Worm 5 The Next Bully Visits

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Worm 5 the next bully visits the area.
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Charlene 'Charlie' Davies stretched on the queen size bed, lazily looking at her new bedroom. It was better than her run-down apartment she could afford at her bistro pay even if Master got her a raise a month ago. She still wasn't sure who Master was other than a man who kept popping into Charlie's life, telling her to do things and her doing them even when not sure why. What she did know was that she had fun doing as she was instructed, and her standard of living had improved dramatically in the space of a few months since he first approached her.

Master had simply invited her to a meal, Charlie going as if it was natural to accept a meal from a total stranger. When they sat to talk, he told her he knew she was considered an attractive and sexy girl, the type of next-door girl with her wholesome looks and actions. She knew all that, wondering where this was going. When he said he knew she had special additives between her legs, she was amazed.

She was very careful of who was let in on the fact she had a cock and balls where her pussy should be, and this man was never one she talked to. To her mind, no one in the city since she moved here four years ago knew of her secret. In this day and age, it could be fatal for someone to find out, even if she was born with a penis attached to a woman's body.

She asked how he knew, he simply shrugged, telling her it wasn't a concern, but how she wanted to improve her life. Her mind immediately went to how she could improve her life without being some sort of escort or film star.

Master told her six girls had spent high school tormenting other girls and enjoyed doing so to the point they continued to do so. Now, five were getting out of their various colleges and setting up their lives, happily comparing notes on who they annoyed or scared along the way. One had messed with a girl; the girl's sister didn't like it and the Sadistic Six from high school became the Sadistic Five. No one was ever charged for the death, which was of no difference to the remaining five, as they cheated and tormented others to make it through their education.

What Charlie was to do was to dominate one of those girls and her husband. Take control of their lives, have them live for whatever humiliation Charlie could foist on them. That didn't sound like Charlie who told him she wasn't a sadist. That was why he chose her, she was sane, rational, and open minded. As long as the girl went from wanting to harm others to begging to be degraded, Master didn't care how Charlie treated her and her husband.

Charlie accepted the assignment, not even blinking when she was allowed to call him Master, to have his number in her phone as Master, to do as told with his guidance. She had been tentative at first, but Master seemed to know of what he spoke about, as he had the woman soon crawling at the end of a leash, naked and in a public park, eager to show Mistress Charlie she could be trained.

Her husband soon joined as he found her sexy and after some blow jobs, he was happy to agree to see her outside of her work to reciprocate. What he didn't know was that he wasn't offering to do a blowjob on a pussy, but on a cock, the man slowly but now eagerly, accepting her as his owner, to be used by her in any way.

It was their bedroom Charlie now slept in, the couple sleeping on the floor, their lives completely changed. They woke when Charlie did, waiting for Mistress to tell them if they would relieve themselves outside or in a bucket inside or just hold it for her convenience. They would either be nude or dressed in maid outfits, the married couple wearing identical outfits even if his had to be a few sizes larger.

They spent the day waiting on Mistress, fixing her meals, letting her do what she wanted as they cleaned, did laundry or their exercises to be limber to enhance their ability to be obedient to whatever desire Mistress Charlie may have. Yeah, Charlie was happy Master picked her.

Master woke up about the same time in his nice house, in a nice neighborhood, and none of it paid for by him. He had always used his mind control gift to enhance his own pleasures, often having two or three girls eager to serve and please him at the same time, no sex act off limits for them. The nice house was owned by a man who seemed to only have an orgasm with master's permission, the wealthy man happy to let Master have the house at no charge.

The house had two maids, both young, pretty, and willing to please in any way. They worked hard for if it wasn't to master's standard, he simply grunted and ignored them, the worse treatment they could fathom. It was okay if Master wanted to kiss, hug, spank, or abuse them, but to ignore them sent their minds into a tailspin. The yard was maintained by a professional company the house owner paid for, but the demands were what Master wanted, and all demands were met happily.

Master also had money in the bank, gifts from legally wealthy and some illegally wealthy donors who expected nothing in return but were thrilled if Master allowed them to sit in his presence. His nice car was taken care of by one the donors, the maintenance part of the agreement, for if the car was in service, Master always had a brand-new car waiting.

