World of Ranicke Bk. 02 Ch. 02


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Jim didn't even really think about it since he had gotten used to them sleeping nude. It was just the way they were. "Just going to mention that the casual nudity of the tribe is going to be an issue. We, well them now, will have issues if you walk around nude. I am used to it now but they have very little idea of what our tribe is like and the customs of the tribe."

He laid the boy down after Sorrel pulled the covers back. Jim grabbed another blanket since even he was chilled and it really wasn't that cold. After Sorrel crawled in he flipped the blanket over them and then crawled in on the other side of Alon. With the two of them between them Alon would sense them and should sleep better. If he awoke during the night he could cuddle up with one of them or if he needed the bathroom Jim could show him how to use the toilet.

He fell asleep shortly after crawling into bed. Though he was tired he started hearing voiced calling his name and again feeling like they were trying to find him. He forced the voices away and curled closer to the other two. By the time they awoke it was evening and he could smell Pam's chili cooking and his stomach rumbled. Before anything else he used the bathroom and then woke the other two. "Hey kiddo time to wake up and I will show you how to use the bathroom since it is vastly different than you are used to."

Alon woke and rolled over on his stomach and stretched much like a cat would and Jim leaned over and tickled his ribs which got him hissed at. Jim simply chuckled. "I am going to take a shower. There is only room for two people so once you finish stretching come in and I will help you get clean." He grabbed his cloths and walked into the bathroom and started the water and once it was warm enough he stepped into the tub and let the water flow down his head and back and took a minute or two to enjoy what the thought of a real shower.

A few moments later Alon climbed in and gave the tub and shower an odd look but the water was really warm and he was feeling cold. When Jim picked up the shampoo and started working it into his hair Alon started purring. Jim knew just how to work it in and he loved having his hair washed by Poppe Jim or one of the Mama's. It was part of his feline makeup. He didn't know or realize how much Jim had changed before he was old enough to really remember things Jim did. By then Jim had gotten used to helping bathe any of the littles that they either watched or had adopted.

As he was working on Alon's hair and back the little boy was working the shampoo into his fur on his chest and groin. He was old enough that he really could bath himself but again the feline aspect showed in the cuddling and sneaking into their bed or some of the others and going to sleep. Once Alon was clean Jim helped him out of the tub and handed him a towel. "Get dried off and get dressed. I know they are cloths from yesterday but till we can get some additional cloths we have to live with it."

Jim started scrubbing his hair down with the shampoo and almost had to shake his head. His hair had thickened up some and was down below his shoulder blades. It had been strongly suggested he needed to let his hair grow out since some of the little thank you gifts were for the hair as well as the bracelets and necklaces. While he was doing that Sorrel climbed in and started working on his back.

"This is a strange shower but I sort of like it though I think I will always prefer the hot springs for bathing and relaxing." Everything was so strange in his world. She was having some trouble reconciling what he had told her of this place and what she had seen. Some of it hadn't matched up or wasn't what she had imagined what it would be like. "Do you think we will make it back?" That was one thing that terrified her and it helped her understand how Jim must have felt.

He turned and pulled her close. "Yes love I am sure we will get back one way or another. Hellhounds take care of each other and I am sure Mick is working on this right now." He lightly rubbed her nose with his and then urged her to turn around. He started working shampoo into her fur and gave her a light massage as well.

Eventually they were done and Jim helped her get as dry as possible before drying himself. Once they were dressed he noticed that Alon wasn't in the room and he frowned slightly. He opened the door and heard voices coming from the kitchen and walked down and almost started laughing.

Dan had brought his family over and Bear was there as well. Dan's girls were playing with Alon and making all the oo's and ah's that went with it. Jim snickered. "Don't spoil him to much girls and it is good to see you two even if it has been ten years." They looked up and didn't recognize him since they had been so young. "I knew you two when Allie was about six and Ana you were about four. If Alon didn't say anything he is my adopted son and I am his guardian."

