Worm 4 Couple Used in Public

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Miss Charlie has couple used publicly.
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Justin knew the moment he was going to use his gift to help someone else. Up to now, he used it to help himself, making him wealthy with lots of possessions, and not paying taxes on any of it. The ability to control others came to him about ten years earlier from a freak electrical accident, Justin taking a few days to realize it and a few months to be proficient at it.

Now at twenty-six, he had a nice house with a highly cognizant staff, a nice car still listed with the dealership for the insurance, nice clothes from a credit card not his, and plenty of people to assist whatever his whim was at the moment. What he didn't have was a relationship worth having, the plenty of girls and a few males only there because he controlled them.

Then he met Maureen Watts, a slim, boyish girl who worked at the library. Justin had a nice library at his nice house but occasionally visited the public one for one of the events they put on. Maureen was the event coordinator, a twenty-four-year-old who was serious in demeanor yet liked to smile and laugh. At the end of the event, he stayed to help her as he realized the rest of the event staff were leaving early. By the time the props and pamphlets were packed away, they agreed to meet for a drink.

That led to more meetings and then dinners and then walks in the parks, Justin not controlling Maureen but out of habit scanning her mind each time they met to find she didn't know about him, didn't realize his nice car and clothes were based on money, for she seldom thought of such things. She did like him a lot, as he had her laughing each time they met and a few calls or texts in between.

The moment Justin decided to use the ability for someone else came during a nice meal at a nice restaurant. People usually needed reservations there, but Justin simply walked in, gave his name along with a mental push and they had the best table available at the moment. Maureen never seemed sure why, but she did like his self-assurance and confidence without seeming to be arrogant, at least around her.

Maureen went to the ladies' room after the meal, coming out to head to the table, a happy look on her face as Justin watched her walk. She didn't do a sexy walk, but her stride was straight, athletic, and showed a confidence in her chosen path. She passed a table, a woman standing up, tossing water into Maureen's face before laughing.

"Worm! I thought that was you. Here for a desperation date?"

Maureen wiped water from her face before blinking at her attacker. The restaurant went quiet.

"I,I, I thought you moved away."

"I did, you stupid worm. Now, I'm back to make it here. What sort of stupid things are you doing? Still wearing out those vibrating batteries because no male will take a worm seriously?" the woman smiled, "What's the matter, worm? Eating too many bugs off some homeless man?"

There was laughter from the table, Maureen's face shutting down as she tried to walk around the woman standing there. The woman grabbed Maureen by the hair, yanked her back and pushed the finished plate of pasta into her face, letting the remains drip onto Maureen's dress and shoes.

"Yeah, worm, you're as pathetic as always."

Maureen was released, walking face down to the table, taking her jacket and purse, walking quickly away without a word to Justin. He read her mind, Maureen mortified and humiliated by her high school bully, Maureen sure Justin would have nothing more to do with her. Justin got up, paid the bill, and went outside, moving Maureen from the cab stand to his car. There he used towels from the trunk to help clean her off before she sobbed in his arms. He held her for a few minutes, taking her back to her place where he stayed to make sure she was okay.

She wasn't as he used the ability to soothe her mind, having her doze off for nice dreams, not the ones where she was trembling for fear of one of her bullies being back. Assured she was fine, he placed her into bed, locked up and left.

Maureen had no mean bones in her, always polite and nice to even those who were ignored by others. Justin wasn't happy how the bully treated her, and he had a way to show it. He had a decade of using his ability to control others, had some mistakes he took as lessons, but there was little he couldn't do even with much subtleness involved. The bully would have to be taught a lesson.

Linda Duffy woke the next morning, stretching in bed, her face smiling at the memory of dumping her pasta plate into worm's face and down her outfit. It was just like old times, beating the girl down so she trembled in fear whenever Linda was around. Linda liked that idea, for she was a self-assured arrogant person who thought she was entitled to what she wanted, her looks and family wealth notwithstanding. After all, she made it through high school and law school by using her assets and a little blackmail. She looked at her bedroom ceiling. If she remembered right, she had photos of worm back in high school when she and her five friends tormented the quiet girl. Linda thought she might want to dig them out, find worm, and use a bit of blackmail to humiliate her again. If worm didn't agree, well, she could always put the photos and some sort of caption with them on social media. Make worm a star and possibly mess with her life. Linda nodded to no one, the idea having merit.

