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"You jerks! You knew I was going to do this! How? It's not fair that you knew before me."

"Katie, you're smart as a whip, but sorry, you're not a business guy. I don't think you'd ever be happy in an office with a nine to five job."

"You're right. I know that now. Thanks for getting me the van driver job."

Just before noon she made it to John's apartment. He was still working out and was soaked.

"Yes, my stinky, sweaty hunk of man meat, you may kiss me, but with minimal touching privileges." He hobbled over to her. Her jaw dropped.

"John, you just took three steps! Oh, my goodness!" She hugged him tight and gave him a real deep kiss. She sighed contentedly. "John, have I told you recently how happy you make me? But how gross it is that I'm clutching a soggy male carcass?"

"Yes. But you can tell me again. I may need some convincing."

Grinning. "You're a dick you know that? You're supposed to say, 'Honey you make me the happiest man in the whole world.'"

He held her at arms length, still needing her for support and said, "Honey, you make me the happiest man in the whole world."

"Why do I even like you? Why me, Lord? What? 'My cross to bear?'...I should knock your hands free and let you fall on your face smart ass. Go take a shower my love. I'll make some lunch, but then we have to talk."

"I'm not going to like it am I?"

"No, I'm not pregnant. No, I'm not breaking up with you. No, I'm not going away? There feel better?"


"That's all I've got, sorry."

After his shower. "OK, Katie. Out with it."

"John, your Mom knows you're here."

"What you told her? Katie, I asked you not to...."

She stopped him in mid sentence. "She's known all along. Yes, I went to your house yesterday to tell her. John, I just felt so guilty. I had to tell her. But she knew everything. When you got hurt, Germany, when you got here. Hell, John, she and my Mom got me my job and arranged for you to be on my van!

"I filled in a few details, but she knew most of the stuff. John, she and my mom listen to tapes of my sermons!

"You need to go home. You should go home today at least for a visit. Your Dad doesn't even know you're hurt, but your Mom! John, it's been almost two years since you've been home."

"Just act like you just got transferred here and wanted to visit. Your Mom won't say a word and your Dad won't know any better. Both will be so happy to see you. Please. You don't need to spend the night or anything. You can't. You'll be tied up with me. We have plans."

"We do?"

"Yes, my dense one. We do. So let's go. Why don't you take off your T-shirt and put on a good shirt. Something with a collar. You own one...Oh, shit. They're probably all at your Mom's right? Alright, then we can stop at the store and 'Momma will buy you a new dress.' Well actually some slacks and a shirt."

A little while later, she pulled up in front of John's house. Stay here, do not attempt to escape in your wheelchair. I am taking the keys, see?" She knocked on the door. Mr. Roberts answered it.

"Katie, back again already? Did you forget something?"

"Hello, Mr. Roberts. I need to talk to Evelyn for a minute."

"She's in the kitchen." And pointed the way.

She whispered. "Evelyn. I need you to do me a favor. Could you open the garage door and back your car out? I have someone in my car that can't make it up your front steps."

"Katie. You're kidding? Oh, thank you, Katie. thank you!"

She backed the car out, but couldn't wait. She ran to Katie's Corolla, flung open the door and grabbed her son. "John, oh my John. It is so good, so very good to see you. I've missed you so much."

He eased her out of the car, stood, and hugged her to him. "Mom, I've missed you as well. I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on. It was wrong. I...."

She put her fingers to his mouth. "Not another word. No apologies, John. You did what you thought was right. And according to my spy over there, you have been improving and getting better with the assistance of the lovely Katie. Buck up, Katie. Quit your bawling.

"John, can I give you a hand?"

"No, if Katie will get my chair, I can do the rest." He wheeled into the garage and with a little effort, took the single step into the house. His Mom dashed ahead.

"Robb, Robb. Come quick. Someone is here to see you."

He rounded the corner, stopped dead. "Hi, Dad. Good to see you." Robb grabbed his son, almost toppling him and hugged him firmly.

"Son, you're home! Gosh it is so good to see you. How are you doing. Goodness, you're hurt? Is that your wheelchair? Oh, son. Does it hurt?

"Only when I laugh, Dad." And he chuckled. "But let's go in and catch up. I just got transferred to rehab and wanted to come right over." He looked at his Mom who nodded and touched his arm. Robb noted her nod and knew a conspiracy when he saw it. 'Evelyn and I are going to have to have a little chat before long.'

"John, I'm going to hit the road. I have a hundred phone calls and arrangements to make. I've packed you an overnight bag and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Katie, I need..."

"John. It'll be OK. You'll be OK. Time to get off the van. I love you and would love to shelter you my whole life, we both know that's the wrong thing to do. You can do this, my Medal winner!"