Alon gave him a mock hiss before leaning back into the tickling and petting. "I like them. Can they come back with us?" He didn't really quite understand what he was saying.

Dan and Nang choked and then snickered. "Sorry son but they need to stay here and their only purpose in life isn't just to cuddle and pet." He had to shake his head. "When he walked in they both stared at him and then squealed and picked him up and started cuddling him."

Allie giggled. "He is so cute and his fur is really soft. Maybe we can keep him?" She was teasing both her father and the strange man. "I am sure he would love going for walks in the forest around our house and all that."

Alon started to look worried. "Don't wanna leave Poppe Yim. Cuddling nice but have to stay with Poppe Yim." He started to tense up as well.

Ana leaned over and lightly scratched his chin. "Relax Alon Allie is just being silly and teasing Daddy and your Poppe." When she reassured him he settled down some. Sorrel walked in a moment later and their eyes got even bigger. "Oh wow! You really are from a different world aren't you?" When Sorrel swished her tail and lightly thumped Jim with it Ana could only stare.

Pam had to grin at the reactions from the girls. "I would love to let this conversation continue but breakfast is ready." She had gone for French toast except for Alon who she had fried a number of sausages and some eggs as well. "Come sit down and have some coffee and let's eat."

"Those are lovely words Pam and if I didn't already have three mates I would offer to marry you for the coffee alone." He helped Sorrel get her tail through the back of the chair before sitting down. He took a slow deep breath and smiled at the smell of everything. "Thank you Pam."

Since they were probably going to leave shortly he had brought his axe, satchel, and new rifle with him. He didn't want to have to use them but it was a case of better safe than sorry. He glanced around and noticed Dan had a rifle as well and smiled slightly. He might be old but Jim would wager on him every time. "Alon make sure you eat till full and let the girls eat as well. No stealing any of their food other than a nibble to see what it is like."

Alon nodded but didn't speak since he had part of a sausage patty in his mouth and seemed to be enjoying it. Everyone started eating and quietly talking as they were eating. It was a very relaxing and enjoyable meal or it was till he felt the tingling building again. "Oh fuck, everyone grab hands." He would have tried to get Alon but he doubted there would be enough time.


The mystic and shaman had studied the area the three vanished and started working. The shaman broke out a pipe and packed some special herbs in it. The herbs would relax him and allow his spirit to hopefully enter the spirit world to see what he could find. As he was slowly puffing on the pipe he was beating out a rhythm on a small set of drums.

The mystic was working it from a different angle. He could still sense a swirl of power and he focused on that. On the table he drew an image using some special powders and colored sand. To most the symbols wouldn't mean anything since they were simply his way of focusing his talent. He settled down in the chair and started chanting quietly.

Between the two of them the drumming, and quiet changing from the shaman, and the chanting of the mystic all blended in to a mutually supportive cadence. To them time didn't matter once they had started though they would be drained and very hungry when they were done.

Back at Moran's caravan all the children and Nasha and Nora were huddled together and were trying to comfort the crying children. Several of Moran's older children came and worked on comforting them as well. His eyes were still hard and his face was very angry looking. If you looked hard enough you could see distress in the set of his ears. By now most of the tribe had heard what happened and many of them were sort of gathered around. They would come in and give a few words of comfort or simply a hug and then move on and eventually someone else would approach.

Several of the elders as well as the master warrior and Eldon were there as well. They were deep in discussion about what had happened though it didn't really mean much. Till the shaman and mystic were done all they could do was speculate.

Eventually one of the healers came over with some drinks and handed them out. They had some sleeping herbs in the warm drinks and shortly thereafter all of them fell asleep. "They will sleep for a while and I have more if needed. Right now they are distraught and need the sleep. The Master healer will be over later to check on them and help them." She bowed to Moran and left.


