Worm 7 The Third Bully Arrives

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Bully Julie threatens Miss Charlie.
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Julie Start had a good life, bullying people in high school and then college, some of the instructors so worried about her, they passed her just to get her out of class. She had a degree in business, a nice job where she didn't bully anyone. She didn't need to, one of the partners of the business took to mentoring her.

Mister Rogers, forty-eight, exactly twice Julie's age, had mentored several of the employees over the years. Each year he selected one, mentoring for a year and then seeing how they did on their own. This time Julie was selected and she was eager to learn, a good trait, and even smart enough to learn, an even better trait in his opinion. Julie worked hard, even if she had a bit of a reputation for being a bit bitchy to others.

He mentioned it to her a few times, but as much as she claimed to be nice, the vast majority of the employees considered her a bitch, a rude one who was going to do whatever was needed to get ahead. That she was a bit ambitious wasn't all a bad thing.

Julie was feeling good about her life and career. True, the other employees ignored Julie, as far as social activity went. At work, they all worked together, or they didn't work at all. The partners didn't have a use for lone wolves in the business.

Julie worked on important documents, stuff some of the more senior employees wanted, and she was adamant Mister Rogers would not regret these opportunities to show she was capable of this and a lot more. She figured she might be a junior or a full partner by the time she turned thirty.

Today she turned in two projects, complete and well praised. Mister Roberts was so happy, he hugged her, the first time he ever touched her even if he was known to occasionally give celebratory hugs now and then. Instead of thanking him, return the hug and step away, she held her hands on his ribs, making a comment about sexual harassment. Mister Roberts quickly jerked away, a wary look on his face as she shrugged.

"You male, me female. You grabbed me without consent, thus the definition. Just, you know, pointing that out." she said.

"And we all know how that charge works in the business environment."

He seemed a bit angry, although Julie wasn't sure why. She was simply making a snarky comment. She did that all the time, just usually not around one of the partners of the business.

"Only if anyone has a reason to pursue the claim. Sometimes that doesn't happen, you know, for various reasons." she added.

Taking that as a possible threat, he took another step back, thanked her for her work, and sat at his desk. Julie figured it was meant for her to leave so she went back to her desk to do more work. She had no idea her remark was taken seriously, that Mister Rogers would talk to the other two partners about the comment, alerting them in case Julie Start caused a problem or tried some subtle operation to get ahead.

Word spread Mister Rogers gave that bitchy Julie a hug for doing good work and she immediately threatened a sexual harassment lawsuit for unwanted touching. Worse, she followed it up with threats to not sue provided she got some benefits her way.

In the breakroom, employees talked about the bitchy lady setting poor Mister Rogers up to take the company to the cleaners.

The next morning Julie came to work to find most of the files she was going to work on today were missing. She asked if anyone saw them, getting a collective shrug as a response before openly violating other desks in search of the missing files.

Julie soon discovered the missing files were done by someone else, the business was moving on and all she had on her desk were the mundane files that usually went to the new people. Every time she tried to talk to Mister Rogers, or either of the other two partners, it was made sure there were witnesses to the conversation, Julie discovering none of the partners wanted to talk to her one-on-one. She was being effectively shoved to the side.

She was informed her work quality was poor, she complained it was everyone else who was stealing from her, HR didn't seem impressed, informing her to improve if she wanted her job. Julie was still ticked when she got home, calling Sabrina, her close high school friend and fellow bully for advice.

Sabrina and her husband Johan had recently gone home to visit her sick father or maybe her mother, Julie didn't remember. What shocked her was how happy Sabrina sounded about the trip, so happy, she was thinking of moving back. Back? To a place none of them could stand? Couldn't wait to leave?

Julie informed her of the problem, Sabrina told her she was being forced out so she may as well find another job, so she didn't have being fired on her resume. Sabrina told her if she moved, Sabrina could find her work where she currently worked.


"Yeah, Julie, because I'm really thinking about moving home. This last visit really made me happy and, well, I want more of that happiness."

That didn't make any sense to Julie who turned in her two weeks, moved her meager belongings to another city where Sabrina got her a similar position within the company. Julie got to see more of Sabrina, but a changed Sabrina.

