Working the Holiday


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Reed picked a suitable spot and spread the blanket out. I unpacked the basket and set plates, flatware, a small bottle of olive oil, wineglasses and napkins out. Then put out the food. I cracked open one of the chianti bottles and poured some of the dark red liquid into the wine glasses.

When I uncovered the eggplant and sausage, Reed exclaimed, 'That smells heavenly. Where did you get it?'

'I baked it a few days ago,' I told her. 'We're having leftovers. You're helping clean out my fridge,' I added with a laugh.

'You cook?' she asked incredulously.

'My mother wanted to make sure I didn't live on takeout once I was on my own. Or make some girlfriend to do all the cooking. I started getting trained in meal preparation when I was old enough to see the top of the stove.' I plated two sausages and added a generous portion of eggplant before giving it to Reed. 'Help yourself to bread. Just tear off what you want. I didn't bring butter but there's olive oil.'

Reed took her first bite of eggplant while I was assembling my lunch. 'This is really good. You really baked this yourself?'

I smiled. 'Thanks. I'm glad you like it. I'll tell my mother her eggplant parm has another convert next time I talk to her.'

We ate quietly, just looking at each other for a few minutes. Reed raised her wineglass toward me. 'This is almost as good as having Easter dinner with my family,' she said. 'It's also a much-appreciated gesture. Thank you, Kevin.'

'You're welcome. Getting stuck working the weekend has turned out better than expected. Actually, it's been more enjoyable than what I would have done if I didn't work.'

'What did you have planned?' Reed asked.

'Absolutely nothing. I might have gone for a run or two. Otherwise just paid bills, did laundry, and watched TV. You?'

'I'd have hung out at home. Had dinner with my parents. My sister and her family weren't coming. That social distance thing and all.'

When we finished eating and had packed everything away, I stretched out on my back on the blanket with my hands under my head and my eyes closed. 'I don't want to go back to work yet,' I said. 'Let's stay here just a little longer.'

Reed stretched out next to me. 'Sounds good to me,' she said. 'I could easily fall asleep here if I'm not careful. It would really suck if we fell asleep out here and ended up being here late. But it's too nice today to be inside all day and miss it.'

'Yeah, but we better get back to it soon' I said with a sigh.

'Well, we can't go back yet,' Reed said.

'Why not?' I asked as something blocked the sun that had been warming my face. I figured it was a cloud. Until I felt Reed's weight on my hips. I opened my eyes to see Reed above me.

'We haven't had dessert yet,' she said.

I smiled. 'I didn't bring dessert.'

'I hope I got it covered.'

Reed leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips to mine. I felt her fingers move along the side of my face and into my hair just above my ear. She kissed me again, this time a little more firmly. 'I'm kinda glad you didn't bring dessert.' She brushed her lips to mine again.

'Why's that?' I asked when she drew back for a moment.

'I wanted to contribute something. I think dessert is just the thing.'

'What do you have in mind?' I asked.

Reed's answer was a much more passionate kiss. A kiss that brought on a cascade of sensations I had missed out on for too long. I didn't want to discourage Reed and didn't. We stayed on the blanket and kissed for a few more minutes. It wasn't long before we were both breathless. I was hard from Reed rubbing up against me. She had to know the effect she was having on me. My erection was pressed up against her. I could feel her heat through our clothes. The passion in her kisses was unmistakable. I'm sure if she let things progress any further, we'd have spent a very long lunch there on the blanket.

I had mixed feelings about getting involved with a coworker though they weren't stopping me from enjoying what was happening. But she solved my dilemma. She pushed herself away. 'We should get back inside,' she whispered breathlessly. 'If we don't, we might not finish.'

'And I'd have to explain to Willa why the postal shipment isn't ready.'

We gathered everything up and put it into my truck, then went back inside.

For the next couple hours, we worked steadily and made good progress. By three, we were finished. The afternoon had been pleasant, but something had changed. There seemed to be an underlying tension. Even though the work was done, it felt like something was unfinished. Reed and I organized our paperwork and closed up shop in the warehouse. I turned the lights out as we left the warehouse and entered the office area.

When we got to my office, I began to put the paperwork in my briefcase. I'd have a bunch of data to enter and forms to electronically sign on Monday morning.

Reed followed me to my office, carrying her jacket and workshirt. She couldn't leave on her own. I had to let her out. An alarm would be triggered if a key card wasn't swiped before the door opened.

'Kevin . . ,' Reed said as I gathered up my paperwork and closed my briefcase.

I looked up. Her mask was off for the first time since lunch. 'Yeah?'

'Are you okay with what happened after lunch?'

I needed to stall for a moment. I knew what Reed was talking about, but I'd avoided thinking about it after we returned to work. In one way, I hoped the topic wouldn't resurface. 'Why shouldn't I be? We got the job done. It took longer than I hoped but Willa will . . . accept the results. I've never seen a time when she was pleased with a result.' I picked up my briefcase.