It was a good seven or eight hours later when the shaman and mystic aroused from their trances and both traded looks. The shaman sighed. "They are no longer in this world or I would be able to sense their spirits." He looked tired and worn.

The mystic nodded agreement. "I believe they are back in Jim's world but I have the signature of the power that pulled them to his world. If we work together and maybe the maker of the power stones we might be able to get them back but it is going to take some time." He was looking even more tired than the shaman.

Several warriors came over with the carry chairs and helped them into it and using the covered paths took them to the chiefs tent. About the time they arrived two large plates of food arrived as well as some warm drinks. The Master Healer was there and she came over and checked on them. "Do you need anything for pain or to sleep?" They talked for a few minutes before she pulled a few things out and added them to their drink too steep for a few as well as some tablets to take later.

Moran immediately came over to the table and sat down. "Please eat before you tell me what you might have found that will explain what happened. I want my daughter and her family back as soon as possible if it is possible." He sipped on a drink and then frowned at the healer. "I don't want to go to sleep now so don't spike my tea again unless I ask for assistance." His voice was a sort of growl.

She shook her head. "It is just to help you relax. I can sense your tension and this will help you relax a bit. When you do go to bed it will help but right now it is just to help with the tension from what happened." She gave him a hug and walked back over to Jim's family and checked on them.

Eventually the two finished eating and the Shaman spoke first. "First off their spirits are no longer in this world. They are not dead but gone. I did managed to speak with Jim's totem animal and he informed me that what happened was caused from somewhere else. He mentioned it might be the fates or gods and goddesses using them for a purpose we don't understand." Once he finished saying that he looked at the mystic.

The mystic settled back in the chair and tried to get comfortable before speaking. "I have the signature of the power used. I believe the three of them were pulled back to Jim's world. With the power signature I should be able to locate them and at least talk to them or send a sort of message." He took another sip of the drink because after sitting still so long his bones were aching. "I need to rest for a while and then the shaman and I will need to talk to the Master Stone Maker. It might be possible to pull them back over here but right now I don't know of any way to keep this from happening."

Moran nodded and then looked at the warriors. "Take them to their caravans and make sure they have everything they need to be comfortable." He turned back to them. "Sleep as long as you need but as soon as you are awake I want you working on this. I want them back come hell or high water." When he stood and walked over to the pile of bodies he settled down and curled up next to some of the youngest and was quickly asleep.


The next morning the shaman, the mystic and the master stone maker settled down in the Mystic's tent since he was feeling to achy to get out of bed and do more than use the pot in his small caravan and settle at the table to eat. "Morning and I hope you aren't as tired and sore as I am." He told the shaman.

He got a sort of grunt back. "I am not all that much younger than you are and it was a slow walk over here." He smiled when the food arrived and dove into it. "That was harder than anything I have done in ages. Thank goodness my apprentice is about to make journeyman and he can take over a number of duties."

The mystic sighed. "I am still waiting for the fates to bring an apprentice to me. I have been looking for years in this tribe and all the others I come across but nobody quite fits my needs." He started eating as well and for a few there was silence as all three ate their food.

The Master stone worker finally leaned back and looked at the two. "So what is it you want of me? Tell me what you need and I will see if I can create it." He had heard about the vanishing and the other two doing their thing for most of the day. He figured that they were looking for a special power stone to see about getting the three missing back.

They talked for several hours before the Stone Master finally stood up. "Let's go to my caravan and you can look at the stones I currently have available. Based on what you are telling me if we can find a stone with the right signature you might be able to get them back right?" He looked at the two and the nodded.

The Mystic spoke since he was going to be the one to pick the stones. "Or as close as possible and if you can adjust it to something closer I think we might have a chance to at least communicate with them." He stood up and helped the Shaman stand as well. Thankfully there were two carry chairs outside waiting for them.

When they walked out the Shaman gave the warriors a smile. "I am sorry if we made you wait for so long but it was a very important discussion." He carefully climbed into one as the Mystic was helped into the other.