This one was happy, smiling a lot, Julie shaking her head at this Stepford Wives version of her old bullying friend. Even Johan seemed eager to move closer to his wife's parents. Why was not forthcoming, both secretive about the reason, almost to Julie's mind, as if they both had reasons, but the spouse had no idea what it was.

It didn't make sense so Julie, during a long weekend, went back home to talk to Linda, another bullying friend from school and one who also seemed happy. Maybe Linda could explain what was in the water or what aliens took over the place. To Julie, there wasn't enough fun and entertainment there to last a good weekend, let alone a long one.

Julie met with Linda, amazed to see her friend in great physical shape, excited to be alive, happy as if someone changed her brain for someone else. Husband Ronnie, who was usually quiet and off to the side, was also happy to be living, more outgoing as Julie looked around. What was going on?

Charlie sighed as she sat on the park bench, Master next to her.

"So, another has arrived, wants to stay with bitch and cum slut for the weekend as she tries to figure out why everyone who couldn't wait to leave all want to return. And Master wishes me to dominate her as I did the others, all without raising suspicions. Which, I guess I can point out, is already being raised by this woman."

"Your sighs are on deaf ears, Charlie, since you do so well at this."

"I was fine not knowing I dominate so well."

"So, you prefer to return to your life as it was?"

Charlie sighed again.

"Of course not, Master. For the first time I don't have to worry about paying the rent every month, being so frugal I can't buy a decent winter coat. I see a coat, like it, I buy it. I don't even worry about gas in the car because it miraculously always stays full."

It wasn't a miracle, Mistress used the car, a slave had it cleaned, and gas filled. Charlie was simply settling into this new life of a Mistress, a parttime coffee barista who now lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood with two slaves who lived to serve her every whim.

Then their friend came to see how her father was, Charlie having five days to dominate and control the friend and the husband, an impossible task. Yet, by the time the Sabrina and Johan left for home, they were both under her control. Even now, they often begged to show obedience, to prove they might be worthy of visiting Mistress again. They both admitted they didn't like the distance servitude and would move back if Mistress allowed. Charlie was still waiting for what Master wanted for that one.


Charlie sighed a lot when thinking of Master, not because she found him worthy of serving but because she served without even knowing why. She had no idea why she accepted a meal with a complete stranger, why she thought calling him Master was fine without knowing why or anything about him, didn't know why she agreed to dominate a couple so the wife could be so humiliated, she'd want more.

It was impossible to dominate the visiting friend and her husband in such short notice and within only a few days, yet when they left, they both worshiped the idea of serving Mistress in whatever whim Mistress had. So far, she was fine with having them doing things at home and sending videos although she still thought it humorous neither spouse knew the other spouse also served her.

Now, according to Master, a third woman was visiting out of the five Master wanted dominated. This one, Julie Start, had single handily destroyed her own career by being bitchy, Julie having to leave before being fired.

Since Julie moved in with Sabrina, AKA pussy, and Johan, AKA deviant, she was amazed how happy the couple seemed to be and how eager they were to move back home. When Julie talked to Linda, she discovered the former sadist bully was also very happy and thrilled to have moved back home. So, Julie was coming to see what aliens had taken over the town, eager to fight so her friends would be their normal selves.

All Charlie had to do was dominate and control Julie. If experience was correct, Charlie had no idea how to do so, not even sure how she dominated the previous two couples. She had no idea Master was a mind controller, so anything she did to the targets, he controlled the responses, but all the recordings showed her as in charge.

Charlie didn't know about Master's ability, so she sat to put some thoughts into how to deal with Julie and have her love submitting to a stranger.

Charlie went home to find no one there, bitch taking Linda to lunch. Charlie smiled, bitch having to be collarless for now, the slave being out of sorts when not wearing the collar bitch loved wearing 24/7. Charlie wondered if Linda would notice or if the lunch would be all about Linda.

Linda and Julie talked at lunch, Linda not giving the full reason for her happiness, happiness at serving Mistress, happy at how Mistress used her bitch, happy to discover her husband also served Mistress, happy both spent a weekend being sex objects to strangers of both sexes, used and humiliated by them at a beach where others could watch if they desired. All they could think of was Mistress allowing them to cum, the actions and words so arousing.