Her husband was already gone, not surprising since Linda was slow in finding work, claiming to be choosy about which law firm she would work for, even if so far, none were knocking on her door. He was an engineer and made good money, they'd not starve if Linda took a few months off for her own enjoyment.

A shower, getting dressed and at the table for the maid to serve breakfast was the morning ritual. After that, Linda was free to do whatever, such as shop. With two maids inside and two-yard men outside, there was little for Linda to do anyway, so she might as well have some fun.

She was in a dress store, seeking what they had for more than two grand so she could impress others with her style. She was on her third outfit, the store associate nearby, waiting for a decision, waiting nicely for the store's customer base was high end if not high maintenance. Linda twirled in a dress, seeing a man watching her. She looked him in the eye, ready to control the situation.

"You like this on me, don't you?"

Lead with the good question, maintain eye contact, and you get the response you want. Good rules for work or play. The man moved to stand closer.

"Actually, no. A slut like you needs something more in line with your tastes rather than trying to imitate a bitch on legs."

The words were said softly, so softly Linda thought she misheard. The sales associate near never made a sign of hearing anything.

"Excuse me?"

"Nope, tried, never did find any excuse for you. Perhaps you should go into the dressing room, masturbate while thinking of one, and come out without releasing yourself. How about we try that route?" he replied.

The man moved off, a smile on his face as Linda was about to take a handbag off a rack and attack him for saying that. The only thing holding her back was her horniness as she licked her lips, hurrying into the dressing room. She'd play with herself however she wanted and the hell with what that smug bastard wanted.

The sales associate knocked on the door after five minutes, was told to go away and come back in another five minutes. All the associate heard was the gasping and moaning from inside. Not sure if the woman was sick or not, she undid the lock, opening the door.

Linda sat on the chair, her unbought dress at her waist, her silk panties at her ankles, her fingers moving as a blur in and out of her hairy pussy. She was gasping and moaning, trying hard to cum but with no luck. She saw the associate.

"Get your ass in here and lick me, bitch. You want to stare, get a close up. Now lick or I'll have you fired."

The sales associate laughed as she closed the door, then swung it open fully before walking away, her laughter heard in the small hallway. Apparently, she didn't consider her job in peril for refusing to perform a sex act on a customer.

Two girls arrived to laugh at the sight.

"OMG, she's right, the slut is fucking herself!"

"Hope she buys the dress, she's ruined it for anyone else."

The two girls left, Linda hearing them laughing as well. She saw nothing to laugh about, she was still trying to get over the edge, but the interruption was enough for her to stop her actions. She gasped more, using all her willpower to not play with her erect clit or finger fuck her pussy anymore.

A few minutes later she left the dressing room, the three associates smirking at her. She was dressed in her pants suit, the dress left behind.

"Ma'am? You forgot the dress you were buying."

"I did not."

"So, the video we have of you admiring it so much? You wish for us to prove to our boss we tried to sell it to you?"

Linda stopped dead, her arousal shooting up at the words.


The middle associate nodded.

"We needed proof you liked it and we tried to sell it. You don't buy it; we need to show our boss so we are not in trouble."

Linda was about to lambast them when she saw the man smirking several yards over. He looked like he was enjoying himself.

"Might want to buy the dress and accessories." he said loudly, "All the fewer people to see how much you liked the dress."

She stormed into the dressing room, thinking it smelled badly, grabbed the dress, and bought it along with some items the associates added. She was going to protest but the man was leaving the store and Linda wanted to talk to him.

Taking her purchases, she went to the mall to see him sitting on a bench. She stormed over to him, ready to let him loudly know her feelings. He smirked at her.

"Well, the bitch has arrived. About time."

She blinked, not ready for this talk.

"I can sort of smell the dress from here. By the way, bitch, did you know you can use those shoes to fuck your pussy in public instead of your fingers? Much easier."