It was always about what made him happy, but it was also an empty life for him. Everyone loved him, everyone wanted to please him, but only because of his control over them.

That changed when he went to an event, the event coordinator being a mousy kind of woman, hardly any shape under the bulky clothes she wore. She found him attractive but not much more since she had issues. Self-image and self-confidence issues dating from when she was tormented in middle school and high school by six girls who loved to see her cry, loved to watch her run in fear.

Justin Lake found Maureen Watts different from the others, she was intelligent, could hold a conversation if he got her to open up enough to talk, had a similar sense of humor, and held the event coordination position so she didn't have to communicate too much with people. She was in to do the work, left once the work was done, not having to deal long term with any of them. She never had a boyfriend, had no idea what to do other than what she saw in a few romance movies or novels.

Justin had seen her humiliated in public by Linda Duffy, one of the tormentors, with promises of more since Linda and her husband had moved back into town. Maureen was all for hiding in a closet, fear overwhelming her that the Sadistic Six would target her, attack her, make her crawl in public as they dragged her by her hair like they did in high school, her purse strap used as a whip to motivate her humiliation.

For the first time, Justin thought of someone else, Maureen didn't deserve this life, this fear, this way of coping. He used his power to soothe her some, calm her some, and then used it to go after Linda and Ronald Duffy. For that, he needed someone to do the work for him. He found that accidently when getting coffee, the bistro woman behind the counter being ideal for what he had in mind. That afternoon he had a meal with Charlie Davies, for what turned out to be a very workable partnership.

One that was about to be active again as another of his targets, another one of Maureen's bullies, was going to be back in town.

Charlie left the coffee shop, her tips feeling heavy in her pocket. She knew trouble was brewing when two men stepped in front of her, demanding her purse and her phone. She looked around, back at them when both slid knives from their pockets.

She judged it was time to run as fast and as far as she could, happy she was in some kind of good shape. The men grinned, looking like they could keep up with her.

As Charlie took a step back, the men took a step forward. Then they dropped their knives, emptied out their pockets, one removing his tee shirt so they could pile all into one bundle. Then they ran across the street, almost getting hit in traffic before going to the other side, slamming their heads repeatedly into a mailbox. They finally fell to the sidewalk as Charlie shook her head.

"You could just walk up and say hello, Master."

Justin gave a small laugh at her guessing he was nearby.

"You could pick up their gift and go home. You have a busy week ahead of you, Charlie."

She did so, looking at what was in her hands. She shook her head, mostly junk, not worth keeping. She said as much to Master, who agreed.

"Then again, I never said to keep it. But leaving it would be littering."

She used the shirt to open the wallets, finding a few bills and nothing else. Master reached over, plucking the few bills out before Charlie walked up the sidewalk to dump the bundle into the trash can. Master handed her the bills which she pocketed.

"If you're paying that much attention to me, you must need me."

Charlie used the inuendo intentionally, but Master as usual didn't react. He knew she had a cock and balls, had in fact seen them, but didn't show much interest in using them or for that matter, having her use his. It was starting to bug her, his lack of reaction to her offer. Master was slowly driving her nuts even as she waited to see what he wanted from her.

Charlie did more research before turning off the computer. Master's new assignment wasn't much different than the first one. Meet, dominate, enslave a married couple just like she did with her current slaves. What she wasn't sure about was how she was going to do this five days from start to finish.

That they were part of the six from school meant they would at some point in their five-day visit meet up with Linda and Ronald, her two current slaves. So meeting them would be easy, it just wasn't easy if they didn't visit with old high school friends until they were ready to leave for home. Sabrina and Johan Messing were returning, according to Master, to see Sabina's ill father, leaving the amount of time Charlie had to be limited, too limited for her since she still had no idea how to dominate them.

She finally called Master, thanking him for the chance, however he had to know they might not even visit Linda and Ronald. For all anyone knew, Linda might see them at the hospital for a few minutes to catch up and then not at all. Charlie was at a loss of how to make them get together, let alone find out if either Messing had submissive tendencies. Master had laughed.