"Medal winner? Love? What the hell is going on?"

Evelyn touched his hand. It's OK, Robb. John and I will explain it all to you....."


She knocked on his door. Well, here goes nothing. "Katie? What are you doing here?"

"George. I hate to spring this on you, but I didn't want to give you time to fret. Go take a shower and put on some clean clothes. And make it quick, soldier. We have a visit to make. No! No questions. Just go!"

A few minutes later he was dressed and ready to go. They got in the Corolla and drove to the hotel.

"Katie. What are we doing here?"

"George. Remember how much I said your wife missed you?" He nodded. "Well, she's inside sitting in the lobby...."

"Katie. no! I'm not ready. I don't think I can..."

"You know, George. She said the exact same thing. So all you have to do is have a meal together. A free meal I might add. If things are going well, there is a room already set up. Your wife has already checked in and has the key.

"If things are not going well, one or both of you can call the Katie hotline and we'll try again at a later date. But George. You ARE ready. Time to get off the van. Remember all the things we discussed. Please."

"OK, Katie. Thank you for making this possible."

"George. You are worth any amount of effort. Oh. And here is a bouquet of roses for your wife. Her favorite color."

"Katie...." And he hugged her.

"Get going, George before you ruin my makeup. By the way. Your kids are at my Mom's house so you can see them tomorrow. Have a good night." The hotline remained quiet.

"Jamie! Go put on some decent clothes. And pack that bag I gave you with a change of clothes, tooth brush and the like for an overnighter. We have a trip to make."

"What? Where are we going?"

"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Now get going! I'm on a schedule."

Pulling up at a different hotel. "Katie what are we doing here. This is not right. You and John..."

"Holy shit, Jamie! This is not about you and me! What the hell? God. Men are so stupid. There is a beautiful woman inside sitting in the restaurant. The waitress will direct you. No! It is not some fucking hooker or something like that. It's Sheila!"

"God! Katie. No! I mean I only have the one arm and..."

"Jamie. She! Does! Not! Care! She wants your brain, Small as it may be. But mostly she wants this!" And she thumped him on the chest. It's a free meal and then if things are working a free room for the night. Do me proud, Jamie. You need to get off the van.

"Oh. And here are some flowers to hold in that hand of yours. Now get your ass out of my car and get going. Relax. I met her, Jamie. And she's great! I like her. And she is way more nervous than you are. And, yes, her ass is nicer than mine."

"Sebastian. Good. You're clean and wearing some good clothes like I asked. I have a few folks who want to visit with you for a bit. Go back to the living room and I'll bring them in."

"Katie? It's not who I think it is, is it?"

"Maybe. Too late to worry about it. They promised to only stay an hour unless you ask them to stay longer. OK? If you need something, anything. Call me."

A few years later: She greeted each man in turn as they got onto the van. Damn! Look at these guys. And four in chairs. With some effort she climbed up the steps into the van.

"Welcome aboard my newly refurbished, 16 year old van. I spent the weekend cleaning, deodorizing, and disinfecting my van because of the last group of Marines that tried to ruin it. I'm sure the over powering smell of bleach will fade.

"Hello. I am Katie Roberts. Formerly known as the Lovely Katie. My ass, yes my ass used to be so round and perky! It was much nicer than Monica's. You'll meet Monica. Look at it! IT'S THE SIZE OF THE FUCKING GREAT OUTDOORS! I used to wear mom jeans and an apron to cover my ass that said 'Quit looking at my ass!' so jerks just like you all wouldn't look at it. Now? Spandex! Fucking Spandex!

"And how did this happen? Some guy in a wheelchair. Just like you four in the back. 'Oh, I'm in a wheelchair. I'm harmless!' Bullshit. Next thing I know, I'm in love and knocked up. He did marry me first though," and she held up her ring for all to see. A plain gold band.

"I'm this cute little petite thing and my husband is the size of a fucking moose. You may have seen a picture of him, John Roberts, the Navy Cross guy? His first baby, she's just the cutest little girl and I love her to death. But, shit. She was so fucking big and would not get the hell out of me. God, she was in there for ever.

"She wouldn't come out the regular way. Ohhhh, no. She's the size of a two year old. What the fuck kind of thing is that? The doctors give you a little sedation then cut this big gash in your belly. 'Does that hurt?' Fuck yes it hurts! They pull and tug and finally yank her out of me.

'You've seen the movies, right? The nurse takes the baby, towels her off and then hands her to you so she can snuggle in. My fucking kid grabs a towel, dries herself off, walks up to me and says, 'Hi, Mom. I need a burger.' What the fuck?