He spoke in a casual, conversational tone, Linda off a step. Her arousal wasn't as she could feel her panties getting wetter, her nipples protruding enough to show even with a bra on. The man stood up, standing a few feet from her so to not invade her personal space.

"Can you say 'arf' for me? Can you, bitch, go on, bitch, say 'arf' like a good girl."

Linda was going to say something, she wanted to call him a bastard and then worse from there. She opened her mouth.


She blinked as he nodded.

"Ard, arf, arf."

She clenched her jaw to his amusement. She tried again with the same result.

"Wow, bitch has the wording down pat. So, bitch, how is that leaking pussy of yours? Ready to attract the horny dogs in the area? Ready to go outside and have the various breeds climb on as you lower your pants to let them have access?"

Linda felt her arousal shoot up to the point she was feeling dizzy. She could cum easily now, she just knew it. The man shook his head.

"Too bad you're prohibited from cumming without permission from one of your owners. Still, it would made a good TikTok video for your coworkers to watch at lunch."

Linda felt her needs go up even as she felt her face flush with humiliation. She was tired of his bullshit.


She stopped, her intent to tell him to fuck himself and she let out a loud 'arf'. A few people walking by glanced at her, but none stopped as she wanted to cry. Linda wanted to get away, but her legs wouldn't move.

He nodded at her.

"I'm walking away, bitch, but will see you soon. Make sure you have a collar and leash to fit your status. Or not, depending on how you feel about asking people passing by to spank your naked ass for your pleasure."

He walked away, Linda Duffy feeling humiliated and highly aroused as she was left in the mall area, holding a bag containing a dress that smell like some pussy leaked all over it. She finally removed the receipt and dumped the bag into a trash can before going to her car. It was weird, walking to her car, her panties so wet they were tugging down her leg. If it wasn't for her pantyhose, she was sure they'd be at her ankles by now.

She sat in her car, tears on her face as she tried desperately to find a way out of this. That strange man might be back, might even carry out his threat. She was scared for the first time in her life. She had no way to control this situation. She did everything he suggested even knowing it wasn't to her benefit. Never had this happened.

An hour later, after a cold shower and change of clothing, she parked to get her hair done, getting out of the car to see the man standing a few cars over. He smiled at her, Linda feeling fear in her stomach.

"Got that leash and collar, bitch?"

"No, Sir."

Where did that come from? Damn, she should be just walking away.

"Ah, so the alternative is what you desire. Good to know."

He shifted to be a car closer.

"So, you want to go inside, beg to be spanked while waiting for them to get ready for your appointment? How about you do not have too much fun, though. Let's say, you have five different people, staff, or customers, spank your naked ass ten times each. Hmm, that would make it nice and pink for you to sit on as you get your hair done."

He turned away and then back again.

"Oh, make sure since you begged them, to thank them for each one. Be polite and respectful, you may want to have them visit your house to get better at it."

She trembled all over as he seemed to be walking away. She almost ran to catch up with him, no doubt in her mind she was ready to follow that stupid humiliation idea.

"Please, please, can't we deal? Please?"

He turned to look at her, Linda already having tear marks on her cheeks.

"Please, I can get the items, I just haven't had time."

"Bitch, you just lied to me. That isn't boding well."


"You had time, you even passed places that sold them. So that is a lie. So, what can we do to make sure you learn not to do that?"

She stood there; her legs ready to give out. She couldn't beg to be spanked inside, the staff knew her, and the customers were VIPs in one way or another. Her life would be ruined if she followed the suggestions.

"Okay, get your hair done, get the leash and collar and some binding clips. Oh, better get a ping pong paddle while you're at it, one with a sandpaper side if they have it. Meet me at the north gate of the park down the street in two hours. A minute late and you're going to make social media."

He walked away, Linda trotting to the salon, hoping to get in and out on time.

Two hours later Justin sat on a bench at the north gate, Linda Duffy almost running in her heels to make the timeline. He smiled, she had little idea it wouldn't matter if she made it or not, she was still going to be degraded in the park.