'Ooo-kaaay,' she dragged it out. 'That's not what I meant. But I guess it was an answer.' She sounded disappointed. And a little hurt. I could see it in her expression.

'Not really, Reed. Did I like what happened? Yeah. It's been a while since I've experienced . . . the feminine touch. I think you know the effect you had. Do I have reservations? Oh yeah, I'm there too. I don't want to lose my job because I'm involved with a coworker. Or make it uncomfortable for us if things don't work out. But, I can't say I'm not attracted to you, Reed.'

Reed face brightened. 'So, I was thinking since you're such a good cook, maybe you could invite me over for dinner tonight.'

It was my turn to smile. 'Don't overestimate my abilities in the kitchen based on lunch. My eggplant parm is good because my mother couldn't bear to think I might screw it up. I've probably made it fifty times. The rest of my cooking is survival skill level.'

'I'll take my chances. But there's something I need to do before we have dinner,' she told me.

'Me, too. I don't have anything to make dinner with. I've got to stop at the supermarket.'

I started for my office door, figuring we discuss when to meet at my place and tell her where I lived. I didn't get far. As I came around my desk, Reed hip-checked me into the corner. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. Her knee came up between my legs and she leaned into me, pushing me into the wall. She broke the kiss. 'Dessert first this time,' she breathed and then pressed me tighter into the corner.

Reed already had me speechless. It was only another moment before she had me breathless, too. To say we were enthusiastic is to understate how quickly things progressed. Our clothing came off in a blur. I was surprised when Reed just tore the front of her tee shirt rather than pull it over her head. I couldn't find the hooks on the back of Reed's bra. She pushed me away and unhooked it between the cups, then shrugged it off. I didn't get much chance to see her breasts before they were again pressed against me. My shirt was already off. The feel of hard nipples pressed against my skin was nearly overstimulating.

Reed worked on my belt, having as much trouble with it as I had with her bra. I finally loosened it for her. She wasted no time, soon having my pants unbuttoned and unzipped. She sighed, her hot breath warming my chest when she reached inside my boxers and grasped my erection. I gritted my teeth, hoping the feel of her hand wouldn't push me over the edge.

Reeds pants were still in place. I bent forward a bit and reached down to rub my palm back and forth at the juncture of her pants. I could feel her heat through the heavy cloth of her workpants. She gasped at the pressure of my hand against her. She unbuttoned her pants and unzipped with one hand, never relinquishing her hold on my cock. Once her pants were open, I slid my hand up to her abdomen. Her pants slid past her hips and part way down her legs. She took my hand and forcefully guided it inside her panties. They were hot and moist against the back of my hand. The hair I encountered was already matted and damp, holding more than a trace of her arousal.

Reed's hand went where mine did. While the hand on my shaft held firmly and stroked slowly, the other probed along with my hand and probed at the spots I didn't. Reed's breaths grew deep. When my fingertips stopped at her clit and grazed across it lightly, she sighed softly and slid her hand past mine. I felt her finger curl past my fingertip and into the well of her arousal. Reed took one of my nipples between her lips. A gentle nip accompanied the vibration of the moan generated when her fingers entered her.

We were both getting too heated to postpone what we really wanted. I grasped Reed's hips and picked her up. We awkwardly made our way to my desk, which had only my phone and last year's desk pad calendar on it. Reed slipped from my grasp just as we reached the desk and landed with a thump. Neither of us were slowed by it. Reed put her feet together and swung them up onto my shoulder. I pulled her panties up as far as I could get them.

'In me. I want your cock in me. Hurry,' she urged me. She reached past her hip and took hold of me again and pulled me toward her. 'Hurry, I need you in me.'

Reed guided me into the warm, slippery heaven awaiting my shaft. I pushed in slowly as she took a deep breath and let out a loud sigh. The inner walls of that haven wrapped my shaft in in a blissful warmth I couldn't believe. Once I was all the way inside her, I held still for a moment, relishing her inner heat.

But blissful as it felt, I couldn't remain still. Reed's spasming around my shaft and our innate need for movement that would increase the sensations to the boiling point caused me to begin slowly. Reed's moans became louder as I pulled out then pushed my burning hot member back inside.

'That feels nice,' Reed sighed. 'Don't stop. It feels so good. I don't want it to ever stop.'

The band of my boxers was hooked behind my scrotum. It was a bit of a distraction, but the position of Reed's legs wasn't ideal. I untied her boots and pulled them off. Then pulled her pants off. My cock slipped from its sheath for a moment. Reed groaned her disappointment but squealed happily as I spread her legs and guided myself back inside her. I pushed my boxers down, removing the last real distraction.

Unencumbered now, our pace slowly grew more energetic. And while Reed remained in a heightened state, my sense of urgency had declined. Though it wasn't long before I back where I'd been. Reed wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me in tighter. She kept trying to pull me in faster. I accommodated her wishes, increasing the pace of my thrusts to match the pace she was trying to set.