Linda had no idea her friend Sabrina and her husband were also dominated by Mistress. During the visit, Sabrina did act a bit strange but then Linda was more concerned Sabrina would ask details about her slave bracelet and her neck, showing a band of collar whether she wore it or not.

When they got back home, bitch was surprised to find Julie carrying her suitcase inside. She panicked at the idea of Julie staying with them for the weekend, for Mistress didn't give approval of such. Going against Mistress was a sure way to be punished.

Worse, Mistress was home, so she saw and met Julie as Julie came inside, suitcase in hand, shaking Mistress's hand before taking the suitcase to the guest room. Before bitch could swallow her shame, Mistress merely nodded at her, telling her to stay dressed and tell cum slut to do the same. Then she went back to playing on her phone.

Bitch texted her husband about Julie assuming she would be staying and Mistress's orders. He texted back he wouldn't strip as usual, but were they still going to eat from their bowls? She didn't respond as Julie came back to the living room.

"I didn't catch your name." Julie said, "Linda mumbled it a bit."

Charlie looked at Julie as she sat on the couch, Charlie in the recliner.

"Really? I thought I heard it pretty clear. Do you always dismiss what is said if it doesn't pertain to you?"

Julie blinked, what a rude woman. She looked at Linda who was standing near the kitchen entrance, nervous about something, but Julie was not sure why. Maybe because the girl in the chair was so rude. Well, Julie handled worse and walked away a winner, she would set this one back on her heels.

"I pay attention, but only if said as normal hearing can hear. What, you don't know your own name, is that why you're not telling me?"

"Julie, you are a piece of work. Pathetic, but still a piece of work. How do you maintain a job with that attitude?"

"I do very well." Julie glanced at Linda who was licking her lips, looking like she might pass out soon. Then she looked back at the woman in the chair. "Apparently better than you, unless you're paying a lot of rent to Sabrina to stay here." Julie waved a hand, "And where, pray tell, do you stay? The garage or the backyard as seems to be your level of being civilized."

Charlie laughed.

"I actually stay in the master bedroom. I'm sure you don't have to worry about it since you will never qualify for a master bedroom or its privileges."

Julie's eyes narrowed. Linda was forgotten as she focused on this rude house guest.

"Were you brought up with wolves? Is that why you're rude to your betters?"

Linda let out an OMG gasp before moaning, her servitude fleeing from her life.

"Oh, you were hoping to be rude?" Charlie asked, "Guess I wasn't listening to the farts you use as words. Did you work at that talent, farts, or does it come naturally?"

Linda wanted to pass out, more, she wanted to strip and crawl around the backyard while these two went back and forth. She just knew Mistress would take this out on her ass later for allowing Julie to stay even if she didn't actually say she could, for it was never discussed, Julie simply assumed her friend would allow her to stay.

"I don't think it's wise to call me names."

"Really, farts? So, farts, what would you like to be called? 'Pathetic farts' or just something more rhythmic like 'trying hard fart'?"

Julie stood up to intimidate the girl who laughed.

"Yeah, you stand up. Or wait, did you stand up? Or did the farts you love just go so powerful, it shot you into the air?"

"I'm going to cream your face."

"There you go, when in doubt as in knowing you're losing a battle of wits, go for the physical violence. Well, farts, let's see what you have."

"Out of deference to Linda, we should be outside, so you don't drip blood on her carpet."

"So, go outside. Let me know how many weeds you farted on as you duck waddle around hoping to be a real girl."

Charlie gave her a lazy smile.

"Provided you can count that high. With your brain power draining from trying to form sentences, not sure how much is left to do simple math."

Julie took two steps to show this arrogant bitch she delt with the wrong person. The action only made Charlie laugh and point.

"What a fart! It actually made farts move! Wow, we may have to open the screens so the air can filter before the paint curls."