As soon as she was within yards of him, he stood up, walking away, forcing her to continue to walk behind him, carrying her bag of the items requested. He turned up a path, going behind some dense bushes where he knew existed a small clearing. He projected to make sure no one was coming this way as he looked at Linda's terrified face as she stepped into the clearing.

"Strip, bitch, and make sure you pile the clothes nicely to the side. Master doesn't like bitch slaves to make messes."

Linda blinked as the words hit her, blinked as she absorbed them. She silently undressed, folding her clothes as she removed them, setting them in a pile beside her. Then she stood naked, waiting to see what he wanted. What Master wanted.

"Put on your bitch uniform. That means the leash and collar."

She reached into the bag, removing them, securing the collar around her neck, a red leather one with silver metal studs. A red leather handle leash was attached as she let it dangle down her chest, medium boobs with the sharply aroused nipples showing on either side of the leash.

He had her walk over with the bag, handing him the paddle, both sides with rubber on them. She stood still as he spanked her ass five times, thanking him each time as previously suggested at the salon. The hits hurt like hell, her ass in flames, her body ready to cum. She removed a box of small binder clips, handing him the box.

He told her to remove two, attach them under her tits, and she gasped as she did so, unable to stop obeying even as her mind screamed for her to run. She was cursing him in her mind as she attached some to her inner thighs, and then, she was almost cursing him loudly as she attached them to her pussy lips, her body radiating in pain.

He cupped her face in his hands, smiled at her, and told her she was a good bitch. Her body went from pain to pleasure, feeling elated at the compliment. Her mind was still cursing, but her body was all for more of this.

She went to all fours, offering up the leash for him, crawling on the uneven ground as he walked, the paddle used when she slowed too much or went too fast or strayed too far, making the leash tug in his hand. Minutes later she was crawling on all fours, the paddle not used as she knew her pace in relation to his, watched as he stopped so she could stop, start when she saw him start. As she crawled, she looked around, a new perspective from when standing up, her body happy with her actions.

Her mind was still not wrapping around being happy with crawling on a leash, making barking sounds to show her enjoyment or agreement when he suggested she practice at home so she could show her Master how well adjusted she was to being a bitch slave, one he might want to own. That made her ass wiggle as she panted with her tongue out one side of her mouth.

He stopped her, had her stand up, taking a pose of legs apart, hands behind her head as she begged for him to remove the clips. He teased her until her begging was so real, anyone would believe she really wanted him to smack the clips away with the paddle. Her mind didn't but her body for all outward appearances, wanted this.

It hurt like hell, especially when she had to spread her legs even further apart so he could hit the clips on her pussy lips. When he was done, he smiled.

"How are you, bitch? Have fun this afternoon?"

"Master, yes, Master, thank you for giving your bitch slave so much pleasure with your attention." Linda said, her voice clear and loud enough to be heard. This Linda wasn't embarrassed at being nude in public, having a red ass from being spanked, having red marks from binding clips being whipped off her body.

Her mind still was arguing with her body, her body urging the mind to beg for more of this, the conflict making the normally arrogant woman a mess. Justin was enjoying making Linda Duffy sink slowly into slave mode. He knew he could just arrange for her to accept her new position, but he wanted her doing the conflict, watching herself descend into the rabbit hole, to beg to stay there once she thought she hit rock bottom.

Right now, the naked woman holding her pose in the public park only wanted to cum, her arousal so high she was barely able to realize her predicament.

"Would the bitch like to cum?"


"Hmm, didn't sound too much like it was meant."

"Arf! Arf!" sounded a bit more desperate.

"Still missing something." Justin moved his hand over his jaw as bitch quaked in fear of what she would have to do.

"Okay, I want a four-minute video of bitch showing Master how she wants to be used more, how much she loves being bitch and how eager she is to put her own life on hold just so Master can use bitch as he desires."

Shit, this wasn't what she was expecting.

"Moreso, bitch, refer to yourself as such after the intro where you remind me of your human name, address, phone number, and email. Make sure you speak clearly before begging to be used as bitch. In fact, while you do so, since you lied to me, add in five things bitch would love to have done to her or do herself that is degrading enough to make her remember to not lie to Master."