"Charlie, they're bullies, yeah, they have submissive tendencies. All bullies I've ever heard of has them, it's a matter of bringing them forth. That's why they're bullies, they fear being on their knees, they take joy in seeing others on their knees, yet they all have a desire to be on their knees. Once they find a way to focus on being happy that way, they will submit rapidly."

"All well and good, Master, but I have no idea how to make them focus or for that matter have the time to discover it. I talked to bitch, and she had no idea. If her best friend for years has no idea, how will I?"

"Her father will be released from the hospital by the time they get here. Sabrina has already been in contact to find Linda is now living back here, so they will make plans to meet, within a day of arrival. Sabrina will see on the day she arrives her father is much improved, and her mother is doing fine. It won't take long for her to get bored and want to visit her friend instead of being around the parents. Gather some information between now and then and I'm sure you'll have a plan."

Good thing Master thought so, Charlie had no idea as she hung up the call.

There was a squeal as Sabrina and Linda hugged, happy to see each other face to face after a few years of just face booking. Ronald and Johan shook hands, having met previously but had little in common other than golf and their wives.

It was golf they were going to do, allowing the wives to catch up while the husbands did a round at the course, Ronald letting Johan borrow his spare set of clubs and they set out from the house. After a few blocks, Ronald said he needed to pick up his lucky golf towel, Johan looking like he was riding with a weirdo. Lucky shoes, lucky clubs, yeah, even a lucky ball, he was aware of but a towel?

They stopped at an apartment building, Johan not knowing why, but getting out to walk to where this lucky towel was left behind. Ronnie knocked on a door, the door opening by the cutest, sexiest, girl next door Johan had ever seen. He felt his body react as she smiled an incredibly sexy smile at them.

"Ah, Ronnie, yeah, your towel." she said it as a greeting, simply walking away, her short spring dress waving above some incredible legs with some sexy bare feet, some very sexy bare feet, the legs almost as sexy as those fantastic sexy feet.

Johan wasn't sure where the thought came from, but he felt hard at seeing them, at watching them as they entered the apartment. Ronnie closed the door as the legs and feet went into another room.

"You lost a golf towel in this place? With her?"

"She needed a towel, and it was all I had with me."

Charlie returned with a golf towel in hand, her smile at Johan making him squirm with lust as he lowered his eyes to see those beautiful feet and sexy muscle action as she walked towards them. He could think of nothing else but a desire to see them up close, so close he could smell them, so close he could see the pedicure which seemed professionally done.

She stopped, standing still, her toes wiggling a bit, Johan's lust making him moan as his cock felt bound within his pants. It would be nice to let it loose. Almost as if reading his mind, she tossed the towel to Ronnie who moved to catch it, a flick of her head sending him to one side of the room. She wiggled her toes as she stood there.

"Johan, you seem quite interested in something. Tell me about it."

It was like an order, a command, and he moaned as he stared completely at the feet before him, his mind converting to wanting to be closer but for some reason, knowing he needed her permission.

He wet his lips, eyes locked on his newest desire as he talked about wanting to be close to them, to worship them, to touch them. In only seconds he was on his knees without realizing it, now almost pleading to be allowed to be close to her feet, those gorgeous, sexy, perfect feet.

Charlie had no idea how Master knew he'd fall for them as soon as he saw them, but she had stopped trying to second guess Master long ago. The point was that he was right, this total stranger was ready to do whatever to have the chance to worship her feet. Good thing she got a professional manicure and pedicure for the first time in her life. With her normal trimming, he might not like the nails even if they were clear coated.

"You sure you like them, Johan? Why don't you take off those uncomfortable clothes and show me how much you like them?"

It was said causally, but Johan couldn't undress fast enough, his pants and boxers a problem as he had to keep raising his knees to get them off, but he was soon kneeling naked, his erection on full display to her and Ronnie, the man nearby who was ignored.

"Very nice, Johan, did you want to be closer to sniff them? Look them over?"

He started forward, told to stop, and return. She asked, she didn't tell him. If he wasn't going to behave himself, he could leave. Johan felt fear at the prospect of that.

