Worth the Effort Ch. 05


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Casey shook her head. "Fourteenth."

"Shit, that's closer than I thought," said Morgan.

"It's still about two weeks out," said Casey. "That's plenty of time to get the mirrorball and DJ."

"No," said Morgan.

"You never let me have any fun." Casey stuck her tongue out.

"At your book signing, you can have all the mirrorballs you want."

"Cool!" Casey grinned. "But I have a new idea. We should do a podcast."


"A podcast. Women in science fiction. BIPOC in science fiction. Anyone we fucking want in science fiction. Talk about what we like and don't like. And comics. And movies and games. It could be fun. We could spotlight things we think should get more attention. We'll start with your book. An interview with the creator right off the bat."

Morgan laughed. "I don't know, Jim and Dave might not appreciate the competition."

"Fuck those losers." Casey waved her hand. "Their show sucks. Ours would be so much better. Right, Vincent?"


They chatted with Vincent for a while longer, and Morgan was pleased his situation had improved. He sounded confident, was seeing a therapist, and there'd been no further contact from his ex. He thanked them again for their help before heading out.

Morgan was pleased when closing time rolled around and there'd been no confrontations with anyone. No angry customers, no assholes trying to cause trouble, no unexpected visits from Brianna.

After they'd locked up, they walked down to the Thai restaurant where Morgan had gone on what she now considered her first date with Shane. She smiled at the memory and told Casey why when her friend asked.

"Look at you, going all damn sentimental on me," said Casey. "Bet you don't remember where we first met."

"On the quad when you were leading a protest against that crappy English professor. The one who refused to consider any author after about 1950 as worth reading."

Casey laughed. "You do remember. I'm touched."

"You are hard to forget," Morgan said.

"When is Jenna coming?" Casey asked. "I don't know if we're early or late."

Morgan checked the time. "She's a little late. Probably got held up at one of the salons."

"I'm here! I'm here!" Jenna hurried over to join them and plopped down in a chair. "Sorry, I tried to get here on time, but I got held up and then there was a problem with a customer and--"

"Jenna, relax," Morgan said. "It's fine. You're hardly late and we're not in a hurry. I'm not Brianna."

"No, you're sure not," said Jenna. She stared at the table and Morgan wondered what was wrong. Morgan glanced at Casey, who also looked concerned.

After the server had brought them menus and water, Morgan took Jenna's hand. "What's the matter?"

"What? Oh, nothing. Just a busy day." Jenna sipped at her water and Morgan was sure she was avoiding something. "Sorry. My mind is all over the place. How are you? I haven't seen you since The Brianna Incident."

All three chuckled at the ominous intonation in Jenna's voice.

Casey shook her head. "You know, I almost--almost--wish I'd been there. That would have been something, you telling Brianna to fuck off in front of everyone. Damn."

"I didn't, really," said Morgan. "It was more Shane, but even he didn't quite get that blunt."

"He might as well have," said Jenna. "Brianna was pissed off to a level I'm not sure I've ever seen."

"What happened?" asked Casey after they ordered. "I mean, I know about The Brianna Incident but it sounds like there's more to it."

Jenna sighed. "Brianna went ballistic. She ranted about you after you left, Morgan. Whatever she thought, she did not expect you to back out. Then she turned on me."

"What? Why?" Morgan asked, then realized it was a stupid question.

"Because I was there." Jenna shrugged. "She went on about how you're trying to ruin things, and I must agree because I'm not actively trying to stop you, and blah blah blah."

"I'm sorry, kiddo," said Morgan.

"So did you tell her to fuck off, Jenna?" asked Casey.

"No, but here's where it gets kind of interesting," Jenna said. "Other people did. Well, not in so many words, but Katelyn told her to leave me alone and then one of the groomsmen--Dev, I think?--said the same. She was, what's the word? Gobsmacked."

"I'll bet," said Morgan. "Wow. She'll really be on the warpath now. Katelyn stood up to her? I thought it was something when Katelyn asked you to do her hair and now this."

"Maybe," said Casey, "things are turning. Would fucking serve her right, damn it."

"I don't know," said Jenna. Jenna poked at her sandwich with a fork. "It never changes anything."

"Morgan might." Casey took a bite of her dish. "She told me she had a thought that might shake things up big time. What is it?"

"I don't think I can go to the wedding," said Morgan. "Not after what she said."

"Christ, you weren't kidding." Casey stared at her.

"Are you serious?" Jenna almost dropped her fork.