Reed's moans grew louder. My breaths became more rapid as our pace increased. Reed began voicing her desires. 'Faster, Kevin. Faster. Fuck me hard. I'm getting so close. I need you to fuck me hard and fast!'

The pace of strokes tried to meet her desires. When she let out a loud squeal, I knew Reed was approaching her peak. 'Oh yes, she finally cried as her hips came up off the desk and her legs pulled me in and held me as her hips repeatedly came up off the desk while I was completely engulfed inside her. I felt her vaginal walls spasm as she took a deep breath and held it. Her face grew bright red. The muscles on her neck tensed and her body shook, almost vibrated. When her breath came out forcefully, her whole body seemed to turn to jelly and rested on my desk. Spent and wearing an expression of contented bliss..

I resumed my hard fast pace, knowing I would last only a few more strokes. When my body tensed, Reed suddenly came back to life. She sat up suddenly. My cock popped out of her just as the sensation of orgasm began. Reed grasped my shaft and began pumping rapidly. My shoulders hunched forward. My hips tried to fuck her hand. A moment later I erupted. The first shot of ejaculate shot up her abdomen, between her breasts and struck the bottom of her chin. Several more bodily spassms sent more creamy white fluid up her torso.

When the sensations abated and my vision cleared, a beaming Reed was looking up at me. Her wide smile looked comical with the strand of ejaculate hanging from her chin. I staggered back half a step and laughed. Reed laughed along with me.

'It's a good thing we didn't do this at lunch,' she said. 'We surely have fallen asleep on that blanket.'

I smiled. 'Probably. Who knows how long we be here tonight if we had.'

Reed hopped off my desk and retrieved her ruined tee shirt. She cleaned the cum off her chin, neck and torso then balled up the shirt and tossed it in the corner.

'So, we still on for dinner,' she asked.

'What do you want to eat. I have to stop at the supermarket of you want anything other than breakfast or cold cuts.'

'Where do you live,' she asked.

'Farmington Court Apartments. One-thirty-four C. Know where that is?'

'Yup,' she said with a grin. It's about a half mile from my parent's house.'

'Meet me there in an hour?' I asked. 'That will give me time to hit the supermarket.'

'Stop and get takeout. I'll go get a change of clothes and met you at your place.'


'I think we should work together.'

'You want to come here again tomorrow?' I asked.

'No, silly. We'll work from your house. If you don't mind. But not tomorrow. I already asked Willa if I could take a comp day, since I worked the weekend.'

'She gave it to you?' I asked.

'I bet if you ask nicely, she give you the day, too.'

'I don't want to talk to her if I can avoid it.'

'Just send her a text message. Don't ask. Tell her you're taking tomorrow.'

We dressed quickly and went out to the parking lot together. I got a quick kiss before Reed got in her car. 'Steve, don't let Willa make you work tomorrow. I promise, you'll be too tired to work tomorrow.'

I watched Reed drive off and wondered what I'd got myself into. It's too soon to tell where this is going. I was too tired to work the next day. And I must admit, working at home has been much more fun.

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avp92117avp9211712 months ago

Who's Steve? (Hint: should be Kevin).

Nice, but ultimately nothing exceptional.

S_FoxS_Foxabout 1 year ago


Don’t shake hands

Wear a mask

Share bodily fluids

Something doesn’t add up!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. Kinda ruined it when she called him by the wrong name at the end. Do hope she went to Kevin's place.

Ravey19Ravey19about 3 years ago

A good story. I'm sure after over a year of various lockdowns young graduates are most likely extremely keyed up and therefore more likely to develop relationships quickly.

Anyway a typically carrteun story with a nicely crafted bringing and slow raising of temperament in the middle and then a quite fast and furious conclusion . Well worth 5 stars.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireabout 3 years ago

Hi, here from the On the Job challenge. This was a fun story and was set up very well. One of the other reviewers mentioned the quick sex, but I thought that was a function of kids barely out college in their first job and the nature of the challenge itself. Everything in the story must take place at work, so I felt it worked in that context. However, I have to agree with Anon (humorously) on Reed ripping her own shirt off; yes, she wanted to be free of it quickly, but most people can shuck off their shirt faster than they can rip it and save the $6.95 for a new one! Haha! Anyway, I thought is was very nicely done and gave it 4.5*, rounded up to 5.

G5902G5902about 3 years ago

Fun story and I hope to see a continuation of this story! Boss’s daughter?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Clever premise.

Nice story building up to the sex. But the sex was too rushed. Why did they have to be in such a hurry? Why wasn't there some serious making out that finally resulted in clothes coming off? Why no substantial descriptions of their bodies?

She ripped her own shirt off. He fumbled trying to unclasp her bra from behind her back. She undid it in the front. He never really even got to see her breasts. He touches her pussy. It's already wet.

That's what I'm talking about.

Four stars.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 3 years ago

Good beginning! It might need a second chapter.


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