"Please, Ma'am, please, don't have me leave. Please, I'm sorry."

"Cum slut, tell deviant who I am since I wasn't introduced."

"Her name is Mistress."

Charlie kept looking at the kneeing man.

"So, deviant, start over and do it right."

Johan felt his pleasure rise at deviant being given a second chance.

"Please, Mistress, deviant is very sorry to not understand what he heard. Please, Mistress, please, let deviant have a second chance to show he understands to answer Mistress's questions and not act on them."

She let him ramble on for a few minutes, his tone getting more and more desperate before she waved him off. She walked to a recliner chair, sitting down, stretching her legs, her feet waving a bit in the air. Deviant started dripping precum.

"Crawl to your clothes and pick up your boxers with your lips. Wipe your dick before you leak and then crawl on all fours to me."

He did so, still not questioning why, as he picked his boxers off the floor with his lips. Holding them, he bent to use one of the legs to clean the tip of his cock, before crawling on all fours, content to be seen like this. It wasn't thought about, it just seemed natural to do all this before this woman who seemed pleased to see him naked and crawling for her. Pleased he was obedient. Pleased as he felt his arousal go up at the idea she might be pleased.

He stopped, using his lips to spread his boxers along the floor so his cock was in the center, pointing at them as he waited for her next desire.

"Deviant, lower your arms so you are resting on your elbows, keep that ass high. If you like this position, you can wag it."

Deviant lowered so he rested on his elbows, those incredible feet only inches away. He was hardly aware of his ass waving back and forth as he concentrated on wanting to be near but somehow knowing he needed approval.

Charlie lifted a foot, rubbing it against his face, his moans sounding like a foghorn as he wagged his ass faster.

"Cum for Mistress. Cum for who owns deviant's ass and soul."

Deviant let out a gag sound as he spurted onto his boxers. He jerked a few times before taking breaths, the foot at his face now back to where he could see it. He looked under his chest at the wet globs of cum, his cock still letting drops fall. Damn! He had never cum like that before, never came from not being touched, never before came on command. All his mind could absorb was that he wanted more.

He went back to looking at the feet, feeling the arousal as Mistress moved them about as she talked to cum slut about something, deviant hardly registering words, his focus so intent on the sexy image before him.

"Good deviant. Does deviant want to be good for its Mistress again?"

He moaned but was told he needed to answer when Mistress asked a question.

"Please, Mistress, please let deviant show obedience, show its desire to please Mistress. Deviant wants nothing more than to be good for Mistress, to show its desire to make Mistress happy."

She yawned, deviant panicking he would be sent packing.

"Cum for your owner, cum for the Mistress you adore above all others."

His cock spurted more, his body jerking as he had another climax, a wonderful, satisfying climax, unlike one he never experienced before unless it was the previous one Mistress allowed it to have. Deviant was shoving all thought of his life aside, Mistress becoming the main reason to exist, having this sexy, beautiful, sexy, sensual, sexy, wonderful woman be deviant's owner.

She rubbed her feet on his face again, deviant begging to kiss and worship them, now knowing to not to do so without permission. Mistress said she was happy with his learning his proper place, told him he could show his owner how happy it was being owned by Mistress. Deviant was allowed to cum a third time, his body again having a satisfying orgasm as he barely had the strength to stay on all fours.

Thankfully, in his mind, Mistress was wise enough to allow her deviant to be on knees and elbows or else it might just fall over. So wise and so sexy, so erotic and so demanding. Was there anything not to be loved about this woman? Not to deviant, who had no thoughts of his wife, his job, his house, all he cared about was serving Mistress.

Mistress stood up, walking away, deviant turning to watch from his position, hoping she would return but she stood behind the chair.

"Clean your dick, deviant, and get dressed. You have a tee time."

He wanted to scream the tee time could be screwed in his opinion. Being naked and serving from his knees was his new idea of a good time, an excellent time. Mistress repeated her words, deviant looking for a dry spot on his boxers to clean the dripping from his cock, before putting them into his mouth for the crawl back to his clothes.