"I am." Morgan nodded. "I'm trying, Jen. I am. But she crossed too many lines. It wasn't just me. I hate the way she treated you, and my god, the things she implied about Shane, or Shane and me--it's got to goddamn stop. And we know she won't stop, so I don't see what else I can do."

"Believe it or not, I thought the same thing," Jenna confessed. "It was so awful. I don't know if I want to go."

"But?" Morgan prodded.

"But Mom and Dad," said Jenna, her eyes tearing up. "They've already paid for our tickets. They want this so much and I don't want to disappoint them. Not any more."

"Any more? What are you talking about?"

Jenna took a deep breath. "Look, I know I'm not as smart as you. I barely got through my business program. I know I'm not as good as Brianna is at organizing and all that. I know everyone's disappointed I'm a hair stylist. I was going nuts trying to figure out how I could go pay for it all and go to the wedding and then Mom and Dad said they'd pay for it and--"

"Jenna, slow down. Drink some water." Casey picked up the glass and handed it to her.

"Jenna, no one is disappointed in you." Morgan felt a lump in her throat. She hadn't imagined her sister would feel this way. Jenna always seemed happy, and content with things. "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way, because I never meant to."

"No, no. It's not you. You've always been supportive. It's just, Brianna--"

"Brianna, nothing. It's your life, not hers. No matter what she says, it doesn't reflect on her. If she's embarrassed to have a hair stylist as sister, that's her problem." Morgan took Jenna's hand. "I think she's far more embarrassed about the nerdy, geeky middle sister with the tattoos."

"Not to mention her militant lesbian friend," added Casey.

Jenna dabbed at her eyes and choked out a laugh. "True. I can't compete with that."

"I promise, Jen, I will try to keep as much of the fallout from you as I can," Morgan said.

"Can I ask a big favor?"

"Sure, kiddo."

"Can you give it one more chance?" Jenna bit her lip. "Please? Just one. If something else happens, then I'll jump ship with you, I swear to god. But I want to try to make it work for Mom and Dad if nothing else."

Morgan met Casey's eyes, and her friend shook her head and raised her hands to indicate she wasn't going to weigh in. It didn't matter, Morgan knew what Casey would say, and she wasn't wrong. But Jenna was her sister.

"All right, Jen. One more chance." She smiled as relief washed over Jenna. "But only one and I'm not going back to being a bridesmaid. If there's anything even close to what happened last time, I'm completely out."

"Totally. Absolutely."

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Lions86Lions86about 2 years ago

yep still want to see Brianna get hit by a semi truck. Bitch is a stupid cunt for no reason

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

After reading this far, I admire Morgan for her strength and patience. I would have told Brianna to stuff her whole wedding where the sun doesn't shine months ago. You can't deal with egomaniacs by yielding to every brainf*t they have.

Sidney43Sidney43over 3 years ago

I have to kind of agree with some other posters. Brianna is such a bitch, such an unlikable character, that her comeuppance is going to have to be epic to reach a balance. In fact it is kind of miraculous that she has any friends at all. Now, there is no rule that there has to be balance here, as the story is really about Morgan and Shane. I suppose it would be perfectly okay to have Evan grow a pair and call it all off. If I was to become invested in a fictional character I would feel sorry for Evan if he actually marries her. Not going to bail, just have to see what you have planned for the wicked witch of the West, or is it the East, I forget.

RABSTARABSTAover 3 years ago
I'm still not sure where this is going.

I can see Morgan and Shane staying together if he gets over his fear of marriage.

If Evan actually goes through with the wedding, you can do a sequal about his divorce.

I still like the story so far, but frankly Brianna, needs to be an old maid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Art imitates life.....

Unfortunately, I've seen this wedding scenario before in real life. The bride was totally overbearing and demanding. Her father caved and spent a fortune meeting her wedding demands. Three months after the wedding, the groom finally woke up and realized that his bride was incorrigible and he filed for divorce.

You are giving us a great story; I look forward to each installment. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love Morgan and Shane

I love this story because of Morgan and Shane.

But Brianna is evil and I cannot dad about her and Evan needs to break up with her.

steeltiger01steeltiger01over 3 years ago

You certainly haven't lost your touch! Characters with depth, stories with realistic conflicts and emotions.

Welcome back; your talents have been missed.

FljimFljimover 3 years ago

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
My 2 cents

Great chapter. 5 stars. I'm looking forward to the story getting closer to the wedding. What a bitch Brianna is. Thanks for your time and imagination.

PeterPanicPeterPanicover 3 years ago

I can’t read any more. Well-written story. It flows. But, The way this entire group lets Brianna run over them. Waiting...hoping...that she gets her comeuppance isn’t worth my effort. I feel like I need therapy.

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