliance defies belief. The "love" she has for her husband is the same I have for my dog. Patient superiority. The MC is clueless as to how controlling she is.

In every respect to is a worthless "human being". Any person, with a shred of self respect, would remove that rat from his neck and seek life elsewhere.

RedRachaelRedRachael4 months ago

Huh? She sure seemed to be thinking about Dylan way too much even after she realized what was up. Her actions would probably have caused her husband to think she was cheating even more than before!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This was certainly one of the more interesting and unorthodox LW stories I've read. I can't help but feel at the end that Lorena is now after Minerva and the situation will repeat itself soon enough. Dylan was definitely a most unusual predator in his methods but he finally met his match in Minerva. Minerva was a bit crazy but at least she was an actual loving wife.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A strange and bizarre story, but interesting. All the plotting and scheming reminds me of something (maybe a parody?) I saw once where a bad guy essentially has someone trapped and the protagonist just shoots him in the chest, ending the game immediately.


I’m going to take the perspective that MC is smart and understands his wife well and is playing along reluctantly because she’s a bit of a whack job. He simply saw his wife become enamored with a good looking guy and begin to obsess over it. He said something to let her know. She emotionally swung wildly, per her tradition, and then she was grateful.

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