"Worse yet, she... DAMN. Felix? Felix, right? Good. Would you hand me one of those donuts? No not that one. The cream filled one. Thanks. And now I have another one on the way! And that asshole husband of mine wants four.

"Jesus, kill me now! I'm standing her waddling around like a penguin and he's sitting there in his office, sipping his latte, acting like he's working, but really he's just jawboning with his buddies and flirting with all those cute, nonpregnant secretaries.

"I know he's trying to figure out how to make me uglier and fatter. He got me those donuts. 'Here, Hon. they'll make you feel better.' Bullshit. It's to make me fat.

"And this baby. Cripes! She's like some fucking alien in there. Rolling around all over the place. Shit, at any minute I think she's going to rip out of my belly like in the movies.

"I love my baby, but she took things from me. She stole my perky little boobs. Turned them into empty balloons, but she gave me something. She gave me this fucking big ass.

"I didn't want it, but... It will never go away and the boobs will never come back. I'm changed. I'm different. Just like you all. But she also gave me a chance for joy, delight and something in my life that I was missing until she showed up.

"War took something from each of you. Just like my daughter. Yes, you think about your leg, your arm, your back. But it took something else, didn't it? It took something from your heart, your mind, or your spirit. And you won't get off my fucking van until we get some of that back.

"You won't be the same person. EVER. But you can be OK! You can fill in those gaps. Just like I did. You CAN be happy again! And I'm going to beat the shit out of you until you realize that.

"DON'T LET THE FUCKING WAR WIN! Please! Felix! Give me another fucking donut! No, I need the chocolate glazed one. Then pass those damn things back to get rid of them. Dammit!

"So here it is Monday. And you're already are saying 'Holy shit! Who is this fucking crazy woman?' Well, the formerly lovely Katie is going to work with you to get you the fuck off this van and go home. There are folks there that miss you, love you, need you. Stick with me and we will make you better. Different. Yup. But ready to get home and find happiness.

"Will it be fun? Like everything in life. Yes and no. Take me for example. I'M SUPPOSED TO HAVE A FUCKING VAN FULL OF WOMEN MARINES. Women smell good, like perfume and roses and stuff. They always smell good. Men stink! All men stink, like deodorant and funky clothes and stuff..."

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dinotail2023dinotail2023about 1 month ago

One of your best.........no one of the best I have ever read!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The author is SO good at creating characters who are fun to be around for a little while. That’s a common element of all the author’s stories I’ve read thus far. Yes, there are all sorts of errors scattered about and the plots may have holes, but the stories are uniformly fun to read. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Our 2nd or 3rd read and our Star count just keeps going up and up!!!

We are so touched by every word, every thought, and the forever and ever love!

Thank you sooooo much for warming our hearts and reminding us what families are all about.

Franklin_M1tchellFranklin_M1tchell3 months ago

This is just wonderful! Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Wow!!! This is an amazing story. I am so glad I found it. You are an amazing writer. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

5 stars plus, about the only negative is repeatedly calling Marines soldiers. It’s an inter service thing.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

Absolutely amazing story. Easy 10 stars.


The only part I didn't like was that the cheating ex-gf didn't get any punishment, but she wasn't really the point of the story so I won't deduct any stars for that.

KaeyoKaeyo6 months ago

As a soldier, mech infantry btw, all I can say is that you hit that nail square on the head. You literally wrote the story of virtually every combat veteran ever.

Thank you

Firsttimer0570Firsttimer05707 months ago

It’s said before, 5 is not covering, loved it

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A 5 simply isn't enough. Damned fine story. Must read for those of us who have never expieirnced military life.

XluckyleeXluckylee7 months ago

This was so funny and so so sad. I love this story. You write so real I feel like I am seeing this story in a great movie. 5 huge stars from Xluckylee

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

As a former infantry soldier in Vietnam I loved your story but had to read it in patches . I was wounded in 68 and still sufer with PTSD and had to have a break regularly. I am an Australian but war treats us all the same. Thank you for your story

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I have a thing for those who suffered serving OUR country. This story really puts it in perspective!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I am just soooo blown away, and I don't mean a pun. Your story is so awesome, touching and totally rewarding to read and weep! Every word over and over!

The words cut to my heart causing repeated bouts of laughing, crying, being misty, smiling and thanking God I never met Katie with the fine ass!

This needs to be mandatory reading for every injured, displaced, harmed and hurt internally and externally individual. I see a few more reads of this uplifting read when I can again cope with a complete read in one sitting - with my box of tissue.

Bless you and thank you.

NotSomeBubbaNotSomeBubba8 months ago

A 5 simply isn't enough. Damned fine story.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This needs to be a movie!

MeanderlwcMeanderlwc9 months ago

The world needs more Katies. Well written, hard hitting and uplifting story.

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