Thomas was standing there and he gave the Shaman and Mystic a tight smile. "Just get my warrior brother and his family back. I will wait for the end of time if needed to get them back." Thomas was almost part of the family now and he was desperately worried about the three of them though it didn't show much except in the set of his ears.

The Shaman reached over and patted his arm. "We are doing everything we can and you won't have to worry about waiting for the gathering before you see them again." He leaned back in the chair and soon they were heading towards the stone masters caravan. It took a bit longer since the warriors tried to avoid the rain as much as possible even though the chairs had a rain hood. The last dash was across the muddy ground to the caravan and for that they put the hoods up.

Once there the three males moved into the caravan. "This is where I keep the normal stones. The ones that drive the caravans, can be used as a heat source, and other utilitarian needs." The next room was where he kept the special stones and he had a feeling he was going to need them instead of these.

The Mystic wandered through this section and passed his hand over the insulating wrappers used to keep the powers of the stones from impacting on other stones. Eventually he pretty much gave up. "None of these will work. Even they are close to the signature we are going to need more power." He did pick one up. "This should work to try and communicate with them but it will be burnt out when we are done."

The Stone Master nodded and took the stone from him. "Let me close the outside door and then I will show you to my inner sanctum where the good stones are." He hated having to use them since they were very expensive and in most cases were bartered for from other tribes. There were certain small tribes or clans who actively searched for the stones as well but they were still hard to come by. Once he had closed the door he walked to the inner door. "Hurry through please. Even with the heavy insulation I have seen weaker stones explode if left to long in the presence of a stronger stone." He grimaced since that was how the previous Stone Master had been lost.

The two other males walked to the door and as soon as he opened it they hurried through followed by the Stone Master. As soon as they were inside he shut the door and all three could feel stronger traces of power flowing around him. The Mystic smiled since he rather enjoyed the ebb and flow of the power in this room. Slowly he became attuned to the various power signatures and started slowly walking along the small rows of stones.

Each stone was much more heavily insulated in a silk like material since each one was far more powerful than any of the stones in the outer room. He stopped for a moment and dropped a bead in front of one before moving on to the next stone. By the time he was done there were three stones with beads in front of them. "I need to feel the stone directly to pick the best of the three I selected."

The Stone Master mentally signed since they were the rarest and most expensive. He had been hanging onto these for many years for a special purpose. Right now was one of those special purposes he decided and pulled the first out. He set it on his table and flipped a heavy silk blanket over it and loosened the wrappings before stepping aside.

The Mystic slipped his hand inside the blanket and touched the stone and worked his way through the pathways in the stone. He finally nodded and stepped back. "The second please." He repeated this with all the stones and finally selected the closest to the power signature. "I need to sit down outside for a while and recover. Then we will come back to this stone and I will mark out what I need done to it to correct the signature and focus it."

All three trooped out of the caravan and the two older males collapsed in some chairs. "Warrior Thomas please have someone get some warm drinks and food please." He was feeling the strain as well and heavily settled down heavily in a chair.

Thomas called out some orders and two warriors left to get what was requested. "It will be here in a few moments sir." He stayed close in case they needed anything. When the warriors came back he was somewhat surprised to see some of Jim's kids helping and had to smile. The little elf girl climbed into the Mystics lap and cuddled close. "Pwese bring Poppe Yimmy back."

The Mystic was sort of startled when she crawled on his lap and then smiled down at the little girl and gave her a gentle hug. "We are doing our best though it might take a bit of time. We are working with the Stone Master to get just the right stones we need. It had been a very long time since he had held a child and he settled down with his arms around her and before he realized it drifted off to sleep.

Thomas could only smile when both of them fell asleep. "Okay, the rest of you head back to the Chief's tent and see what chores need doing. We will be over there later and I will tell you what I can." A couple of the children looked sort of rebellious but they all left except the little girl who was sleeping on the Mystic's lap.