Julie moved, focused tightly on her target, ready to drag her outside and smash that adorable face into a pile of broken bones. Julie hesitated. Adorable? Where did that come from, this rude woman couldn't be adorable. Yet, as Julie looked more, she was not only adorable, but well, a bit sexy the way she lounged in the chair. Still, she needed to learn her lesson about dealing with her betters and Julie was capable of doing that.

Julie was so focused on Charlie, she ignored Linda who, in desperation to protect her Mistress and not hurt her friend, grabbed a bondage hood from a box, came behind and slapped it over Julie's head. Julie let out a yelp, but her reaction time was slow as Linda now had the hood secured, having lots of practice in putting her husband and herself into it as per Mistress's whim.

Julie slapped at the hood a few times as she spun around trying to see who dared to attack her, the blinds on the eyes preventing her from seeing anything and the ear covers preventing her from hearing anything. When bitch drew the mouth tighter, Julie couldn't even scream, just let out what sounded like 'eeks' to her audience.

"Sorry, Mistress, bitch wasn't sure how to defend without harming her."

Charlie had yet to move, aware bitch was programmed to defend its Mistress, curious as to when the slave would go into action to do the defending. Charlie nodded.

"Julie keeps slapping her own head to dislodge the caps which are screwed on. You might want to grab some cuffs to keep her from hurting herself."

Julie didn't know what was going on as she found herself pressed against what she assumed was the couch, her arms held behind her back as something was attached to her wrists. Then the pressure left while her arms remained, Julie unable to pull them apart. Somehow she fathomed she was cuffed.

Worse, something was wrapped around her thighs, binding them tightly together as she tried to kick herself free. She struggled, rolling on the floor, trying to be free, frequent squeaks coming from the mouth opening. If she got too far, bitch had to drag her back so she had to start all over again, Julie unaware of who was doing what but only dimly aware who the two who were in the room and but not sure why Linda would side with the rude lady.

That adorable, sexy, rude lady.

Julie stopped, shaking her head to clear the thought. The woman was not adorable nor was she sexy, but she was rude. Julie finally flopped on her stomach, her wrists still bound behind her, her thighs still bound together, her entire head still bound in whatever this was cutting off her sight, hearing and keeping her from screaming.

Something poked at her mouth as the opening went larger, the end poking more until the tip was in her mouth. She tried to dislodge it, felt wetness, and sucked on it to find it was water. She sucked more until no more water came, the object withdrawn, and the opening closed again. Damn, she could have screamed, alerted the neighbors!

Still, her throat felt better now that she had something to drink. She tried to rub the hood against the floor but made a sound when something hit her ass. Each time she rubbed, something hit her ass and it was four times before she just laid her head on the floor. Where was Linda and why wasn't she getting her free?

Her ears were released only for something to replace whatever pressed against them.

"Hey, farts, you still feeling a bit feisty?"

The voice came to her ears, Julie taking a moment to realize it sounded like her ears were pressed to speakers.

"Here is the afternoon's activity as sort of not planned. You, farts, are going to be placed into more bondage, you will struggle, you will be beaten with crops and whips which I'm sure will get your attention. By the time we have dinner, you will be naked, bound, and moaning with either shame or delight or both. I'd let you speak, but since only rudeness and farts emit, it hardly seems worth the effort to let you. Do you agree? Great, it's good you know all that already."

The voice stopped, Julie not hearing anything as she strained her ears to hear something other than total silence. She felt her shoes and socks being removed, kicked her lower legs, got her ass hit hard, allowed the items to be removed. Her thighs were undone, her pants and panties slid off quickly and her thighs bound together in only a few moments.

"Hey, farts, you're all wet. Your panties are soaking. Aww, does farts have a love of bondage? Does it? Does farts love being like this?"

Julie tried to scream to shut up, to let her go, but the hood prevented her jaw from opening enough so all she got out was some squeaks. What Julie only now realized was how right the voice was, her pussy was soaked. For that matter, her whole body seemed aroused. Damn it! She wasn't some freak!

Her arms weren't released, but it felt like someone used scissors to cut away her tee shirt and bra straps as the bra hooks were undone and pulled away. Julie was naked in front of what she assumed were the rude lady and Linda. Although why Linda was aiding her was still beyond her comprehension.